(Yawn) Jeremy Rose "Resigns" From Cook County GOP; HuffPo Misses Key Element

July 29, 2010 - Jeez, this is getting old. No, wait, it already is old. Eight days ago we reported that Jeremy Rose, the embattled now-former Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party, had a 50/50 chance of being shit-canned from that position. Turns out he was shit-canned, after all, and the Huffington Post sorta-kinda finally caught up to us today, almost... well, not exactly:
Jeremy Rose, the executive director of the Cook County GOP, resigned Tuesday night after word spread of a past allegation of sexual misconduct. According to documents obtained by Huffington Post Chicago, his boss -- Cook County GOP chairman Lee Roupas -- has known about the allegations for over a year, during which time he hired and promoted Rose. And when a whistleblower came forward about the complaint, Roupas organized a concerted effort to remove that person from her elected position within the party.
That's interesting, but HuffPo's otherwise-good post mysteriously missed the key point that we made over a week ago when we wrote this:
...on the night of Tuesday, July 20 there was a conference call between Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady and state central committeemen, in which Brady told the committeemen that Jeremy Rose will be resigning from his position as Executive Director of the Cook County Republican Party "within three days." That would have been yesterday, July 23. Rose's position with the county GOP, according to our source, hinged on the outcome of "mediation by Gary MacDougal, a former state GOP chairman, between Eloise Gerson and Lee Roupas." That mediation was, so we were told, a power struggle within the ranks of Chicago area Republicans, and also has to do with allegations of sexual misconduct within the Chicago Young Republicans. The mediation was scheduled for Thursday, July 22.
To our amazement, HuffPo did not mention Pat Brady even once in their post today. T'was GOP State Chairman Brady, after all, who forced the "resignation" of Jeremy Rose. (Score one big point for Eloise Gerson.) The question remains: When will the Pat Brady camp and others force the ouster of Jeremy Rose as the head of the Chicago Young Republicans? Remember this: "Others" includes a bunch of very pissed off and disgusted big-money donors -- and at least one incumbent Republican Congressman who happens to be running for U.S. Senate against a former banker to the mob.