Showing posts with label Homeland Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeland Security. Show all posts

THE ENEMY WITHIN: US Citizen Dies Fighting For ISIS In Syria (Updated)

Douglas McAuthur McCain
Douglas McArthur McCain
August 27, 2014 - Is Islamic State (ISIS) in America? At the very least, we know that there are U.S. citizens who are not only sympathetic to Islamist horde, but are traveling overseas to fight alongside them. CBS in San Francisco reported today that "A U.S. citizen from California was killed over the weekend in Syria while fighting for the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also known as ISIS or ISIL."

"NBC News reported the man is 33-year-old Douglas McAuthur McCain," said CBS yesterday, "who died in a battle between ISIS and another extremist group in Syria."

Facebook profile of Douglas McArthur McCain, aka Duale Mahoney
McCain was "Duale Mahoney" on Facebook
UPDATE: Another U.S. citizen has reportedly died while fighting for ISIS. On Wednesday, Aug. 27, CNN reports that "a coalition of Syrian opposition groups announced that its forces had killed another American in battle. The coalition, which calls itself the Nahrawan of Syria, did not name the fallen American." [These forces, between a rock and a hard place, are battling the extremists such as ISIS in addition to the Syrian military.] The coalition did not name the killed American and "details on the third American casualty" are sketchy at best.  CNN notes that prior to McCain's death last weekend, another American citizen, Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, "a 22-year-old from Florida who joined al-Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-linked organization that the U.S. government has blacklisted as a foreign terror organization. The group showed a video of him, and U.S. officials later confirmed, taking part in a suicide bombing earlier this year in northern Syria."

Both NBC and CBS incorrectly reported that McCain called himself ‘Duale ThaslaveofAllah’ on Facebook.  McCain's profile was actually "Duale Mahoney;" the web address of his Facebook page is ""

He was "Duale Khalid" on Twitter, with the handle @iamthetooth. His bio reads "Its Islam over everything." McCain was seemingly fervent about radical Islam, a sickness shared by many of his friends on Facebook and Twitter. McCain shared this chilling tweet with followers on June 26:

"It takes a warrior to understand a warrior. Pray for ISIS."
— Ismael patel (@patel_ismael) June 26, 2014

McCain's Facebook page has been taken over by somebody else since his death. It's unknown who has control of the page now, which is still up. McCain's sister Delecia posted, "Who ever this is on my brother page needs to get off of it RIGHT NOW this is not a joke" on Tuesday afternoon, August 26.
Douglas MacArthur McCain "liked" this picture on Facebook on Sept. 14, 2010

Congressional Black Caucus Wants Idiot Sheila Jackson Lee to Head Homeland Security

Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee, Idiot
Sheila Jackson Lee, Idiot
July 30, 2013 - by T. Mannis - The racist organization known as the "Congressional Black Caucus" (CBC) wants the dumbest woman in Congress to head the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Surely, there must be somebody that even the CBC could have come up someone with who is smarter than 63-year old Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (18th District, TX). Incredibly, Lee already serves as a member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security.

Just how stupid is Sheila Jackson Lee? She is probably the only member of Congress who is as dumb as Congressman Hank Johnson. For starters, she's probably the only member of Congress who thinks that astronauts placed a U.S. flag on Mars. In 2005, she visited the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and asked a guide if the Mars Pathfinder was able to photograph the U.S. flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Armstrong went to the Moon, not to Mars. In fact, no human has ever set foot on Mars. Either Sheila Jackson Lee confused the Moon with the red planet or she really believes we've sent a manned mission to Mars.

Another good example is in the video here, in which Lee spoke in 2010 about North and South Vietnam working together. Lee not only rewrites history but manages to contradict herself while demonstrating her ignorance:

"Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they're living side by side. Because, that was a civil war. And because the leadership of this nation did not listen to the mothers and fathers who beared, who born the burden of 58,000 dead and did not declare victory, the mounting death, the violence continued going up and up. Rather than understanding the political nature of the war in Vietnam, we did not listen to those families." WARNING: Watching this video more than three times could cause brain damage.

The problem, of course, is that North Vietnam won that war and then completely absorbed South Vietnam in its 1975 invasion as the U.S. was pulling out. Since then, there is only one Vietnam. But Sheila Jackson Lee - the CBC's choice for heading DHS - was unaware of that as late as 2010.

"For the benefit of any natural born damned fools that may have wandered in: there is no South Vietnam anymore," wrote Moe Lane for RedState in 2010. "It was conquered by North Vietnam in 1975, shortly after a Democratic Congress – yes, the same political party as Rep. Jackson-Lee’s – defunded the defense of South Vietnam, in defiance of our promises made to that unhappy country as part of the cease-fire that ended the Vietnam War."

South Vietnam officially surrendered to communist North Vietnam on April 30, 1975. On July 2, 1976, Vietnam was reunited as a communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. How is it that a member of Congress does not know this? How is it that the CBC could recommend someone who does not know this to be the head of Homeland Security?

Some of you may be wondering why I referred to the Congressional Black Caucus as a "racist organization" as the beginning of this post. Simple: It is a group based entirely on race, and has recommended the incredibly unqualified Sheila Jackson Lee for head of DHS solely because she is Black. Imagine an organization called the "White Congressional Caucus." Imagine a "WCC" nominating somebody as ignorant as Sheila Jackson Lee to head DHS, knowing that they would only consider someone who is White. The Congressional Black Caucus is racist by its very nature, as its very name suggests. If Sheila Jackson Lee does manage to become the successor to Janet Napolitano, who will step down as DHS Director in August, it could only be because other members of Congress - Black and White - approved her because she is Black. It could not possibly be for any other reason, especially not for her knowledge of history and current world affairs, both of which are sadly, tragically stunted.

FBI Withheld Vital Info About Terror Connections From Boston Police Dept

May 9, 2013 - "The FBI never told the Boston police or the Massachusetts State Police about possible Russian terror connections of the suspected Marathon bombers until three and half days after the attack, law enforcement officials testified today before the House Homeland Security Committee," reports ABC News.

"My fear is that the Boston bombers succeeded because our system failed," said committee chairman Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas).

Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis was asked if it would have helped to know everything that the FBI knew about the terrorist activities of the bombers, especially of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Davis said while the information might have been useful, it might not have changed anything. "That's very hard to say. We would certainly look at the information, we would certainly talk to the individual," Davis said. "From the information I've received, the FBI did that, and they closed the case out. I can't say that I would have come to a different conclusion based upon the information that was known at that particular time." (AP/Newser)

Failure to Communicate
Rep. McCaul said  "the Boston bombers may have succeeded because our system failed. We can and we must do better," reports CNN. "We learned over a decade ago the danger in failing to connect the dots," McCaul said, referring to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Testimony in the hearing today indicate that the US intelligence community is still not connecting the dots as well as they could. Why did the FBI not tell the Boston and Massachusetts authorities about the possible terror connections of Tamerlan Tsarnaev? Commissioner Davis said the intelligence might not have helped, but he left it open to the possibility that it might have.

We'll never know, but the fact remains that the FBI withheld information that might have saved lives. Such information should always be shared with law enforcement agencies that have a need to know. As we learned the hard way, Boston and Massachusetts had a very real need to know.

"The idea that the feds have this information and it's not shared with the state and locals defies why we create the Department of Homeland Security in the first place," said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. (FoxNews)

"Why didn't they involve the local law enforcers who could have stayed on the case and picked up signals from some of the students who interacted with them, from the people in the mosque," asked former Sen. Joe Lieberman, who also testified. "In this case, aggravatingly, you have two of our great homeland security agencies that didn't involve before the event the local and state authorities that could have helped us prevent the attack." (

Greta Van Susteren Blows Story About Chicago Cops With Obama at DNC in Charlotte NC, Tinfoil Hatters Go Crazy

Greta Van Susteren Photo: Facebook
Greta Van Susteren - Photo: Facebook
September 3, 2012 - A lot of Americans are in a panic after learning that Chicago Police Officers are protecting Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte (DNC), North Carolina this week.  

Rumors of conspiracy and whatever else the Tinfoil Hat Crowd is panicking about are flying. Greta Van Susteren at Fox News seems to be the primary culprit in all of this idiocy, but careless bloggers are spreading the crap around like cheap fertilizer. It's a typical case of truth being blown all out of proportion, facts being twisted, and facts being omitted.

What is actually happening in Charlotte, North Carolina? Simple, really. The DNC is a big event with big security concerns. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is good, but it does not have enough officers to handle the security for such an event - which includes POTUS, after all - and so officers from outside agencies will be there to supplement their own manpower. (During the recent NATO Summit in Chicago, hundreds of officers from other cities, including Homeland Security personnel, assisted Chicago Police. With that in mind, cops from other cities being in Charlotte NC is not unusual.)

"Hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the country arrived Saturday at the Charlotte Police Training Academy," reported Your News Now yesterday. "CMPD is not releasing the exact number of officers being brought in for the Democratic National Convention, but they did say there are hundreds and they are all ready for any challenge."

CMPD make an arrest at DNC2012. Book 'em!
Despite that report, people are freaking out. I became aware of this panic when I happened across a post on The Ulsterman Report, a blog I respect a little bit less today after reading a post titled "Why is Obama Using Chicago Police At South Carolina DNC Convention?" The headline even got the state wrong. The DNC is in the other Carolina (North), as Ulsterman even wrote when quoting Fox: "A Fox News reporter just shared information regarding a considerable contingent of Chicago police inside the DNC convention center in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Yet another Obama related act that makes one go hmmmmm…"

One thing that made me go "hmmmm" was the fact that Ulsterman obviously did not bother to actually Google this for himself. Instead, this idiotic comment was added: "As has so often been said regarding the Obama regime – all roads always seem to lead “Back to Chicago." I'm not sure what the hell that mean, but it sure sounds oh hell, it just sounds stupid. I will explain why below.

Greta Van Susteren, though, should really be ashamed of herself. She can be a good reporter, but sometimes she just sucks at it. When she's bad, she's really, really damned bad. She is not some underpaid blogger desperate for a few more website visitors: Greta is a trained journalist, and yet she published this tripe today, without bothering to research it or in collusion with Pergram:
by Greta Van Susteren
Sep 3 2012 - 12:06 PM ET

Below is a note I was just emailed by FNC’s Chad Pergram

And just an interesting note. There are lots of police here from other organizations. But at the convention center, Chicago Police are here….not just folks from across the state or South Carolina.Of course, remember the confrontations Democrats had with Chicago Police at the ’68 Convention….
Chad Pergram
FOX News

Senior Producer for Capitol Hill
Since I know that she knows better, I must assume that Greta's only motivation for publishing such a load of crap is this: Sensationalism. In my opinion, Greta Van Susteren is an overpaid blogger who deliberately sensationalizes just to get more website visitors. There's a word for that kind of person: It starts with "w" and ends with "hore."

The same, I contend, can be said of Chad Pergram. I would say that he is either a moron who doesn't deserve to work in the mail room of any news organization, or he deliberately added that part about the Democrats and the Chicago Police in 1968 - which has NOTHING to do with the reality of what's happening currently in Charlotte.

As for Chicago Police being at the convention center, well, so what? Notice that Pergram did not say that only Chicago cops are at the convention center. Pergram's note is written either as a moron would write such a note, or as a very clever manipulator would. I suspect that Pergram is not a moron.

To be fair, Greta's blog post did say that there are many police officers from other cities, not just Chicago, in Charlotte.  Which part of that did Ulsterman - and others - miss or not understand? 

To recap, Chad sent a stupid note to Greta, who then reproduced it on her Fox site without a shred of added value or any research. Idiot readers won't bother looking beyond Greta's steaming pile, and so the panic and rumors are flying today across blogs run by non-journalists, across Facebook timelines by people who are stupid and/or intellectually lazy, and on Twitter by all of the above.

Department of Defense Visits Chicago News Bench and Moonbattery

April 3, 2012 - I just wanted say a quick "Thank you" to the hard working employees at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for visiting Chicago News Bench. Seems one of their urgent national defense tasks is to investigate my post about the  "Arrest Eric Holder" t-shirts.

Yep, someone at the DOD Network Information Center (IP at 7:36 a.m. today, and someone else at the Department of Defense Network ( at 5:57 a.m. visite Chicago News Bench.

Both visitors found that post via Moonbattery, where they linked to me. The first DOD employee, at 5:57 a.m. was using Internet Explorer 8.0 in Windows XP. The second one, at 7:36 a.m., was using Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows XP.

This raises questions:

  • Why are DOD employees using the outdated Windows XP?
  • Although Moonbattery is a fine blog, why are DOD employees surfing the web on company time?
  • If these employees were on break, and not on company time, were they using the company's laptops? Or using DOD computers? 
  • If they used personal laptops, why are they allowed to use the DOD's connection to surf the Internet if it is not work related?
  • Suppose their web surfing was work related: Why is the DOD busy surfing conservative blog sites?
  • If the DOD is monitoring conservative bloggers (they are, of course), is it a neutral kind of observation or something nefarious?
  • Will these employees buy an Arrest Eric Holder t-shirt, or the new Arrest Eric Holder coffee mug?
I hope the DOD employees bookmarked Moonbattery and Chicago News Bench. Hopefully, too, did they tweet our posts, or recommend them to Facebook?

Big Brother Joins You For Coffee

When does common sense security get pushed over the edge? When does vigilance become creepy? Homeland Security seems determined to find out. We've had it up to here with groping in the airport, wiretapping, and so on. We seem to be tolerating all of that, but they may have just gone too far. Now they're invading a semi-sacred institution, a refuge from life's roughness. They've stepped into the coffee shop. Or, if you will, into the corner cafe. "Big Brother is watching you while you drink your coffee, or at least imploring you to watch others while you drink your coffee," writes the Daily Caller. If you live in a city that has public transportation, you've probably seen those somber security-minded signs urging you to be vigilant. "If you see something, say something," they tell us. See that unattended bag in rear of the bus? It might be filled with nails, ball bearings and explosives. See that nervous guy in the middle of the subway car? Does he seem a bit too sweaty, and is he fidgeting with something inside his jacket? You better call 911, or talk to a transit employee immediately. There's nothing wrong with that, I suppose, in this era of random and unpredictable acts of terror. Be alert in public. It's always been a good idea, and we've always done it. If you see someone acting suspiciously on the street, peeking into cars or house windows, call the cops. As for the coffee shop intrusion, Department of Homeland Security is stamping itself onto coffee cup sleeves. “If you see something, say something,” they say, just like the transit signs. “Report unattended bags and unusual behavior to police or transit personnel.” We see this message elsewhere ad nauseum. Can't we be left alone while we hide away in a latte den, for God's sake? DHS is waging its info war on coffee shops via Securetransit is funded "under a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Grant Programs Directorate (FEMA/GPD) within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security." Where does it stop? Will DHS also print up a half a billions dollars' worth of cocktail napkins for distribution to bars and taverns? What about ads on the sides of milk cartons? How about putting "If You See Something Say Something" fortune cookies in every Chinese restaurant in the U.S.? A final thought: Wouldn't the message be more effective if it was made location-specific? Perhaps something like, “If you see something, say something. Report unattended cups and over-caffeinated behavior to a barista or manager.” I'm just saying.

Gold Coast Jihadi: Feds Arrest Chicago Man In Terror Plot

August 4, 2010 - From ABC7 Chicago: For nearly two years, counterterrorism agents in Chicago say they have been secretly following a 26-year old Streeterville man as he planned and plotted to become a global Jihadist and even dreamed of executing a suicide bomb attack on American soldiers. After determining that Masri had airplane tickets to leave Chicago this morning to carry out his mission, federal authorities say they stopped Masri and arrested him.... Masri is an American citizen born in Alabama according to details in a 24-page FBI affidavit unsealed Wednesday. From AP via Federal prosecutors say a 26-year-old Chicago man was plotting to go to Somalia to become a suicide bomber with al-Qaida. Shaker Masri (shah-KEER' MAHZ'-ree) was charged Wednesday with attempting to aid a terrorist organization and use a weapon of mass destruction outside the United States. Authorities contend Masri told an FBI informant of his plans and asked the informant for money to help buy guns once they got there. According to WBEZ radio in Chicago, "Magistrate Judge Geraldine Soat Brown set the next hearing date for Monday, Aug. 9.If convicted, Masri could face up to 30 years in prison." RELATED: Local Man Charged With Aiding Somali Terrorists CBS2 Chicago


JANUARY 23, 2010 - Late this week, the U.K. raised it's terror alert to "Severe," its second-highest level, but gave no reason for the action. "The highest level of security alert is 'critical,' and that means an attack is imminent, and we're not at that level," British Home Secretary Alan Johnson said on British television. This weekend, we're hearing that Al Qaeda is training female suicide bombers, and may be about to unleash them. It is not publicly know whether the 'Gal suicide bomber' alert is directly related to - or the cause of - a worldwide elevation of terror alerts. Meanwhile, the heightened alert levels come even as Syria partially mobilizes reserves as tensions rise on Israel's northern border. (See a video report below.) Eleven Nations Raise Preparedness Levels The following is excerpted from an ominous report at DebkaFile: In the last three days, the governments of eleven countries have scrambled to elevate their preparedness levels for Islamist terror, or enforced extraordinarily stringent security measures. Another six governments have pursued these steps without fanfare. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 22-23, India placed its airlines and airports and those of all of South East Asia -Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka - on alert for a possible airplane hijacking by al Qaeda or Lashkar-e-Taibem. The UK elevated its terror threat level from "substantial" to "severe" - one below top and suspended direct British airline flights to and from Yemen....Yemen itself stopped issuing entry visas at Sanaa airport. Full Article... RELATED: UK expects terrorist attack – threat severe Vancouverite Airport security on lookout for possible female terrorists NECN Indian hijack plot caused new UK terror alert Times Online New terror alert: 'American looking' female suicide bombers American Thinker FBI faked terror alerts to get phone records Register Indian flights over SE Asia on hijack alert Delhi airport put on heightened alert Hindustan Times Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Coast Guard Causes Panic With Potomac Excercise

EVEN THE SECRET SERVICE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Panic set in as the U.S. Coast Guard's staged a training excercise on the Potomac River, spitting distance from the Pentagon, on the 8th Anniversary of September 11. Thousands of workers in the Pentagon tuned into CNN to watch what was initially believed to be a real challenge by the Coast Guard to a civilian boat that had breached a restricted area of the river. Hundreds of thousands of Americans heard the news alerts of Coast Guard boats "firing shots at a suspicious boat on the Potomac" this morning. On any other day that would cause concern, but on September 11 it caused much anxiety. A lack of communication by the Coast Guard with other law enforcement agencies help fuel the confusion. reports that "A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said federal agents scrambled to the river scene after the initial reports, because the local FBI office had not been told ahead of time about the exercise. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the incident." The local police were not informed either, reports "Gwendolyn Crump, spokesperson for DC Police, tells 9NEWS NOW they have been notified of the drill by the Coast Guard. Crump says they were not notified of the drill before it occurred." WUSA9 also reports that the confusion and resulting fear caused departures from nearby Reagan National Airport to be delayed from 10:08 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. according to FAA spokeswoman Diane Spitaliere. NBC Washington reports that "Coast Guard spokesman John Edwards told the Associated Press that references to shots fired were picked up in radio chatter. As part of its exercise Friday, the Coast Guard aired simulated instructions to participants to fire 10 rounds. The Coast Guard conducts this sort of training everyday, according to the AP. The training had nothing to do with the 9/11 anniversary, Edwards told the AP." Okay, but couldn't they have taken a one-day break on this significant date? Or, perhaps, couldn't the Coast Guard have moved that excercise way down the river, where it would not have cause unnecessary stress for tens of thousands of local residents and workers? At approximately 10:35 a.m. (EDT), CNN and MSNBC finally learned that it was a drill, just an excercise. One of the CNN talking heads called it "felony stupidity" to have conducted such an excercise on this day without first alerting the media. She's right, and she was also right to suggest that the Coast Guard should apologize. They caused unnecessary stress and fear among a lot of Americans this morning, not just among 20,000 workers at the Pentagon, but across the nation and, indeed, around the world. You've not heard the last of this. There will be demands for explanations and for an apology from lawmakers in D.C. The media will mock the Coast Guard leadership for its bad judgement. Homeland Security's role in this will also be questioned. Keep an eye on this story. COVERAGE: Washington Boat Sparks 9/11 Security Scare - ABC News Potomac security threat merely an exercise, police say - CNN Coast Guard training exercise on Potomac raises security scare - USA Today Coast Guard Training Exercise on Potomac Raises Sept. 11 Fears - Bloomberg Reports of Washington coastguard firing on boat dismissed - US coast guards fire at ship in Washington on 9/11 anniversary - Xinhua (China) Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

About That Homeland Security Report

Janet Marion at American Dreamer writes a nice summary of the insanely politicized report from the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) that labels veterans and most conservatives as "extremists" and possible terrorists. Janet presents key excerpts from the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis report titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," along with this comment: OK, I reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority, I oppose abortion, I am concerned about the economy and home foreclosures, and I am antagonistic toward the new presidential administration, especially in its views of immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use. Full Post at American Dreamer... Another excellent commentary appears in the San Francisco Chronicle, where Debra J. Saunders wrote (emphasis added): Fox News posted a Jan. 26, 2009, assessment entitled, "Left-wing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber-Attacks Over the Coming Decade." This would suggest equal-opportunity political targeting. Not so. The "left-wing" assessment named entities - the Earth Liberation Front, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, The Hacktivist, the Internet Liberation Front - and explained the methods used in specific and recent cyber-attacks. It also warned how specific groups - loggers, farmers and named corporations - were or could be targeted. That is, the "left-wing" assessment included information that would be useful to officials investigating crimes. The "right-wing" document, however, targeted not activities, but political thought - opposition to abortion, immigration amnesty and gun laws. While the "left-wing" assessment reported on known criminal activities, the "right-wing" document started with the acknowledgment that Department of Homeland Security intelligence "has no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence." .... Then: "The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for right-wing radicalization and recruitment." I'm a staunch conservative. I personally know many conservatives, black and white, and correspond with hundres more via email, Twitter, Facebook and a secret decoder ring. None of the conversations I've had - either in person, electronically or by decoder ring - have given any hint that "the first African American president" is a cause of resentment on racial grounds. We disagree with his politics and policies. We don't care about his ethnicity or race. For the Department of Homeland Security to issue such a report - and for the Administration that must accept responsibility for the DHS report - racist assumptions have, ironically, caused them to assume that we (conservatives) are racist. One day, many doctoral theses will be written about the twisted psychological pathologies that must have driven the authors of that sad and destined-to-be-long-remembered report. RELATED: Federal agency warns of radicals on right - Washington Times Napolitano Backpedals On Homeland Security Report Wording Washington, DC — According to the US government, I am an extremist Military Expert Ralph Peters: Fire Napolitano for Smearing Veterans AllGov - Department of Homeland Security - Office of Intelligence ... CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter!

Scranton PA Tea Party Photos!

Our friends in Scranton, Pennsylvania put together 37 photos of their Tax Day Tea Party. Frank Scavo created a nice slide show with photos by Bob Folger. He summarized the event in his e-mail (his P.S. is a hoot): What an event we had yesterday in Scranton, and also Nationwide! Quite a simple movement and ideas, which I share here: 1. Stop the out of control government spending! It will consume 86% of GDP, which is all products and services produced and sold in these United States by 2019. 2. Stop the generational theft! Our children will pay 66 cents out of every dollar they earn to pay for todays spending. That is truly "Taxation without representation" for our children and cannot be allowed to stand! 3. Stop the government expansion of power to the unelected, such as Tim Geitner and the Treasury Department. Thomas Jefferson warned "Banking industries are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies!" 4. Stop the Stimulus spending! The Obama administration is selling the report that for every dollar spent, we get $1.35 back, hence the stimulus effect. The truth is, only 83 cents is returned for every dollar spent, a net loss of 52 cents. If $787 billion is the answer, why stop spening there? And why did the $387 billion TARP Bank bailout Bush spent have no effect on our tanking economy?! This stimulus did not work in Japan nor during the "Great Depression,", hence the so named historical event. 5. Stop lisitng those of us that want good government on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) watch list as suspiciuos and possible domestic terrorists. This includes average Americans and returning veterans. Chilling developments here in these United States!! Another unelected official, Janet Napolitano's anti free speech, anti American idea. 6. Stay tuned!! - THERE WILL BE ANOTHER RALLY AROUND THE 4TH OF JULY!! There are many more reasons to get involved, but economic freedom is the common ground all Americans share. And I thank Laureen Cummings and Katye Dalgacio for organizing the event, and to Bob Folger for taking the pictures. Frank Scavo Committed American P.S. Department of Homeland Security was at the rally in Scranton. No doubt we all made the watch list! I am glad to be in such company with all of you "Great Americans"! BENCH NOTE: Hey Liberals, you thought BUSH was abusing Homeland Security? CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter!

Are Conservatives and Veterans Terrorists?

In yet another goosestep toward its desired totalitarian control of America, Barack Obama's administration has issued a secret report (leaked to some in the media) that indicates that people who excercise their First Amendment rights might be considerted terrorists. The report comes from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). FoxNews: The government considers you a terrorist threat if you oppose abortion, own a gun or are a returning war veteran. That's what House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said Wednesday in response to a Department of Homeland Security report warning of the rise of right-wing extremist groups. Are there, in fact, right-wing extremist groups? Yes, of course there are. There are extremist left-wing groups, too, such as SDS, a group that many of Barack Obama's friends were or are members of. Have the right-wing extremist groups suddenly grown or begun to bomb buildings? No. Has there been a sudden resurgence of the KKK? No. Do left-wing extremist groups continue to torch housing developments to "save the planet?" Yes, and more. Under Democrat Bill Clinton, did the federal government engage in violent domestic terrorism? Yes, as in Waco, Texas (photo above). Smith, who said the report on "right-wing extremism" amounts to "political profiling," said that DHS is "using people's political views to assess an individual's susceptibility to terror recruitment." He joins a growing chorus of protest from irate conservative groups that are protesting the report's findings. Full Report at FoxNews... But what about the left-wing extremist groups? Yes, there is a report about that, too, but it's different. As Hot Air points out (emphasis added): ....the report on extremism of the Left is much different than the other DHS report, starting with specifics. While the DHS report focusing on the Right expansively and generally indicted groups opposing abortion, illegal immigration, and federalism, this report instead focuses on actual and specific extremist groups — groups who have a long history of domestic terrorism and violence....In other words, it does not treat all animal-rights criticisms as indications of terrorist thought. It fails to paint all opponents of free trade as potential national-security threats. Global warming activism does not get treated in this instance as federalism does in the execrable DHS report on conservatives and libertarians. In other words, in this report, the DHS actually focuses on threats, not becoming the Thought Police. Full Post at Hot Air... In other words, Big Brobama is on the loose. If Leftists, Liberals and Democrats were freaking out about the threats they perceived under the Bush Administration, wait to see how freaked out they get when they finally realize that life under a true totalitarian (Obama) is like. And by the way, are all those gun toting gangstaz on Chicago's south side right-wing terrorists, or are they left-wing terrorists? RELATED: Right Wing Extremism (video) Hot Air - The vaunted “Left-Wing Extremism” report Michelle Malkin - Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job... The Right Cafe: Disgruntled Veterans & Voters: The Next Right Wing ... CNN Uses NAZI Pic To Depict “RIGHT WING Extremists” CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter!

Obama's Smart Grid Will Weaken US Electric Grid Security

Have foreign spies hacked into the US electrical grid? Could they disable large portions of it, or even all of it, if they wanted to? Seems likely according to recent reports, and the Obama Administration will only make it worse with the proposed "Smart Grid." "China has denied a report issued yesterday stating that it had penetrated the U.S. electrical grid," according to the International Business Times. IBT also reported this (emphasis added): The report issued by the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday [April 8] said Chinese, Russian and other cyber spies had intruded into the electrical grid, leaving behind software programs which could cause damage to the network if activated. This story has a huge "Duh" factor built into it. Just as nobody should have been surprised by the events of September 11, 2001, there should be no surprise that our poorly guarded electrical grid could have been (probably has been) compromised by hostile interests. A professor at Indiana University feels the same way. Fred H. Cate, director of the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research and distinguished professor at the Maurer School of Law (Indiana University), said foreign entities have been attempting to tap into such networks for years, and succeeded on multiple occasions: "The most surprising aspect of recent disclosures about cyberspies having penetrated the U.S. electrical grid is how much the disclosure seems to have surprised policymakers and the press," Cate said. "We have known for years both that foreign governments were attacking the U.S. cyberinfrastructure and that those attacks extended to power and other utilities." (Source) China's government has been busy issuing denials since WSJ ran the story: "The intrusion doesn't exist at all,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu at a press conference Wednesday, according to China’s state media Xinhua. "We hope that the concerned media will prudently deal with some groundless remarks, especially those concerning accusations against China." China, you may recall, is governed by a bunch of sadistic, sociopathic liars who habitually disable YouTube, Google and other sources of freely flowing information. They still hold Tibet and consider the Dalai Lama to be a top enemy of the state. Although China is a major trading partner of ours, they are sworn to destroy the United States. China's denial rings hollow, as does the Russian denial reported by the April 8 Wall Street Journal article: Russian and Chinese officials have denied any wrongdoing. "These are pure speculations," said Yevgeniy Khorishko, a spokesman at the Russian Embassy. "Russia has nothing to do with the cyberattacks on the U.S. infrastructure, or on any infrastructure in any other country in the world." You may recall that Russia is governed by a bunch of sadistic, sociopathic liars who habitually disable sources of freely flowing information and imprison opposition leaders. They would still hold eastern Europe as slave states if they were able to. Although Russia is a major trading partner of ours, they would love to destroy us. So what is our highly inefficient federal government doing about this? Virtually nothing, really. Barack Obama has already has "committed billions of dollars to grid-related projects, including research, development and assessment. The mission is to create efficiencies to lower costs, create savings and allow for better adoption of alternative energy sources." That's according to a report by Thomas Kostigen at But, as Kostigen points out, Obama's "Smart Grid" does not address security issues (emphasis added): Joshua Pennell is chief executive of IOActive, a security services and software assurance firm in Seattle. In a presentation to the Department of Homeland Security, Pennell says the Smart Grid has "inherent security flaws" and could further expose the country to attacks on our critical power infrastructure. His firm conducted industry research and claims that a smart grid could "expose utility companies to possible fraud, extortion attempts, lawsuits or widespread system interruption." In other words, Obama's "Smart Grid" is downright stupid. It will not only not solve current and inherent security problems, it could actually create more. Kostigen continues: Indeed, The Wall Street Journal reported this week that cyber spies already have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could help disrupt the system. The paper alleges these spies operate from Russia and China. It quotes one U.S. official as saying, "If we go to war with them, they will try to turn them on." Then again, if they do turn it on in a pre-emptive move, we would not be able to go to war with them. The bastards could walk right in. Environmentalists would welcome the invaders with chopsticks and open arms. RELATED: China denies hacking America's electrical grid Oncor says its grid is well protected from hackers IU law professor: Power breach troubling, not unexpected Before Grid Hack Reports, NERC Advises Industry on Cyber Assets Chicago News Bench RSS Feed CommieBama Hats and More

Arab Americans Attack Sen. Lieberman

Right after Barack Obama and the Democrats reached out and made nice with Senator Joe Lieberman, a Democrat who supported McCain, a Muslim group is demanding that he be removed as the chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. As noted today at Jihad Watch, "Lieberman is accused by Muslims of being, in essence, an Islamophobe." Specifically, he's being attacked by The Arab American Institute. Why? Well, because he believes that certain Muslim groups should be watched since 9/11, because he has some weird fantasy that maybe, just maybe, some of them want to kill you and me. Weird, huh? What a nut, that Joe Lieberman. Imagine, people wanting to hurt this country? Isn't that just crazy? RELATED: Arab Americans want Lieberman to lose chair Lieberman to Remain Head of Key US Senate Committee Lawmakers choosing GOP, Democratic leaders for '09 BBC NEWS Americas Lieberman heckled at Arab forum The Arab American Institute

Vatican As Hostile Nation

The Vatican is a country, a nation. Its official name (in English) is the "Holy See." Like every other nation, the Vatican has borders. The Vatican defends its borders, which it has a right to do. But the Vatican is telling another nation, the United States, that it should not defend its own borders: A top Vatican official called the Bush administration's plans for hundreds of miles of new security fences on the United States-Mexico border "inhuman." When he was asked specifically about President George W. Bush's plan to sign legislation approving the construction of 700 miles of security fences along the border, Cardinal Martino offered praise for the Catholic bishops in Mexico and the United States who have spoken against it. He called the plan "an inhuman program, which is what the construction of that wall and all others is," according to Reuters. Full Story... Cardinal Martino, who heads the Vatican's Council for Justice and Peace, is a hypocrite. And people are worried about presidential candidate Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon? What about the Catholic Rudy Giuliani? I must have missed all the stories about the Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) calling for the U.S. give up the right to defend its own borders. If you have a copy of any of those news stories, please forward them to me. Now hold on. I am NOT anti-Catholic. Get me to a Friday fish fry and I'm a happy guy. I am criticizing the Vatican, not individuals who are of the Catholic faith. So cool down. Digger wrote this outstanding headline recently: Vatican Cardinal Decries Border Walls While Standing Behind Vatican Border Walls. An excerpt from Digger's posting: These people want no borders. They do not believe in any nation defending itself - except Vatican City. They would allow terrorists, drug runners, criminals, fraudsters or anyone wanting to do harm to a country to be free to enter it and do so. Here's where the hypocrisy comes in. Cardinal Martino (a prince of the nation of the Vatican), tells us we should not enforce our borders with a wall. But the Vatican has walls. They have the Swiss Guard, which enforces their own walled border. And there are stories such as this: The Vatican's attorney general Nicola Picardi released the astounding statistic at the start of 2007: The tiny nation's justice department in 2006 had to contend with 341 civil and 486 criminal cases. In a population of 492, that measures out to 1.5 cases per person -- twenty times the corresponding rate in Italy. By this measurement at least, crime is soaring in the Vatican in spite of a security force that would put a police state to shame. The seat of the Catholic Church has one Swiss guard for every four citizens, not to mention museum guards and police assigned to the Vatican by Italy. Full Story... Digger, then, asked a reasonable question. Why is it okay for the Vatican to hide behind its walls, with a police force to guard it, but the Vatican can tell us that we cannot have a wall on our southern border? And while we're asking questions, why are so many Liberals so eager to quote the Vatican as an authority on this issue? Will those same Liberals start quoting the Vatican as an authority on abortion issue?

But, They're Just Here to Work

To all of you who keep condemning President Bush for not securing our borders (and I agree with you), here's a story that ought to disturb you deeply. More than 20 people were arrested Wednesday for allegedly using fake badges to gain access to secure areas of O'Hare Airport. Federal authorities said the arrests are the culmination of an eight-month investigation. Many of the suspects arrested are illegal immigrants, according to US Customs officials. MORE AT ABC7...

MUST READ: Did Mukasey Help Mask FBI Pre-9/11 Failures?

Author Peter Lance says Michael B. Mukasey, President Bush's nominee to replace Alberto Gonzales, may be part of a vast conspiracy that crosses political party lines. According to Lance, "Judge Mukasey helped bury the significance of Ali A, Mohamed, a shadowy figure who was working at the time for both Osama bin Laden and the FBI." This complex and multi-layered story starts in the 1980s and continues today. It involved Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and the current president, George W. Bush. It involves prosecutors and FBI officials, international intrigue. Lives are at stake here. Lance asks, "Why does it matter now that Judge Mukasey, touted by the New York Times for his prowess as an anti-terror judge, made light of Ali Mohamed's failure to show at the "Day of Terror" trial?" He answers his own question succinctly: "Because if Ali had testified, lawyers like Stavis would have ripped the lid off the years of failure by the FBI to stop bin Laden's juggernaut." Furthermore, "Al Qaeda's capabilities, their bench strength and sheer resolve to strike again at New York might have been exposed years before 9/11, giving other agencies like CIA and DIA a chance to examine the intel being gathered by Bureau agents in this country. At a minimum, Mohamed's exposure at trial would have blown his cover as a double agent and interdicted his supervision of the Embassy bombing cell. But Judge Mukasey, the man President Bush wants to run the Justice Department, didn't want to tip the jury to the significance of his absence." This is very hot stuff. Read it all, starting with Part One...

Hi-tech Invasion USA

It keeps getting worse: United States immigration and State Department officials fear that their newly developed, high-tech visas are being sold on the Mexican black market. The US government hoped the newly designed visas would help in curtailing rampant illegal immigration at the Mexican border, but investigators believe many of them are being bought or rented by Mexicans seeking illegal entry into the U.S. (Full story...) One must ask why a nation as crappy as Mexico has not had a revolution since 1920. Did I call Mexico "crappy?" Why yes, I did, and millions of Mexicans agree with me by risking life and limb crossing our border illegally to get a toe hold on a better life. Can't say I blame them. The ATM card-sized documents, which include the legal holder's photograph and scanned fingerprints, were actually developed for use in 1998 hopefully to increase security and standardize documents used by Mexicans to cross the border since so many different types of documentation made the screening process cumbersome and confusing.

About 10% of Mexicans have fled the cesspool called Mexico because they'd rather live in the barrios of L.A. or other places more hospitable to human beings than Mexico is. The deeply entrenched corruption of Mexico's public officials, from police officers to judges to federal officials has made Mexico a basket case. There is armed conflict in parts of Mexico that make Janet Reno's slaughter at Waco, Texas look like a school yard fist fight. Mexicans call these visa cards "Micas," which allow bearers to cross into the US without other supporting documents. The card also allows them to travel up to 25 miles inside California or Texas and they may remain in the US up to 30 days.

Here we are, six years after 9/11, and the borders are still porous. The Republicans and Democrats are equally to blame. Paritisanship and games playing have stood in the way of establishing real security. Not from the nice guy from Oaxaca who just wants to mow your lawn, but from the bastard terrorists who find it easy as hell to cross the border.

Enough to Make You Sick

Democrats - and some Republicans, to be sure - are being very hypocritical about the current "scare" over tuberculosis (TB). A case in point: U.S. Senator Tom Harkin, Democrat of Iowa, who is pretending to be a tough guy. Harkin, you see, is going to roll up the sleeves on his fitted shirt and ask tough questions about the TB guy that almost got away. Oh yes, tough questions. It's all make believe. It's a put on, a sham, an act for the idiots who voted for him. Harkin, who is so very upset over a single individual who entered the country with TB, is also man working very hard on laws that make it easier for thousands upon thousands of TB cases to walk right into the country, completely undetected. Harkin's voting record on immigration, however, is a bad joke. He has voted time after time after time in favor of amnesty in some form or another. He has voted against increased funding for border patrols. One example (out of many): Sen. Harkin voted against the Ensign Amendment (SA 1219) to H.R. 2360, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill. The Ensign Amendment transfers appropriated funds from the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the purpose of hiring 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents. The amendment failed, vote of 38 to 60. (Source)

Senator'furious' over TB case by BOB DEANS in Washington, ALISON YOUNG in Denver A "furious" Sen. Tom Harkin is planning to ask tough questions today about how an Atlanta man was able to travel abroad while infected with a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis, his spokesman said. Julie Gerberding, director of the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Fulton County health director Steven Katkowsky are to testify before the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that oversees funding for the CDC.

Harkin (D-Iowa) chairs the panel. At the same time, Gerberding's chief aide on global migration and quarantine issues, Martin Cetron, is scheduled to testify before the House Committee on Homeland Security.

Somebody needs to sit Senator Harkin down - strapped to a chair, if need be - and ask him a lot of "tough questions." Why, for example, his voting record on immigration has been one long train of ignoring the health threats and security threats to this nation, even after 9/11 and even with full knowledge of the health risks that accompany unregulated immigration.

RELATED: Illegal Immigration Can Make You Sick The Conservative Voice, NC - Jun 5, 2007 Let me be the first to thank Andrew Speaker – the man who has seemingly put hundreds of people in contact with his drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis: A Nightmare in Hiding Living in Peru, Peru - Jun 5, 2007 Travel and immigration make tuberculosis the world’s problem. My experience in Peru and the magnitude of TB... Australian Health, Immigration Ministers Recommend Policy Requiring HIV-Positive Migrants To Report To Health Officials Australia currently restricts those with certain communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis, from entering the country... Ministers accused of failing to act as TB cases grow Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jun 3, 2007 The government is failing to act on a plan to tackle tuberculosis amid evidence that cases of the disease are rising, according to medical experts. Escapee sent to prison The Record-Courier, NV - June 6, 2007 A 19-year-old Dayton transient who was diagnosed with tuberculosis was sentenced Monday to time served and ordered to pay a $500 fine... The majority of Americans are AGAINST this amnesty fiasco Listen to Mark Levin rant about the amnesty bill before Congress. Agree or disagree, this is guaranteed to make your blood boil!

Of Security and Lunacy, a Must-Read

Jim Pinkerton, columnist for Newsday, wrote an must-read op-ed. Weak on security By James P. Pinkerton Here are two reasons the American people don’t trust the federal government to keep them secure — and why the immigration deal is likely to fail, cracking up on the rocks of public mistrust. Consider the case of Andrew Speaker, the tort lawyer turned TB carrier. Diagnosed in January with a dangerous, drug-resistant form of tuberculosis, the Atlantan was warned against flying but flew around the world anyway, potentially jeopardizing millions.... So here’s a question: Why does DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff still have his job? His one talent seems to be as a Washington operator, keeping the lid on embarrassing inspector general reports. FULL ARTICLE...