LSD, Cocaine Helped Fuel Terror in Mumbai

The Bench front page... Cocaine partially fueled the terrorist rampage in Mumbai last week. So reports CBS3 (Philadephia) in an Associated Press story today. MUMBAI, India (AP) The gunmen who went on a rampage in Mumbai, India for almost three days had drugs in their system and drug paraphernalia, such as syringes, were recovered from the scene of the assaults, according to British paper the Telegraph: The killers were doing more than cocaine: "We found injections containing traces of cocaine and LSD left behind by the terrorists and later found drugs in their blood," an official told the Telegraph. The official also noted that "There was also evidence of steroids, which isn't uncommon in terrorists." More at CBS-13... RELATED: Mumbai attacks: Jews tortured before executed during hostage crisis India demands Pakistan turn over 20 fugitives US official: India attack may have Pakistani roots India was warned of Mumbai attack, US officials say

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