Showing posts with label Gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay. Show all posts

June 13, 2013

WANTED: Conservative Attorney With Courage To Help Me Sue YouTube and Vimeo

Update, 13 June 2013: Now Vimeo has removed the video. Vimeo's email to me: "Your video 'Gay Attorney Supports Official Abuse of Power Against Chick-fil-A' has been removed for violating our Guidelines. Reason: Violates Privacy." Incredible! The attorney was openly demonstrating with other protesters on a public sidewalk in broad daylight and consented to being interviewed. That's a violation of privacy? Really?!?
Staring into the camera while being interviewed
UPDATE, June 13, 2013 - I am dead serious about this. If you're an attorney who feels strongly about free speech, and is opposed to the heavy-handed policies of YouTube and now Vimeo that suppress conservatives, please contact me at via @ChiNewsBench on Twitter or via comment on this post.

YouTube removed the video in August, 2012, when I originally published this post. Vimeo removed it in July, 2013. Both said the reason was violation of privacy.  

But no privacy was violated. I interviewed an openly gay attorney (David Amen) who attended the anti-Chick-fil-A "kiss-in" in Chicago. He consented to an interview on camera, which is obvious in the video. Somebody ("an individual," says YouTube) filed a violation of privacy complaint. But who? Everybody in the video was on a public sidewalk. The only people identified by name consented to be identified.

I contend that no privacy was violated and that YouTube violated their own TOS by not taking into account that this video is a newsworthy account of a news event. The attorney was actually seeking publicity "to make a statement" against Chick-fil-A, which was why he was at the event. YouTube disabled my video interview.

I also believe that YouTube and Vimeo are in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

See a fuller explanation at this post: 
"Chick-fil-A Fallout - I Am Being Harassed For My Interview of Gay Attorney."

UPDATED: Is Gay Activist Attorney Trying to Censor My Video Interview of Him at Chick-fil-A?

Update, 13 June 2013: Now Vimeo has removed the video. Vimeo's email to me: "Your video 'Gay Attorney Supports Official Abuse of Power Against Chick-fil-A' has been removed for violating our Guidelines. Reason: Violates Privacy." Incredible! The attorney was openly demonstrating with other protesters on a public sidewalk in broad daylight and consented to being interviewed. That's a violation of privacy? Really?!? 

Update, 21 August 2012: YouTube did it: They disabled my video interview of a gay Chicago attorney. You can still see it here, however, because I also posted it to Vimeo. Read the original post below for full info. Here is the email that YouTube sent to me on August 21:

Regarding your account: 

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled.

One of the things most hated about YouTube is this: When somebody complains about a video, YouTube does not tell you who that person is and the reasons given are so vague that you often cannot know exactly why the complaint was lodged against you. Such is the case for me with this complaint that "an individual" filed. Worse, even after I explained to YouTube that the video was not in violation of anybody's privacy, they disable the video anyway.

That is why I am asking for legal help to sue YouTube and Vimeo.

August 20, 2012 - As the result of my video interview with a gay attorney on August 3, I am being harassed by unknown persons.

When I interviewed an openly gay attorney at the "Kiss-In" protest at the Chick-fil-A Water Tower store, I did not think that I was violating anybody's privacy.

How "private" is this? David Amen and a buddy posed
for photos and a very public kiss at Chick-fil-A Chicago
I still don't think I did so, but "an individual" filed a complaint with YouTube about it. It is, in my opinion, pure harassment. I posted the video and my report on Chicago News Bench on August 3. YouTube informed me of this via email on Saturday, August 18 (see below). To be pro-active, I have also posted the video to Vimeo (above).

"This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content," YouTube wrote.

The video was an interview of attorney David Amen, an adult, openly gay attorney in Chicago. He was at the public event, on a public sidewalk, knowingly being interviewed by me.

The only information about Mr. Amen contained in the video was whatever he said about himself, plus the publicly available fact that he is a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and a State's Attorney with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, both of which are noted on his public profile at the website of the Lesbian And Gay Bar Association of Chicago (LAGBAC).  Do a Google search for "David Amen Cook County State's Attorney's Office" and you'll find all kinds of public information.

A privacy complaint? Really? About what? The public kiss that Mr. Amen gave to another man as he posed for photographers in front of Chick-fil-A? For what he said to me in the interview to which he consented? He identified himself on camera. He identified himself as being gay.  

As you can see in the video, Mr. Amen was cordial and seemed happy to say what he said on camera.

I asked Mr. Amen whether he was protesting or representing by being in front of Chick-fil-A. His response was, "I'd say making a statement about what we believe." A public statement, of course. His response was slick, spoken like a slick attorney, but clear:

Mr. Amen was there to get public attention in order to make his anti-Chick-fil-A statement. He was not doing anything in private. No privacy was violated by this video. Anybody else in that video, in the background, was walking on a public sidewalk and was not identified.

Please note that I am NOT saying that the "individual" who filed the privacy complaint with YouTube is Mr. Amen. I do not know who that person (or persons) may be, and YouTube did not identify the "individual."  I do say, however, that somebody is clearly trying to intimidate me, and their intent is obviously to have the video removed from YouTube.  

YouTube's Email to Me (with my emphasis added):

Who complained to YouTube and Vimeo?
This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content: We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant. 

You have 48 hours to take action on the complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48 hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy Guidelines ( 

For content to be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named. 

We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation. If the alleged violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported video. 

Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an acceptable solution. We're committed to protecting our users and hope you understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. 

When uploading videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or personal information without their consent. For more information, please review our Privacy Guidelines



Your terribly vague and non-specific. The man that I interviewed in the video, Mr. David Amen, is (a) an adult and (b) put himself out in the public eye by appearing at a public protest and consenting to the interview, as it obvious. I listed his name and two of his job titles, both of which are public information and publicly posted on his and related publicly available websites. You claim that you are "committed to protecting our users," but I wonder if you are also committed to the fairness of those who are unfairly targeted for unwarranted complaints. The man that Mr. Amen kissed at the beginning of the video is also an adult and similarly consented to be on camera, was knowingly at a public event on a public sidewalk in full view of news media and cameras.

Also See: 
WANTED: Conservative Attorney With Courage To Help Me Sue YouTube and Vimeo

August 3, 2012

Updated: Gay Attorney Supports Official Abuse of Power Against Chick-fil-A

Attorney David Amen: Abuse of power is okay
August 3, 2012 - Chicago - I visited the Chick-fil-A Loyola Water Tower store for the "kiss-in" to protest the restaurant chain's alleged discriminatory policies.  

David Amen, a gay activist attorney, spoke to me on camera (video below). What he said is disturbing to anyone who understands the First Amendment and fears the abuse of power by elected officials.

The event was small:  I counted only nine gay activists present, all of whom were standing around quietly outside of Chick-fil-A. The gay activists were gathering pro-gay marriage petition signatures Equality Illinois. Amen's statements demonstrate a frightening disregard for both the U.S. Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution.

Amen is a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and is also a State's Attorney with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.

Amen said he has no problem with Chicago's 1st Ward Alderman Proco Joe Moreno's unconstitutional blocking of a new Chick-fil-A restaurant based solely on the pro-traditional marriage statements of the restaurant chain's CEO.

UPDATE, JUNE 13, 2013: Somebody has gone to great lengths to censor me by having my video interview of David Amen removed from both YouTube (on Aug. 21. 2012) and from Vimeo (on June 13, 2012). Vimeo and YouTube say they removed the video because of a complaint that it violated somebody's privacy. But everyone in the video was in a public place. Many, including Amen and the man he kissed, were publicly demonstrating and seeking media attention. Amen obviously knew that he was on camera. More about that here: Gay Attorney Tries to Censor My Video Interview of Him At Chick-fil-A. 

February 2, 2009

Huberman Flies Into the Gay-dar

Ron Huberman

(UPDATED 2/3/09: See Illinois Review's reaction to this post.) 

I don't usually care what somebody's sexual orientation is so long as it only involves consenting adults.

In the case of Chicago's new public schools chief, however, it matters very much. As I wrote on January 28, "Duncan is Daley's Golden Boy, popular in the gay community (not that there's anything wrong with that, but it neither disqualifies nor qualifies somebody to run a school system)."

Ron Huberman is a homosexual. That's not a judgment. It's a fact. 

It's no surprise to some people, but a big surprise to most. Until very recently, he was the head of the Chicago Transit Authority. Huberman left CTA with a bloated bureaucracy, rotting infrastructure, and a history of threatening service strikes if they couldn't extort enough money from the state legislature. Mayor Daley chose him to head the Chicago Public Schools last week, and has many very upset. "Outrage" and "Ron Huberman" are words commonly heard in the same sentence these days.

Last Sunday, Illinois Review published a post titled " Mayor's 'pet' and new CPS CEO is gay." In that post, the reasons why Huberman's homosexuality matters are explained well. There is an aspect to the story that IR - and the Sun-Times story they draw on - missed, and that's Huberman's dishonesty. Up til now, Huberman has been flying under the gay-dar. That is, many of us knew or suspected that he was gay, but he did not wear it on his sleeve. Stories about him slinking around the gay clubs along Halsted and Broadway in Boys' Town (usually at Sidetrack) have circulated for years, but he did not acknowledge it publicly.

Suddenly, however, Huberman could no longer hide this fact when, in the wake of Daley's announcement, gay blogs throughout Chicago were emblazoned with posts screaming about Huberman finally coming out of the closet. Comments sections were steaming, too.

Take a look at these excerpted comments from gay website

Posted by: jack Jan 27, 2009 9:47:47 AM does this guy have a porn past? he looks very familiar... 

Posted by: CUB Jan 27, 2009 9:53:09 AM Dunno if he's qualified for that job, but he sure is a cutie! If more cops looked like him, I'd stay in trouble! ;) 

Posted by: Luke Jan 27, 2009 10:49:51 AM I always had a crush on Ron whenever he was featured on the local news here, and he even had a starring role as my future-husband in my fantasies , but I didn't even know he was gay until now. I guess my gaydar isn't broken beyond repair after all! :-)

Huberman has dazzled not only Mayor Daley for years, but is now dazzling much of Chicago's gay community.

A post at said this on January 31 (emphasis added): As all of Boystown–and all of Chicago media, for that matter–already knows quite well, Ron Huberman is a proud gay man. (It wasn’t exactly a secret in that gay-friendly Chicago North Side neighborhood considering how many times the phrase has been uttered, “Did you see Ron at Sidetrack last night?”)

Huh? Huberman is dazzling people out of their wits, is what he's doing. The author of the chicagocarless post called Huberman "a proud gay man."

Oh, really? "Proud?" Then tell us why the proudly gay Huberman waited until now to admit that he's gay. Does that sound like "pride" to you? And are you ready to admit that he probably would not have gone public had it not been for his outing in the gay media?

When I, a straight guy, simply said that he was "popular in the gay community," I stopped short of outing the man. I did that out of respect for his privacy. How much respect have gay websites shown Huberman by outing him for nothing more than a petty, selfish desire to seize upon some misdirected need to self actuate?

In short, Huberman has been living a public lie. He has insulted the LGBT community by hiding his homosexuality. How's that for "pride?" How does one justify that in this day and age, when tolerance for gays is virtually universal in this country? What does Huberman's dishonesty about the essence of what and who he is say about his overall character? 

June 27, 2008

Sapienphobia Afflicts Some Homos

Years ago, I was driving around Los Angeles and listening to the Rick Dees show on the radio. He had this stupid segment of the show wherein he made nuisance phone calls to random phone numbers. He dialed a number, the phone rang. A woman answered.

Dees: Hello ma'am. I understand that your husband is a homo sapien. Is that true?

Woman: (Angry) What? My husband ain't no homo sapien!

See, that woman was just waaaay too uptight, don'tcha think? I mean, the word "homo" freaked her out. That and the fact that she was obviously stupid and you have what I like to call "sapienphobia."

Sapienphobia was that bitch's problem. It she wasn't so afraid of the sapiens among us she would be able to accept all homos. My guess is that she was a homo habilis. I don't mean to be un-PC, but frankly dear, homo habilis folk just aren't as smart as we are. We are all homo sapiens, whether that cow likes it or not.

There have been many homos in human history. For example, these folks:

Homo habilis, Homo georgicus, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo antecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo floresiensis and Homo sapiens sapiens.

That last one is you, me and most of our neighbors. Lots of us don't deserve the double "sapiens" part of the name, 'cuz they're only half as smart as fabulous people like you and me.

Is Heather Steans a Lesbian?

Most of the world won't give a rat's ass about this story, but it's a hot item in Chicago's 49th Ward.

Fellow evil blogger Craig Gernhardt got an interesting letter from Mizz Steans:

Dear Craig:

I'm responding to your concerns about the Boys and Girls Club moving to the Gale Community Center.


What readers also want to know is whether or not Heather Steans is gay. She did not address that issue very well during her recent campaign.