Stunning! Cong. Quigley Apologizes To Muslims

September 20, 2011 - In a "surprise appearance" at the American Islamic College Conference in Chicago on Saturday, Congressman Mike Quigley (IL 5th Dist.) apologized to Muslims on behalf of the United States "for discrimination."
At 2:05 minutes into the video, Quigley told the audience that "discrimination comes in many forms, many shapes and many guises."
Rep. Quigley then said, "You have my pledge to work with you, to fight them, and I think it's appropriate for me to apologize on behalf of this country for discrimination you have faced." The audience warmly applauded Quigley's apology. Quigley gave no specifics about the discrimination to which he referred in the video, which was made by friend and colleague Rebel Pundit. Leading up to his apology, Quigley made general references to "scapegoats" and people who are "different," but he offered no examples of that for which he apologized. "He rambled on about the typical racism and discrimination that the liberal left is so convinced America is rampantly infected with," wrote Rebel Pundit. "As you can see in the video.... he proceeded in his congressional capacity to apologize on behalf of the country for discrimination against muslims’ faith." In other words, Quigley implied that the U.S. has been - and still is - discriminating against Muslims within our own borders. By apologizing "on behalf of this country," Quigley was acting as your proxy. In effect, the Democrat congressman was telling a room full of Muslims that you and I have been guilty of discrimination toward them. Does this apologist speak for you? Click here for contact information for Congressman Mike Quigley. Let him know how you feel about his apology and calling this nation discriminatory. You can also tweet him at @RepMikeQuigley or visit him on Facebook at