Is it just coincidence that
Barack Obama will be anointed tonight before 75,000 people in Nuremberg-style rally, and that
on August 28, 1850 Richard Wagner's "
Lohengrin" opera debuted in
Weimar, Germany?
The stage that Obama will stand on was built to look like
Greek columns, a look favored by
Hitler and the
Nazis. (The stage, by the way,
was designed by Britney Spears' set designer.) Wagner was Hitler's favorite composer. Hitler used entertainment professionals to design his stages. Coincidence?
I think not. Hitler loved to speak in stadiums, too. Like
Obama, Hitler had stages designed by show biz types, most famously the brilliant
Leni Riefenstahl:
Leni Riefenstahl's most infamous work was as a propagandizing filmmaker in Nazi Germany. She painted murderous thugs against huge-in-scale, brilliantly detailed ceremony. Her job was to relate Hitler's cult of personality to the masses in an awe-inspiring fashion which would both stun the senses and silence the opposition. [
Couple this with the 200,000 Germans in a huge rally over there and you've got disturbing imagery, a cult of personality ready to be fully unleashed upon us. We saw the results of a personality cult in Germany more than 70 years ago. Have we learned nothing?
Richard Wagner (1818-1883) was Hitler's favorite composer....It was not only Wagner's music that 'struck a chord' with Hitler, but also his political views. Wagner wrote a violently antisemitic booklet in the 1850s called Das Judebthum in die Musik (Judaism in Music) insisting the Jews poisoned public taste in the arts. He founded the Bayreuth festival, which in the 1930s and 1940s was used by the Nazi party as a propaganda tool against the Jews. [Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology]