Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts

Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Calls Religious People Hypocrites For Not Opposing Immigration Policy

Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks about immigration
to law enforcement officers in Fort Wayne, Indiana
on Thursday. (Mike Moore/Journal-Gazette/AP)
Nancy Pelosi hates it when people quote the Bible. 
Many Democrats do.

They tend to treat religion as they treat the Constitution: They hate it unless they can selectively pluck part of it to suit their momentary requirements.

When they find a suitable bit, they twist its meaning to progress their agenda.

BizPac Review reports that "Pelosi lambasted [US Attorney General] Sessions for quoting the Bible and chastised people of faith for not calling for a path to citizenship for DACA recipients. She also criticized him for not demanding an end to the separation of children from families of illegal immigrants during the prosecution of adults. Pelosi’s comments came in light of President Donald Trump’s stated refusal on Friday to sign an immigration bill that House Republicans were finalizing."

ICE Arrests Over 3,100 Aliens in Massive Sweep of US and Territories

April 2, 2012 - A huge, 6-day nationwide operation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) netted 3,168 "criminal aliens." ICE's "Operation Cross-Check" was conducted in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. Note, however, that the Department of Homeland Security estimated in 2011 that there are about  10.8 million aliens in the U.S. without lawfulimmigration status.

Operation Cross Check – Dallas, March 2012
The massive law enforcement effort, reports ABC OTUS News, "included more than 2,834 individuals who had prior criminal convictions. ICE officials noted that 50 gang members and 149 convicted sex offenders were nabbed. Although ICE has run similar operations called 'Cross-Check,' ICE Director John Morton said this was the largest to date."

KLTV reports that Operation Cross-Check "involved the collaboration of more than 1,900 ICE officers and agents from all of ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations' (ERO) 24 field offices, assistance from ICE Homeland Security Investigations as well as coordination with our federal, state and local law enforcement partners throughout the United States. Arrests occurred in all 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, three U.S. territories and the District of Columbia."

ICE reports on its website that arrests were made "in all 50 states, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, three Territories (Virgin Islands, N. Mariana Islands and Guam) and the District of Columbia."

Operation Cross Check – September 2011 (ICE website)
ICE says that this most recent operation is the third nationwide "Cross Check operation" in its history. "The first nationwide Cross Check operation occurred at the end of May 2011 and resulted in the arrest of 2,442 convicted criminal aliens. The last Cross Check operation in September 2011 resulted in the arrest of 2,901 convicted criminal aliens."

To put those numbers in some perspective, we looked at the Government Accounting Office (GAO) website for information about "criminal aliens." We found a March, 2011 document titled "CRIMINAL ALIEN STATISTICS:Information on Incarcerations, Arrests, and Costs." On page two of that document (see the pdf) it says, "The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available)."

Even more telling, however, is an explanation (also on page two) of "Why GAO Did This Study." The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), it says, "estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien — nonU.S.-citizen — population was about 25.3 million, including about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status."

In other words, the 3,168 criminal aliens arrested last week is a mere drop in the bucket of the total still at large, walking the streets of America.

ACLU's Hypocritical Arizona Travel Alert

July 1, 2010 - The ACLU has issued a "travel warning" to people considering a visit to Arizona. According to FoxNews today: American Civil Liberties Union affiliates in Arizona, New Mexico and 26 other states put out the warnings in advance of the Fourth of July weekend. The Arizona chapter has received reports that law enforcement officers are already targeting some people even though the law doesn't take effect until July 29, its executive director said. The ACLU "warning" is incredibly - and typically - hypocritical. I'm not going to rehash the virtues of the Arizona law (SB1070) here. Instead, let's wonder here why the ACLU and others are so concerned about Arizona's alleged human rights violations, while they give the Toilet Republic of Mexico a free pass for its own gross and well-documented brutal treatment of foreigners on its own soil. Some examples: Migrants assaulted by federal agents return to their country (English tranlation from Migrantes asaltados por federales regresan a su país, June 14, 2010) As has happened in other occasions earlier this year, Mexican federal police in Chahuites, state of Oaxaca, assaulted some 300 Central American migrants riding a freight train. A priest from a shelter for transients in that area said that, “As in the previous two assaults, the agents acted brutally……..and kicked them while (the victims) were face down on the ground.” After the assault, a group of migrants complained to the National Human Rights Commission with the help of the local Salvadoran Consul. But afterward, federal police agents threatened them with firearms and demanded that they retract the allegations in front of video cameras. (Source: Tuscon Citizen) Mexico: Hold Military to Account on Rights Abuses (Mexico City) - April 29, 2009 - Mexico is failing to hold members of the military who commit human rights violations accountable, undercutting its efforts to curb drug-related violence and improve public security, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. (Source: Human Rights Watch) Mexico Human Rights - Human Rights Concerns Human rights concerns persist, particularly at the state level where violence surrounds local elections and misuse of the judicial system is common. Federal efforts to combat violence against women in the border town of Ciudad Juárez have continued with limited success. A number of human rights defenders have been threatened and at least three journalists have been killed despite proposed legislation to strengthen human rights protection in the Constitution. (Source: Mexico migrants face human rights crisis, says Amnesty "Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis leaving them with virtually no access to justice, fearing reprisals and deportation if they complain of abuses," said Rupert Knox, who contributed to the report, Invisible Victims: Migrants on the Move. "Persistent failure by the authorities to tackle abuses carried out against irregular migrants has made their journey through Mexico one of the most dangerous in the world," he added. (Source: BBC News) Time to Speak up on Military Abuse in Mexico The Mexican army's human rights record is very troubling. Soldiers deployed in counternarcotics operations have engaged in grave abuses, such as killings, torture, rape, and beatings. And if the abuses themselves aren't worrisome enough for the Obama administration, their impact on the efficacy of the drug war should be. Each time that civilians are abused, Mexican soldiers contribute to the climate of violence and lawlessness in which the cartels thrive. Worse, the force's abuses have cost it public trust and cooperation, both of which are vital to effective counternarcotics operations. (Source: Foreign Policy) Paramilitaries Kill Two Human Rights Activists in Oaxaca In Mexico, two human rights activists have been shot dead in the state of Oaxaca. The victims have been identified as Beatriz Cariño, director of the Mexican human rights group CACTUS, and Jyri Antero Jaakkola, a human rights observer from Finland. They were traveling as part of a convoy attempting to deliver aid to a town that’s been targeted by paramilitary blockades since the 2006 uprising against Governor Ulises Ruiz. (Source: Mexico rights agency decries slaying of reporter Mexico's National Human Rights Commission urged authorities Tuesday to investigate the killing of a reporter in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero, the fourth slaying of a Mexican journalist this year.... The rights commission said in a statement that "the impunity of attacks against journalists is unacceptable." The panel says at least 61 journalists have been killed in Mexico since 2000 -- 12 last year and four so far in 2010. Press freedom groups say Mexico is one of the world's most dangerous countries for journalists. (Source: Bloomberg BusinessWeek) With years and years of profound human rights violations on the part of Mexico's military, police and others against it's own indigenous peoples and migrants from neighboring nations, why has the ACLU not issued a "travel warning" for people going there?

Let's Try Mexico's Immigration Law Here in the USA

Suppose you were a foreigner in Mexico, whether as a tourist or an immigrant. How would you be treated by Mexico? Not very well, amigo. In fact, you'd find yourself wishing you were an illegal immigrant from Mexico, suffering in the U.S. with welfare, court advocates, free ER visits, and more.

J. Michael Waller, Ph.D. wrote an brief but eye-opening article called "Mexico's Immigration Law: Let's Try It Here At Home." It's timely reading in 2010, even if he wrote it four years ago.

Waller also wrote a four-page document (pdf) called "Mexico's Glass House: How the Mexican constitution treats foreign residents, workers and naturalized citizens." It's packed with facts that will surprise you and make you wonder how Mexican officials can be so incredibly hypocritical when they criticize the immigration policies of the United States.

The Mexican Constitution begins with this pretty phrase in Chapter 1, Article 1: "Every person in the United Mexican States shall enjoy the guarantees granted by this Constitution, which cannot be restricted or suspended except in such cases and under such conditions as are herein provided." Ah, but there's the catch. One of the "cases" and "conditions" includes foreigners and being a non-Mexican.

Chapter 2, Article 32 says that "Mexicans shall have priority over foreigners under equality of circumstances for all classes of concessions and for all employment, positions, or commissions of the Government in which the status of citizenship is not indispensable."

In brief, the Mexican Constitution states that:

• Immigrants and foreign visitors are banned from public political discourse.
• Immigrants and foreigners are denied certain basic property rights.
• Immigrants are denied equal employment rights.
• Immigrants and naturalized citizens will never be treated as real Mexican citizens.
• Immigrants and naturalized citizens are not to be trusted in public service.
• Immigrants and naturalized citizens may never become members of the clergy.
• Private citizens may make citizens arrests of lawbreakers (i.e., illegal immigrants) and hand them to the authorities.
• Immigrants may be expelled from Mexico for any reason and without due process.

You can read an authoritative English translation of the Constitution of Mexico, published by the Organization of American States, on the Website of Illinois State University. Quotations in this document are from the OAS translation. Or you can go directly to the PDF of the Mexican constitution at the OAS website.

Oh, and by the way: As soon as the Federal Government of Mexico declares that all people with any European ancestry will leave Mexico and go back to Europe, I'll agree to giving Arizona, California and other territory won in 1848 back. Until then, Mexico, shut the hell up.

Raul Grijalva, The Cowardly Arizona Congressman (Video)

He just couldn't answer a straightforward question. Instead, this cowardly Democrat just walked away without a word.

Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) was asked if he was "committed to sealing the border against the influx of illegal drugs."  He muttered, "I..." and then walked away. It was as though all of the mush in the Democrat's brain froze solid, instantaneously. has the video, and reports that Grijalva eventually stopped, turned back toward the young interviewer and shouted that the question was "punkish."

Here's what's really "punkish." Grijalva was elected to represent everyone in Arizona's 7th District. He is blatanly concerned, however, with the welfare of only some of his constituents - and it's entirely race based. Grijalva was one of the first to call for a - get this - boycott of Arizona, his home state. He (and other Democrats and similar fools) have no problem in punishing many of the good people of Arizona in order to protest a law that they do not like. Grijalva seems not to have taken into account these facts: A boycott of Arizona will hurt everyone in that state, directly or indirectly, regardless of their race, ethnicity, legal status, height or soda pop preference. Rather than try to mitigate harmful effects on his own state and district, this pig of a man wants his own state to suffer. He has said so himself, and in fact he is leading the calls for a boycott.

"The one-time community organizer didn't really care that Arizona has an 8% unemployment rate or that boycotting conventions would force more people onto the dole," says an editorial at Investor's Business Daily. "Using the signature Alinskyite tactics of the community organizer he once was, the law had to be fought at "a political, legal and economic level," he said. Aside from a boycott, he also wants the federal government to stop cooperating with Arizona, a move he says "would render much of this legislation moot and ineffective." 

Grijalva "represents" Arizona's 7th Congressional District. That includes Tucson, the "urban center" of the district.  "The southern boundary of District 7 coincides with 300 miles of the US/Mexico border. Only Texas’ 23rd district has a longer stretch of the southern border," according to Grijalva's website.

Like most Democrats, Grijalva seems to be obsessed with race. His website notes that "The population within the district is predominantly working-class families, from a variety of ethnic and racial backgrounds. The majority of Tucson’s Hispanic, urban Native American and African-American residents live in the 7th congressional district." Grijalva doesn't bother to tell us about any other ethnic groups, however.

Grijalva notes that "District 7 is also home to 7 sovereign nations: the Ak-Chin, Cocopah, Colorado River Indian Tribes, Gila River, Pascua Yaqui, Quechan, and Tohono O'odham," but what about people of Asian or European decent? Nothing. Apparently, the "variety" that Grijalva refers to is not so varied. No Chinese, German, Swedish, Japanese, French, Vietnamese, Polynesian, Pakistani, or ... well, you get the idea, and you probably find it hard to believe that the only folks living in Arizona's District 7 are Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanics. That's the mindset of Grijalva, however, who walks through life with racist blinders on.

"Grijalva's stance mirrors the party line of the radical left," Investor's Business Daily says. "And it is they who still command his loyalties, not the Arizona voters he's sworn to serve."

Perhaps you've heard this before, but this item from The Pilot bears repeating: "Arizona has something approaching 500,000 illegal aliens in the state — nobody knows for sure. It is the main highway for drug traffic from Mexico, as well as the primary corridor for illegals to enter the United States. Phoenix is known as the kidnapping capital of the country, as drug lords decimate each other’s families. Lots of peaceful citizens are, at the low end, harassed, and, at the high end, killed, by all this activity. Hospitals and schools are overwhelmed with people they cannot afford to treat and educate."

Those are the inconvenient facts that the Alinskyite Democrats do not want to deal with. They prefer to walk away from them, as Rep. Grijalva did in so cowardly a fashion.

AZ Congressman Refuses to Answer Question About Border Drug Trade‎ Dakota Voice
On the Spot: Feds Can't Ignore Arizona's Immigration Vote The Pilot
Arizona law puts American lives first... The North Star National
Washington Post Boycott Arizona? No way, It's a Cheap Publicity Stunt‎ NumbersUSA
Poll finds Arizona voters back tough immigration measure Earthtimes
Boycotting Arizona‎ Investor's Business Daily
Mexican advocates say US officials don't care about tales of violence‎ El Paso Times
Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens Using Drugs Predominantly Supplied by Mexican Traffickers CNS News

Left Misrepresents Arizona Immigration Law

by Michael Coyne

Apparently, the Left is a little confused. What else is new?

They seem to now think that “illegal” is a race. I have to applaud them on this one: accusing supporters of Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law of racism while, themselves, lumping all Mexicans and Latinos in with illegal aliens. I wonder if they hurt themselves trying to simultaneously reach behind their backs and chew on their feet.

The common claim is that the law is “racist.” If the law allowed police to stop people based on skin color, it would indeed be horrendously racist.

As usual, though, the Left did not bother to read the bill before they decided it was awful. The following is a direct quote from the bill as represented on the Arizona State Legislature's website:

“[This bill] stipulates that a law enforcement official or agency cannot solely consider race, color or national origin when implementing these provisions, except as permitted by the U.S. or Arizona Constitution.”
So again, if this is the fourth provision of the “controversial” common-sense law, where is the racism?

The fact is simple: a police officer needs to fill out a small mountain of paperwork any time they make a stop. This universally includes explaining why the stop was made. “He looked Mexican” is not a valid reason to put on such paperwork.

Moreover, this law demands that, should someone fail to provide their “papers”—which, by the way, could simply be an Arizona or other state or federal ID or drivers’ license—ICE has to be contacted before any action can be taken against the suspected illegal alien. Again, here is the quote:

“Stipulates that the immigration status may be determined by:
- A law enforcement officer who is authorized by the federal government to verify or ascertain an alien’s immigration status.
- ICE or CBP pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1373(c).”
It is, therefore, unlawful to detain anyone under this law without the federal government providing the final check. That is to say that only the Feds can make the final “legal or illegal” decision.

But then, there is no reason to let the actual facts get in the way of a good old uninformed charge of racism and state overreaching. So rant on, Lefties! Rant on.

For more conservative commentary, visit Michael Coyne's RepublicanBlue.

Dan Proft Challenged Me and Chickened Out

Proft: Big Mouth, Small Spine

On December 7, 2009, I intentionally baited Dan Proft on Twitter (transcript below). He bit, and swallowed. He's been caught lying, and now he's frantically denying.

The issue: Proft's past statements about our federal immigration laws, which he characterized as immoral. The statements came in an article he wrote for La Raza and which he read on-air at WLS 890 AM. With his own words out there, Proft boldly denies them. (For more information and background, see "Dan Proft is Pro-Amnesty for Illegals." Also see "No se puede, Dan Proft" at Cao’s Blog.)

Proft's own words: "'It's the law' is not a moral defense to laws that are immoral. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was 'the law' and it was wrong. National origins quotas aimed at stemming the tide of southern and eastern European immigrants was 'the law' on immigration until 1965 and it was wrong."

This is not the first time that Proft has been caught telling untruths. Illinois Reason ran a post called "Dan Proft caught fibbing ’bout fact-checking…" in May, 2008. It's a good read, with video. No doubt Proft denies that he said what he can be seen saying in that video.

His responses to my questions and remarks were undiplomatic, rude and dishonest, and unbefitting a candidate for statewide office. My own remarks, admittedly, are not characteristic of someone you’d vote for for governor. Fortunately for you, I’m not running for governor. Unfortunately, Dan Proft is (also see "Dan Proft's Reality Dysfunction").

The Twitter Transcript

Note: “Adam A.” refers to Adam Andrzejewski, another Republican running for governor. The so-called “flunkie” [sic] that Proft refers to is Robert Moon, who wrote “Dan Proft's pro-amnesty La Raza article” on Nov. 7, 2009.

ChiNewsBench: Hey Dan Proft, why do you disrespect our national sovereignty and immigration laws? @DanProft  

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench Hey Tom Mannis, I don't. Check your facts. Read the response I sent u instead of blindly posting lies from an Adam A. flunkie  

DanProft: @TeaTephi I don't. Try not to take the bait put out by a flunkie for Adam A. who is lying about my views  

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft - You deny your own spoken words?!? How can we trust a candidate who disowns his own recorded words???  

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft Adam A. did not speak those words, Mr. Proft. YOU did. Get outa the race now. Shame on you.  

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft - Your own pro-amnesty rant is on YOUR company's website, and you have the gall to deny it?  

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft "Read the response I sent u..." Uhm, Dan, did you hit "send" on that response yet? You've sent me NOTHING.  

Note: At this point, I was unaware of the response he sent. The conversation began (and continued) on Twitter. The response that Proft refers to above was sent to me via Facebook, although he did not alert me to that. So, he told me ro read a response that I was unaware of, and had sent to me in a different forum.

ChiNewsBench: Don't let @DanProft deny his own pro-illegal immigrant words, try though he might. 7:34 PM Dec 7th from web

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft: Here's an idea 4U - Debate your own recorded pro-amnesty speech from WLS-AM.  

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench hilarious. - December 07, 2009, 10:32:57 PM

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench thanks for the tip. what a discovery a commentary on my website. I'm familiar with it and with hacks like you who distort - December 07, 2009, 10:33:42 PM

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench look on Facebook. - December 07, 2009, 10:33:58 PM

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench I have a better one; I'll challenge you. Another coward like Robert Moon who can only take shots but cannot engage - December 07, 2009, 10:34:50 PM

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench one more idea: take a remedial reading comprehension course and then we can debate what I wrote vs. your distortion of it 

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft - You're either a lousy liar or simply deranged. One need not be able to read to hear what you said.

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft - Dude, the "tip" was not meant for you. It was meant for all those who are not yet aware of your inner RINO.  

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft Can't engage? LOL! You're actually debating yourself by denying what is in writing and audio. You bore me now. Over, out.  

DanProft: @ChiNewsBench Sigh, it is futile to talk to black helicopter folks like you.You hear/read only what you can assimilate-and that ain't much.   

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft - I accept your challenge. Meet me at the end of Navy Pier, 3:00 am, alone. No weapons. Just hand to hand. You on?  

ChiNewsBench: @DanProft - Or would you seriously challenge me to a debate? All I have to do is bring an MP3 player and loop your own pro-illegal rant.  

ChiNewsBench: @danproft Define the challenge, sir. The ball is in your court.  

DanProft: @caoilfhionn1 hysterical...what we are "seeing" are those destructive people within the conservative movement that keep us chasing our tails  

DanProft: @TeaTephi No I did not write that immigration law in general is amoral or immoral  

DanProft: @TeaTephi Again, I did not write that immigration laws in general are either immoral OR amoral.  

There you go. Proft challenged me and I accepted, asking him to "define the challenge." He never did. All bark and no bite.

After reading the above, imagine Proft as governor. Now imagine him responding to really tough questions from big media reporters. Would he accuse them of being “flunkies?” Would he lie about past statements, denying words he wrote and spoke, as he did above?

Proft has not followed up on his “challenge” to me, although I wrote that I accepted. Is he a coward, or simply afraid of his words and lies being further exposed?

Dan Proft’s “response” to me, via Facebook, December 7 at 1:54pm

Note: He continues the bizarre denial of his own words.


Absolutely, 100& [sic] false. I am not nor have I ever been a proponent of amnesty. Completely ridiculous and being promoted by Mr. Moon, a flak for Adam A's campaign because they cannot deal with me on the merits.

My positions as oft repeated:

- I do not and have never supported amnesty in theory or in legislation.

- I oppose sanctuary city designations

- I oppose the extension of rights and benefits reserved for American citizens and those otherwise here legally to those not here illegally. In fact, to my knowledge I am the only candidate who has talked about doing a complete redetermination of Medicaid to rescind coverage extended by Blagojevich through All Kids to persons here illegally.

- I support e-verify so that employers may check the status of prospective employees to ensure they can legally work here.

The good news from the silliness of the preposterous mischaracterization of my views is that it is so obviously false as to be completely without credibility and readily identifiable as such (at least to those interested in ascertaining the truth as opposed to simply pushing someone else's agenda).


Dan Proft

The question must be asked: Was Dan Proft preposterously mischaracterizing his own position two years ago, or is he preposterously mischaracterizing today?

Party Crashers Ask "Where's My Free Drink?"

I'll catch hell for this, but here goes. Chi-Town Daily News ran a story yesterday (Feb. 9) with the tug-on-yer-heartstrings title, "As economy falters, some immigrants excluded from safety net." Megan Cottrell wrote the piece. An excerpt: Bernardo Barra says he stopped going to church when he no longer had any money to put in the offering plate. "It was very sad. No job. No apartment. No money in my pocket," says Barra, 65. The last two years have been difficult for Barra. After 15 years of working in the United States after coming here from Costa Rica, he could no longer find work in factories, restaurants and hotels and became homeless. Very sad, indeed. It truly is. Ms. Cottrell reveals, in her fourth paragraph, that Mr. Barra is in the US illegally: Most people in Barra's situation would apply for unemployment, job training or food stamps. But these resources just aren't an option. Barra is an illegal immigrant who cannot get a social security number, so most programs that could help him get back on his feet are closed to him. Well, yah, they're closed to him. They're supposed to be. Those are the rules, and Mr. Barra and millions like him are not following them. I suppose we should credit Mr. Barra for not buying a fake social security card from Elias Munoz (father of Chicago Ald. Ricardo Munoz, 22nd Ward). Elias Munoz was sentenced on January 6 to a four year prison stretch for participating in a fake ID ring that catered primarily to people in the US illegally. The feds broke up that operation in April, 2007, but before it was stopped hundreds of thousands of fake IDs were produced and distributed. (Also see a video report from CBS-2 Chicago) Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Americans are right now sharing their identities with immigrants and don't know it. It is the dirty little secret of the immigration issue: By not dealing directly with the undocumented worker situation, the U.S government is actually encouraging identity theft. In fact, one can argue that the origins of the identity theft epidemic can be traced to the immigration issue. (Source: Will Barack Obama address this issue? He hasn't so far, and missed an opportunity yesterday (Feb. 9) during his press conference about the so-called "stimulus" legislation: Left out of the debate is any talk of the leaks in the ceiling -- gaping holes many of them now -- which is how the floor got to where it was. The flaws in this ceiling -- outsourcing, offshoring, illegal immigration, free trade and sundry other Friedman's Follies, will remain where they are, stimulus or no stimulus. (Source: Human suffering is human suffering, whether those humans are here legally or otherwise. That being said, it should also be noted that there are two sides to the coin. Citizens of this nation and our non-citizen brothers and sisters who are here legally are suffering too. For every job that an illegal alien takes, it's a job that somebody here legally is denied. For every social service provided for an illegal alien, that's a pocketful of tax money pulled from people here legally. It doesn't matter if you're from another country, what race or ethnicity people are. This is not, as many Leftists and Liberals like to paint it, a race issue. It's a legal issue, period. If somebody came from Uganda or Mexico or Sweden or China, and they're here legally, God bless them. Welcome to America, a so-called "nation of laws." If you're here illegally, get the hell out, or at the very least, be polite while you're crashing the party and don't have the gaul to complain to the host that you're drink isn't being refilled. Ms. Cottrell's article continues: The problem is widespread. Rosa Perea, assistant director of the Centro Communitario Juan Diego in South Chicago, says she is often moved to tears after visiting undocumented families in her neighborhood. Is Ms. Perea "moved to tears" by the thousands of black youths in Chicago who cannot find work because illegal aliens undercut them in the job market? Is Ms. Perea "moved to tears" by the hospitals closing down all over the country, many of which shut down because they've been overburdened by illegals demanding services that the federal government never reimburses them for? If she is, and if she said that to Ms. Cottrell, the quote was omitted. Ms. Cottrell's feel-guilty-for-the-party-crasher article wound down with a knee-jerk, predictable ending, wherein she quotes Bernadette Sanchez, associate professor of psychology at DePaul University: That kind of hope, Sanchez says, is something every American can understand. She points to a sign at the North side community organization, Centro Romero, that reads "No hay ser humano es ilegal" - "No human being is illegal." Big Brother would love that phrase. It's pure Orwell, and as such it muddles the issue ingeniously. Critics of illegal immigration have never and would never say that any human is illegal. But the phrase is, frankly, designed to appeal to stupid people who are incapable of critical thinking. Consider a man who crashes a party in your home. You ask him to leave. He refuses, then insists that you give him more beer and chips. You call the police to have him removed. The party crasher calls a bunch of his friends on his cell phone and tells them to get over to your address, pronto. The police arrive and find a bunch of the crasher's friends outside your home chanting, "No human is illegal! No human is illegal!" The cops back down and let the crasher stay in your kitchen, consuming your chips and drinking your beer. You're advised that if the man wants to sleep in your bed after the party, there's really nothing they can do about it because they're overburdened as it is. Ridiculous? Sure, but that's essentially what is happening nationwide. People come into this country (our home, our house) and crash the party. While no human is "illegal," plenty of humans act illegally. If a man is shooting deer without a hunting permit, he's an illegal hunter. He is hunting illegally. If a man enters a nation illegally, he is committing illegal immigration. He is an illegal immigrant. Why is that so difficult to understand, and why to so many fools swallow and regurgitate the phrase, "No human is illegal?" To call them "illegal immigrants" is not the same as calling them "illegal humans." Idiocy is the ground in which Liberalism sprouts best, and its poison seeds have been spread in the fertile soil for decades. The harvest is moronic statements such as "no human is illegal" being taken as legitimate political and legal argument. We look forward to Chi-Town Daily News running a piece about the economic disaster wrought upon this nation as the direct result of millions of humans being here illegally. We'll wait with fingers crossed, but we doubt we'll see it. RELATED: What We Didn't Learn at Obama's Press Conference Obama's Immigration Challenge Your Land Is Their Land The cost of illegal immigrants to the American taxpayer... Video: Lou Dobbs, The Cost of Illegal Immigration Nation's pols continue to lie about immigration enforcement Center for Immigration Studies Morris: Boost bail on illegal aliens accused of crimes Illegal Immigration and the Border of the Ridiculous CNB RSS Feed


THE STALIN'S SHADOW IN LONDON: Is this the beginning of a political purge a la Stalin and Lenin? Some say the arrest of British MP Damian Green could signal the beginning of political persecution. Green, a member of the Conservative Party, was arrested for actions connected with his position as an official whistleblower, charged with "leaking" information improperly. The BBC reports: "Conservative sources said a police investigation into a high-ranking politician would have to have been cleared at "the very top" and have described the actions as "Stalinesque".(Source: BBC) The "very top" is Prime Minister Gordon Brown, a member of the liberal Labour Party. The United Kingdom, birthplace of the Magna Carta, that beautiful document that has inspired democratic movements around the world and across centuries for more than 700 years, is becoming a dictatorial anti-free speech tyranny. In 1956, Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister during WWII, described the Magna Carta as "a law which is above the King and which even he must not break." Today, Brown is being accused of abusing his power, and, indeed, the Magna Carter itself. The Magna Carta says, "No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned,...or in any other way destroyed...except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to none will we deny or delay, right or justice." The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution was inspired by that. It says, "No person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The flap over Damian Green's arrest is especially band for Brown in the wake of recent polling that shows public confidence in him has sharply dropped. This is tyranny with a smile, but it's a crooked smile with very sharp teeth. You may say I am exaggerating. If so, then so is Iain Martin, writer for the respected Telegraph newspaper in the UK. Martin writes that the arrest of Damian Green is "seriously sinister" and will likely cause a constitutional crisis (emphasis added): This entire episode is quite chilling and the implications of his arrest in connection with information he gathered from a whistle blower (information which was true) are horrendous for parliamentary authority. The encroachment of the Executive and the police on the business of an MP going about his business, who was working to put legitimate information in the public domain, is seriously sinister. (Source: Another respected newspaper, The Scotsman, offers the headline, "'Stalin-style' arrest of Tory MP by terror police sparks fury." There are many others who see Stalin's shadow in this story. reports that an email from the Conservatives denounced Green's arrest for activities related to his job as the Shadow Immigration Minister (opposition spokesman for immigration): “Mr. Green has, on a number of occasions, legitimately revealed information which the Home Office chose not to make public. Mr. Green denies any wrongdoing and stands by his actions.” (Source: Gordon Brown, of late, has been writing letters to contestants on ITV's X Factor. According to The First Post, "Gordon Brown has been writing individual letters to all 12 of the finalists of ITV's The X Factor. In what could be interpreted as a craven bid togarner favour with the general public, Brown not only wishes each contestant good luck but also offers some criticism of the programme's devisor and notoriously tough judge, Simon Cowell." Will Mr. Brown write a letter to Damian Green, wishing him good luck? Perhaps he will, if his behavior continues to grow more bizarre by the week. RELATED: Profile of Damian Green MP for Ashford and Shadow Minister for Immigration 'Stalin-style' arrest of Tory MP by terror police sparks fury Tory minister Damian Green arrested under the Official Secrets Acts Support for Gordon Brown plummets over economic rescue Shadow immigration minister arrested This bird should never have been caged Cameron hits out at MP's arrest Mayor's 'grave' concerns Plight of the unpeople

Illinois Immigration Tsunami

Good news for Democrats running for office: From the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam said Illinois' lax laws are drawing a flood of illegal immigrants to the Chicago region. "We are becoming a magnet for illegal immigration," Roskam said from Nogales, Arizona in a telephone conference with district residents Monday night. Roskam singled out an Illinois law that bans employers from using the E-Verify system, which is intended to help businesses certify if an employee is a legal resident. "It creates in (illegal immigrants) the expectation that if you make it to Illinois you are home free," Roskam said of the ban. FULL STORY...

Homegrown Intolerance

Here's an article you should read in preparation for the next time somebody tells you that the United States is more racist than any other nation. From the German publication Spiegel:

The Ugly Swiss

Those Europeans that some of you love to imagine as being all about liberty and equality can be just as racist as the rest of humanity. Some (at the moment, anyway) are being outright disgusting in their behavior.

The issue is immigration, which is a hotter topic in Western Europe than even here in the U.S., believe it or not. Why? Well, because our friendly immigrants generally don't throw bombs or blow up trains. Say what you will, the U.S. immigration debate is, for 99.99% of us, all about laws and fair play, not race.

It's different in Europe, as illustrated by the obvious symbolism of the poster shown here. According to a recent Associated Press report, "The nationalist Swiss People's Party is proposing a deportation policy that anti-racism campaigners say evokes Nazi-era practices. Under the plan, entire families would be expelled if their children are convicted of a violent crime, drug offenses or benefits fraud."

Shame on the Swiss. Shame on Europe.

Muy Loco

It's not just people who LIVE here without legal status. Seems U.S. schools are providing free education to aliens who DO NOT LIVE HERE. This is insane. Thousands of Mexican children attending U.S. public schools 4/29/2007 2:14 PM By: Associated Press HOUSTON -- Thousands of Mexican children flock across the U.S. border each weekday to attend school. That's sparking a debate in towns along the border over whether U.S. taxpayers should have to bear the costs of educating them. The border crossing is so common in El Paso that officials opened a special lane just for students this month. The Houston Chronicle reports that more than 12-hundred people passed through that lane from Mexico on a recent morning. Some were college or private school students, but many were coming to attend public schools. THE WHOLE ENCHILADA...

You Are Paying $800 Per Day

County health chief: Fly illegals back home Think of your mother, your brother, your neighbor. Imagine that they need long-term health care. Now imagine that there is no bed available for them, because their own tax dollars - and yours, friend - are paying for luxurious, long-term care for people who broke the law to get into this country. How would you feel? Oh, you may say, people are people and we should help everyone. News flash, pal: We cannot afford to help everyone. Rich as this nation is, we do not have a giant farm full of free-range golden egg geese. This story from the March 25 edition of the Chicago Sun-Times is disturbing on several levels: - Your tax dollars are paying to support people who should be getting this kind of service from their own nations' tax dollars; - They are, in effect, being rewarded for having broken the law by entering the U.S. illegally in the first place; - They are taking away beds that may be needed by people here legally - those of us born here or who entered legally through the system; - You may one day not get a bed because someone who is here illegally has that bed. Excerpts from the Sun-Times story: Dr. Robert Simon, chief of Cook County health services, says the county should fly illegal immigrants living at Oak Forest Hospital back to the countries they came from. "We're giving luxury service in a setting like a park," Simon said in an interview Friday, referring to the acres of grass and trees on the sprawling campus. "We've got undocumented aliens that are living there like that." The hospital is home to 20 to 30 illegal immigrants who are profoundly disabled, Horacio Esparza of the Progress Center for Independent Living estimated. Esparza shows a total disregard for legal residents who have profound disabilities. Should we send legal residents with similar medical challenges to Mexico or Belize or China or any other country for treatment if a bed is not available here? "This isn't just transportation," Esparza said. "There's services. There's medical issues. They are from rural areas in their countries. There's no accessibility, no medical treatments. That's totally not acceptable." And what about legal residents "from rural areas?" The county does not receive any state or federal reimbursement for patients who are not citizens or legal residents. "What I'm saying is, our primary concern has to be to the taxpayers and the citizens," Simon said. "There are people that have been there for 10, 20 years," Simon said. "You as a citizen are paying for that at $800 a day." There is a limit to kindness. It is usually recognizable when blood starts spurting from your own veins.

Dysfunctional Mexico

Your reading assignment for Sunday. "President Felipe Calderon hopes to accomplish the sweeping immigration reform Washington has failed to adopt - not just cracking down on the southern border but also creating a guest-worker program and improving conditions for illegal Central American migrants." Full article... "Mexico has a radical idea for a rational immigration policy that most Americans would love. However, Mexican officials haven't been sharing that idea with us as they press for our Congress to adopt the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform bill. "That's too bad, because Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue. Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico." Full article... "At a time when the Supreme Court and many politicians seek to bring American law in line with foreign legal norms, it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the US look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve our illegal immigration problem." Full article... Mexico’s Glass House - Article about the hypocrisy of Mexico's demands on the United States for immigration "reform," and a look at highlights of the Mexican constitution. Mexican Constitution (from Organization of American States)

Nifonging the U.S. Border Patrol

Yes, I'm using "nifong" as a verb, in the same way one might say that a politician has been "borked." Remember those two U.S. border agents who allegedly shot a Mexican drug dealer in the butt while he ran back into Mexico? Seems they are being nifonged. Briefly: Nifong is the slimy prosecutor who tried to lynch those Duke lacrosse players without even hearing their side of the story. (He is now being prosecuted for a number of reasons, all connected to his mishandling of the case.) A similar injustice may be landing hard on two U.S. Border Patrol employees. In a shocking revelation by Jerome Corsi at WorldNetDaily on February 6, it is reported that a "Department of Homeland Security official admitted today the agency misled Congress when it contended it possessed investigative reports proving Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean confessed guilt and declared they 'wanted to shoot some Mexicans' prior to the incident that led to their imprisonment." This was, we now know, a fabrication. It was a lie, undoubtedly motivated by politics. It's a nifong. The story continues: "The admission came during the testimony of DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner before the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, according to Michael Green, press secretary for Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas." Read the full, shocking and troubling story...