Showing posts with label Illinois Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illinois Republicans. Show all posts

UPDATED: Sen. Mark Kirk Suffers Stroke, Recovering Nicely

English: Official portrait of United States Se...Image via Wikipedia
UPDATE, JAN. 24, 2012 - We are happy to report that Mark Kirk is recovering quickly from the stroke he suffered last weekend. He is breathing on his own after undergoing three hours of surgery - and he's already asking for his Blackberry phone.

January 23, 2012 - Chicago - U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois was hospitalized over this past weekend after he suffered a stroke. Doctors performed surgery on the senator today to remove a four-inch-by-eight-inch portion of his skull to relieve pressure on the brain.

Sen. Kirk's said that he checked himself into Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital, where doctors discovered a "carotid artery dissection in the right side of his neck." He was then moved to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

Kirk, 52, "is expected to recover cognitive functions but could have some physical impairment," reports the Chicago Tribune today, "following a weekend stroke, the neurosurgeon who operated on the senator said today following three-hour surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital."

The Tribune quotes Dr. Richard Fessler as saying that the stroke may leave Sen. Kirk with limited movement of his left arm and/or leg, and could cause some facial paralysis.

"Fortunately," said Dr. Fessler, "the stroke was not on the left side of his brain, in which case it would affect his ability to speak, understand and think."

Sen. Kirk, a Republican, is the junior Senator from Illinois and a former member of the House of Representatives. He currently holds the U.S. Senate seat in Chicago that was once held by Barack Obama. He beat Democrat Alexi Giannoulias in 2010. Giannoulias is a former Illinois State Treasurer.

Chicago News Bench has been harshly critical of Mark Kirk's politics in the past, but we wish him a full and speedy. We also wish courage and strength for his family.
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Pat Brady Prunes Rose From Chicago Young Republicans

August 2, 2010 - Last week, Illinois Chairman Pat Brady forced the resignation of Jeremy Rose from his position as Exec. Director of the Cook County Republican Party. Today we learn that Brady has also forced Rose out of his position as President of the Chicago Young Republicans. Rose is replaced by Meredyth Richards as the new President (photo). Did Pat Brady take the advice of Chicago News Bench? We'd like to think so, but the thought processes within the GOP leadership seems so befuddled that it's hard to tell. Anyway, bittersweet hat tip to the Huffington Post for beating me by about an hour on this: At the behest of Illinois Republican Party Chair Pat Brady, the president of the Chicago Young Republicans has been ousted amid a growing scandal for the state GOP. An allegation of sexual misconduct against CYR President Jeremy Rose -- and the alleged cover-ups, blind eyes turned and retributions made in its wake -- resulted in Rose vacating the post Monday. Chairman Brady said Rose's continued involvement with the Young Republicans was "a distraction to what we're trying to accomplish." In addition to being the longtime CYR president, Rose was hired by Cook County Republican Party chairman Lee Roupas as political director in 2009. He was promoted in early 2010 to CCRP Executive Director, though Roupas knew full well of the allegations against Rose. More at HuffPo... Questions remain: When will Pat Brady also force the resignation of Lee Roupas for his role in the covering up of the alleged sex scandal and also for the disgusting way in which he and Rose conspired to overthrow the elected leadership of the Chicago Republican Party? For that matter, when will Pat Brady step down? After all, like Lee Roupas, Pat Brady also knew "full well" of the allegations against Rose for months and months, yet he was content to let it slide until the pressure from the blogs and his own party members became too much to bear. Pat Brady deserves the same contempt for this coverup as does anybody else. Note to Ms. Richards: You might want to replace the "Message From The President" blog entry, dated July 17, at the CYR website. It's from your predecesor. RELATED: Chicago News Bench entries under "Jeremy Rose"

Pat Brady's Dangerous Behavior (Updated)

Many of you are aware that Jeremy Rose was recently fired - excuse me, he decided to "resign" - from the position of Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party. However, Rose is still the Grand Poobah of the Chicago Young Republicans (CYRs).

This raises a lot of concerns and many questions, not only about Rose but also about Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady and Lee Roupas, Chairman of the Cook County Republican Party. (Again, apologies to some readers for the semi-insider nature of all of this.)

Jeremy Rose will remain an integral part of the Roupas-controlled Cook County GOP. I am told today that Beth Christie, a wealthy Republican donor, will kick in some dough to pay a consultancy fee to Rose on behalf of the Cook Co. party. So, Rose is out, yet he's still in. Ironically, it sounds like Rose comes out of the affair in a better position. The gig as Executive Director didn't pay much, you see, but he will retain influence and make a tidy profit to boot.

The situation at the Cook County GOP may be resolved for now, but you can believe that it will flare up again after November's general elections. Rose's removal as Exec. Dir., Cook County GOP does nothing to resolve the alleged sex scandal at Rose's CYR. It's an open, festering wound that will surely turn gangrenous soon if it is not triaged quickly.

Pat Brady has known about the CYR-Jeremy Rose sex scandal allegations for many weeks, probably for many months. Insiders tell me that his top aides received emails about it last year. By now, certainly, all of the Republican leadership in Illinois is aware of it. There is no longer any excuse for those leaders, including Pat Brady, to not insist on a full internal investigation of the allegations.

By having let it go for so long, with rumors and inuendo flying all the while, was but another example of poorly Republicans handle public relations. This particular PR problem, which may seem insignificant to some, has all the potential of blowing up the the GOP's face in mid-October as a PR bomb that the Democrats will happily use. Thanks to Pat Brady's initial hiding of - and from - the problem, and also to his window-dressing removal of Rose as Exec. Director of the Cook County Republican Party, the Democrats won't even have to light that PR bomb's fuse.

IN FACT, THE BOMB THROWING STARTED TODAY, with a press conference call by some Democrat women: MEDIA ADVISORY WHO: State Senator Iris Martinez, State Representative Karen Yarbrough, State Representative Sarah Feigenholtz, Melissa Widen, PersonalPAC Board of Directors Vice-Chairman 

[Update: Feigenholtz was a no-show; see more below...]


WHEN: Friday, July 30th at 12:00 p.m. 

WHERE: Democratic Party of Cook County, 134 N LaSalle Blvd, 14th Floor, Chicago 


Illinois women are demanding the truth from GOP standard-bearer Senator Bill Brady after his party covered up allegations of sexual misconduct by a top GOP leader. After two governors who betrayed the public trust, Illinois cannot afford a repeat of the problems of the past. Women and all voters should be concerned that a cover up of this magnitude was perpetuated by Illinois Republicans. The press conference will be held at the Democratic Party of Cook County offices, 134 N LaSalle Blvd, 14th Floor, Chicago, IL 

UPDATE, 10:10 PM: Cook County GOP Scandal: Bill Brady Takes Heat From Women Democrats Over 'Cover-Up' at Huffington Post. (Note that Sara Feigenholtz stayed away for reasons unknown.)

Hat tip to Rich Miller at Capital Fax for the heads up on the press release. Miller noted, accurately, the "The mainstream Chicago media has completely ignored these allegations. We’ll see what happens after the press conference." Indeed, Capital Fax seems to be the only outlet - mainstream or otherwise - to publish that press release so far.

What's to be done? The OTHER Brady, of course, stands to lose most of all. That's State Senator Bill Brady, of course, who is the Republican running for governor of Illinois. Sen. Brady has also been aware of the CYR sexual misconduct allegations for months. As one GOP insider said to me this morning, "Bill Brady should have come out front months ago with this and demanded an inquiry," and hinted that Sen. Brady should even have called for purge of all suspects. As feared, and as we all knew would happen, the Dems are trying to tie Bill Brady to the scandal. Although he had nothing to do with any of the alleged misconduct, Bill Brady is guilty of participating in the covering up of the scandal. The fact that Pat Brady forced the "resignation" of Jeremy Rose from the Cook County GOP is proof enough that the leadership acknowledges the public relations problem - even though they handled it like rank amateurs.

Bill Brady needs to insist that Pat Brady step down as chair of the Illinois Republican Party. He should then hold a press conference to say how horrified he is about the allegations and the way it's been handled, and assure everyone that this kind of behavior is not acceptable. He would need to be careful to say things such as "if true" and "allegedly," because none of the accusations have been tried in any court of law. Bill Brady, however, does not need a court of law to state his case any more than Pat Brady did to oust Rose. Bill Brady can't keep avoiding this by continuing to hide in his bus.

(Yawn) Jeremy Rose "Resigns" From Cook County GOP; HuffPo Misses Key Element

July 29, 2010 - Jeez, this is getting old. No, wait, it already is old. Eight days ago we reported that Jeremy Rose, the embattled now-former Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party, had a 50/50 chance of being shit-canned from that position. Turns out he was shit-canned, after all, and the Huffington Post sorta-kinda finally caught up to us today, almost... well, not exactly:
Jeremy Rose, the executive director of the Cook County GOP, resigned Tuesday night after word spread of a past allegation of sexual misconduct. According to documents obtained by Huffington Post Chicago, his boss -- Cook County GOP chairman Lee Roupas -- has known about the allegations for over a year, during which time he hired and promoted Rose. And when a whistleblower came forward about the complaint, Roupas organized a concerted effort to remove that person from her elected position within the party.
That's interesting, but HuffPo's otherwise-good post mysteriously missed the key point that we made over a week ago when we wrote this:
...on the night of Tuesday, July 20 there was a conference call between Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady and state central committeemen, in which Brady told the committeemen that Jeremy Rose will be resigning from his position as Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party "within three days." That would have been yesterday, July 23. Rose's position with the county GOP, according to our source, hinged on the outcome of "mediation by Gary MacDougal, a former state GOP chairman, between Eloise Gerson and Lee Roupas." That mediation was, so we were told, a power struggle within the ranks of Chicago area Republicans, and also has to do with allegations of sexual misconduct within the Chicago Young Republicans. The mediation was scheduled for Thursday, July 22.
To our amazement, HuffPo did not mention Pat Brady even once in their post today. T'was GOP State Chairman Brady, after all, who forced the "resignation" of Jeremy Rose. (Score one big point for Eloise Gerson.) The question remains: When will the Pat Brady camp and others force the ouster of Jeremy Rose as the head of the Chicago Young Republicans? Remember this: "Others" includes a bunch of very pissed off and disgusted big-money donors -- and at least one incumbent Republican Congressman who happens to be running for U.S. Senate against a former banker to the mob.

Why Conservatives Should Care About the Cook County GOP Scandals

We've been touching on the simmering triangular sex-and-power scandals involving the Cook County Republican Party, the Chicago Young Republicans and the Chicago Republican Party. Hillbuzz has been ahead of the curve, however, and yesterday posted "Anatomy of a Scandal: Why conservatives nationwide should care about what Lee Roupas has done to the Cook County GOP." It's a must-read. Note: There is an "informer" call "Roxy Vanilla," which is actually a group. In one of their emails, they described themselves as "a small group of disgusted current and former Chicago Young Republicans." On July 25, Chicago News Bench received a comment from an imposter, posing as Roxy Vanilla. The real Roxy's email address is "," but the imposter added an extra "l" - "". You can see the imposter's comment at my post, "Is Jeremy Rose Still Exec Director? And Where Are Cook County GOP Committemen?"

Is Jeremy Rose Still Exec Director? And Where Are Cook County GOP Committemen?

Last Wednesday, we reported that Jeremy Rose, Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party, might be ousted. His position there, we wrote, hinged on the outcome of a meeting between the county party's Chairman, Lee Roupas, and Eloise Gerson, chairman of the Chicago Republican Party. They've been feuding, you see, and it got ugly. Real ugly. Although Rose still seems to have retained that position, big questions remain. One of those questions: Why were ALL Cook County GOP Central Committeemen's names purged from their website last week? As we wrote on Wednesday, a source told us that on the night of Tuesday, July 20 there was a conference call between Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady and state central committeemen, in which Brady told the committeemen that Jeremy Rose will be resigning from his position as Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party "within three days." That would have been yesterday, July 23. Rose's position with the county GOP, according to our source, hinged on the outcome of "mediation by Gary MacDougal, a former state GOP chairman, between Eloise Gerson and Lee Roupas." That mediation was, so we were told, a power struggle within the ranks of Chicago area Republicans, and also has to do with allegations of sexual misconduct within the Chicago Young Republicans. The mediation was scheduled for Thursday, July 22. In the midst of all of this, the names of every Cook County GOP Central Committeeman was removed from their website. (Click image to see the before and after listings.) No public explanation has been offered, and it caught the committeemen themselves by surprise. The phone calls between them and Roupas, whose name is the only one remaining under the heading of "leadership" on that web page, would undoubtedly make for great cocktail conversation. Both sides seem to have clammed up even tighter. They are avoiding calls from the likes of the Huffington Post, Hillbuzz, Chicago News Bench and others. (We have twice offered Jeremy Rose a "carte blanche" opportunity to respond on Chicago News Bench, but he has not responded to the offer.) Another question: Is Rose really still the Executive Director of the Cook County GOP? Given the purging of the committeemen's names, can we trust the website? After all, we doubt that the committeemen themselves have been removed from their position, yet there's the now-incomplete "Leadership" list. Time for Lee Roupas and Jeremy Rose to start answering a lot of questions - not just from bloggers, but from their own "leadership." They could start with this question: "What the hell is going on over there?" RELATED: Anatomy of a Scandal: Why conservatives nationwide should care about what Lee Roupas has done to the Cook County GOP - Hillbuzz

Sex! Power! Coverups! The Imperial Cook County GOP

CNB Exclusive - Sex and Power often go together, but usually not this way. Allegations and whispers of sexual misconduct within the Chicago Young Republicans group are only complicating a long-standing attempt by Cook County Republican Party leadership to move in on the Chicago Republican Party like the Borg going after the Starship Enterprise. Before proceeding, we want to be clear that there is no indication that Sen. Bill Brady is involved in any of this. He's running for governor in Illinois. Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady, however, has been briefed. Major party donors have heard the whispers for many months, and some are putting heavy pressure on GOP leadership at all levels to "clean this mess up." AN EMAIL AND MEMO were obtained by us through one of our informers. THE EMAIL (click to view) was sent by Eloise Gerson, Chairman of the Chicago Republican Central Committee, to "GOP Leaders" on Monday, July 10, 2010. There is an ugly power struggle between the Cook County (IL) Republican Party and the Chicago Republican Party that's been brewing for at least 18 months, and it is essentially a conspiracy between Jeremy Rose, Executive Director of the Cook County Party and President of the Chicago Young Republicans, and Cook County Republican Chairman Lee Roupas. While we don't know who those "leaders" are (they seem to have been blind copied), but we can guess that IL GOP Chairman Pat Brady was included in the list. She addresses the "vicious" attempt to co-opt her organization by the Cook County Central Committee. THE MEMO (click to view) is undated but obviously sent in late June, 2010, prior to the email and lends much context to the email of July 19. (The email is dated July 10, the other document refers to a then-future meeting on June 29, 2010.) Roupas and Rose want, essentially, to take over and absorb the Chicago party into one larger entity. Meanwhile, a sex scandal is brewing within the Chicago Young Republicans, involving serious allegations against Rose. That scandal is on the verge of exploding, already getting scant coverage in the blogosphere. We haven't heard the last of this by a longshot. Like a pressure cooker that's been steaming too long, the lid is about to blow. Let's get it over with. RELATED ALLEGATIONS: Lee Roupas is lying: he claims to have only been made aware of the ... Hillbuzz Is Jeremy Rose Out As Exec Director of Cook County GOP? (Updated) CNB Who is Roxy Vanilla and what scandal is Lee Roupas covering up for the Chicago GOP? Hillbuzz

Chicago Vs. Cook County - GOP Power Struggle, Sex Scandal

Is Jeremy Rose Out As Exec Dir of Cook County GOP? (Updated x2)

Exclusive to Chicago News Bench: A trusted source tells us that on the night of Tuesday, July 20 there was a conference call between Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady and state central committeemen. In that phone call, Brady informed the committeemen that Jeremy Rose will be resigning from his position as Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party "within three days." That would be this coming Friday, July 23. Our source claims that Brady did not specify why Rose would be resigning, nor whether it would be a forced or voluntary resignation. Stand by, as they say, for news. UPDATE, JULY 24: Is Jeremy Rose Still Exec Director? And Where Are Cook County GOP Committemen? Rose's resignation may hang on the outcome, according to our source, "of mediation by Gary MacDougal, a former state GOP chairman, between Eloise Gerson and Lee Roupas." That mediation would be to settle, to be as brief as possible, a power struggle within the ranks of Chicago area Republicans, and also has to do with allegations of sexual misconduct within the Chicago Young Republicans. The mediation is scheduled for Thursday, July 22 "somewhere deep in the suburbs of Chicago." Rose is also the head of the Chicago Young Republicans. (Hoo boy, stand by for news!) Curiously, our source says, Pat Brady told the committeemen on the Tuesday night conference call that the battle between Roupas and Gerson will be left to them to settle - a weirdly astonishing statement, given that this involves a brewing scandal that could explode into the lame Mainstream Media at any moment. We will expand on this in the coming days. We have our own theories, as do other bloggers. Jeremy Rose has not returned my phone call. Just after I posted, he sent me this email message: "Not true, who is your source?" I responded that I cannot reveal a source's name, and asked him how he would know if it's true or not, and whether he was involved in the conference call and/or if Pat Brady told him denied saying those things to the committeemen. UPDATE, July 22, 1:00 PM: No further response from Mr. Rose. (Me thinks he doth protest too little.) P.S. - Why am I, a conservative blogger, posting this nasty stuff about Republicans? Because (a) if the blogosphere allegations of sexual misconduct against Jeremy Rose are true, they should be exposed (and these allegations are flying within the GOP itself) and (b) it the allegations are not true, that should be exposed. This story is not going away, and the sooner it gets out the better for everybody, and (c) Truth is Truth, and that's what I seek. P.P.S. - Thanks for your recent email, Roxy. Please send more details.

Why Is Peter Roskam Kissing Union Ass?

Peter Roskam seems confused. He represents the 6th Congressional District in Illinois. He calls himself a Republican and he's running for re-election. Did he think it would be a wise move to support currently proposed legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds? In theory, the bill could add $165 billion to the of American taxpayers' already heavy burden. The bill is being introduced by Senator Bob Casey, (D-Pa.), who says it will save jobs and help people, and Roskam supports it. The bill in question will essentially let multi-employer union pension plans, like the Teamster's plan that is currently causing UPS so much trouble, segregate out the workers of defunct companies and get the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp to pony up for their benefits. Media Matters says that the bailout won't cost $165 billion, and they're right; that's the total liabilities of the plan. Theoretically, it could cost $165 billion if every single employer went bankrupt, but that's not a very likely scenario. More at The Atlantic... NetRightDaily reports that "Americans for Limited Government (ALG) has sent a letter to 9 House Republicans urging that they withdraw their support from legislation providing a taxpayer bail-out of labor union run pension funds. Among the union pension funds in critical danger are those run by the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) and more than a hundred other union-run funds." Roskam is one of the nine Congressmen to get that letter. Read more at Roskam has a reputation as a good conservative, so his support of Casey's union bailout bill seems bizarre. Roskam has a good "general favorability towards Republicans" according to National Journal Online's 2009 Vote Ratings with score of 76.0. That's "good," but it's far from perfect. (Compare it to Mark Kirk's 60.7 rating.) (Hat tip to TeaPartyElections.)

Alan Dershowitz to Endorse Joel Pollak

Joel Pollak is running against incumbent Jan Schakowsky for Congress in the 9th District of Illinois. Famed attorney, legal scholar and author Alan Dershowitz is endorsing Pollak, the first Republican ever to get this stamp of approval from him. Dershowitz will join Pollak for a special lunch event in Chicago on June 16. Basic details below; more info at the Pollak for Congress website. Where: Wildfire Restaurant, 159 West Erie Street, Chicago, IL 60610 When: June 16th. 2010 11:30-1:00 PM ~ For more info contact Peggy Shapiro at or 312-912-8110. * Kosher meals available upon request

Rev. Isaac Hayes Kicked Out of Event by Mayor of University Park

APRIL 8, 2010 - Isaac Hayes, the Republican candidate for Congress in the 2nd District of Illinois, was rudely ejected yesterday by Mayor Alvin McCowan of the Village of University Park, Illinois, without explanation, from a private networking event for politicians and candidates at the University Golf Club, 23520 Crawford Avenue, University Park, IL 60484-3614. Hayes was invited to the event and not crashing the party. Mayor McCowan is a Democrat who, apparently, does not believe in fair and equal access to public facilities, even for invited guests.

Chicago News Bench spoke with Rev. Hayes at 7:45 this evening. He said that he and some of his campaign staff were at the event for about an hour before they were suddenly asked to leave by the mayor. Hayes was not aware of the problem immediately, but saw a problem developing across the room.

Hayes told CNB, "My staff was in a heated discussion with McCowan, so I went over to join them and ask what was going on. He was very disrespectful to me."  Hayes also noted that McCowan is a major contributor to Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. It's no coincidence that Hayes is running against Jackson.

Warner T. Huston also notes McCowan's relationship to Jackson. McCowan is "a heavy contributor to 2nd District Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D, Chicago)," writes Huston, and "was incensed that Reverend Isaac Hayes attended a networking-styled event in 'his' town recently and threw a childish hissy fit while demanding that candidate Hayes be thrown out of the venue. Hayes is the Republican facing Congressman Jackson in the upcoming 2010 elections."

"Isn't this a public facility?" Hayes asked McCowan. "The government owns it," McCowan said to him. "I got the feeling that he meant that he could call the shots because he is the mayor," Hayes said. The following press release from the Hayes campaign goes into greater detail.


April 8, 2010 - CHICAGO: The following statement was released today by Citizens for Isaac Hayes, campaign committee for Illinois 2nd Congressional District Republican nominee Isaac Hayes, after being kicked out of a private event by University Park Mayor Alvin McCowan.

On April 7, 2010, Republican nominee Isaac Hayes and staff attended a networking event at the University Golf Club in University Park, IL, at the invitation of the event sponsor, Ms. Jennifer Day of ‘Daylight Media’. Mr. Hayes agreed to sponsor a table at the event based upon the invitation which specifically included “Politicians & Elected Officials.” Additionally, Mr. Hayes’ name was listed with other political candidates slated to attend, though listing the wrong office sought: “Political Candidates – William Dock Walls, Running for Governor, Isaac Hayes, Running for Senator, Rainbow Push Executive Staff, South Suburban Mayors, Aides & Staff…”

After Hayes spent approximately one hour interacting with other attendees, the Village Manager David Sevier approached Hayes’ Campaign Coordinator, George Pearson. According to Pearson, the Village Manager communicated “he was concerned about our being present at this function.” Following this conversation, Mr. Sevier angrily walked away and began to frantically make phone calls to unknown persons. Moments later, Mayor Alvin McCowan approached Mr. Hayes and abruptly asked him to “leave the premises immediately!” After putting his hand in Mr. Hayes’ face, the Mayor fiercely walked away to find the event’s host, Ms. Day. Having been brought to tears by the Mayor for allowing a “Republican” to sponsor a table, Day began clearing the table of all campaign materials.

“I guess this Mayor doesn’t believe his community has a right to decide for themselves, considering Rainbow Push’s material was placed in full sight and not taken down,” said Pearson. “If Jesse Jackson Jr. had a sponsored table here tonight it would be business as usual.”

The campaign’s white staff members present believes the Mayor’s discrimination was targeted toward them. Hayes said he definitely saw an alarming display of hate. “The way my staff and I were treated by the mayor is reminiscent of the 1950’s, with a ‘No Republicans Allowed’ sign,” said Hayes.

Mr. Pearson added, “Once our materials were removed from our originally assigned central location, we were then asked to move to the back of the room.” They were replaced by a tobacco vendor. “It’s apparent the Democratic officials believe alcohol and tobacco are more important than freedom of choice and speech.”

Mr. Hayes pointed out that on March 27th he attended a gala sponsored by the League of Women Voters Park Forest Area at the same facility without incident. According to him, the difference between then and now is “a group of thugs who are operating in Chicago-way bully politics. They may own the facility, but it belongs to the people."

Hayes demands that Mayor McCowan “personally apologize to me and more importantly, my staff for the embarrassment and humiliation they experienced by having to remove all literature, take off campaign buttons and stop exchanging cards at a networking event, all as a room full of people looked on.”

Hayes also calls on Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. to “step up to the plate and repudiate this discrimination and intolerance of American citizens. Otherwise, I will take his silence as an endorsement of treatment his father fought to end more than forty years ago.”

For the actual event invite, please go to:  

[The invitation is also reproduced below]





Isaac Hayes, running against Jesse Jackson Jr in IL-02 CPAC Interview with HotAir
UNIVERSITY-PARK, Illinois (IL) Political Contributions by Individuals
Alvin Mccowan Political Campaign Contributions 2010 Election Cycle

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Now Official, Brady Starts His Campaign (Updated)

March 5, 2010 - Bill Brady was certified this morning as the official winner of the Republican primary for governor of Illinois. He's wasting no time in starting his campaign. TWO EVENTS TODAY: 2:00 PM: The Brady campaign will make an announcement at the Union League Club, 65 W. Jackson Blvd., Heritage Room, 2nd Floor. (See map) 5:00 PM: Brady will greet voters and supporters at the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 504 W. Madison, in downtown Chicago. You can bet that there will be a celebratory feel to this campaign rally. (See map) Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

193 Votes! Brady Is GOP Nominee for Illinois Governor

FINALLY, IT'S OFFICIAL: Bill Brady is the Illinois GOP nominee. Kurt Erickson reports: March 5, 2010 - With little fanfare, the Illinois State Board of Elections said the Bloomington real estate developer beat his closest rival, state Sen. Kirk Dillard of Hinsdale, by 193 votes. The results have been in question since the Feb. 2 primary saw Brady leading by 420 votes in unofficial returns. Dillard is slated to make an announcement in Chicago at 1:30 p.m. He has said he would concede the race if the gap between he and Brady was more than 100 votes. According to the state board's tally, Brady received 155,527 votes in the seven-way GOP race. Full Article at MORE: Bill Brady wins Republican nomination for governor by 193 votes Chicago Daily Herald Brady wins Official Vote for GOP Nomination WIFR Bill Brady wins Primary WCIA-3 News Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Illinois Shows Limitations of Tea Party Movement - Guest Post by Warner Todd Huston

Guest Post by Warner Todd Huston

The Tea Party folks keep getting mad at me for saying that in the end they might prove ineffective in races at levels higher than local because they aren't organized enough. They puff up their chests proudly proclaiming that they intend to resist being organized and they claim that being organized is precisely what they are fighting against. I understand the feeling, even sympathize quite a lot, but there is a problem with this obstinacy. It means they won't win on a statewide ballot very often. The Illinois primary just proved me correct, too.

Let's take the race for Senate in Illinois as exhibit "A." Of course the good old boys in the state party went with Mark Kirk, the center-left candidate from a northern suburb of Chicago. He was the he-can-win candidate and the establishment choice. Not one Tea Party group, though, wants Kirk and for good reason -- and I heartily concur with them, as it happens. So who was the "Tea Party candidate," the one meant to beat out Kirk, the one backed by the newly found power of the Tea Party movement? There wasn't one. There was three.

Sadly, the Tea Partiers in Illinois split their vote all up. Some Tea Party Groups went with Don Lowery and some went with Patrick Hughes. A few even went with John Arrington. Hughes, of course, was the only one that had even a remote chance as far as voter polls were concerned. Hughes at least registered in the polls, Lowery and Arrington barely showed up at all.

Now, I like Mr. Lowery to be sure. He is a great fellow and has some fantastic principles. I can see why Tea Party groups are attracted to him. I feel the same way about Mr. Arrington. On the other hand, the same can be said of Hughes (disclosure, I endorsed Hughes). The problem is not that one or the other Tea Party group chose the wrong candidate, it's that they didn't choose the same candidate. They petered away their votes by choosing three candidates allowing Mark Kirk to run away with it.

There was the same problem with the six candidates that were running for the GOP nomination for Governor. Tea Party groups spilt their votes between Dan Proft and Adam Andrzejewski. Andrzejewski got a last minute surge from Tea Partiers, but it was too late to help. But if you combined the polling numbers that Proft and Andrzejewski were seeing into one that number was a winning number. Unfortunately, the vote was spilt between the two candidates, not settled on just one of them.

The sad fact is that the Illinois Tea Party groups didn't spend any time organizing, polling each other, coordinating with each other. There was no effort from one Tea Party group to reach out to another one and work together. They all stayed in their own little area, met in their own little meetings, had their own little candidates forum, and made their own little decisions.

This method is fine for village elections or State Reps and State Senators. It's likely even good for County elections. But it does not work for federal elections or statewide elections where several candidates per office are vying for attention and support. Sure, this method is particularly important and powerful for local elections, but it just doesn't work at higher levels than that.

Now, let's look where the Tea Party movement has been effective on a larger than local level. Doug Hoffman in NY 23 caught the interest of Tea Party groups across the country, so did Scott Brown in Massachusetts. And why was this? It was because of groups like Eric Odom's American Liberty Alliance, Dick Armey's Freedomworks, and Americans For Prosperity among others. It was also because of the national exposure that talk radio and TV gave these races. These are groups and entities organized on a national basis, groups that have offices throughout the country, groups that are, well, organized.

In essence, whether you want to believe it or not, the outpouring of support for Doug Hoffman and Scott Brown was organized (even if by a confluence of events) on a national level, not on a local one. These two races happened in a hurry due to forces beyond a local Tea Party level. These were causes that the local Tea Party folks signed onto quickly, yes, but were efforts they didn't initiate.

And this is precisely what I mean. The Hoffman and Brown races were handed to the Tea Party movement on a silver platter; they were not ones they worked hard to create. We have yet to see a race created at a local level, built through the grass roots, and organized for victory at the hands of the Tea Party groups. Illinois failed to show such organization at any level higher than a local race.

Recently J.P. Freire triumphantly reported that a year after the first Tea Party protests began to appear they've proven not to represent a "mass conspiracy" but are instead a true movement.
The tea parties are the success of everyday citizens clamoring to protect something they feel is endangered by the growth of government. These are not political mavens -- they're better at running a business and a family than they are at developing talking points for prime time (a fact I learned while organizing the first D.C. tea party in front of the White House last February).
I agree and applaud this truth. But what does it mean politically if none of this voter interest and passion can be channeled to real political victories at the ballot box? I submit that it is meaningless and might even lead to more cynicism among voters when they come to realize that all of their political passion has resulted in no political change.

One thing is sure, if Tea Party groups want to become a political force for good, they have to coordinate farther out than their own towns and county. If they don't they will risk making themselves irrelevant just as they did in the Senate race and Governor race in Illinois. That means organizing, whether they like it or not because organization wins elections. It's just that simple.

The Tea Party folks certainly do not have to take on all the characteristics of the failed Party organizations they oppose. But they must get over this fear of organizing. If they don't they will not be able to wield the power they might actually have behind them. Worse the parties that are a bit scared of them right now will surely find themselves able to ignore the Tea Parties if they ultimately find no threat from them. And that would be a shame, indeed.

My Other Tea Party Movement Discussions
  • Anatomy Of A Tea Party Pooping Endorsement
  • Book Review: What Are These Tea Parties About, Anyway?
  • Old GOP Doesn’t ‘Get’ Tea Parties
  • Tea Party Debate Continued: My Reply to Steve McQueen of
  • Tea Parties: The Biggest Mistake We’ll Make in 2010
  • Now, Heather Steans Faces THIS Guy...

    UPDATE, AUGUST 6, 2010: Does RINO Adam Robinson Hate Mormons? Before I get to an open letter from Heather Steans' NEW opponent, let me say this: On February 2, nearly two thirds of the voters in the Illinois 7th Senate District showed that they are either unaware of the corruption of Machine-backed Heather Steans, or they don't care. I prefer to think that it's an unawareness of who Heather Steans really is - and what she is - that caused so many good people to make such a profoundly bad choice yesterday. Steans beat a good man in the Democrat primary, and Jim Madigan is to be congratulated for having the guts to go up against the entrenched and dirty politicians of his own party, those who have dominated and tainted the politics of Chicago, Cook County and Illinois for so long. But Steans was not re-elected yesterday, she was only nominated to run for re-election. The real contest is for the November vote, and before she can say she's been re-elected she will have to defeat this guy: Republican reformer Adam Robinson. SEE UPDATE, AUGUST 6, 2010: Does RINO Adam Robinson Hate Mormons? Robinson wrote this letter to voters: To my friends and neighbors in the Illinois 7th Senate District, First and foremost, please join me in congratulating State Senator Heather Steans for her win in yesterday’s Democratic primary election. I would also like to take a moment to congratulate Jim Madigan for his vigorous and people-centric effort to win the nomination. Both campaigns fought hard, and the community benefitted from their exchange of ideas. In November, you’ll choose your next State Senator. For the first time in a generation, the IL-7th Senate seat will be legitimately contested in the general election. As an independent-minded, fiscally responsible, and socially moderate candidate for this office, I am honored to have the opportunity to earn your trust over the next nine months. The days of the Chicago political machine being able to take your vote for granted are over. The citizens in our community are hurting. Jobs are scarce, and the ineptitude of our state government has led Illinois to the brink of financial insolvency. Meanwhile, your elected officials enrich themselves and their insider friends with fat pensions and lucrative government jobs. Budgets for entitlement programs explode, while Springfield balances the budget on the backs of those without political clout. In short, the system is broken. But I’m running to change that. I believe in my heart that there are things upon which we can all agree, regardless of political affiliation:
  • People come first, always.
  • We should be creating jobs, not destroying jobs.
  • Elected officials should be honest and forthright. No exceptions. Ever.
  • Our public education system is a mess, and it’s failing our kids. It’s time to address this problem with actions, not words.
  • Our government must ensure equality for all citizens, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
  • The level of violent crime in our community is simply unacceptable. We need more dollars for public safety, now.
  • Our social service programs should focus on our neediest residents, extending a helping hand to these individuals and families. Finding common ground – that’s what my campaign is all about. I don’t care about political ideology, I care about good ideas. And I’m prepared to listen to and act upon good ideas, no matter the source. You deserve nothing less from the people whom you elect to serve your interests. How’s that for a change? So, here’s to you, the residents of the IL-7th, and to a new beginning for our community. Together, let’s unleash the potential of our neighborhoods and work together to solve the enormous challenges before us. Let’s find common ground. It would be my great honor to serve as your next State Senator, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so. Sincerely, Adam Robinson Candidate for Illinois State Senate, 7th District Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed
  • Andrzejewski's "Dial Into Victory" Offers Cash Prizes

    This is innovative. Adam Andrzejewski's campaign has a great way for YOU to get involved at the last minute - and be rewarded with cash prizes. Now that's redistribution of wealth we can agree on! As if getting a true and honest conservative into the Governor's Mansion wasn't enough, you can now get into fun competition for cash and prizes while helping Adam get elected. Details and instructions from the Andrzejewski campaign: Here's another perfect excuse to go next door and be friendly with your neighbors. Make sure you visit your entire neighborhood by walking your precinct. Be sure to tell them about the movement to forge A New Day in Illinois. Download and print our PDF flier, or email to request palm cards and a walk list for your area. Remember, Neighbors don’t let neighbors vote for the establishment. DIAL INTO VICTORY Make the most phone calls from our virtual phone bank and win $1000! 2nd Prize: $750 3rd Prize: $500 Six Consolation Prizes of $250 Can’t hit the streets? Work the phones from home from 10 am to 8 pm now through February 2nd. The greatest way to make a difference is by phoning as many people as you possibly can. If you want to participate in this Get Out the Vote effort, all you need is an internet connection, your telephone or cell phone, and access the following website: LOGIN HERE Campaign ID: 811139?Campaign CampaignPass Code: Adam2010 Just login and follow the prompts on the screen. A script will be provided for you. You simply stay on the line and the auto-dialer will do the work! Download instructions. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

    FALSE Rumors About Adam Andrzejewski

    DIRTY TRICKS: False rumors are circulating about Adam Andrzejewski. See below, from Lake County Tea Party today: January 31, 2010 - Adam is in the race to Win - With under 48 hours left until voting begins, it is becoming clear many people do not want Adam to win this race. They are stooping to old political tricks. They are now spreading rumors that Adam has dropped out of the race. This is a lie and a dirty political trick, Adam has NOT dropped out of the race and is IN THE RACE TO WIN. It is spreading mostly in Lake County right now. Please pass along to your friends and neighbors. He has the momentum with the support of the former President of Poland, Lech Walesa, the Tea Party and many other conservative groups in Illinois and across the country. Don’t let political tricks go unpunished. RELATED: D2s Prove Jim Dodge Dirty Tricks in IL Comptroller Race Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

    Andrzejewski Endorsements Keep Coming

    Andrzejewski Earns Endorsement From Former Congressional Candidate Jeff Danklefson (press release) Elmhurst, Illinois – Conservative candidate for Governor, Adam Andrzejewski (And-GEE-EFF-Ski) has received overwhelming support from conservatives both nationally and internationally. Former Congressional candidate in the 14th District, Jeff Danklefson, joins a long list of respected conservative leaders who have endorsed Andrzejewski. In his endorsement letter to Andrzejewski, Danklefson comments: “Adam Andrzejewski’s message of personal liberty, budget reform, and the willingness to confront political corruption has energized voters in Illinois. Adam’s experience in the private sector of job creation and fighting for the taxpayer offer voters a candidate for Governor with a unique background. Adam is not beholden to the political class in Springfield and he has the budgetary solutions to address Illinois’ deficit. The Republican Party has an opportunity to elect a man on February 2nd who can bring integrity back to Illinois.” "This endorsement means a lot to me. Jeff is a great man. He fought hard to bring reform to the 14th District. We have not seen the last of Jeff in politics. He excited the base and had the support of the tea party. I'm proud to have him stand with me as we fight the establishment in Illinois," says Andrzejewski. Among the prominent conservatives who have expressed their support for Andrzejewski are former Polish President Lech Walesa; American Radio host, author, and conservative political commentator Laura Ingraham; AOL Political Daily columnist Matt Lewis; and author and Regional Coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots in Illinois Robert Moon. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed