Department of Defense Visits Chicago News Bench and Moonbattery

April 3, 2012 - I just wanted say a quick "Thank you" to the hard working employees at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for visiting Chicago News Bench. Seems one of their urgent national defense tasks is to investigate my post about the  "Arrest Eric Holder" t-shirts.

Yep, someone at the DOD Network Information Center (IP at 7:36 a.m. today, and someone else at the Department of Defense Network ( at 5:57 a.m. visite Chicago News Bench.

Both visitors found that post via Moonbattery, where they linked to me. The first DOD employee, at 5:57 a.m. was using Internet Explorer 8.0 in Windows XP. The second one, at 7:36 a.m., was using Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows XP.

This raises questions:

  • Why are DOD employees using the outdated Windows XP?
  • Although Moonbattery is a fine blog, why are DOD employees surfing the web on company time?
  • If these employees were on break, and not on company time, were they using the company's laptops? Or using DOD computers? 
  • If they used personal laptops, why are they allowed to use the DOD's connection to surf the Internet if it is not work related?
  • Suppose their web surfing was work related: Why is the DOD busy surfing conservative blog sites?
  • If the DOD is monitoring conservative bloggers (they are, of course), is it a neutral kind of observation or something nefarious?
  • Will these employees buy an Arrest Eric Holder t-shirt, or the new Arrest Eric Holder coffee mug?
I hope the DOD employees bookmarked Moonbattery and Chicago News Bench. Hopefully, too, did they tweet our posts, or recommend them to Facebook?