Showing posts with label islamists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label islamists. Show all posts

THE ENEMY WITHIN: US Citizen Dies Fighting For ISIS In Syria (Updated)

Douglas McAuthur McCain
Douglas McArthur McCain
August 27, 2014 - Is Islamic State (ISIS) in America? At the very least, we know that there are U.S. citizens who are not only sympathetic to Islamist horde, but are traveling overseas to fight alongside them. CBS in San Francisco reported today that "A U.S. citizen from California was killed over the weekend in Syria while fighting for the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also known as ISIS or ISIL."

"NBC News reported the man is 33-year-old Douglas McAuthur McCain," said CBS yesterday, "who died in a battle between ISIS and another extremist group in Syria."

Facebook profile of Douglas McArthur McCain, aka Duale Mahoney
McCain was "Duale Mahoney" on Facebook
UPDATE: Another U.S. citizen has reportedly died while fighting for ISIS. On Wednesday, Aug. 27, CNN reports that "a coalition of Syrian opposition groups announced that its forces had killed another American in battle. The coalition, which calls itself the Nahrawan of Syria, did not name the fallen American." [These forces, between a rock and a hard place, are battling the extremists such as ISIS in addition to the Syrian military.] The coalition did not name the killed American and "details on the third American casualty" are sketchy at best.  CNN notes that prior to McCain's death last weekend, another American citizen, Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, "a 22-year-old from Florida who joined al-Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-linked organization that the U.S. government has blacklisted as a foreign terror organization. The group showed a video of him, and U.S. officials later confirmed, taking part in a suicide bombing earlier this year in northern Syria."

Both NBC and CBS incorrectly reported that McCain called himself ‘Duale ThaslaveofAllah’ on Facebook.  McCain's profile was actually "Duale Mahoney;" the web address of his Facebook page is ""

He was "Duale Khalid" on Twitter, with the handle @iamthetooth. His bio reads "Its Islam over everything." McCain was seemingly fervent about radical Islam, a sickness shared by many of his friends on Facebook and Twitter. McCain shared this chilling tweet with followers on June 26:

"It takes a warrior to understand a warrior. Pray for ISIS."
— Ismael patel (@patel_ismael) June 26, 2014

McCain's Facebook page has been taken over by somebody else since his death. It's unknown who has control of the page now, which is still up. McCain's sister Delecia posted, "Who ever this is on my brother page needs to get off of it RIGHT NOW this is not a joke" on Tuesday afternoon, August 26.
Douglas MacArthur McCain "liked" this picture on Facebook on Sept. 14, 2010

Perspective: Coverage of Ukraine Revolution Versus Nigeria's Boko Haram

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau
Boko Haram's Top Maniac:
Abubakar Shekau (video still)
February 26, 2014 - Mediaite's Noah Rothman seems to think that only he has access to news out of Africa. Rothman complains that the latest atrocity by Boko Haram, a mass murder of dozens of students at the Federal Government College in Yobe, Nigeria on February 24 has received less attention than it deserves and that few people are even aware of it. Specifically, Rothman complains that it got less coverage than it should have because, he seems to imply, of some disproportionate attention given to the months-long violent protests in Ukraine.

Contrary to Rothman's assertion, millions of us have heard of the most recent attack by Boko Haram on a boys' boarding school. The recent Boko Haram slaughter did receive -- and is still getting -- big coverage. (Don't take my word for it; do your own Google search for "boko haram attack.")

The headline for Rothman's post was "The Horrific Massacre of School Children by Islamic Radicals You’ve Heard Nothing About." Rothman is obviously oblivious to the fact that the story is getting big coverage worldwide and is a hot topic on Twitter today. 

The irony here is that unless Rothman broke the story himself (he didn't), he undoubtedly became aware of the story after millions of other people did, and that he did so by reading about it in some of the very media that he says have not covered it well enough. The media have breathlessly updated their reports as the official body count, initially reported as 29, has risen to at least 59 and seems likely to go still higher.

UPDATE (28 Feb 2014):
While it's true that the ongoing demonstration in Ukraine got major coverage, it's also true that Ukraine's anti-Russia, pro-EU demonstrations began months before Boko Haram's mayhem on Monday of this week. Here's where the sense of perspective by Mediaite's Rothman comes into play. The Nigeria story is getting worldwide press coverage. But compared to the events in Ukraine, which ended days ago as a full-blown coup that toppled a government, sent its former leader running from his own charges of mass murder, embarrassed Vladimir Putin and now gives inspiration to anti-government demonstrators in Venezuela, the Boko Haram story seems puny.

Boko Haram history of violence is several years old, with a string of previous bloody atrocities along the way. Those incidents have received worldwide press coverage. The most recent Boko Haram outrage was a single event that began and ended quickly, whereas the Ukraine demonstrations went on for months, building up steam and producing more drama daily. There is no mystery as to why the Ukraine story got more coverage.

I don't want to downplay the significance of Boko Haram's terror. Boko Haram is a serious problem and each of the murders they commit is horrible. The fact is, however, that they are a regional problem (for now) with no significant repercussions of great scale anywhere else in the world (at present). This fact didn't stop Rothman from posting an article late in the afternoon of February 25th in which he essentially said that the most recent act of mass murder by Boko Haram, which began on February 24th, was under-reported because of some bias on the part of the media.

As far as I can tell, the only bias was one in favor of the story of Ukraine, which is far more important globally and historically than the story of Boko Haram. At least, it is at present. Rothman's error is that he downplays -- or misunderstands -- the significance of Ukraine's government changing people's revolution and the impact it has on the Great Game between Russia and the alliance of the U.S. and E.U. Rothman asks,

"Perhaps there is a geographical bias?" Of course there is: Ukraine is on the cusp of Russia and the European Union. Russia's history with Ukraine and the strategically important Crimean Penninsula, and Ukraine's proximity and desire to join the E.U., are critical factors. If Rothman looked at a map of the region and had any understanding of the history of Ukraine and the Crimea, he would not have asked about "geographical bias." And now, post-revolution, the tensions in Ukraine remain. There are new worries of separatism, and violent clashes continue.

Boko Haram may be regionally disruptive, but it does not have the potential for causing a war between Russia and the U.S. No, that's not hyperbole: A headline today in The Telegraph (UK): "Ukraine revolution: 150,000 Russian troops on alert as US warns Putin." This is frightening stuff. "The US warned Moscow to be 'very careful' in its judgements after Vladimir Putin put armed forces in western Russia on alert, as tensions mounted in the pro-Russian Crimea over the overthrow of Moscow ally Viktor Yanukovych by pro-European protesters," reports The Telegraph. "Amid fears the country could fragment in the struggle between its pro-Russian and pro-European regions, Mr Putin flexed his military muscle by ordering war games involving 150,000 troops along the Ukrainian border."

Rothman wrote his piece prior to The Telegraph article, but anyone with a basic understanding of 20th Century history could have seen this coming. "John Kerry, the US secretary of state, urged the Kremlin to "keep its word" over the unity of Ukraine, insisting the US and Russia did not need to get into an 'old cold war confrontation' over the country. NATO also turned up the pressure on Russia, saying it would continue to support 'Ukrainian sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity, democratic development and the principle of the inviolability of frontiers'."

Nigeria? Boko Haram? Russia flexing its muscle in the Crimean tinderbox? Some perspective is in order, Mr. Rothman, please.

The Ukraine "demonstrations" turned into a full-blown coup, dramatically changing the world stage, further complicating US-Russia-EU relations, and so on. The Boko Haram attack, while horrific, will not change the scenery of international politics. Given that, the larger coverage of a coup in Ukraine was not inappropriate. The significance of the Ukraine revolution dwarfs the significance of a tragic -- albeit local -- mass murders. There is, of course, a bigger picture.

The long-term global threat from Boko Haram must be taken seriously. "As the world globalizes, jihadist factions such as Boko Haram align in-kind and gain both the intelligence and the capacity to strike in increasingly urban centers and beyond national borders," notes the Wall Street Journal. "We must make no mistake: This destabilizing network is a global problem, larger in scope and indeed in mission than the international community may presume. It is not just going to go away."

There is another irony in all of this. Rothman says Boko Haram deserves more press coverage. There is an argument to be made for that. But that's his own Western bias coming into play. Those who have to live with - or die with - the Boko Haram threat don't all agree with Rothman. In fact, many in Nigeria feel that Boko Haram should get less press coverage. Some feel that heavy news coverage of Boko Haram does more harm than good.

Beslan school siege, September 2004
Photograph: S Dal/Reuters
Rothman's article starts off his article by reminding us of the September 1, 2004 attack on school children by Chechen militants in Beslan, southern Russia. "Hundreds died [more than 330] in the standoff, including 186 children, at the hands of Islamic radicals and Russian paramilitary forces," wrote Rothman.

"The global coverage of the Beslan siege and its bloody aftermath was perfectly appropriate," Rothman wrote, saying that the Beslan massacre "deserved every ounce of ink that was devoted to informing the public about it." Fine so far, then he loses his grip: "But the coverage of that atrocity makes the lack of coverage of a similarly horrific event which occurred in Western Africa on Monday night that much more vexing."

"Lack of coverage?" What's he talking about? Is Rothman really unaware of the huge coverage being given to Monday's Boko Haram attack? It's huge. "Similary horrific?" About five times as many died in Beslan than on Monday at the Nigerian boys school. About 1,000 people were held hostage for days in Beslan, whereas the Boko Haram attack was a quick hit-and-run. The Beslan school massacre, by the way, happened roughly five years before Boko Haram began its campaign of terror in 2009-2010.

Rothman compares the 2004 Chechen terror attack on Russians, in which hundreds died, to this Monday's attack on Nigerian school boys by Boko Haram, which killed less than 100, and wonders why the more deadly attack got more coverage. Rothman seems to not have considered these possible reasons: Beslan was a far more deadly attack. Such attacks are extremely rare in Russia, and are sadly not uncommon in Nigeria (or much of Africa). Russia had engaged in major military operations in Chechnya, whereas Nigeria has not mounted a major military effort against Boko Haram. Remember, too, that Boko Haram has committed so many terror strikes since 2009 - which was not their worst to date - that another like Monday's attack on the boys' school becomes "just another one" by the group. Think of it this way: Gang shootings are so common in some American cities that they don't all get reported, and most of those that do don't get on the front page.

Rothman wrote that "Boko Haram" "literally" means "Western education is sinful" or "forbidden," but that's not quite accurate. "This name is often rendered in English [as] 'Western education is forbidden.' That translation sacrifices some potential nuance and depth," wrote Alex Thurston at Sahel Blog. "There is no definitive way to translate either the unofficial Hausa name or the official Arabic name." Rothman swallowed and regurgitated what a lot of mainstream media have said "Boko Harem" means. Boko Haram is not even the group's official name: It is "Ahl al Sunna li al Da’wa wa al Jihad."

Monday's boarding school slaughter was "not the first time that Islamic militants in Eastern Nigeria carried out an atrocity against children," wrote Rothman. "In September [2013], Islamic insurgents killed 40 students attending the College of Agriculture in Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state."

"Aside from scant reports in a handful of press outlets, these and other horrific attacks have inspired little in the way of breathless media coverage in the West," Rothman said. "The lack of coverage of this event, as opposed to a similar event in Southern Russia [Beslan], has inspired some to ask a familiar question: why do some horrific acts of violence merit coverage in the West and others do not?" As I noted earlier, the Beslan school attack was far more deadly than Monday's Boko Haram school attack, therefore more sensational, and of a type that is rare in Russia. In terms of scope alone, it deserved more coverage: It was a bigger crime.

Another factor: Armed troops battled the Chechen attackers in Beslan. There was no fight when Boko Haram struck the Nigerian boarding school, committed their murders, and fled. Rothman wrote that "Media critics were moved last week to ask why violent demonstrations in Ukraine were getting so much attention while similarly violent anti-government protests in comparatively nearby Venezuela were not. There may not be a good reason." There are several good reasons, as I have noted above.

"Perhaps there is a geographical bias?" wonders Rothman. "Perhaps American audiences are more interested in news from Eastern Europe and Southern Russia than South America and Africa because more Americans can relate to European ethnic heritage." Rothman parroted a popular myth, and ignores the current heavy coverage by U.S. media of the violent demonstrations in Venezuela and of the ongoing drug war in Mexico. He also seems to have forgotten the heavy coverage given by U.S. media to the attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya last September by Islamist terror group al-Shabab.

"Perhaps news outlets simply do not have the resources to cover events in regions of the world that do not command the geopolitical influence that Russia does," Rothman wondered. That ignores logistics, which apply to journalism just as they do to any other industry. You put your resources where they are most needed and most cost effective. Think about it: Would it make sense for CBS, ABC, FOX, and all the other major news outlets to have full news gathering centers in every backwater county, town and village in the U.S.? Of course not, and the same logic applies globally. Why should American media, then, place the resources equally in some small village in Africa as they do in Moscow, Cairo, Beijing, Johannesburg, London or other places of "geopolitical influence?"

"There may not be a good answer," Rothman lamented, "but the question deserves to be asked." Sure, ask away. But it's a naïve question for a journalist to ask, and there are plenty of good answers.

Also See:

Photos of Car Bomb Attack on French Embassy in Tripoli, Libya

April 23, 2013 - A car packed with explosives blew up in front of the French embassy in Tripoli, Libya just past 7:00 AM local time (5:00 AM GMT). Two embassy guards were injured. Here are some amazing photos taken moments after the blast by Ehab (Twitter @Eh4b10). Ehab tweeted this about the photos: "General Statement: if anyone wants to use the photos & to credit, thats fine." These were the first photos used by all of the major media in reporting the story. See our earlier post about the bombing.
Click images to enlarge them
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
The explosion burst water and sewage pipes. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
No remains of the bomb car were left outside. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Waiting for firefighters at the French embassy. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Embassy staffer asses damage, attend to wounded. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Guard pulled from embassy on a make-shift stretcher. Source: @Eh4b10 
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Bursting water and sewage pipes. Source: @Eh4b10 
Car bomb at French embassy in Tripoli, Libya damaged nearby homes
Nearby homes suffered heavy damage. Source: @Eh4b10

French Embassy Hit By Car Bomb in Libya, 2 Guards Injured (Updated)

April 23, 2013 - Updated - Reuters is reporting that a booby trapped car exploded at the French embassy in a residential part of Libya's capitol city Tripoli. The bomb caused considerable damage, injuring two of embassy guards. One of the guards is described as being "gravely injured." According to the Libya Herald, several local residents helped to rescue one of the guards.

Image from Twitter/@Eh4b10
Click Here To See More Photos
"France's embassy in Libya was hit by what appeared to be a car bomb on Tuesday, injuring two guards in the first such attack in the Libyan capital since the 2011 war that ousted Muammar Gaddafi.  "There was an attack on the embassy. We think it was a booby trapped car," a French official told Reuters. "There was a lot of damage and there are two guards wounded." ~ More at

"The explosion destroyed the outer walls of the embassy complex and the facade of the building," reports the Libya Herald. "The first floor  is destroyed. Ten vehicles parked in the street have been wrecked.  Every office in the building has been ruined, the [French] diplomat said. The blast also brought down the garden walls of two houses opposite the chancellery entrance.  It was strong enough too to blow out windows in buildings in several streets around."  The Libya Herald notes that nobody, as yet, has claimed responsibility for the bomb attack. "However," the Herald continued, "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has vowed to attack France following its intervention in Mali."

"Black smoke billowed from the wreckage of the vehicle that exploded close to the Embassy’s entrance as fire crews arrived to put out the flames. Part of the Embassy complex’s outer wall was partly destroyed in the explosion as well as two nearby cars." More at  The explosion happened just after 7:00 AM local time (5:00 AM GMT). "The blast took place in a small side street, causing extensive damage to the buildings and parked cars, our correspondent said," reports BBC.

The local authorities were slow to send help to the scene. In another report by the Libya Herald quotes a man who lives next to the French embassy, Abdurrauf Al-Alam. His home was badly damaged by the blast. He said that police and fire fighters were slow to respond.  “It took 30 minutes for the fire-fighters to arrive,” he said.  The police and security “came at 9 am”, almost two hours after the attack. Three hours after the explosion, trees on the street outside the embassy were still burning.


How France and Chicago Differ In Reaction To Shooting Deaths (Updated)

UPDATE 3/22: After an absurdly long "siege" by more than 300 French police, Mohammed Merah was killed "in a hail of bullets on Thursday as he scrambled out of a ground-floor window during a gun battle with elite police commandos." For more than 30 hours, French police attempted to get Merah out of his makeshift bunker by playing mind games with him.

Merah jumped out of a window still firing his .45 caliber Colt pistol. Police say he was dead before he hit the ground, killed by a bullet to his head. All of the mind games were for naught: Merah was firing at police during the siege, and some of his bullets could have killed police or others.

Finally, though, the police "used overwhelming firepower to end the 32-hour siege of a killer whose murders of schoolchildren and soldiers traumatised France and briefly halted a presidential campaign. The self-proclaimed Al-Qaeda militant died in an intense firefight as he tried to shoot his way out of his surrounded apartment when officers from special police forces moved in."

It would have been better, in my opinion, to have gassed Merah and then go inside to get him while incapacitated. Instead, this protracted operation by French  police endangered an entire neighborhood and bungled an opportunity to debrief a man who claimed to have ties to al-Qaeda.

My intial post from March 21: 

March 21, 2012 - Do Chicagoans really care about shootings and gun violence? They probably do, but their reaction to dozens of shootings on any given weekend is blase when compared to the way the French have reacted to a series of seven shooting deaths recently. After a 9-day shooting spree by a scooter riding Islamist, public outrage has been expressed by France's national leaders and a massive national police hunt for the shooter was mounted.

French authorities have named the suspect as 23-year-old Mohammed Merah.
 He's from Algeria but is a French citizen. Merah is the French-born son of an Algerian immigrant family. During negotiations with police, he allegedly said that he was trained by al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and that he wanted to “bring France to its knees” as revenge for France's involvement in the Afghan war.

When I first wrote this post (March 21, 3:45 PM CDT), a massive number of French police
were about to flush a suspected serial killer from a an apartment building in a suburb of Toulouse (see map).

Earlier yesterday, Merah threw another pistol out of a window, but was thought to still have an Uzi machine gun, a Kalashnikov and "other weapons," reports EuroNews.

"France held its breath on Wednesday," reports The Financial Times today, "as hundreds of police laid siege to the Toulouse flat where the gunman suspected of shooting dead three children and a teacher at a Jewish school was holding out. An antiterrorist unit raided the house in the early hours in the search for the motorcycle gunman who attacked the school on Monday. He is also believed to have killed three Muslim paratroopers in similar execution-style shootings in the area last week."

What the hell are these cops doing?
Other reports, such as in the video above, say that President Sarkozy was advised when the police raid was about to commence.

"Terrorism will not succeed in fracturing our national community," France's President Nicolas Sarkozy said in a brief address on TV according to the Bangkok Post. "I say to the entire nation that we must be united."

Sarkozy even suspended his re-election campaign to deal with what was called a "crisis" by the French, so that he could pay his respects to the victims.  The Financial Times noted, "The killing spree has captivated the country, prompting a bout of national soul-searching during what was already a bitter presidential race ahead of elections that begin next month."

Imagine Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel making a televised speech about the Chicago bloodbath(s), like the speech made by President Sarkozy about the alleged shootings by Mohammed Merah.

So, Merah killed seven people. Excuse me, the bastard "allegedly" killed seven people. That's seven tragedies too many, but compare the French "soul-searching" reaction to that of Chicago's reaction to dozens of killings on its own streets. 

"10 dead, 49 wounded in 46 shootings over the weekend in Chicago," is the headline of a March 20 article at American Thinker. "While law abiding citizens don't own guns and struggle to overturn laws banning them," notes AT, "those who laugh at such niceties as following the law, purchasing guns through authorized dealers and even stopping at stop signs, manage to obtain guns. And they use them in a brutal war being played out in some of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods, including the one so ably organized by our present president and the one about a mile from his ill gotten home."

President Sarkozy and the French people are in an uproar over the seven shootings that Mohammed Merah is suspected of committing. Sarkozy took time off from his re-election campaign to pay his respects to the dead. He was kept advised of the nationwide manhunt for Merah, and was even awakened to be told that Merah has been surrounded by over 300 police in Toulouse.

What was the reaction to 10 dead (including a 6-year old girl) and 49 wounded in Obama's bloodstained hometown Chicago?

Has President Obama been closely following the police investigations of last weekend's shootings? As Chicago police closed in on suspects, was Mayor Rahm Emanuel phoning the White House to update his former master on the latest developments? Will either Emanuel or Obama be awakened in the middle of the night to be advised of a suspect being surrounded by law enforcement? Did Obama take time off from campaigning and fund raising to pay his respects to the dead in his hometown?

The answers, of course, are no, no, no and no. To be fair, though, we also heard nothing from any of the Republican presidential candidates who campaigned ahead of Tuesday's general primary election. For that matter, does anyone recall hearing any candidates for any office in Illinois say anything about the ongoing slaughter in Chicago?

Other than police officials and a handful of religious and community leaders, what of the average Chicagoan's reaction to the shootings? Apart from a few raised eyebrows over morning headlines, it's been one big communal yawn. This is because, sadly, slaughter such as we saw last weekend has become all too commonplace in Chicago. On Tuesday, March 13 there were nine people shot in Chicago in less than eight  hours, almost like a dress rehearsal for the following weekend carnage.  On the weekend of January 27-29 there at least 20 people shot in Chicago. The examples of this are sickenly endless. (Not all of the homicides in Chicago are committed with guns, by the way. Approximately 12% are committed with knives, according to an article by Tracy Swartz at Red Eye.)

A headline in The Montreal Gazette headline said, "French fear 'monster' will strike again." The "monster" they referred to, of course, is the single shooter now surrounded by cops in Toulouse.  But in Chicago, the "monster" is a collective mob of uncivilized savages who shoot their illegal guns at will, often for no logical reason, killing just as thoroughly as any scooter riding "monster" in France. When will The Chicago Tribune or Chicago Sun-Times run a similar headline? When will the media start openly referring to the homicidal lunatics of Chicago as the monsters and savages that they are?

The French, like many Europeans these days, are terrified by guns and even by the suggestion that its citizenry should be allowed to arm themselves. "It is taboo in Europe to say that if the state fails to protect the citizens, the citizens should do so themselves," wrote Paul Belien in The Brussels Journal in 2007. "There is no Second Amendment in Europe. Even European politicians from the so-called 'right,' like Mr. Sarkozy, are horrified at the suggestion that citizens should be allowed to protect themselves against criminals."

Anne-Lorraine Schmitt:
One must wonder how different things might be in Toulouse today if the French were allowed concealed carry as they are in 49 of the 50 United States. Perhaps, just maybe, one of the people who witnessed the alleged actions of Mohammed Merah could have gotten a shot off, putting him down. Had that happened, it would have saved lives. Over 300 French police could be handing out parking tickets this evening rather than waiting to storm an apartment building to take down one man.

Perhaps Anne-Lorraine Schmitt would have been able to defend herself when Thierry Deve-Oglou, a Frenchman of Turkish origin, butchered her with a knife on a Metro line out of Paris. As Paul Belien wrote in his article, cited above, Deve-Oglou was a known serial rapist with a previous conviction.

And, perhaps, the collective spine of French people would less like the snails they love with garlic butter. But I'll give the French this: They seem to care more about the seven deaths, and one shooter, than Chicagoans care about hundreds of deaths and dozens of shooters. Sarkozy is more of a man than Obama and Emanuel combined. Oh, the almost-forgettable Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, too. Haven't heard a peep out of him regarding the recent Chicago butchery.

Mohammed Merah, the so-called "Toulouse gunman," was planning to kill more people today. The Chicago gunmen are making similar plans for tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow....
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UPDATED: NYPD Arrests Bomb Suspect; US Citizen Followed al-Qaeda; His Mom Apologizes To New York

Jose Pimentel at
Manhattan criminal court,
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011
Photo: Tom Hays, AP
Police say this surveillance 
photo shows Jose Pimentel
making a bomb
November 20, 2011 - New York City - Police arrested a man who allegedly planned to blow up police vehicles, post offices and U.S. soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. A report by the Los Angeles Times says that NYPD said that one of his motives was to "protest U.S. military presence in those countries."

That man is Jose Pimentel, age 27, (photos, top) is a native of the Dominican Republic who was raised in Manhattan and converted to Islam. According to NYPD, Pimentel was in the process of constructing a pipe bomb when they arrested him. He had been on an FBI watch list for several years. See press conference video below; also see the press release from Mayor Bloomberg's office.

Authorities recently stepped up their surveillance of Pimentel after September 30. That's when Anwar Awlaki  was killed by a U.S. drone missile strike in Yemem. Pimentel is said to have been greatly influenced by Awlaki.  CBS News has posted the entire criminal complaint against Jose Pimentel.

According to a CBS report about Pimentel, "The complaint reveals the Pimentel made numerous incriminating statements to a confidential informant during a 12-month investigation. On Sept. 7, Pimentel allegedly told the informant he was interested building small bombs targeting government or police buildings and banks. Three weeks later, he allegedly gave the informant a flash drives containing two bomb-making manuals."

On Monday, November 21, Pimentel's mother actually apologized to New York for her son's alleged actions. New York Daily News quotes Carmen Sosa, 56, as saying, “I want to apologize to the City of New York,” and “I love the city. I’ve been here since 1987 and I’m very disappointed with what my son was doing. I didn’t raise him that way." She even praised the NYPD. “I feel very bad about the situation. I thank the police. They did what they’re supposed to do.”

Stunning! Cong. Quigley Apologizes To Muslims

September 20, 2011 - In a "surprise appearance" at the American Islamic College Conference in Chicago on Saturday, Congressman Mike Quigley (IL 5th Dist.) apologized to Muslims on behalf of the United States "for discrimination."
At 2:05 minutes into the video, Quigley told the audience that "discrimination comes in many forms, many shapes and many guises."
Rep. Quigley then said, "You have my pledge to work with you, to fight them, and I think it's appropriate for me to apologize on behalf of this country for discrimination you have faced." The audience warmly applauded Quigley's apology. Quigley gave no specifics about the discrimination to which he referred in the video, which was made by friend and colleague Rebel Pundit. Leading up to his apology, Quigley made general references to "scapegoats" and people who are "different," but he offered no examples of that for which he apologized. "He rambled on about the typical racism and discrimination that the liberal left is so convinced America is rampantly infected with," wrote Rebel Pundit. "As you can see in the video.... he proceeded in his congressional capacity to apologize on behalf of the country for discrimination against muslims’ faith." In other words, Quigley implied that the U.S. has been - and still is - discriminating against Muslims within our own borders. By apologizing "on behalf of this country," Quigley was acting as your proxy. In effect, the Democrat congressman was telling a room full of Muslims that you and I have been guilty of discrimination toward them. Does this apologist speak for you? Click here for contact information for Congressman Mike Quigley. Let him know how you feel about his apology and calling this nation discriminatory. You can also tweet him at @RepMikeQuigley or visit him on Facebook at

Geert Wilders Warns America About Jihad (Videos)

In two stunning and powerful videos (below), "There are moderate Muslims," says Wilders, "but there is no moderate Islam.... The purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed." Geert Wilders, a controversial member of Parliament of The Netherlands warns of the dangers of appeasing the Islamists, both in Europe and in America. Don't believe that? Then you should read about Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi, who recently told his television viewers that "the desire to shed blood, smash skulls, and sever simbs for the sake of Allah is an honor for the believer." Although Al-Arifi is not representative of all muslim clerics, he is hardly unique among them. Al-Arifi is the kind of guy that Wilders warns us about. Al-Arifi is the kind of guy who urges terrorists to fly jets into skyscrapers. Al-Arifi embodies all that Wilders warns us about. (Find related articles under the videos.) RELATED: More Christian Democrats trust Wilders‎ DutchNews (Netherlands) How to Keep the USA From Becoming the United States of Arabia‎ FOXNews

How Israel Should Have Handled The Free Gaza Flotilla

If I had been in charge of the Israeli response to the recent, ill-fated 'Free Gaza' Flotilla, I would have handled it much differently. As it happens, Israeli soldiers boarded the Mavi Marmara, one of the ships in the flotilla, and all hell broke loose when they were violently attacked. The actual violence is not Israel's big problem. Rather, it's their own failed public relations and the fact that so much of the world is eager to condemn them without even a fair hearing. What would you have done? Let's say you're a high-ranking security person in Israel's government. Three ships are heading toward your country, which is surrounded on all sides by hostile nations and has hundreds of thousands of terrorists inside its borders. The organizers of the ships are known to be sympathetic toward the terrorists, but they claim that they're only bringing "relief" materials to them: Medical supplies, toilet paper, and other items. They make it known that they will put to port in the portion of your country that is controlled by terrorists sworn to destroy you, but all you ask of the ships is that they dock elsewhere first so that you can inspect them to be certain they are not carrying weapons the your enemies. You stand firm and insist that your country be able to inspect any ship, as allowed under international law, that comes into your territory. Does that sound unreasonable? It doesn't, if you happen to be reasonable. If, however, you are an islamist muslim who hates Israel, it might irritate you. Unless, however, you're an enemy of Israel and you want to bait them into an international incident. How to do that? You load three ships with some faithful crew who are in on the plot, bring a few hundred useful idiot passengers on board, and defy the reasonable requests of the Israelis to inspect your ships. Oh, and you have a bunch of items that are "not weapons" stacked on the decks of the ships that actually could be used for mayhem. Items such as axes, long knives, steel pipes. No guns, of course, because guns would be too incriminating. Remember, your objective is to force Israel into an embarassing and "violent" encounter with "peaceful" relief workers. Israel's response was weak, and also stupid. Sure, hind sight is 20/20, but I'm amazed that Israel did not do what I'm about to say I would have done. I would have surrounded the flotilla with my naval forces and prevented them from proceeding until they allowed us to board the ships one by one and be searched. In a crucial difference from what Israel did, I would have done this in broad daylight, not at night, and made sure that the international press was present. I would have have my media people make it known that the ships were violating international law by refusing inspection. I would have kept the flotilla sitting where we stopped them, at sea, for weeks or months if necessary, providing them with food and water and medical supplies until such time that they allowed our forces to board them and peacefully inspect them. If no weapons or contraban was found, they would be allowed to proceed. If, during this standoff, any of the ships fired on our forces, we would respond with deadly fire. Instead, Israel walked into trap with its eyes wide open. The night vision videos released by the IDF are difficult to see because color and detail are washed out. The IDF videos are open to criticism of doctoring and editing. Had the international press been present, embedded if you will, it would be much more difficult for the critics of Israel to condemn video from, say, BBC or CNN or AFP. Israel might get another chance, but I fear they will blow that as well. A June 1 report in The Jerusalem Post quotes a "top Navy commander" as saying that "Israel will use more aggressive force in the future to prevent ships from breaking the sea blockade on the Gaza Strip." Did they learn nothing in the past 48 hours? They were baited into appearing violent once, and now some idiot Navy commander promises "more aggressive force?" I agree that aggressive force, if warranted, should be applied. But Israel must remember that, fairly or unfairly, they are judged differently than other nations. They must take extra care to avoid the appearance of using violence wantonly, and only the most convincing evidence will hold their critics at bay. (No pun intended.) Update, June 3: Ironically, Hamas has since refused to allow trucks filled with "aid" items from the ships into Gaza. “Hamas has refused to allow those trucks to go in,” a senior official from the office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) told The Jerusalem Post, “and if the aid is so urgent, my question is, why are they not allowing it into Gaza?” (JawaReport) RELATED: Video Shows Passengers Attacking Israeli Soldiers‎ WCBS-TV Israel Transfers Mavi Marmara Cargo to Gaza‎ Arutz Sheva Israeli Boarding of Blockade Busting Ship Was Legal Fort Liberty Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality Peace activists acted more like provocateurs Calgary Herald

IDF Videos Show Closeup of Violent Ship Passengers

In the top video here (taken by an Israeli Defence Force naval boat) we see the "peaceful" passengers of the Mavi Marmara, one of the ships in the 'Free Gaza' Flotilla, violently attacking IDF soldiers "who were trying to board the ship after having sent repeated requests for the boat to change course." The voices you hear in the first video are IDF personnel speaking Hebrew. In the second video, (no sound), IDF provides a closeup view. "Large groups of passengers surrounded soldiers and beat them with metal poles and chairs," writes the IDF, "and threw one soldier over the side of the ship. Some passengers grabbed pistols from the IDF soldiers and opened fire. As a result of the attacks, seven IDF soldiers were injured, and nine of the passengers were killed. The 'Free Gaza' Flotilla had publicly insisted on their non-violent intentions, however their violent attack on the IDF soldiers was clearly premeditated. They had knives, metal rods, firebombs and other items ready to use. " The IDF posted these videos on YouTube on May 31, 2010. Update, June 3: Ironically, Hamas has since refused to allow trucks filled with "aid" items from the ships into Gaza. “Hamas has refused to allow those trucks to go in,” a senior official from the office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) told The Jerusalem Post, “and if the aid is so urgent, my question is, why are they not allowing it into Gaza?” (JawaReport)

Fort Hood Shooter and Prior Classified Investigations

STRATFOR security expert Fred Burton discusses the possibility that Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the suspected gunman in a massacre at Fort Hood, Texas, became the target of a classified FBI investigation months before the shootings occurred. (Source) Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Illinois Meat Plant Owner Charged With Financing Terrorists (Updated)

Updated, Nov. 26, 2009: The Chicago Terror Case: The Bollywood Connection, Al Qaeda Videos, and a Look at Jihadi Life in Wazirstan (See earlier updates below...)

Updated, June 9, 2011: Tahawwur Rana was convicted in "one of the most significant terror cases ever tried in Chicago, but the jury acquitted him of the most serious charge — that he aided a plotter in the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks," reports the Chicago Tribune. "Tahawwur Rana, 50, had been charged with helping childhood friend David Coleman Headley in terrorism plots that stretched from the North Side of Chicago to the tribal areas of Pakistan and involved the Mumbai attack as well as an aborted plan to storm a Denmark newspaper office and behead the staff." More about Tahawwur Rana at the Chicago Tribune...

CHICAGO - With Exclusive Photos (below) - A UPI headline on October 20 read, "Raid on Illinois slaughterhouse a mystery." Accounts from locals in Kinsman, Illinois say there were about 100 federal agents involved in the raid, with snipers at the ready and men paraded out of the plant at gunpoint.

The Chicago Tribune pontificated, laughably, that the affair had something to do with immigration. Everyone else felt, correctly, that the reaction was too much for a simple immigration issue. Everyone else was right. Indeed, the owner of the plant, a northside Chicago resident named Tahawwur Rana, has been charged with financing terrorists bent on carrying out operations in Europe. Rana is a Pakistani-Canadian residing in Chicago. The Tribune redeems itself with its October 27 article. An excerpt:

The owner of the plant, Tahawwur Hussain Rana, also of Chicago, was arrested at his North Side home the same day as the raid on First World Management Services in Kinsman, northwest of Dwight. Agents seized records from the plant, as well as a related North Side business also raided the same day, said the source, who is familiar with the investigation. Full article...

The Morris Daily Herald reports that "After more than a week of declining comment, federal agents shortly before 10 a.m. today, Tuesday [Oct. 27], released the details of terrorism-related charges against two Chicagoans. Both David Coleman Headley, 49, a U.S. citizen who changed his name in 2006 from Daood Gilani, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, also known as Tahawwur Rana, are associated with the Kinsman meat packing plant that federal officials raided on Oct. 18. The arrests involve their alleged roles in conspiracies to provide material support and/or commit terrorist acts against overseas targets, including a Danish newspaper [Jyllands-Posten] that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005." [Emphasis added.]

On October 21, Chicago News Bench visited Rana's home in the West Ridge neighborhood (aka "West Rogers Park"), and also the halal grocery store that he owns on Devon Avenue. We did not contact Rana, but a neighbor said he saw "many FBI agents" in the alleys and on the street at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 18. The neighbor said he counted "29 boxes" being carried out of Rana's house by FBI agents. Rana's house, a run-down hovel with a messy yard and too many satellite dishes on its roof, was dark with all curtains drawn when we photographed it at midday. See our exclusive photo slideshow below.

We then visited the grocery store that Rana owns. He was not in, we were told. Catering to this heavily Muslim neighborhood, Rana's "Chicago Grocers" at 2122-24 W. Devon is halal and zahiba (hand cut according to Islamic tradition). The place was filthy, as you can see in our video here.

West Rogers Park is a den of criminal activity, much of the worst of which is Islam related. This is a fair statement: Rana is a Muslim who was, allegedly, funding Islamic terrorists. West Ridge is also the home of the infamous Sunrise Equities scandal, in which hundreds of investors were ripped off by Salman Ibrahim and his cohorts when they fled the country in the middle of the night. Most of those investors were Muslims and trusted Ibrahim's "shariah compliant" firm to help them make money. Investors were left wondering where their life savings had gone. Ibrahim and his Sunrise Equities conspirators are still fugitives.

Updates, Oct. 27:
Prosecutors: Chicago man spoke of terror plot‎ - Associated Press
Two men arrested in Chicago for planning to attack Jyllands-Posten - Islam in Europe
FBI arrest 2 men on terror-related charges - Washington Times
Justice Department press release, Oct. 27, 2009
Chicago men plotted to blow up Danish paper that ran 'Mohammed' cartoon: cops - NY Post
Federal complaints against David Coleman Headley and Tahawar Hussain Rana - Chicago Tribune

Egypt Versus Hizbullah

In what's being called a "cold war," Egyptian leadership is waging a war or words agains terrorist organization Hiszbullah. According to the Jerusalem Post newspaper, "The Egyptian press and government officials have, for several consecutive days, been hurling insults at the Shi'ite group, in one instance comparing its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah to a monkey." Hizbullah (or "Hizbollah" or "Hezbollah") acts as a proxy for Iran. Egypt is seeking the arrest of Hezbollah chief Nasrallah. Hizbullah publicly dissed Obama last week by telling the world that "What we've heard of Obama's position on Palestine has not been encouraging. He took the exact same position as the Bush administration." Nasrallah is has praised suicide bombers and is suspected of orchestrating a number of terrorist operations, according to BBC News: "Hezbollah's military wing is believed to have been behind a large number of deadly attacks, hijackings, kidnappings of Westerners, including Terry Waite, and the bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut which killed 241 people in 1983. After Musawi was assassinated by the Israelis in 1992, Sheikh Nasrallah, aged just 32, was elected his successor." The JP report goes on to say (with emphasis added): The war of rhetoric came after Cairo uncovered a plot by Hizbullah to launch a series of terrorist attacks on Egyptian soil. The attackers also planned to strike inside Israel, according to Egypt. Meanwhile, media outlets in Iran claimed Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are preparing to jointly assassinate Nasrallah....Over the past few months, Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, and the Egyptian media have repeatedly condemned Iran's schemes for ascendancy in the region. Cairo has directed criticisms at Iran's proxies, Hamas and Hizbullah, for igniting two wars with Israel in the past three years. Hat tip: Muslims Against Sharia RELATED ITEMS, WITHIN PAST WEEK: Al-Ahram: Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah tried to overthrow Egypt's Mubarak - Ha'aretz Obama fails to win over Hizbollah - Bangkok Post Fatah Official Lashes Out at Hezbollah - Asharq Alawsat ‎Egypt Seeks Death Penalty for Hizbullah Terrorist - Arutz Sheva Egypt discovers more Gaza smuggling tunnels - AFP Egypt's Campaign against Iran Sends Washington a Signal - Washington Institute for Near East Policy Egypt: Dialogue with Iran will not Help - Asharq Alawsat Israel's Mossad assists Egyptian interrogators - PRESS TV Egyptian Hezbollah cell planned massive attack against Tel Aviv - Ha'aretz CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter


The Bench front page... Will it be war? Let us hope not, but tensions between India and Pakistan seem to be deteriorating by the hour. The Australian is reporting that India's military "chiefs" are pleading with India's leaders for permission to bomb the "al-Qa'ida-linked Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organisation near Lahore" in Pakistan, near the Indian border. UPDATE: US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is now in India to facilitate diplomacy between India and Pakistan. What she can do to ease tensions remains to be seen. RELATED: Condoleezza Rice on mission to ease India and Pakistan tensions Pak accepts terrorists may be from its territory: US Will they battle terror or each other? Rice in India to ease tension with Pakistan Pakistan, India assert right to self-defense Pakistan says Pranab's military action statement won't help Italy arrests two jihadists planning attacks on Italian civilians

LSD, Cocaine Helped Fuel Terror in Mumbai

The Bench front page... Cocaine partially fueled the terrorist rampage in Mumbai last week. So reports CBS3 (Philadephia) in an Associated Press story today. MUMBAI, India (AP) The gunmen who went on a rampage in Mumbai, India for almost three days had drugs in their system and drug paraphernalia, such as syringes, were recovered from the scene of the assaults, according to British paper the Telegraph: The killers were doing more than cocaine: "We found injections containing traces of cocaine and LSD left behind by the terrorists and later found drugs in their blood," an official told the Telegraph. The official also noted that "There was also evidence of steroids, which isn't uncommon in terrorists." More at CBS-13... RELATED: Mumbai attacks: Jews tortured before executed during hostage crisis India demands Pakistan turn over 20 fugitives US official: India attack may have Pakistani roots India was warned of Mumbai attack, US officials say