Merchants of Death: Jesse and Michael

"We're going to close down the merchants of death to save our children," said Rainbow/Push Coalition's Reviled Jesse Jackson. "The Jackson/Pfleger marches," reports ABC7, "began at Chuck's symbolically a few weeks ago after the murder of 15-year-old honor student Blair Holt, who was shot to death on a CTA bus in May. Since then, at least a half dozen other city teenagers have died as the result of gunfire." Shut up, Jackson, you loud mouthed, adulterating, extortionist hypocrital pig. Oh, I forgot antisemitic. The "merchants of death" that you should be worried about are the gangstas that obtain their firearms illegally. The law-abiding citizens who want the guns for legitimate self defense want them because jerkoffs like you and nutjob Michael Pfleger keep helping ACLU-backed judges and legislators get elected. Those judges and legislators pass the kind of laws and bench decisions that allow rapists and murderers back on the streets after serving little or even zero time behind bars. How many times do we have to tell you, you moron? Ban guns and only criminals will have guns. Do you really think that getting rid of gun shops in Chicago will prevent gangstas from obtaining them? Are you that stupid? Or do you simply assume that we are that stupid? As Dinesh D'Souza writes, "But gunshops don't kill people, Jesse, gang members do. If the poor kid had been hanged with a rope, would you be protesting outside Home Depot? If he had been smothered with a pillow, would you be chanting outside Bed, Bath & Beyond?" RELATED: WorldNetDaily: Unmasking Jesse Jackson


  1. Jackson was actually rather articulate at Beth Emet in Evanston last year. He was involved in negotiating for the release of Israeli Soldiers in Syria.

    For those who do not know, a Jackson's comment made to a reporter many years ago has plagued him. I cannot comment about what the man says behind closed doors, but some of the faith don't believe in holding an indefinite grudge. Particularly, where the man is taking the initiative to do good work.

    His son has certainly capitalized on his father's notoriety. However, so has Ms. Madigan and Todd Stroger. Frankly, I think that Jesse J the III has fared better than those others who truly benefitted from pure nepotism.

  2. Sharpton's rise on the Twanna Brawley's lies seem to overshadow Jackson's efforts to catipult himself into the public eye.

    As many state, the media looks for leaders within ethnic and racial groups. Jesse Jackson Jr. is an outspoken and smooth speaking advocate, even if he has historically made decisions that he may have not have undertaken in hindsight.

    This is not to say that I am a Jesse fan. This is to say that the man deserves praise when he uses good judgment.

  3. Indeed. And if ever Jackson "uses good judgement," I'll join the chorus of praise for him. By the way, Hitler was an "outspoken and smooth speaking advocate" as well. Charm and suave mean nothing; they are cheap veneer. To paraphrase Jackson's hero, I judge him by the content of his character, not his $2,000 suits and dollar-fify rhyming catch phrases.


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