Showing posts with label Haqqani Network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haqqani Network. Show all posts

Updated With Video: Taliban Attack On Afghan Presidential Palace Ends, All Attackers Killed

June 24, 2013 - 11:00 PM EDT - The Presidential palace ("the Arg") in Kabul, Afghanistan was attacked by four Taliban suicide bombers Monday morning. None breached the palace's security walls. One bomber blew himself up and three others were shot by Afghan security forces. Casualties were reported but the number is not known.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai was in the palace compound when the attack began around 6:20 AM local time (0200 GMT). Karzai had a scheduled meeting with journalists.

Karzai "never appeared to be in danger," reports The Guardian. He was "behind several more walls inside the heavily fortified palace itself. One source who was inside the complex, which has outer walls several dozen metres thick in places, said the fighting never approached the inner area."

The attack was put down entirely by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). Earlier this month, ANSF  took the lead in providing security for Afghanistan, with NATO now in a support-only role.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, and said their targets included the Ariana Hotel, which is home to the CIA station in Kabul.

Afghan security officials said they believe the attack was actually executed by the Taliban-linked Haqqani Network, reports Reuters.  "The Haqqani Network is accused of masterminding high-profile attacks in Kabul and is believed to have close links to al Qaeda."

Earlier Reports, as it was happening: