Photos of Car Bomb Attack on French Embassy in Tripoli, Libya

April 23, 2013 - A car packed with explosives blew up in front of the French embassy in Tripoli, Libya just past 7:00 AM local time (5:00 AM GMT). Two embassy guards were injured. Here are some amazing photos taken moments after the blast by Ehab (Twitter @Eh4b10). Ehab tweeted this about the photos: "General Statement: if anyone wants to use the photos & to credit, thats fine." These were the first photos used by all of the major media in reporting the story. See our earlier post about the bombing.
Click images to enlarge them
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
The explosion burst water and sewage pipes. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
No remains of the bomb car were left outside. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Waiting for firefighters at the French embassy. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Embassy staffer asses damage, attend to wounded. Source: @Eh4b10
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Guard pulled from embassy on a make-shift stretcher. Source: @Eh4b10 
Car bomb damages French embassy in Tripoli, Libya
Bursting water and sewage pipes. Source: @Eh4b10 
Car bomb at French embassy in Tripoli, Libya damaged nearby homes
Nearby homes suffered heavy damage. Source: @Eh4b10