Showing posts with label lunatic fringe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lunatic fringe. Show all posts

How NOT To Do a Conspiracy Theory Video

This TikTok video is so mind-numbingly stupid that it begs for deconstruction.

Conspiracy theories have been around for centuries, but the explosion of social media has amplified them exponentially. Some conspiracy theories, of course, have proven to be true. But many, if not most, are nothing more than paranoid people expounding on things they don't understand.

@lovemycountry32, TikTok
We don't know her real name. 
As in this TikTok video,
made by a woman who insinuates that the major renovation project of a Federal Reserve building in Washington, D.C. is proof of sinister goings-on by mysterious nogoodniks. In short, she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

The  building is the William McChesney Martin, Jr. Building (the "Martin Building"), dedicated in 1974. It's been undergoing a multi-year modernization, and the outside of the structure is full of construction equipment and fencing. There is nothing strange about it.

The woman who made the video and posted it to TikTok on Sept. 8, 2921 calls herself "lovemycountry326." While she technically qualifies as a "citizen reporter," she has no idea how to be a citizen journalist

Let's watch the video and then break it down into all of its gloriously inept elements.

"So," she said, "this is [zooms in] you can see right there, this is the Federal Reserve." [zooms back out] 

Note: She never tells us which city this Federal Reserve is in. There are 12 of them around the U.S.

"Okay, so I've showed [sic] you guys pictures of this before, uhm, but it's interesting because I got a nudge to come back and do a live to show you and I'm glad that I did because I just met one of the guys here and sat and had like a 15-minute conversation with him. And it was a very good conversation, uhm, and he is going to get me some information."

Australian Fires Climate or Arson???

Australia's horrific wildfires have destroyed whole towns and killed, by now, at least 200 people. Eager to blame somebody - or something - for the catastrophe, The Church of Global Warming is trying to convince us that climate change is the cause of the fires. By extension, the same lunatic adherents to the Church of Global Warming would have to say that brush fires in California - or anywhere else - are also caused by climate change. That's lunacy. Here's why. We know that many brush fires are the work of arsonists. Some of those arsonists are "fire bugs" who have a sick fascination with fire. Some arsonists do it for insurance money; some of their fires go out of control and become bigger than they intended. Some arsonists are eco-terrorists bent of exacting revenge on the human race in order to avenge the displacement of gophers and scorpions. Still others, it turns out, may be Islamo-terrorists. Not of those arsonists were driven to their criminal acts by climate change. The lunatic eagerness to blame Global Warming/Climate Change for everything evil reaches a crescendo in article such as the one at The latest series of wildfires to hit Australia appeared to be intensified due to climate change, scientists reported on Monday. Australia is prone to massive wildfires due to its dry climate and naturally combustible vegetation, including oil-rich eucalyptus forests, according to the nation’s Bureau of Meteorology. However, the wildfires that struck Victoria over the weekend were the nation's deadliest on record, and scientists believe climate change is to blame. "Scientists believe climate change is to blame." Meanwhile, experts in arson investigation are certain that human beings set the blazes in Australia. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the meteorologists are not on the fire scenes poking around for evidence of criminal activity. It's quite a stretch of faith to believe that climate change is to blame for "naturally combustible vegetation, including oil-rich eucalyptus forests." RedOrbit continues: "Climate change, weather and drought are altering the nature, ferocity and duration of bushfires," Gary Morgan, head of the government-backed Bushfire Cooperative Research Center, told the AFP." Really? And how, please, does one actually prove that theory? Oh! It's windy! Must be climate change! It hasn't rained in weeks! Must be climate change! Somebody put a torch to that tree! It's climate change! Again, from RedOrbit: Climate Change Minister Penny Wong said the record heat is yet another sign of global climate change scientists have forecasted. "Eleven of the hottest years in history have been in the last 12, and we also note, particularly in the southern part of Australia, we're seeing less rainfall," said Wong. Well, isn't that fascinating? Imagine, "eleven of the hottest years in history." In history! All 200 years of the history of Australian records of temperatures? Notice that Wong did not say, "The eleven hottest years in history." She said, "Eleven of the hottest years..." That's important, because if there were, say, a dozen even hotter years 150 years ago, her statement is still correct. It's Orwellian to state it the way she did. It is misleading, and she probably knows it. The ravings of The Church of Global Warming see things in the same way that some folks see the image of Christ in a stain on a highway overpass wall. They really, really want it to be there, and their minds - not their eyes - are fooling them into "seeing" it. If you believe deeply enough, you will "see" whatever your faith demands. The Church of Global Warming demands that you see climate change in everything bad. An excellent article at today examines how a wildfire is investigated. How do you investigate a wildfire for signs of arson? First, figure out where it got started. The place where firefighters first engaged with the blaze is a good place to begin, as are spots where eyewitnesses say they first saw flames or charred ground. Once they're in the ballpark, a careful study of burn patterns can guide investigators to the fire's point of origin. None of the forensic methods described involve any of the theories of The Church of Global Warming. They focus instead on humans using matches for all the wrong reasons. The Toronto Sun reports today that "Police declared incinerated towns crime scenes Monday, and the prime minister spoke of 'mass murder' after investigators said arsonists may have set some of Australia’s worst wildfires in history." Humans misbehaving, not global warming or climate change, is squarely blamed by forensic experts for the Australian infernos. The Sun article, from AP, further notes that "Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, visibly upset during a television interview, reflected the country’s disgust at the idea that arsonists may have set some of the 400 fires that devastated Victoria state, or helped them jump containment lines." The eagerness to blame disasters on "climate change" or "global warming" is a blind faith delusion. We might as well start blaming higher crime rates on climate change. After all, if last summer hadn't been "one of the hottest on record," perhaps some of those criminals might not have been willing to go outdoors and snatch purses. Then again, if last summer had been "one of the rainiest in history," would The Church of Global Warming hail climate change for reducing the number of stolen purses? Post Script - On 2/9/09, a commenter wrote: Wow, great article! I too am tired of the misleading AGW/CC speak. Billions of dollars are at stake, to say nothing of [the] devastating ripple that is sure to propagate through the third world! All the best, Dave Nevada City, California RELATED: Firebugs may be charged with murder Arsonist fires devastate parched Australia Police closing in on Victoria arsonists Australia's Wildfires: Climate Change or Crime? Why are the fires in Australia so bad? Australian fire zone considered crime scene Michigan State University Eco-Terrorist Sentenced in Arson Case ELF Press Office Condemns FBI Hunt for Environmental Defenders YouTube - Eco-Terrorism Ecoterrorism Suspected in House Fires in Seattle Suburb - New York ... CNB RSS Feed

Sub-Zero Weather? It's Global Warming!

"Debate Over: It's Freezing" is a great post at Real Clear Politics. David Harsanyi's sarcastic wit hits home as he points out the idiocy of the lunatic global warming cultists. How many times, friends, have you heard one of them "explain" to you that it's colder here now because global warming can actually make parts of the world colder? I'd like to suggest a response to that. Ask them if they believe that turning the kitchen oven on will cause a room at the other end of the house to cool down. Or, turn it around with "Okay, then would global cooling cause parts of the planet to heat up?" Let's get back to Harsanyi's fine piece, which he starts with this: The carbon footprint of Barack Obama's inauguration could exceed 575 million pounds of CO2. According to the Institute for Liberty, it would take the average U.S. household nearly 60,000 years of naughty ecological behavior to produce a carbon footprint equal to the largest self-congratulatory event in the history of humankind. Harsanyi finishes with this: Is warming by 0.74 degrees Celsius over the past 100 years really enough to make us panic? I mean, we probably could make that up by canceling the inauguration. Don't miss the good stuff in the rest of Harsanyi's clever post. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

Effort to Levitate Denver Mint Fails

DENVER - Democrats took to the streets of the Mile High City, apparently all a mile high, and marched to the U.S. Mint where they attempted to levitate it. The effort failed. The effort was reminiscent of the attempt to levitate the Pentagon on Saturday, October 21, 1967, which also failed. For more on this breaking story, we will turn to Michelle Malkin: I’m happy to report that the anti-capitalists failed in their effort to defy gravity and levitate the U.S. Mint. The wizard hat and magic wands weren’t working. FULL AMUSING POST... ALSO SEE: Marxists Unite! and Fighting back against Obama’s thugs

Huge Civil Rights Setback

This is serious. After millions of years on this planet, most primates are still denied the right to sue in a court of law. Is that fair? SAN ANTONIOA Texas appeals court has affirmed a lower court decision that nine chimpanzees and monkeys that were brought to the Primarily Primates sanctuary in 2006 don't have a legal right to sue. FULL STORY at The Houston Chronicle... RELATED: PETA Kills Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals YouTube - Bullshit-Peta Animal Scam

Run, Lady, Run

And keep running, please. Nutbasket Cynthia McKinney, the former Congresswoman (D-Georgia) who assaulted the Capitol police officer, is - get this! - running for President! As far as we can tell, she is still a vicious anti-semite and crazy as a loon. This is sooooo delicious.

Her campaign site

Cynthia McKinney Turns Green For Pres. Race


Rep. Cynthia McKinney: The Hardest Working Idiot in Washington (2005)

The Continuing Misadventures of Cynthia McKinney (2006)

Green, Green, It's Green They Say...

... on the Far Left side of the Hill. And uberBlogger Marathon Pundit is seeing red over the Greenies. Two excellent posts punch it to these pathetic politicos: Green Party makes political threat against Rep. Schakowsky and Georgia's Cynthia McKinney Parkway may be headed for the exit ramp. Heck, while we're at it, check this hot item out, too: Marathon Pundit exclusive: Thomas Klocek case update

Rogers Park Parody Blogging

Someone is doing a funny parody of Rogers Park bloggers, and yours truly is among the targets. In fact, The Bench seems to be one of the primary targets of this satirical blog. This is fun stuff. I appreciate the attention. Keep it up! We all need a few laughs, and it's a pleasure to laugh at "The Broken Liver" blogspot. A recent post is entitled, "Rogers Park Will Soon Be Rid Of Michael James And His Band Of Smelly Hippies," and demonstrates that the author is an apologist for a repeat liquor law violator. Well, nobody's perfect. As one commenter on the site put it, "you are on top of all the important trivialities of rogers park. and we are so in need of more bloggers here. you are exactly what al gore had in mind when he invented the internets." The commenter, sadly, doesn't know how to depress the "Shift" key on her computer, and seems to think that Al Gore invented not one Internet, but at least two "internets." Well, the commenter, a spunky twelve year old girl in Rogers Park who paints with her fingers, is about the right demographic for The Broken Liver. Nevertheless, it's a weirdly entertaining read. Not as good as The Alderman's Intern was, but okay. Kind of.

LaRouche La Douche

Don't get too close to these guys. They'll ask you for money, then try to suck your brain through one of your ears. Their sign says "Impeach Cheney," and that's okay. But love Cheney or hate him, that's just the bait to lure you into the twilight zone world of fascist demagogue Lyndon La Rouche. The LaRoucheys are back.

Related: Surprise! It's Lyndon LaRouche!
7 May 2007 - by the teach - I was ready to sign a petition but the man showed me a copy of the articles of impeachment filed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich against Vice President Dick Cheney in April. And then I saw the huge sign sitting on the table facing me...

Vegans Are Piles of Dead Plant Compost

Wait until the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered) groups hear about this. "A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of you are what you eat to the extreme. Vegansexuals are people who do not eat any meat or animal products, and who choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners whose bodies, they say, are made up of dead animals." No doubt, these "vegansexuals" will soon demand that a "V" be added to LGBT, making it "LGBTV." But will it stop there? Will the vegansexuals start demanding new legislation, new rights, new privileges? Will "carnivoresexuals" be far behind? Lots of us hated vegetables as kids and still do in adulthood. Perhaps they have an equal aversion to people who love lima beans? These folks are, well, nuts. That's not all bad, of course, because nuts fit into a vegan diet. Unless, of course, you're ordering the Rocky Mountain Oysters, in which case "nuts" would not go well on your salad. The report goes on to note that "Many female respondents described being attracted to people who ate meat, but said they did not want to have sex with meat-eaters because their bodies were made up of animal carcasses." This, of course, is madness and shows a complete ignorance of biology. Yes, meat eaters' bodies are made up of whatever their own bodies can extract from the flesh they consume, but to say that their bodies are "made up of animal carcasses" is akin to saying that vegans' bodies are made up of piles of vegetable compost. It's stupid, frankly. Perhaps these folks should remember that they themselves are composed largely of meat, regardless of how many bowls of granola or free range, organic cucumbers they consume. That must disgust them. How they must wish that their own bodies were vegetable rather than animal. When they look in the mirror, the self loathing must be overwhelming.

Pass the Toilet Paper!

Lord knows I've tried, really. I may be a conservative but, contrary to popular belief, conservatives really do like the environment. Well, most of the environment, anyway. I personally could do without certain varieties of trees, and a number of insects really bug me. My point is that I like the environment and so wish to inflict as little harm upon it as possible. That's why I took Sheryl Crow's recent advice to heart. Which, in turn, is why I'll never take her advice again. You see, since April, I've only been using one sheet of toilet paper per sitting. I will, for the rest of my life, envision that skank's face every time I sit on a toilet. Take it from me, one sheet is not enough. I quickly noticed that people would not sit near me on the train or bus. Dogs took a particular interest in sniffing me. The drunk guys who sleep at the beach seemed to like me more, almost unconsciously, like a pheromone effect or something akin to it. To put it more bluntly, while keeping in mind that your six year old might be reading this too, I smelled awful. Eating a bean burrito, or anything with bulk, became a daunting prospect, for I knew, I just knew what would follow. They say beauty is pain. Okay, well good environmental stewardship can be painful too, I know, but I'm willing to make a sacrifice here and there for the sake of our flora and fauna. So, until yesterday, I was - uhm - wiping with only one square. No matter how big the job might have been, just one thin little square. Screw Sheryl Crow. That experiment is over. I've never been so damned uncomfortable in my life. Riding a bike, sitting on a chair, and other activities that involved my nether-regions were suddenly very challenging or downright embarrassing (literally). Yesterday I decided I'd had enough of the Crow Method of toilet paper usage. I went to the store and bought a fresh roll of TP. I plan to use the whole roll tonight whether I need it or not, just to spite her. I might even flush the toilet, but that's a whole other experiment.

Rob Nescavil Wants His Mommy

Suppose you were a person who hates the free market. You don't like the idea of people deciding what they like for themselves, and it makes you nervous that those people then seek out what they like and - worst of all - find a provider who gives them what they want. Rob Nescavil is such a person. He does not like the free exchange of ideas. He and some leaders of the "Democratic" Party are pushing to bring back the righteously defeated Fairness Doctrine.
That doctrine was not fair, as it imposed the government's standards of "free speech" on the airwaves. In other words, Rob Nescavil and his ilk are pushing for dictatorial control of the media. Oh, but not ALL media. Specifically, these neo-Stalinists want to control what is said on the radio. 

They want to control what you hear, but they market this policy as "balanced" and "fair." "For some reason, partisan conservatives hate the idea of fairness and have been railing for weeks against proposals to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine," Nescavil wrote today

Yes, Mr. Nescavil wrote another in his long series of "Fodder for the Useful Idiot" today. His first line, quoted above, is right out of the Paul Joseph Goebbels Big Lies for Dummies handbook. It is precisely the opposite of what is factual. 

In a fashion that is extreme even for the nervous Mr. Nescavil, he resorts to irrelevant name-calling. Even as Al Gore III is being booked for driving 100 mph while in possession of drugs for which he had no prescription, Nescavil uses the now-old-news of Rush Limbaugh's resolved drug problems as a back door through which he thinks he can stage a bum rush on us. He is wrong. Such attacks only make us laugh, for we see his pitiful hypocrisy for what it is: Richly amusing. 

Nescavil wrote today, "Here’s a hint cons, if you can’t win by playing fair then the ideas you promote in order to win are of little value." Apparently, he thinks that calling us "cons" disturbs us, which is silly. 

But really, now: Conservative talk show hosts have won by playing fair. Liberal talk show hosts have not won because the market doesn't want what they're selling. That's the market, that's life. Liberals have every opportunity to sell themselves. Look, if a salesman can't sell a product because very few people want it, should the Government step and demand that his competition step aside, or that customers must buy equal amounts of products from him and his competition? Mr. Nescavil would say yes, that would only be fair! So he wants the Government, his surrogate Mommy, to step in and intervene. 

How amusing, indeed, but I am extremely flattered to be counted with giants such as John Ruberry, Bill Baar and Anne Leary, albeit by the likes of Nescavil! He is a tool of his party, not a free thinker or, worse, he is a free thinker who understands the dishonesty of the propaganda he vomits out in regular, pumping spurts. Nescavil can't even spell "Cosa Nostra" ["north coast," a nickname for the Mafia] correctly (he spelled it as "casa nostra," which would translate to "north house" or "house of the north"). The tone of his piece is so transparently one of panic. It also seems to scream that he KNOWS he is being a hypocrite. For those of us who understand the issue, his piece is an obvious piece of poorly done Stalinistic propaganda. 

What the Democrats (and little men like Rob Nescavil) want is control of the situation. They would like to use the force of government to require a radio station to "balance" its content by giving "equal time" to "opposing viewpoints." Translation: Commercial radio station owners, big and small, would be forced to schedule programming that would be guaranteed to bore the crap out of most listeners, thereby losing audience share and - frankly - wasting everyone's time. Reminder: Air America. How many listened? How many advertised? 

If you can't make it on your own, the Nescavillians believe, get the Government to force others to let you make it. We've seen them administer this philosophy for decades. It should come as no surprise that they still want to do it, or that they want to do it to free speech on radio. 

Imagine conservatives demanding a Fairness Doctrine to tone down the political slant of the majority of television outlets. They haven't. They won't. Oh sure, we love to complain about PBS, but that is not the private sector. That involved taxpayer money. Different realm, not truly relevant to this discussion except as an interesting aside. 

Is conservative talk radio "balanced?" Hell no, it's opinionated. Only a fool would think otherwise. But the last time I checked, the First Amendment guaranteed the right to be opinionated. Was Air America "balanced?" Of course not, and they didn't pretend to be. They were openly liberal, just as any conservative talk show is, well, conservative. Duh. 

Liberals already control what is said on some radio stations, those under the aegis of the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), for example. Those are friendly, left-leaning stations for the most part, financed largely by your tax dollars and partly by donations from listeners. They already have most of Hollywood in their corner, most of the major newspapers, and commercial television networks. 

Then there are the commercial radio stations, the ones that sell advertising. People buy advertising on those stations because they know that people like to listen to. People like to listen to them because the stations provide information and entertainment that audiences like in large enough numbers that they can stay on the air without your tax dollars supporting them, or without long boring donation drives. 

It so happens that radio listeners, as a group, favor conservative talk shows. In other words, they are commercially viable and successful in the marketplace. You know - the complete opposite of the liberal Air America. 

Bill Press is a liberal radio talk show host and advocate of the Mommy State. He wrote a piece today as well, or as poorly, in which he unintentionally reveals his - and the Democrats' - desire to force "fairness" upon us [emphasis mine], complete with my interruptions: A new report, released by the Center for American Progress, tells why. In May 2007, listeners were offered 2,550 hours of conservative talk radio on commercial stations, Monday through Friday, but only 315 hours of progressive talk. In other words, for every one hour of liberal talk broadcast, there were eight hours of right-wing propaganda.

Of course, Press would never call the progressive talk "propaganda."

The center further found that almost 90 percent of all talk radio broadcast on stations owned by the five largest ownership groups is conservative. Most of their stations do not offer even one minute of progressive talk on any given weekday. Houston, we've got a problem. But what to do about it?

Gee, this is problematic! Did you know that most Toyota dealers do not offer even one car made by General Motors on any given weekday? Detroit, we've got a problem. But what to do about it? Well, if you're Bill Press or Rob Nescavil, you get the Government to mandate that Toyota dealers do the right thing and give GM products equal play at their car stores. Right? Sure, unless you understand (a) the free market, (b) the real world, (c) how to please your targeted audience, and (d-z) a whole lot of other stuff that any kid operating a lemonade stand would get, but Press and Nescavil don't, won't or just can't.

One answer, proposed by Sen. Dick Durbin [D-IL] and others, is to bring back the Fairness Doctrine - a possibility that makes right-wing commentators absolutely apoplectic. Calling it "an assault on the First Amendment," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused Democrats who seek to restore the Fairness Doctrine of wanting to wipe out conservative talk radio. "They want to kill it because every time we have an extended conversation with the American people, liberalism falls apart and its ideas collapse."

See? The Nescavil-Press-Durbin-Marx clique does not like the open market of ideas. Well, they do sometimes, like when it goes their way. Again, that's why they're not complaining about "unfairness" in TV land or Hollywood or newspapers. Only talk radio. Because that's where they are losing.

And here's the REAL bitch for Democrats: Newspaper, television and movies have proven lately to be far less effective at swaying public opinion than has conservative talk radio. This making them crazy. Crazier, I mean.

This is something that some Democrat leaders do not understand or cannot tolerate. They want control, or at least the feeling that they have not lost control.

So they ask for a "level playing field." But their idea of a "level" playing field is one like this: Imagine a level field, and on one end is a team whose players average 6 feet in height. On the other end is the opposing team, and their average height is 5 feet. The Liberals want to place a 5' 6" ceiling over the field. That's what the "Fairness Doctrine" does. It hinders fair play.

When they go up against a rival in competition, and the scoreboard is not in their favor, these "fair-minded" players demand that their Mommy tell the mean old scorekeeper to reset the scoreboard because it's not fair, it's not fair! it's not fair! It's a politically correct scoreboard, in a twisted search for fairness. But it ignores the score, it's not really correct and it is certainly not fair. 

To the politically naive, it must sound odd to hear conservatives rant that the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the majority of the "mainstream press" leans to the Left. But it's true. Democrat leaders know this, and tacitly admit it by not targeting television in their attempt to revive the Fairness Doctrine. Similarly, they acknowledge that the majority of commercial talk radio - and now we're getting into real war zone - leans to the Right. 

They cannot stand this. They are underrepresented in talk radio, and talk radio has proven its mighty reach and influence time and again. But remember why conservative talk radio has a mighty reach: It is a product that millions of people want to hear, or else they would not listen. Were that true of Air America or other leftist attempts at talk radio, the Democrats would not be trying to bring back the unfair Fairness Doctrine.

Life ain't fair. There will always be people who are smarter, prettier, funnier, richer than you or I. Most of us accept this. We don't let it bother us. But the Nescavillians amongst us never got beyond that point in their lives, about 8 years old for most of us, when you run to Mommy crying that it's not fair! it's not fair! What isn't fair is getting Mommy to intervene in your fight.

Merchants of Death: Jesse and Michael

"We're going to close down the merchants of death to save our children," said Rainbow/Push Coalition's Reviled Jesse Jackson. "The Jackson/Pfleger marches," reports ABC7, "began at Chuck's symbolically a few weeks ago after the murder of 15-year-old honor student Blair Holt, who was shot to death on a CTA bus in May. Since then, at least a half dozen other city teenagers have died as the result of gunfire." Shut up, Jackson, you loud mouthed, adulterating, extortionist hypocrital pig. Oh, I forgot antisemitic. The "merchants of death" that you should be worried about are the gangstas that obtain their firearms illegally. The law-abiding citizens who want the guns for legitimate self defense want them because jerkoffs like you and nutjob Michael Pfleger keep helping ACLU-backed judges and legislators get elected. Those judges and legislators pass the kind of laws and bench decisions that allow rapists and murderers back on the streets after serving little or even zero time behind bars. How many times do we have to tell you, you moron? Ban guns and only criminals will have guns. Do you really think that getting rid of gun shops in Chicago will prevent gangstas from obtaining them? Are you that stupid? Or do you simply assume that we are that stupid? As Dinesh D'Souza writes, "But gunshops don't kill people, Jesse, gang members do. If the poor kid had been hanged with a rope, would you be protesting outside Home Depot? If he had been smothered with a pillow, would you be chanting outside Bed, Bath & Beyond?" RELATED: WorldNetDaily: Unmasking Jesse Jackson

Democrats Retreat on Pullout

"Democrats Relent On Pullout Timetable," says the headline today at the Washington Post.
Democrats gave up their demand for troop-withdrawal deadlines in an Iraq war spending package yesterday, abandoning their top goal of bringing U.S. troops home and handing President Bush a victory in a debate that has roiled Congress for months.... House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was so disappointed with the outcome that she said she might vote against the Iraq portion of the package, which will be split into two parts when it comes before the House. "I'm not likely to vote for something that doesn't have a timetable," she said. FULL ARTICLE...
Couple this with the words of former Democrat Senator Bob Kerreyand it was not a happy day for the Dems. God Bless America!

Rosie Video from the Depths of Hell

My head still hurts, but my ears have stopped bleeding. Listen - if you dare - to the View's Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck cluck like insane chickens pecking at crystal meth pellets. I gotta warn you, if not for the Suicide Prevention Hotline, I mighta just offed myself. That's the effect this video could have on somebody. At ABC-7 Chicago...

Sicko ACLU Leader Indicted for Child Porn

No! How can this be?!? Well, let's just hope the ACLU comes to his defense! A former youth sports coach who is a former president of the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia has been indicted on child pornography charges. The indictment states that 51-year-old Charles Rust-Tierney used a computer in his 10-year-old son's bedroom to view child pornography. He's charged with one count of receiving child pornography and one count of possessing it. FULL SICK STORY...

Derek's 48 Million Crap Returns

Derek has left a new comment on your post "Tomatoes and Cheap Labor": "Every once in a while I Google 'crap', and usually get Nazi propoganda. But today I was brought here to your blog. Congratulations." Derek: Thanks for writing! It is interesting that you misspelled "propaganda" the same way that "Rogers Park Latino" did yesterday. (By the way, how would you feel about someone who went by the name "Rogers Park White Guy"?) HEY! I tried your Google experiment! I searched Google for "crap!" You might have misspelled "crap" when you searched Google, Derek. I was disappointed to not find "Rogers Park Bench" in the results, but I only looked at the first 200. Wow, Derek, you must be a fast reader! The results from a Google search for "crap" produces about 48,400,000 results! Wow! I copied just the first 200. You know what? I couldn't find any Nazi progaganda, as you say there is. But if you say that you "usually" get Nazi propaganda, I believe you because you are Derek, man! And Derek knows all. So I can only assume that you've gone through all 48,400,000 returns for "crap" and most of them contain Nazi propaganda. In fact, surprisingly few of the first 200 were even political. But I did notice these bits of Leftist wisdom: Bush is crap, says Prescott - Independent Online Edition > UK Politics John Prescott has given vent to his private feelings about the Bush presidency, summing up George Bush's administration in a single word: crap. ... - Similar pages Labour agrees: Bush is crap - Independent Online Edition ... Labour agrees: Bush is crap. ... Labour agrees: Bush is crap. The Independent asked a group of Labour MPs what they though of John Prescott's outburst ... - Similar pages pro-capitalist crap support capitalism pro-capitalism capitalism ... Crap was established in 2002 to combat the renewed threat posed by anti-capitalists, liberals, commies, hipsters, environmentalists, beat-niks, ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages PlanetCrap 6.0 • "THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!" The Crappiest Discussion Site On The Web! (Pseudo-TM) - 21k - Cached - Similar pages Crap!: Comments The first is that the government doesn't have to compete with anyone else for the crap it promises you in return. So it never needs to actually deliver on ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages BikerCrap - Cool Crap for Dissenting Bikers Cool Crap for Dissenting Bikers featuring biker chicks sexy riding apparel, ladies leather apparel, nipple pasties, biker jewelry, biker gifts and novelties - 55k - Cached - Similar pages Dread Hats,Dreadlock Tams,Hemp,Beads, Jewelry,Hats,Hippie Crap ... We are Hemp Jewelry Shop and Hippie Crap, or as we like to call ourselves, Missy and Rin! We met 8 years ago online, and through our LOVE of crafting, - 40k - Cached - Similar pages Whew! Hey Derek, you should publish a book about that, or sumthin.

Gang Activity Will Magically Stop Tonight!

Have these people never visited reality? There will be a "rally and march against crime" and "against gang activity" tonight. What idiocy. What grand self delusion. What a grand way to feel good about yourself, to falsely feel that you are Doing Something. What a slick and risk-free way for Joe Moore to make it look like he's Doing Something. What a group of stupid self-congratulators. PEOPLE, THIS CRAP DOES NOT WORK. The gist of Moore's latest email message, put out yesterday, is just one more installment of his campaign against common sense: Come Rally and March Against Crime! Please join us tomorrow, Friday, April 13th at 6 p.m. for a rally and march against crime. We will meet at the intersection of Marshfield and Jonquil, near Gale Community Academy. Join your neighbors as we march against gang-activity and show our support for the Chicago Police Department. See what a neighborhood working together can do! I hope to see you there. Sincerely, Joe Moore "Show our support for the Chicago Police Department?" What a joke. How about showing your support by voting for politicians and judges who don't coddle criminals. Show your support by not tolerating lawmakers who pass laws that put murderers back on the street after a few years in prison. Show your support in meaningful, thoughtful, substantial ways. Let me be rudely blunt here: The police don't give a rat's ass about your pitiful march. Sure, some of the police brass will give it lip service. It's the polite thing to do. But do you truly think that the police officers who risk their lives on the streets, or when you call 911 really give a flying hockey puck about a stroll around the neighborhood? About a feel-good social event? If you do, you are sadly mistaken. Moore hopes that you are a gullible fool. Look, there is nothing wrong with neighbors getting together and taking a walk. But it is completely insane to believe that the gangs will see this and decide that they will stop their gangsta ways. Some critical thinking would be helpful here: Do you really suppose that gang members (or any other criminals) will sympathize with the marchers? Do you seriously think the march will actually change anything? If marches are an effective crime fighting tool, why don't we have one like, oh I dunno, once a week? Boy, imagine how low crime would be if we had a weekly March Against Crime! Holy mackerel, those criminals'd be scared outa their minds! Don't you think? Marches can achieve things, of course. Sherman's march to Atlanta, for example. But a bunch of neighbors strolling through the hood will change nothing. The gangsters will be laughing at them. This effort is as silly as another, much larger march that took place on October 21, 1967. On that day, approximately 50,000 screwballs marched to the Pentagon. Why? Well, to end the war in Viet Nam. How did they plan to end the war? Why, by levitating the Pentagon, of course. What better strategy than to make the Pentagon magically float off the ground. Here's a brief account of that great moment in history: "After the speeches, about 50,000 people set off for the Pentagon. It took them about an hour and a half to walk two miles across the Memorial Bridge and down a service road to the north parking lot where a second rally was scheduled. At the other end a group of hippies was trying to exorcize the Pentagon. The brainchild of Abbie Hoffman, the plan was for people to sing and chant until it levitated and turned orange, driving out the evil spirits and ending the war in Viet Nam. The Pentagon didn't move." Full Article...

Think of the Pentagon this evening as you "march" around the neighborhood. Be very proud of yourself for levitating Rogers Park. Rest easier tonight knowing that the crime rate will drop because you marched against criminals. More self-delusion from DevCorp

Duke Lacrosse Team 4, Nifong 0

The incompetent pig Nifong will probably be disbarred - and, with any luck, be sent to prison. I love to say "I told you so," so I will. I told you so.

April 11 - by Ed Morrissey ...Nifong knew about the exculpatory DNA results but conspired with the lab to keep the results from the defendants -- an act that likely violated the law and the civil rights of the defendants. Full Story...

Also, from CBS News:
Nifong is done as a prosecutor — and perhaps as an attorney, too. You can make book on it. By far the worst mistake he made was his failure to promptly interview the alleged victim in the case to determine for himself from the outset whether her story would or could withstand the scrutiny they both knew would come. Full Story...

Here's a little video to remember Mr. Nifong and his supporters by: