The Vatican is a country, a nation. Its official name (in English) is the "
Holy See." Like every other nation, the Vatican has borders. The Vatican defends its borders, which it has a right to do.
But the Vatican is telling another nation, the United States, that it should not defend its own borders:
A top Vatican official called the Bush administration's plans for hundreds of miles of new security fences on the United States-Mexico border "inhuman."
When he was asked specifically about President George W. Bush's plan to sign legislation approving the construction of 700 miles of security fences along the border, Cardinal Martino offered praise for the Catholic bishops in Mexico and the United States who have spoken against it. He called the plan "an inhuman program, which is what the construction of that wall and all others is," according to Reuters. Full Story...
Cardinal Martino, who heads the Vatican's Council for Justice and Peace, is a hypocrite.
And people are worried about presidential candidate Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon?
What about the Catholic Rudy Giuliani?
I must have missed all the stories about the Mormons (
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) calling for the U.S. give up the right to defend its own borders. If you have a copy of any of those news stories, please forward them to me.
Now hold on. I am NOT anti-Catholic. Get me to a Friday fish fry and I'm a happy guy. I am criticizing the Vatican, not individuals who are of the Catholic faith. So cool down.
Digger wrote this outstanding headline recently: Vatican Cardinal Decries Border Walls While Standing Behind Vatican Border Walls. An excerpt from Digger's posting:
These people want no borders. They do not believe in any nation defending itself - except Vatican City. They would allow terrorists, drug runners, criminals, fraudsters or anyone wanting to do harm to a country to be free to enter it and do so.
Here's where the hypocrisy comes in. Cardinal Martino (a prince of the nation of the Vatican), tells us we should not enforce our borders with a wall. But the Vatican has walls. They have the
Swiss Guard, which enforces their own walled border. And there are stories such as this:
The Vatican's attorney general Nicola Picardi released the astounding statistic at the start of 2007: The tiny nation's justice department in 2006 had to contend with 341 civil and 486 criminal cases. In a population of 492, that measures out to 1.5 cases per person -- twenty times the corresponding rate in Italy.
By this measurement at least, crime is soaring in the Vatican in spite of a security force that would put a police state to shame. The seat of the Catholic Church has one Swiss guard for every four citizens, not to mention museum guards and police assigned to the Vatican by Italy. Full Story...
Digger, then, asked a reasonable question. Why is it okay for the Vatican to hide behind its walls, with a police force to guard it, but the Vatican can tell us that we cannot have a wall on our southern border?
And while we're asking questions, why are so many Liberals so eager to quote the Vatican as an authority on this issue? Will those same Liberals start quoting the Vatican as an authority on abortion issue?
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