Nifonging the U.S. Border Patrol

Yes, I'm using "nifong" as a verb, in the same way one might say that a politician has been "borked." Remember those two U.S. border agents who allegedly shot a Mexican drug dealer in the butt while he ran back into Mexico? Seems they are being nifonged. Briefly: Nifong is the slimy prosecutor who tried to lynch those Duke lacrosse players without even hearing their side of the story. (He is now being prosecuted for a number of reasons, all connected to his mishandling of the case.) A similar injustice may be landing hard on two U.S. Border Patrol employees. In a shocking revelation by Jerome Corsi at WorldNetDaily on February 6, it is reported that a "Department of Homeland Security official admitted today the agency misled Congress when it contended it possessed investigative reports proving Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean confessed guilt and declared they 'wanted to shoot some Mexicans' prior to the incident that led to their imprisonment." This was, we now know, a fabrication. It was a lie, undoubtedly motivated by politics. It's a nifong. The story continues: "The admission came during the testimony of DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner before the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, according to Michael Green, press secretary for Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas." Read the full, shocking and troubling story...

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