Showing posts with label military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Updated With Video: Taliban Attack On Afghan Presidential Palace Ends, All Attackers Killed

June 24, 2013 - 11:00 PM EDT - The Presidential palace ("the Arg") in Kabul, Afghanistan was attacked by four Taliban suicide bombers Monday morning. None breached the palace's security walls. One bomber blew himself up and three others were shot by Afghan security forces. Casualties were reported but the number is not known.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai was in the palace compound when the attack began around 6:20 AM local time (0200 GMT). Karzai had a scheduled meeting with journalists.

Karzai "never appeared to be in danger," reports The Guardian. He was "behind several more walls inside the heavily fortified palace itself. One source who was inside the complex, which has outer walls several dozen metres thick in places, said the fighting never approached the inner area."

The attack was put down entirely by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). Earlier this month, ANSF  took the lead in providing security for Afghanistan, with NATO now in a support-only role.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, and said their targets included the Ariana Hotel, which is home to the CIA station in Kabul.

Afghan security officials said they believe the attack was actually executed by the Taliban-linked Haqqani Network, reports Reuters.  "The Haqqani Network is accused of masterminding high-profile attacks in Kabul and is believed to have close links to al Qaeda."

Earlier Reports, as it was happening:

Watch The Sukhoi Su-35 "UFO" Fighter Jet Dance On Air

Sukhoi Su-35 Russian fighter jet
Sukhoi Su-35 (Photo: Reuters/Pascal Rossigno)
June 21, 2013 - Russia's Sukhoi Su-35 has such incredible maneuverability and grace that it has been nicknamed the "UFO." (Watch Below)

The Su-35 version of the Sukhoi is even more maneuverable than its predecessors, "New engines enable Su-35 to perform all kinds of stunts," reports Russia Today, "including Pugachev's Cobra, the Frolov Chakra, the Dead Leaf, and the unprecedented Pancake, which is an horizontal 360-degree made turn without losing speed." The Sukhoi is designed for tight, close air support.

A report at says that the Sukhoi Su-35 "is a Russian heavy class, long-range, multi-role one-seat fighter. Developed from the original Su-27 air superiority fighter, it was originally designated Su-27M and later named Su-35. Due to the similar features and components it contains, the Su-35 is considered a close cousin of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI, a modernized Su-30 variant for India."

The video here shows a "UFO" at the 50th Paris Air Show at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. The air show runs from June 17-23. The show was the first time that a Sukhoi showed off its advanced maneuverability on foreign soil, says Engineering.comMore below video...

The Su-35, says, "is meant to match the speed and maneuverability of the United States’ 5th generation fighter, the F-22 Raptor" (made by Lockheed-Martin). The Su-35's amazing maneuverability is due largely to its ability to change the direction of its engine thrust. "Known as thrust vectoring, this engine technology gives the Su-35 greater control over its angular velocity and altitude." For total geek info about the Su-35, visit Continuted below video...

The Su-35 is "not a fifth-generation plane like the F-35, with all the attendant problems," reports Business Insider. "It is a 4++ generation plane with all the tried and true basics overlaid with cutting edge avionics and navigation equipment. It's hard to tell which is the better jet, but one of them has no problem flying and that's an issue the F-35 can't seem to shake."

Sukhoi Su-35 (Photo: Reuters/Pascal Rossigno)
Lockheed-Martin's F-35 has had a long and bitter struggle to get approval. It has been criticized as being extremely expensive, and still suffers from a number of technical problems. Even so, reports, "the Marines need the F-35 badly because it would replace their F/A-18s, EA-6Bs and AV-8Bs, all of which are at or over their expected service life." And there is no other viable choice at this time.

Sukhoi is Russia’s major aircraft holding company, employing more than 26,000 people. All of the stock of the Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company (JSC) belongs to the United Aircraft Corporation (JSC), says the Sukhoi website. "The Company is Russia's major manufacturer of export aircraft, placed 3rd in the world in terms of the numbers of modern fighters produced."

Former Guatemala Dictator Sentenced to 80 Years for Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity

General Efraín Ríos Montt (center) announces his military coup,
Guatemala City, March 23, 1982 (Bettman/Corbis)
May 10, 2013 - Guatemala's former leader, Efrain Rios Montt, 86, was convicted in court today on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity during the most brutal part of country's 36-year civil war. By the time that war ended in 1996, over 200,000 people were killed or "disappeared." (Some testimony highlights can be seen in the video below.)

Rios Montt came to power after a coup d'etat on March 23, 1982 "and was accused of implementing a scorched-earth policy in which troops massacred thousands of indigenous villagers thought to be helping leftist rebels," reports Straits Times. A report at BBC News says that "Rios Montt was convicted of ordering the deaths of 1,771 people of the Ixil Maya ethnic group during his time in office in 1982 and 1983."

Efrain Rios Montt on trial in courtroom
Rios Montt on trial - AP
Rios Montt was sentenced to 50 years in prison for the crime of genocide and 30 years for crimes against humanity in a sentence that was handed down on May 10, 2013 by Judge Yassmin Barrios in Guatemala City. In her decision, Barrios said Rios Montt was fully aware of plans to exterminate the indigenous Ixil population carried out by security forces under his command. The genocide conviction was the first for a current or former head of state in a national court, Human Rights Watch said.

Rios Montt still denies that he ordered any genocidal killings and claims that he did not have full control of everything that happened during the struggle.

It was the state's first official acknowledgment that genocide occurred during the bloody, 36-year civil war, something the current president, retired Gen. Otto Perez Molina, has denied. He knew about everything that was going on and he did not stop it, despite having the power to stop it from being carried out," said Presiding Judge Yassmin Barrios."Rios Montt is guilty of genocide." Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

Also See:

U.S., Russia and Norway Plan Joint Naval Drills

May 27, 2012 - Norway and Russian recently completed a big joint training exercise called "POMOR-2012." It ended on May 17.

The U.S. will join both nations in a three-way exercise in August in what is called "Northern Eagle 2012."  Naval officers from Norway and Russia recently with their U.S. counterparts in  Murmansk, Russia (map) to make preparations for Northern Eagle 2012.

Russian destroyer "Admiral Chabanenko"
Udaloy II class destroyer (newest Russian destroyer class)
Photo: Trude Pettersen
"The exercise will start from Bodø in Northern Norway on August 18," according to Barents Observer. "The Russian side will participate in the exercises with the same vessel as in POMOR-2012, the destroyer 'Admiral Chabanenko'....The exercises will also include use of Russian Su-33 jet fighters and Ka-27 helicopters, American Sea Hawk helicopters and Norwegian F-16 jet fighters and Orion surveillance planes, the Russian Defense Ministry’s web site reads."

Northern Eagle 2012 also include a U.S. Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer, reports AvioNews. Aegis destroyers are "the most balanced surface warships ever built, with the weapons, electronics, helicopter support facilities, and propulsion, auxiliary and survivability systems," says

They "are equipped with the MK-41 Vertical Launching System (VLS), GlobalSecurity says, "which fires a combination of up to 96 Standard surface-to-air, Tomahawk surface-to-surface missiles and VLA antisubmarine missiles; and AN/SQQ-89 Undersea Warfare System, with a bow-mounted AN/SQS-53C sonar system."

The Norwegian Navy will play a Nordkapp frigate in the naval games, "as well as hosting naval aircraft and helicopters from the three navies." The Admiral Chabanenko returned at  Russia's Northern Fleet (NF) main base at Severomorsk (map) on May 23.

Idiot U.S. Navy Official Blabs About Prepping For War With Iran

Vice Adm. Mark Fox
February 12, 2012 - As if we haven't had an abundance of security leaks from low-ranking aides and bureaucrats over the years, all gleefully published by the fifth column mouthpiece mainstream media, along comes this imbecile: Vice Admiral Mark Fox, commander of the 5th Fleet. Adm. Fox is flapping his loose lips about U.S. military preparedness for any possible conflict with Iran.

ABC News is running an AP story today that Fox, who is the top U.S. Navy official in the Persian Gulf and commander of the 5th Fleet, "said Sunday he takes Iran's military capabilities seriously but insists his forces are prepared to confront any Iranian aggression in the region."

That's good to know, I suppose. Fox, reports AP, spoke at the naval force's Bahrain headquarters that the Navy has "'built a wide range of potential options to give the president' and is 'ready today' to confront any hostile action by Tehran."

What the hell? Why are we broadcasting our battle readiness status? It gets worse...

"He did not outline specifically how the Navy might answer an Iranian strike," the AP report says, "or an effort to shut the entrance to the Persian Gulf, though any response would likely involve the two U.S. aircraft carriers and other warships cruising the waters off Iran." (That's my emphasis added.)

Adm. Fox told reporters that the U.S. Navy attempt to stop Iranian from putting mines in the Strait of Hormuz or Persian Gulf as an “act of war” the international community wouldn’t tolerate, the U.S. Navy’s top Gulf commander said, according to a Bloomberg report.

WHY is the commander of the 5th Fleet saying this? First of all, you always want to keep your foes in the dark regarding what capabilities you would bring to a fight. Secondly, this kind of talk could be seen as provocative by Iran. Unless we want to fight them, why piss them off any more than we need to?

"We've developed very precise and lethal weapons that are very effective, and we're prepared," Fox said. "We're just ready for any contingency."

Good to know, Admiral. Now shut your big mouth..
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U.S. Drone Crashes at Seychelles International Airport

US Air Force General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper
Image: james_gordon_los_angeles, FlickrClick image to enlarge it.

12/13/2011 - RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (AFNS) -- An Air Force MQ-9 Reaper crashed at the Seychelles International Airport in Mahe at 10:22 a.m. Dec. 13. [See Map]
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USS Cole Attacked 11 Years Ago Today; Long-Awaited Trial To Finally Begin

October 12, 2011 - It was 11 years ago today that a terrorist attack on the USS Cole killed 17 sailors in Aden , Yemen. Justice in the case has been a long time coming. AFP reports that the main suspect in the attack of the USS Cole warship "will go before a judge for the first time at a Guantanamo Bay military tribunal on November 9, the Pentagon said Friday. Saudi-born Abd al-Rahim Hussayn Muhammad al-Nashiri allegedly planned and prepared the October 2000 attack on the US Navy destroyer in Yemen's port of Aden that killed 17 sailors and wounded 40 more."
Fox News reported that "Charges against the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole attack will be referred to a military commission, which enables the government to seek the death penalty." Fox also noted that "Abd Al Rahim Hussayn Muhammad Al Nashiri allegedly planned the Oct. 12, 2000, assault in the Port of Aden that killed 17 sailors, wounded dozens and severely damaged the ship. He also allegedly planned two more attacks, one on the USS Sullivan as it refueled in the same Yemeni port, and another on a French oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden that resulted in one crew member's death and left 90,000 barrels of oil flowing into the water." "Abd al-Rahim Hussayn Muhammad al-Nashiri is one of three detainees the CIA has admitted to waterboarding," reports the Syndey Morning Herald. See photos of the Cole Memorial at

U.S. Plot to Kill Al-Awlaki Included Fighter Jets, Special Ops

September 30, 2011 - U.S. forces killed two U.S. citizens who had become important Al Qaeda operatives. Dead are senior Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki Samir Khan, plus two others who were traveling with them in Yemen early this morning. The terrorists were taken out by "a CIA-led U.S. drone strike, marking the highest-profile takedown of terror leaders since the raid on Usama bin Laden's compound," reports Fox News. The operation involved two Predator drones. They flew over al-Awlaki's convoy and fired Hellfire missiles, killing al-Awlaki. Fox News says that a senior U.S. official claims that the operation "was carried out by Joint Special Operations Command, under the direction of the CIA."
A CBS News report late today notes that the U.S. military and intelligence forces tracked Anwar al-Awlaki for a number of years. "Awlaki," says CBS, "who apparently inspired the Fort Hood major who killed 13 service members and whose ties to al Qaeda may go back as far as the 9/11 hijackers, was tracked down leaving a funeral in Yemen and killed by a rocket fired from a U.S. drone aircraft." "Al-Awlaki would be the most prominent Al Qaeda figure to be killed since bin Laden's death in a U.S. raid in Pakistan in May," says Fox News, which also notes that U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in July that Al-Awlaki was on the most wanted list, which included Ayman al-Zawahri, bin Laden's successor as the terror network's leader." The FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List says that "Ayman Al-Zawahiri has been indicted for his alleged role in the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya." Al-Awlaki, says the FBI, was designated by the United States as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist” on July 12, 2010. (Also see Terrorism Designations Press Releases, U.S. Dept. of State) CBS reports that while Samir Khan two fellow convoy passengers were also killed, Awlaki was the real target. "He had narrowly escaped an earlier drone strike the week after the Bin Laden raid," said CBS, "and this time the U.S. was taking no chances." Fox News notes that "Al-Awlaki was a U.S.-born Islamic militant cleric who became a prominent figure with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the network's most active branch." One of Al-Awlaki's most important roles within Al Qaeda was propagandist. As a native English speaker and one who had first hand knowledge of American culture, he was especially effective at recruiting jihadists from within the U.S. "Awlaki has become a prominent cyber-jihadist," reported Long War Journal in July. "Combining his ability to communicate in English with his charisma with young, radical Muslims and his presence on the Web, Awlaki has developed a large following. He gives numerous lectures and speeches via the Internet and teleconferences. US law enforcement agencies and intelligence services consider Awlaki to be a prime recruiter for al Qaeda as well as a provider of the needed religious justifications, or fatwas, for jihadis to carry out attacks." That deadly voice has been silenced. There will be others.

Why the U.S. Military is the Best

The U.S. still has the best military on Earth. China may be catching up to us, but we can still kick ass and take numbers at the same time. The videos below show why that's the case. American youth have had the benefit of superior toy guns like forever. With those faux guns in hand, our future soldiers let their imaginations run wild, forced to plan tactics and strategy. This prepared the kids mentally for the more disciplined training once they were in the military, ready to kick enemy butt with real guns! Sadly, Obama wants to weaken our military. One way to do that: Deny our brave youth the opportunity to ready themselves for war (see the 4th video, below).

Jet Sounds of the Chicago Air and Water Show 2010

Four very short videos (below) from the 52nd Annual Chicago Air and Water Show on August 14, 2010. I made these mainly to capture the sounds of the passing jets. I love the sound of American fighter jets. It's the sound of victory. Tip: To see these videos larger, click on the YouTube logos on each.

Raise Your Flag - Autumn Letendre

The official music video for "Raise Your Flag," a song written and performed by Gold Star widow Autumn Letendre. Visit for more details. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

USAF Admits to RQ-170 Sentinel, the "Beast of Kandahar" (Updated)

UPDATE, 2011: An RQ-170 Sentintel fell into the hands of Iran's military In December, 2011. See "Related Articles 2011" below.

December, 2009: The RQ-170 Sentinel is a flying wing, sleek and sneaky. To those who know history, it has an eerie resemblance to a WWII Nazi jet fighter. Finally, after nearly a year of speculation about the mysterious plane, we have answers. reports (Dec. 4, 2009): Earlier this year, blurry pictures were released by the French magazine Air & Cosmos of a previously unknown stealth drone taken at Kandahar in Afghanistan. The photos, snapped in 2007, prompted a wave of speculation about the classified aircraft.

Aviation Week also has a report (Dec. 4, 2009): The U.S. Air Force has confirmed the existence of the “Beast of Kandahar” UAV that was seen flying out of Afghanistan in late 2007. The jet aircraft – a tailless flying wing with sensor pods faired into the upper surface of each wing – is the RQ-170 Sentinel, developed by Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works. An Air Force official revealed to Aviation Week Friday afternoon that the service is “developing a stealthy unmanned aircraft system (UAS) to provide reconnaissance and surveillance support to forward deployed combat forces.”

Related Articles 2009:
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Coast Guard Causes Panic With Potomac Excercise

EVEN THE SECRET SERVICE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Panic set in as the U.S. Coast Guard's staged a training excercise on the Potomac River, spitting distance from the Pentagon, on the 8th Anniversary of September 11. Thousands of workers in the Pentagon tuned into CNN to watch what was initially believed to be a real challenge by the Coast Guard to a civilian boat that had breached a restricted area of the river. Hundreds of thousands of Americans heard the news alerts of Coast Guard boats "firing shots at a suspicious boat on the Potomac" this morning. On any other day that would cause concern, but on September 11 it caused much anxiety. A lack of communication by the Coast Guard with other law enforcement agencies help fuel the confusion. reports that "A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said federal agents scrambled to the river scene after the initial reports, because the local FBI office had not been told ahead of time about the exercise. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the incident." The local police were not informed either, reports "Gwendolyn Crump, spokesperson for DC Police, tells 9NEWS NOW they have been notified of the drill by the Coast Guard. Crump says they were not notified of the drill before it occurred." WUSA9 also reports that the confusion and resulting fear caused departures from nearby Reagan National Airport to be delayed from 10:08 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. according to FAA spokeswoman Diane Spitaliere. NBC Washington reports that "Coast Guard spokesman John Edwards told the Associated Press that references to shots fired were picked up in radio chatter. As part of its exercise Friday, the Coast Guard aired simulated instructions to participants to fire 10 rounds. The Coast Guard conducts this sort of training everyday, according to the AP. The training had nothing to do with the 9/11 anniversary, Edwards told the AP." Okay, but couldn't they have taken a one-day break on this significant date? Or, perhaps, couldn't the Coast Guard have moved that excercise way down the river, where it would not have cause unnecessary stress for tens of thousands of local residents and workers? At approximately 10:35 a.m. (EDT), CNN and MSNBC finally learned that it was a drill, just an excercise. One of the CNN talking heads called it "felony stupidity" to have conducted such an excercise on this day without first alerting the media. She's right, and she was also right to suggest that the Coast Guard should apologize. They caused unnecessary stress and fear among a lot of Americans this morning, not just among 20,000 workers at the Pentagon, but across the nation and, indeed, around the world. You've not heard the last of this. There will be demands for explanations and for an apology from lawmakers in D.C. The media will mock the Coast Guard leadership for its bad judgement. Homeland Security's role in this will also be questioned. Keep an eye on this story. COVERAGE: Washington Boat Sparks 9/11 Security Scare - ABC News Potomac security threat merely an exercise, police say - CNN Coast Guard training exercise on Potomac raises security scare - USA Today Coast Guard Training Exercise on Potomac Raises Sept. 11 Fears - Bloomberg Reports of Washington coastguard firing on boat dismissed - US coast guards fire at ship in Washington on 9/11 anniversary - Xinhua (China) Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

AC/DC Thunderstruck With Real Airstrikes! Hell Yeah!

WARNING: Video has some, uh, cuss words (f--- and s---, oh my.) WARNING: Liberals will be nauseated by this excellent depiction of evil-doers being blown to hell by US military superiority. Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Chicago Air & Water Show Rehearsal (Video)

USAF Thunderbirds rehearse for the 2009 Chicago Air & Water Show (recorded on Friday, 8-14-2009), as seen from just north of Montrose Harbor. The air show is on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 15-16, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Note: The air and water shows now run concurrently. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE 2009 CHICAGO AIR & WATER SHOW CLICK HERE Are YOU a citizen of the United STRAIGHTS of America? Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Alert: Israel Ready to Rumble With Iran

Early warning, from Investors Business Daily: Ahmadinejad Vs. Netanyahu By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Friday, February 20, 2009 Middle East: The global stage is set for a confrontation reminiscent of Churchill vs. Hitler and Reagan vs. Gorbachev. How long will Benjamin Netanyahu tolerate an Iranian nuclear threat before acting? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad clearly wants to do something with the olive branch President Barack Obama has extended to him — even if what he does is stuff it into a Shahab-3 ballistic missile and fire it at somebody....It is clear, Ahmadinejad added, that "the Iranian nation welcomes real changes." But whatever grand Barack/Mahmoud summits lie ahead may have just been dealt a pre-emptive strike, courtesy of the Israeli electorate. Bibi Netanyahu, former prime minister and current Likud Party leader, has just been asked by President Shimon Peres to form a new coalition government after the close results in the recent Knesset elections....Netanyahu used his first statement as prime minister-presumptive to send a powerful message to both Iran and the Obama administration. FULL ARTICLE... Is this a harbinger of an inevitable military clash between Israel and Iran? Stay tuned. We'll be watching this closely. Hat tip to Yid With Lid CNB RSS Feed


The Bench front page... Will it be war? Let us hope not, but tensions between India and Pakistan seem to be deteriorating by the hour. The Australian is reporting that India's military "chiefs" are pleading with India's leaders for permission to bomb the "al-Qa'ida-linked Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organisation near Lahore" in Pakistan, near the Indian border. UPDATE: US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is now in India to facilitate diplomacy between India and Pakistan. What she can do to ease tensions remains to be seen. RELATED: Condoleezza Rice on mission to ease India and Pakistan tensions Pak accepts terrorists may be from its territory: US Will they battle terror or each other? Rice in India to ease tension with Pakistan Pakistan, India assert right to self-defense Pakistan says Pranab's military action statement won't help Italy arrests two jihadists planning attacks on Italian civilians


THE This leave no time for commentary. Not needed anyway: Storming the Taj Mahal hotel to save hostages North ... Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck, ND - 2:45 AM EST - AP MUMBAI, India (AP) Indian commandos apparently are beginning an assault on gunmen holding hostages at Mumbai's luxurious Taj Mahal hotel. ALSO: Gunmen take 50 persons hostage in Taj, Oberoi (press release), India - 2:53 AM EST ALSO: Rabbi, wife being held hostage in Mumbai 2:58 AM EST

Obama Almost Joined the Military (Uh huh)

Well, maybe. Probably not. It seems he lied about it. Anne at Backyard Conservative has a juicy post about this: Barack Obama's claim in an interview with ABC that he considered joining the military after high school doesn't pass the laugh test. Having written two biographies at a fairly young age, you would think Barack Obama would have shared this biographical detail... Yah, you'd think. I had to register for Selective Service in 1973, when I turned 18. I assure you, it is not something you forget. I even remember that "Shirley Hazard" was the authority who signed my card. You don't forget a name like that. But there's Obama, who either has the memory of a may fly or was stretching the truth. Or, you know, lying. Obama recently told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos that he considered joining the military after finishing high school. "I had to sign up for selective service when I graduated from High School," he explained. "I actually always thought of the military as an ennobling and you know, honorable option." Obama suggested his decision not to enlist was an issue of timing, not service. "I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end. We weren’t engaged in an active military conflict at that point. And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue," he said. [Source] NOBODY "had to sign up for selective service" in 1979 because it had been suspended. It was reinstated in 1980, as noted here (emphasis added): Induction authority expired in 1973, but the Selective Service System remained in existence in a "standby" posture to support the all-volunteer force in case an emergency should make it necessary for Congress to authorize a resumption of inductions. Registration was suspended early in 1975 and the Selective Service System entered into a "deep standby" posture. Beginning in late 1979, a series of "revitalization" efforts were begun in an effort to upgrade the System's capability for rapid mobilization in an emergency, and in the summer of 1980 the registration requirement was resumed. [Source] RELATED: Democratic Underground - OBAMA's Selective Service Registration ... Barack Obama Thinks About Military Service Completely Backwards Anti-war Obama says he once considered military career for the combat Mighta Joined If He Coulda Capped Some Cong


Some say it's inevitable. Some say it's about to begin. One, Nikolai Sokov, postulates in the Asia Times how WWIII will begin, why and where. Remember how WWI began? Sokov briefs us on that nicely, then runs headlong into this: Now imagine the repetition of exactly the same scenario a year from now. With troops in Georgia, the US government will not be able to stay away or back down. Whatever actually provokes hostilities, the US's pro-Georgian and anti-Russian version will prevail. This means America will be at war. The Russians cannot back down either, and their pretext will be the exact opposite of Tbilisi's and Washington's. They will be at war as well. Scary reading, but important and essential. See the FULL ARTICLE at Asia Times... RELATED: Russia cruiser to test weapons in crowded Black Sea Russian war emboldens Georgia's other separatists West Struggles for Solutions as Caucasus Crisis Simmers Pentagon says Russia not honoring Georgia deal Russia mocks West's displeasure over war in Georgia