Showing posts with label shootings in Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shootings in Chicago. Show all posts

Update #6: Chicago More Violent, But Media Obsesses On Santa Monica Shooting Spree

June 8, 2013 (1:00 AM CDT) - By Santa Monica standards, Friday was horrific. Five people were killed, including a crazed gunman, and five others wounded in Santa Monica, CA. One victim was hospitalized in critical condition.

By Chicago standards, that's a quiet weekend. At 4:40 PM on Saturday, I am listening to the Chicago PD scanner frequencies and hearing numerous reports of "man with a gun," "shots fired" and other mayhem. At least 13 people shot citywide mid-way through the weekend in Chicago (details at the Chicago Tribune). Keep in mind that in addition to people being shot, there are others being knifed, beaten with fists and blunt instruments, raped and robbed.

Update, 3:15 AM CDT, June 10: Make that 18 shot, two of which died...

While all that is happening, the national news media is obsessing on Friday's shootings in Santa Monica. Battlefield Chicago is more violent, but it is being overlooked. 

The Santa Monica killer, now dead, was a crazed individual with a semi-automatic rifle. His first two victims were his own brother and father. He fired at the house they were in, causing the house to catch fire. "As the house burst into flames, the man wounded a woman in a car before moving toward the campus, spraying bullets as he went. Police said he opened fire on a city bus, a police car and other vehicles, as well as bystanders and pedestrians," reports CBS News.

"As the house burst into flames, the man wounded a woman in a car before moving toward the campus, spraying bullets as he went," says CBS. "Police said he opened fire on a city bus, a police car and other vehicles, as well as bystanders and pedestrians." He continued on, killing the driver of an SUV and two of its passengers, and then mortally wounded a woman on the Santa Monica College campus. (She died at a nearby hospital.) Police made their way into the library, where they fatally shot the gunman.

Chicago: Crying for the Dying
The media initially reported the death toll as six or seven. After the dust settled, however, authorities downgraded that to four. So, four dead. Five wounded, one critically. A horrific day in Santa Monica.

The City That Bleeds

By Chicago standards, four dead and five wounded is a slow Friday night. As a total, it would be considered a very quiet weekend in The City That Bleeds.

Update, 01:15 AM, June 8: Moments after we published this post, we learned that there was another shooting in Chicago shortly after midnight.  Reports indicated two victims were shot, one in his head and one in his chest, on W. Lake Street at N. Central Park. At 1:49 AM, the Chicago Tribune posted a story online. (As of 3:15 AM on Monday morning, there were two dead plus another 16 wounded.)

With that in mind, add two more to the headline below

Consider this June 7 headline from CBS2 Chicago: "At Least 8 Wounded In City Shootings Since Friday Afternoon." TGIF, the weekend has just begun. Highlights from that June 7 story:
  • "Three to five people were wounded during a Friday evening shooting in West Englewood..."
  • "In the Gage Park neighborhood, a man was critically wounded in a possible drive-by shooting about 8:15 p.m., police said. The 19-year-old was shot multiple times in the chest and back....and listed in critical condition late Friday."
  • "A man was critically wounded in the Edgewater neighborhood about 8 p.m. [The victim] was shot in the mouth in the 5400 block of North Magnolia Avenue. He was taken in critical condition to Illinois Masonic, fire media said."
  • "In the Austin neighborhood, a male was shot in the ankle about 7:30 p.m...."
  • A 15-year-old boy was shot in the leg "when a white SUV approached and a person got out and shot him about 3:30 p.m., police said." The boy is thought to be a gang member "who was shouting gang slogans at the passing SUV, which contained rival gang members, a police source said."
  • "In the South Shore neighborhood, a teenage boy was shot in the arm about 1:50 p.m." and taken to a hospital in stable condition.
Bad, right? Consider this headline from the day before, on Thursday, June 6, from ABC7 Chicago: "2 killed; 7, including boy, 9, hurt in Chicago shootings." Also consider this one, on May 30 from CBS News: "Four dead and 11 injured in shootings since Wednesday afternoon." Those stories of slaughter and mayhem happened on weekdays. The weekends in Chicago are even worse. Google "violent weekend in Chicago" and see for yourself.

Say a prayer for the four dead and five wounded in Santa Monica. Please also pray for the thousands of Chicagoans, dead and wounded. Pray that Chicago makes it through another, predictably violent weekend.

Also See:

How France and Chicago Differ In Reaction To Shooting Deaths (Updated)

UPDATE 3/22: After an absurdly long "siege" by more than 300 French police, Mohammed Merah was killed "in a hail of bullets on Thursday as he scrambled out of a ground-floor window during a gun battle with elite police commandos." For more than 30 hours, French police attempted to get Merah out of his makeshift bunker by playing mind games with him.

Merah jumped out of a window still firing his .45 caliber Colt pistol. Police say he was dead before he hit the ground, killed by a bullet to his head. All of the mind games were for naught: Merah was firing at police during the siege, and some of his bullets could have killed police or others.

Finally, though, the police "used overwhelming firepower to end the 32-hour siege of a killer whose murders of schoolchildren and soldiers traumatised France and briefly halted a presidential campaign. The self-proclaimed Al-Qaeda militant died in an intense firefight as he tried to shoot his way out of his surrounded apartment when officers from special police forces moved in."

It would have been better, in my opinion, to have gassed Merah and then go inside to get him while incapacitated. Instead, this protracted operation by French  police endangered an entire neighborhood and bungled an opportunity to debrief a man who claimed to have ties to al-Qaeda.

My intial post from March 21: 

March 21, 2012 - Do Chicagoans really care about shootings and gun violence? They probably do, but their reaction to dozens of shootings on any given weekend is blase when compared to the way the French have reacted to a series of seven shooting deaths recently. After a 9-day shooting spree by a scooter riding Islamist, public outrage has been expressed by France's national leaders and a massive national police hunt for the shooter was mounted.

French authorities have named the suspect as 23-year-old Mohammed Merah.
 He's from Algeria but is a French citizen. Merah is the French-born son of an Algerian immigrant family. During negotiations with police, he allegedly said that he was trained by al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and that he wanted to “bring France to its knees” as revenge for France's involvement in the Afghan war.

When I first wrote this post (March 21, 3:45 PM CDT), a massive number of French police
were about to flush a suspected serial killer from a an apartment building in a suburb of Toulouse (see map).

Earlier yesterday, Merah threw another pistol out of a window, but was thought to still have an Uzi machine gun, a Kalashnikov and "other weapons," reports EuroNews.

"France held its breath on Wednesday," reports The Financial Times today, "as hundreds of police laid siege to the Toulouse flat where the gunman suspected of shooting dead three children and a teacher at a Jewish school was holding out. An antiterrorist unit raided the house in the early hours in the search for the motorcycle gunman who attacked the school on Monday. He is also believed to have killed three Muslim paratroopers in similar execution-style shootings in the area last week."

What the hell are these cops doing?
Other reports, such as in the video above, say that President Sarkozy was advised when the police raid was about to commence.

"Terrorism will not succeed in fracturing our national community," France's President Nicolas Sarkozy said in a brief address on TV according to the Bangkok Post. "I say to the entire nation that we must be united."

Sarkozy even suspended his re-election campaign to deal with what was called a "crisis" by the French, so that he could pay his respects to the victims.  The Financial Times noted, "The killing spree has captivated the country, prompting a bout of national soul-searching during what was already a bitter presidential race ahead of elections that begin next month."

Imagine Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel making a televised speech about the Chicago bloodbath(s), like the speech made by President Sarkozy about the alleged shootings by Mohammed Merah.

So, Merah killed seven people. Excuse me, the bastard "allegedly" killed seven people. That's seven tragedies too many, but compare the French "soul-searching" reaction to that of Chicago's reaction to dozens of killings on its own streets. 

"10 dead, 49 wounded in 46 shootings over the weekend in Chicago," is the headline of a March 20 article at American Thinker. "While law abiding citizens don't own guns and struggle to overturn laws banning them," notes AT, "those who laugh at such niceties as following the law, purchasing guns through authorized dealers and even stopping at stop signs, manage to obtain guns. And they use them in a brutal war being played out in some of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods, including the one so ably organized by our present president and the one about a mile from his ill gotten home."

President Sarkozy and the French people are in an uproar over the seven shootings that Mohammed Merah is suspected of committing. Sarkozy took time off from his re-election campaign to pay his respects to the dead. He was kept advised of the nationwide manhunt for Merah, and was even awakened to be told that Merah has been surrounded by over 300 police in Toulouse.

What was the reaction to 10 dead (including a 6-year old girl) and 49 wounded in Obama's bloodstained hometown Chicago?

Has President Obama been closely following the police investigations of last weekend's shootings? As Chicago police closed in on suspects, was Mayor Rahm Emanuel phoning the White House to update his former master on the latest developments? Will either Emanuel or Obama be awakened in the middle of the night to be advised of a suspect being surrounded by law enforcement? Did Obama take time off from campaigning and fund raising to pay his respects to the dead in his hometown?

The answers, of course, are no, no, no and no. To be fair, though, we also heard nothing from any of the Republican presidential candidates who campaigned ahead of Tuesday's general primary election. For that matter, does anyone recall hearing any candidates for any office in Illinois say anything about the ongoing slaughter in Chicago?

Other than police officials and a handful of religious and community leaders, what of the average Chicagoan's reaction to the shootings? Apart from a few raised eyebrows over morning headlines, it's been one big communal yawn. This is because, sadly, slaughter such as we saw last weekend has become all too commonplace in Chicago. On Tuesday, March 13 there were nine people shot in Chicago in less than eight  hours, almost like a dress rehearsal for the following weekend carnage.  On the weekend of January 27-29 there at least 20 people shot in Chicago. The examples of this are sickenly endless. (Not all of the homicides in Chicago are committed with guns, by the way. Approximately 12% are committed with knives, according to an article by Tracy Swartz at Red Eye.)

A headline in The Montreal Gazette headline said, "French fear 'monster' will strike again." The "monster" they referred to, of course, is the single shooter now surrounded by cops in Toulouse.  But in Chicago, the "monster" is a collective mob of uncivilized savages who shoot their illegal guns at will, often for no logical reason, killing just as thoroughly as any scooter riding "monster" in France. When will The Chicago Tribune or Chicago Sun-Times run a similar headline? When will the media start openly referring to the homicidal lunatics of Chicago as the monsters and savages that they are?

The French, like many Europeans these days, are terrified by guns and even by the suggestion that its citizenry should be allowed to arm themselves. "It is taboo in Europe to say that if the state fails to protect the citizens, the citizens should do so themselves," wrote Paul Belien in The Brussels Journal in 2007. "There is no Second Amendment in Europe. Even European politicians from the so-called 'right,' like Mr. Sarkozy, are horrified at the suggestion that citizens should be allowed to protect themselves against criminals."

Anne-Lorraine Schmitt:
One must wonder how different things might be in Toulouse today if the French were allowed concealed carry as they are in 49 of the 50 United States. Perhaps, just maybe, one of the people who witnessed the alleged actions of Mohammed Merah could have gotten a shot off, putting him down. Had that happened, it would have saved lives. Over 300 French police could be handing out parking tickets this evening rather than waiting to storm an apartment building to take down one man.

Perhaps Anne-Lorraine Schmitt would have been able to defend herself when Thierry Deve-Oglou, a Frenchman of Turkish origin, butchered her with a knife on a Metro line out of Paris. As Paul Belien wrote in his article, cited above, Deve-Oglou was a known serial rapist with a previous conviction.

And, perhaps, the collective spine of French people would less like the snails they love with garlic butter. But I'll give the French this: They seem to care more about the seven deaths, and one shooter, than Chicagoans care about hundreds of deaths and dozens of shooters. Sarkozy is more of a man than Obama and Emanuel combined. Oh, the almost-forgettable Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, too. Haven't heard a peep out of him regarding the recent Chicago butchery.

Mohammed Merah, the so-called "Toulouse gunman," was planning to kill more people today. The Chicago gunmen are making similar plans for tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow....
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Exclusive: 9/21 Shooting in Uptown Was A Drive-By (Photos)

18 Hours Later, Sidewalk Still Bloody
Sept. 22, 2010 - Chicago - Last night's 6:00 p.m. shooting in Uptown was a drive-by. Two people were struck by bullets in front of Midtown Medical Center, 4527 North Sheridan Road (at the intersection of West Windsor Avenue). Nobody else is reporting this, but an eyewitness told Chicago News Bench today that the gunfire came from a "grayish" car as it drove southbound on Sheridan past the medical office. The witness said that there were "at least three people in the car." After the shooting, the car turned right onto West Sunnyside Avenue (see map) and made a U-turn. It then drove back, northbound, and passed through the scene of the shooting. Police were already arriving as the shooter's car passed by the second time, the witness said. There was no more gunfire after the first shots on the car's first pass. "They just drove right on through," the witness said, "because the police didn't know yet that this was the shooter's car. I told them what I saw, and then they started looking for that car." A readers tells us that the CAPS Beat 2312 meeting was told that police were on the crime scene in seconds because they were just up the street already. What the CAPS meeting was not told, however, was that the shooter casually drove right past them. The account that the witness gave Chicago News Bench today jives with what we reported last night. In our report, we said that the police are searching for a suspect "Pregnant Girl, Man Shot In Uptown"). whose name is Lonnie White, a Gangster Disciple and who "may be driving a silver/gray mid-sized Buick." Again, we are the only ones to have reported this so far. Note: Unlike Uptown Update, I actually get off my fat butt and walk the streets in search of information. We like commenters, but we don't like to rely on rumor and innuendo from anonymous emails. That's not journalism. It's gossip.
Click images to enlarge them

Police Searching For Suspect In Tuesday's Uptown Shooting

Sept. 21, 2010 - 8:20 p.m. - Chicago police are searching for a suspect in the shooting that occurred around 6:00 p.m. near North Sheridan Road and West Wilson Avenue (see "Pregnant Girl, Man Shot In Uptown"). The suspect is Lonnie White, is a Gangster Disciple and may be driving a silver/gray mid-sized buick. DO NOT APPROACH HIM. He is considered armed and dangerous. Call 911. His name: Lonnie White, Black male, late 20s/early 30s. His last known address is the 4800 block of North Winthrop. Height: 5 feet, 9 inches. Weight: 255 lbs. Details are as heard on the CPD police radio at 8:25 p.m.

Pregnant Girl, Man Shot In Uptown

Sept. 21, 2010 - Uptown, Chicago - Four Two people were shot in the 4500 block of North Sheridan Road just past 6:00 p.m. today, just south of W. Wilson Avenue in front of Midtown Medical Center. WGN TV reports that the victims were a pregnant 17-year old girl and a 29-year old man. The conditions of the victims are unknown at this time. UPDATE: Police Searching For Suspect In Tonight's Uptown Shooting

The Bloody Gutter of N. Kenmore Avenue

Blood flowed in the 4600 block of N. Kenmore at 4:00 a.m. this morning (see full story here). It quickly congealed, of course, but it flowed again hours latet at 9:05 a.m. when the Chicago Fire Department stopped by to spray down the reddened pavement. This is the usual procedure when the streets or sidewalks are stained with blood -- unceremoniously hose it down. It was off the street and into the gutter, but the process aerosolized it. The air on Kenmore, however briefly, was literally bloody.

Updated - CPD's Mobile Strike Force Invades Uptown

August 6, 2010 - 8:15 PM - CHICAGO - You'll see more police than usual on the streets of Uptown tonight. Between 40 and 44 Mobile Strike Force (MSF) vehicles are making a show of force on the troubled streets of Uptown tonight. UPDATE: Shots Fired in Uptown: 7-Eleven at 4155 N Broadway at Chicago News Report "They'll be responding in force to just about everything," a well-place CPD source told Chicago News Bench tonight. "Broken windows, prostitution, everything. They're out to clean it up." You might also see a helicopter or two tonight. The MSF consists mostly of special-duty officers who are not restricted to any particular beat or district. The MSF moves into an area as needed, and it's been decided that it's time for them to make a rare North Side appearance. The MSF was created in 2008. Uptown is on the far north side of Chicago, along the shore of Lake Michigan. Although it might not be as bad as some areas of Chicago, there are parts of it that are as bad as the notorious Austin District on the West Side. The area from N. Sheridan and W. Wilson west to N. Magnolia, for example. On July 28, two men were shot in the late afternoon in the 4500 block of N. Magnolia. One died immediately, falling dead in the street (the media reported incorrectly the nontruth from CPD that he died after 1:00 a.m. the next morning in a hospital). The next day, July 29, there was retaliatory gang shooting a few blocks away. Nobody was reported injured during that afternoon spree near W. Sunnyside and N. Sheridan. Those shooting incidents are only two of many that have occurred in Uptown's 46th Ward over the years. For more about shootings in Uptown, click here. While some may criticize the MSF presence in Uptown the sign of a "Police State," we say it's a rational, welcome and overdue response to the growing Gangster State.

Idiot Shoots Self in Hand at Broadway and Sunnyside

August 5, 2010 - Chicago - At 6:00 p.m. a person suffered a gunshot wound to their own hand. The were standing at the intersection of N. Broadway and W. Sunnyside, near the new Target store in Uptown. It is not known why the person had the gun or why they shot their own hand. At 6:12 p.m., Chicago police radioed that the victim was being taken to nearby Weiss Memorial Hospital. This might be related to an earlier shooting today at 2:45 p.m. at nearby Hazel and Sunnyside. Uptown Update has that...

Chicago Shootings Continue Overnight in Uptown and Roseland

August 3, 2010 - When will it end? Despite earnest and "uneasy" candlelight vigils to remember the dead and ward off evil spirits, the gangs and criminally insane just keep killing. To wit, a shooitng last night around 11:00 p.m. in the 10500 block of South LaSalle Street, another shooting about an hour later in the 12300 block of South Normal Avenue, and a third just past 2:30 a.m. in Uptown today. According to Chicago Breaking News, "a 20-year-old man was shot in the abdomen in the 1000 block of West Lawrence Avenue. He was reported stable at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center." Details, full story... Chicago News Bench has learned that the man's first name is Warren and he was accompanied by two females when he was shot. The Lawrence Avenue shooting happened about half a block from the home of James Cappelman, candidate for 46th Ward alderman. There were no Official Positive Loiterers present to keep Lawrence Avenue free of crime. State Senator Heather Steans would not return my phone calls about her own positive loitering efforts even if I tried to call her. RELATED: Chicago Killings Continue Despite Useless Uptown Peace Vigil

More Shooting In Uptown, July 29; Retaliation For Magnolia Murder

Chicago - July 29 - Early this afternoon, gangsters were shooting at each other in the 4500 block of N. Sheridan near W. Sunnyside. Sources tell Chicago News Bench that the gunplay was between Gangster Disciples and Black P Stones and was in retaliation for the July 28 double shooting in the 4500 block of N. Magnolia. The same sources say they fear more violence tonight and possibly through the week. Watch your backs, Uptown, and be ready to duck.

Three Uptown Shootings, One Fatal, In 24 Hours

Yet another Uptown shooting on July 7 to report. We note it today for the record. This shooting is one of at least three within a 24-hour period. Around 1:25 a.m. on Wednesday, July 7, a man was fatally shot in the back at Clarendon Park. Three hours later, at 4:35 a.m., four shots were fired at man in his vehicle around 4700 N. Winthrop; he was not injured. Then, as reported by CBS2 Chicago, a man was hit by gunfire in the 1400 block of W. Montrose at 6:25 p.m. Quoting from CBS2 Chicago: A man was shot and wounded Wednesday night [July 7] in the Uptown neighborhood, outside the iconic Graceland Cemetery. The 29-year-old man was walking in the 1400 block of West Montrose Avenue when he heard shots and felt pain about 6:25 p.m., police said. The shooting happened outside the north end of Graceland Cemetery, 4001 N. Clark St. The man suffered a gunshot wound to the abdomen area and was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, where he was in stable condition Wednesday night, police said. The gunman is not known and there were no reports of anyone in custody Thursday morning.... NOTE: CBS2 contradicted itself and showed its lack of familiarity with the neighborhood by giving the 4001 N. Clark address (map) and also saying that the shooting "happened outside the north end of Graceland Cemetery." The 4001 N. Clark address that CBS2 gave is at N. Clark and W. Irving Park Road, which is seven blocks south of the shooting scene in "the 1400 block of West Montrose Avenue." ANOTHER NOTE: Where were the "positive loiterers," and do they really think that loitering positively on one corner will stop violence in any neighborhood?

Chicago Police Officer Killed in Englewood (Updated)

Tragedy for the Chicago Police Department on Wednesday, July 7, as reported by the Sun-Times: "A Chicago Police officer [Officer Thor Soderberg] was shot in the head and killed this afternoon during an apparent robbery outside a South Side police facility. The officer was shot at 3:48 p.m. at 61st and Racine — the old Englewood District police station that is now used by the department’s targeted response and gang enforcement units.... He was shot in the head in a parking lot outside the facility in an apparent robbery attempt. At least one other officer shot the suspected robber in the chest, but he was not killed, the sources said...." Full Article... A suspect is in custody, reports The Chicago Tribune (6:22 p.m., 7/7/10): "The suspect was shot and wounded by another officer, and taken into custody, sources said. The suspect was transported to a local hospital, but the condition was unavailable." On July 8, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Officer Soderberg was "an academy instructor who volunteered his time by serving as a guide to a blind triathlete." The Sun-Times also said that "Soderberg had finished his shift and was standing near his car when a 24-year-old man attacked -- disarming him and shooting him with the officer's own weapon," a CPD spokeman said. "The suspect ran away and then robbed a civilian, police said." According to other reports, police heard shots fired by the suspect with Soderberg's gun. The July 8 Sun-Times report quoted the CPD spokesman as saying that police officers from that police station "exchanged gunfire with the suspect, who was shot in the abdomen," and that "the suspect, a convicted felon, was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he is under guard." The suspect is said to have 21 previous arrests on his record, including an incident in which he shot his own brother. The man was arrested on July 4, 2006 "for wounding his own brother with a .32-caliber handgun, according to police records," says the Sun-Times, which notes that he "was charged with aggravated battery, but the case was later dismissed, court records show." RELATED: Suspect in Shooting Officer Thor Soderberg in Hospital‎ MyFoxChicago Chicago police officer killed in South Side shooting C·Different Foundation - Thor Soderberg 6 months, 217 deaths: Chicago Homicide Data‎ ChicagoNow City Council passes quick new gun ordinances‎ 1 dead, 2 wounded in West Englewood shooting Chicago Breaking News (July 4, 2010) VIDEO: Englewood Erupts in Violence NBC Chicago (April 2, 2010) Gang wars make South Side city's deadliest Chicago Defender (August 20, 2008) If Chicago's West and South sides were their own cities, they'd be the deadliest and most violent in America ChicagoNow (June 16, 2010)

Man Shot in Back, Dies in Uptown, Chicago (Updated)

July 7, 2010 - Chicago - Two men came under gun fire in Uptown early this morning. One of them died, the other escaped without injury. As reported here first, two men on bikes opened fire on passing motorist at W. Leland and N. Winthrop around 4:35 a.m. No injuries there, but in another incident three hours ealier Detrick Garrett (photo) died after being shot at Clarendon Park (map). Details: About 1:26 a.m., a 29-year-old man was shot multiple times in the Uptown neighborhood on Chicago's North Side. The man was identified as Detrick Garrett of the 4500 block of North Sheridan Road.... Garrett was pronounced dead at 2:04 a.m. at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Officers responded to the scene in the 4500 block of North Clarendon Avenue and found Garrett shot several times. He was taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries. More at Chicago Breaking News... There were no "positive loiterers" observed at either shooting scene. Take note, positive loiterers: Crime does not follow your schedule, it doesn't care what corner you're "protecting," and is not deterred by your delusional Batman complex.

Don Nowotny On Latest Broadway-Wilson Shooting

June 28, 2010 - What are the politicians in Chicago's 46th Ward have to say about last night's double shooting in Uptown? Virtually nothing, that's what. Chicago's Uptown is all abuzz with talk of last night's senseless shooting. Around 9:25 p.m. on Sunday, a man fired a pistol into the intersection of N. Broadway and W. Wilson, the scene of many shootings in the past. Two men were injured, one with minor shoulder wound but another with a serious bullet wound to his abdomen. Uptown is notorious as one of the most violent neighborhoods on the northern lakefront of Chicago. The issue of violence - especially gang violence - is guaranteed to be a major issue in the 46th Ward in the February, 2011 aldermanic election. The only aldermanic candidate who returned my phone calls today was Don Nowotny. Alderman Helen Shiller's website has nothing about the shooting (as of 8:45 p.m.). Shiller's website does not even have a "news" section (most aldermen's websites do.) James Cappleman's aldermanic campaign website has nothing (as of 8:45 p.m.), nor did his Facebook or Twitter pages. Cappleman's partner, Richard Thale, is the CAPS facilitator on police beat 2312 and leader of a small group of "positive loiterers." As such, one would think that both he and Cappleman would have been aware of the shooting within minutes of it happening last night. Both men are gay, so it's hard to believe that neither would have anticipated the mass exodus after the big Gay Pride party in nearby Lincoln Park last night. That would have been the ideal time to have their "positive loiterers" loitering at Broadway and Wilson. But to be fair, even if they had been there last night, could they have - would they have - pounced on the shooter as he pointed his gun? Neither Cappleman nor Thale ran the two short blocks from their home to the scene of last night's shooting to see it for themselves. Did nobody call either of them? I know for a fact that both men were aware of the shooting by 11:00 p.m. last night. Why no public statement yet? My 5:00 p.m. voicemail to Richard Thale's phone today has still not been returned. This evening, at 7:00 p.m., about a dozen of Thale's positive loiterers were standing with their dogs at the intersection of N. Broadway and W. Wilson, the scene of last night's shooting. Why? To deter another shooting? While hundreds of people passed through the intersection last night in a peaceful and orderly fashion, acting in effect as positive loiterers, a lunatic opened fire into the crowd. Do James Cappleman and Richard Thale really believe that twelve people are a deterent to crime on that very troubled corner? Or is it just political opportunism in play, a chance to get out there to show the world that they care so much about that corner? (If they care so much, why did it take them 22.5 hours to walk over there after the most recent shooting?) I walked up to the group and hung around from 7:12 - 8:00 p.m. Thale and Cappleman both saw me. Both men know me. We made eye contact, nods were exchanged. I took their photos. They said nothing to me. In fact, they did their best to ignore me. Don Nowotny is also running for alderman in the 46th. He was good enough to return my phone call early this evening, even though he was at "an event." Like Cappleman and Shiller, Nowotny still has nothing on his website, Twitter or Facebook pages. Unlike Cappleman and Shiller, however, he has a good excuse. As the 46th Ward Superintendent for Streets and Sanitation, Nowotny gets up at 4:30 a.m. to be at work by 6:00 a.m. Because of his schedule, he was in bed before the shooting. He said that he learned about it around 5:15 a.m. when he read a news story online. Being in a hurry to get to work, of course, he did not pause to post something on the web. "Shootings are something that everyone in the ward is outraged by," Nowotny told Chicago News Bench by phone. Amongst other things, he said, "we need to work together to eliminate the gangs." "Police cameras, CAPS, the alderman's office and the 19th and 23rd police districts are all very important," Nowotny said. "Safety is at the top of my issues in my campaign." There is currently no police camera at the intersection of Wilson and Broadway. "I would put a police camera at every corner where there is know to be gang activity," Nowotny said. The Cappleman-Thale Loiterers were gone by 9:00 p.m. this evening. Had a gang gun battle broken out, which is not unusual for that corner, could they have - would they have - pounced on the shooters as they pointed their guns? Had the local television news crews shown up tonight, would Cappleman-Thale have declared that they had made that corner safe?

Slideshow - Shooting At Wilson and Broadway, Chicago, June 27

More photos that I took at the scene of the crime, moments after some nutjob opened fire at N. Broadway and W. Wilson on the night of June 27. For the full story see "Shooting In Uptown, Chicago Injures Two (Updated)."

Uptown's Positive Loiterers: Useless

"Positive loitering," a theoretical way of "fighting crime" and "taking back the streets," failed yet again last week in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood. For all the overblown attention it has gotten, and all of the hyperventilated praise, "positive loitering" did not prevent a near-tragedy last Thursday, nor has it prevented a number of other violent incidents in a neighbor where positive loitering promoters claim to have made a difference.

In short, "positive loitering" - as practiced in Uptown, anyway - is a useless social activity that accomplished nothing more than an occasional social event for a handful of frightened gentry commendably trying to diminish crime, albeit with misguided and futile tactics and strategy.

On Thursday, February 25, at least two reputed gang members, both male, were standing on a very busy street corner in Uptown at 4:15 p.m. In broad daylight, with at about 100 people walking through or near the intersection of N. Broadway and W. Wilson, at least one of the men aimed his gun across the street and fired five or six bullets. One of those bullets hit a woman in her leg as she stood at a bus stop, her baby next to her in a stroller.

The following day, there was no "positive loitering" group hanging out at that dangerous intersection. That's significant, because Friday is the favorite day for Uptown's "positive loiterers" to attend to their self-appointed duty of cleaning up a neighborhood that is dire need of a good sweeping-out. Not only did the positive loiterers not prevent a crime at Wilson and Broadway, they chose to stay away from the intersection the following day. Quick review: There were dozens of people, perhaps 100 or so, standing around, walking around, and some loitering on that intersection during daylight. A number of other people were inside shops. Hundreds more were driving through in all directions. A police squad car was parked across the street from the shooters, sitting in front of the Wilson CTA station entrance. And yet, despite dozens of potential witnesses, despite the cop in plain view, despite the many who were simply loitering, two men felt bold enough to fire bullets while standing on the curb in plain sight.

I've been critical of "positive loitering" (PL) in the past, and I'm going to lambast them again now. There were no self-proclaimed "positive loiterers" at Wilson and Broadway at 4:15 p.m. last Thursday.

The positive loitering group in Uptown is sponsored by the Uptown Chicago Commission. It's the group that has gotten so much press is headed by Richard Thale, who is the CAPS facilitator on police beat 2312. Mr. Thale and fellow loiterers have been busy - when convenient - committing their "positive loitering" in Uptown.

Problem is, Thale's group doesn't loiter positively very often, and when they do it's only for an hour or two. The group's favorite hangout is the relatively safe intersection of W. Leland Avenue and N. Sheridan Road, even though there are a number of corners where their attention would be better spent. Furthermore, the positive loitering group only seems to fight crime on Friday evenings. Apparently, they think that crime on week nights is not serious enough to warrant an hour of standing around counting out of state license plates.

Leland and Sheridan is halfway between two much more troubled intersections, and three short blocks east of another. One block to the south is Wilson and Sheridan. One block to the north is Lawrence and Sheridan. Three blocks west is Leland and N. Broadway. All are the scenes of gang activity far more often than is Leland and Sheridan, which gained notoriety last year because of a minor riot on Sheridan that passed by Leland and was videotaped. That video went viral, and still gives the false impression that the intersection is a vortex of gang activity. Sure, Leland-Sheridan sees the occasional drug deal or trick turned by a prostitute, but intersections such as Lawrence-Sheridan, Wilson-Sheridan, Wilson-Broadway and Wilson-Magnolia are much "hotter" spots for gang activity and crime in general.

Thale is the public safety chairman of the Uptown Chicago Commission. He has even acknowledged that the positive loitering efforts have not been as effective as desired. “It gets very frustrating, but at least I know we have made some effort,” Thale told Josh Newkirk of ChicagoTalks. “I know when we’re out there, things are calm. I’m not telling anyone that we are stopping crime, but we are having an impact.”

Huh? If they're not stopping crime, then what is the "impact?" Isn't the whole point, the desired impact, to stop crime? Richard Thale means well, and I am acquainted with him. He's one of the good guys, make no mistake. However, he and his well-intended fellow positive loiterers are fooling themselves and only reinforcing their self-deception with statements like the one above. He says he knows "things are calm" when "we're out there," but there is no evidence to show that it's quiet because they are there. It's a tenuous correlation. As I said earlier, the group stands on a corner that is almost always "quiet" to begin with. Thale says he's not telling anyone that they are stopping crime, yet he says in the same breath that they are "having an impact." Again, no evidence, unless you count a few calls to 911 to report suspicious activity. Okay, that's "impact," but it's so minor and has such a minimal effect on the overall criminal subculture of Uptown that it would be laughable if not meant so sincerely.

Garrard McClendon, writing at in October, 2009 asked, "Can positive loitering stop gang activity?" His answer to his own question was, "If you turn the lights on, the roaches, rodents, and centipedes will scatter. The same goes for drug pushers and ladies of the night who are trying to solicit their wares." What McClendon - and so many others - seem to forget is that the moment you turn the lights off again the vermin come right back.

McClendon went on to say that "It looks like north siders are gearing up to run the nefarious activity out by hanging out on corners to shew away the nonsense. Good idea or window service? Are gangs and prostitutes intimidated by a few residents carrying coffee cups?"

Again, McClendon answered his own question. "I think so. Staking your claim is a matter of pride and determination, and these residents on Leland Avenue and Sheridan Road aren't going to let up."

No? What do you call it when you end your "vigil" after an hour, and only do it on Friday evening? Sounds like letting up to me. Out of 168 hours in every week, staging a vigil for one hour is hardly "making a stand." As for "staking your claim," the other 167 hours in every week is when the criminals do that. And, at the risk of sounding repetitious, the one little hour or so of the "vigil" is in one tiny little pin point of an entire gang-infested area.

If the lights are only on for an hour every week, the vermin will scatter for an hour. But they have not really gone away. They've moved out of sight and continue their foul activities there until the lights go out again. While you've fooled yourself into thinking that the roaches have disappeared, they are in fact laying their eggs, eating their crumbs and plotting the next foray across your kitchen counter.

Let's stick with the insect metaphors for a moment. It's like trying to fight mosquitoes by only putting up a tent for an hour. Not terribly effective, that, and made all the more ludicrous by declaring that the presence of the tent, even after it's been taken down, folded up and put back into its pack, is "having an effect." Technically that true, but it's literally not enough to matter.

Why aren't the positive loiterers at the "hotter" spots, the dicer intersections? The answer is obvious, simple and ironic: They're afraid to hang around over there. The group that has charged itself with a Batman-like mission of cleaning up the neighborhood is ... afraid to go where it is most needed. Instead, they gather for an hour or so at safe corners like Leland and Sheridan, dogs in tow, Starbucks lattes in hand, commending each other for making a dent in local crime.

Irony comes into play. The positive loiterers almost always do their vigilante standabouts after dark. Much of the crime in Uptown occurs in daylight hours or well after the positive loiterers have gone home, had their cups of hot cocoa, and gone to bed.

On the morning of February 1, 2010, a 15-year old boy was shot in the arm as he was walking to school with a fellow. That happened in the quiet 4200 block of N. Clarendon around 8:25 a.m. Where were the positive loiterers? On January 17, 2010, a punk entered a residential building elevator and beat down a senior citizen, then robbed him. That happened during daylight hours. On Sunday, November 8, 2009, there was a shooting half a block north of Leland and Sheridan at approximately 10:00 p.m. Ironically, this is spitting distance from the positive loitering group's favorite perch. They were not standing around, however, when this incident occurred. It was Sunday night, after all.

On October 29, 2009, a "mid-afternoon shooting in Uptown sent pedestrians near the corner of Broadway and Wilson diving for cover," reported Lake Effect News, "and bullets smashing into the windows of the Wilson-Broadway Currency Exchange at 4599 N. Broadway."

There are many more examples, and I'll admit that it's absurd to expect the positive loiterers to be everywhere all of the time. Even if they could be, it doesn't mean they would stop or deter every crime.

But that's the point: Positive loitering, as practiced, can have only minor, hyperlocal and very temporary effects. Unless there is a group of positive loiterers on every intersection, 24 hours of every day, the only effect they can hope have is to cause drug deals and prostitution to move to the next block, out of their sight. After their hour session of lattes and sharing stock tips on the corner expires, the bad guys come right back.

The danger of positive loitering is that is gives the false impression to some people that "something is being done" to combat crime. The Chicago Police Department and various other law enforcement agencies are doing what they can, within the limits of the law. Sadly, the law too often goes easy on criminals and restricts law officers. The Chicago Police Department knows full well, however, that positive loiterers make little or no real difference.

By coddling the positive loiterers and giving them lip service, CPD scores public relations points with the neighborhood. This gives the impression that CPD is going "grass roots." The positive loiterers, however, are merely a useless, unarmed, undeputized adornment that has about as much usefulness as a nose ring. It looks good to some, but is completely devoid of any truly useful functionality.

So what's the answer? There is not enough time or space for a full answer here, even if I had it. We can start, however, by urging 46th Alderman Helen Shiller to stop resisting police cameras and to give the CPD more cooperation. We can start by not voting for liberal judges. We can start by urging legislators to stop passing laws that favor criminals more than they help victims recover or police do there needed duty. We can begin by ending our tolerance of bad parents, and by realizing that more than 50 years of steady moral decay in our society - and the acceptance of it - has helped produce the vermin against which the positive loiterers now find themselves vainly trying to to stomp out by deftly tiptoeing around them.


Update with Photos of Broadway Wilson Shooting

UPDATE, FEB. 26: Two Suspects Held in Uptown Shooting of Feb. 25 February 25, 2010 - At approximately 4:17 p.m., at least two people were shot at a crowded intersection in Helen Shiller's 46th Ward of Uptown. More photos below. A young woman, standing with a number of other people at a bus stop, took a bullet in her leg as she stood across the street from Truman College in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood this afternoon. Her infant, next to her in a stroller, was unharmed. The woman's lost a lost of blood immediately, and standersby applied clothing and cloth to her to stem the bleeding. A friend of the woman, with her at the bus stop at the time of the shooting, took custody of the baby as fast-responding paramedics took her to Illinois Masonic hospital. According to police scanner chatter, and from I overheard on the scene from police officers, the woman is African-American and "late teens or early twenties." She was reportedly in stable condition. The woman seems to have been an innocent bystander who got caught in yet another gang-related shooting in Uptown near the intersection of N. Broadway and W. Wilson, half a block north of Alderman Shiller's ward service office. At least five shots were fired this afternoon. Click map and images to enlarge The shots originated from the northeast corner of the intersection and traveled westward, across Broadway, where at least one bullet struck the young woman, who stood about 20 yards west of the northwest corner. Police radio chatter said that "six casings" were found at 4601 N. Broadway, in front of City Sports clothing store. I saw five casings when I arrived on scene. The second shooting victim, a male, also suffered a leg wound. Police, on their radio frequency, said that he jumped into an SUV which reportedly drove west from the shooting scene. It is unknown at this time whether the second victim was a standerby or a participant in the violence. Lorraine Swanson reported this evening that "a source" called her and said "that a student from Uplift High School called the 23rd Police District to say that the Vice Lords and Gangster Disciples were going to fight on Broadway between Montrose and Wilson." At approximately 3:30 p.m., wrote Swanson, the same source called again and said that police had broken up a rival gang fight near Wilson and Broadway. It is not known at this time whether there is a connection between the gang fight at 3:30 and the shooting at 4:17. RELATED: Woman Shot at Wilson and Broadway - Lake Effect News Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed


UPDATE, FEB. 26: Two Suspects Held in Uptown Shooting of Feb. 25 FEB. 25, 2010, 4:17 PM - WOMAN SHOT IN LEG, AMBULANCE ROLLING You could have followed this on Twitter at Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Teenage Boy Shot in Uptown (Chicago) Updated

BREAKING: February 1, 2010 - Another shooting in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood this morning on the city's northeast side. UPDATE, 10:03 AM: The boy is an eighth grader who was shot in front of "a convenience store" while on his way to school. Chicago Sun-Times - A 15-year-old boy ran to a nearby elementary school for help after being shot in the arm Monday morning in the North Side Uptown neighborhood. The shooting happened at 8:24 a.m. in the 4200 block of North Clarendon Avenue, according to police News Affairs Officer Robert Perez. Full Article... FoxChicago - A male teenager was taken to the hospital Monday after being shot in the arm on the North Side. Initial reports indicated the shooting happened near Joseph Brennemann School -- 4251 N. Clarendon Ave. – and the teenager was taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital. Full Article... Say, all that positive loitering and Heather Steans' caped crusader act have really paid off. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed