Sapienphobia Afflicts Some Homos

Years ago, I was driving around Los Angeles and listening to the Rick Dees show on the radio. He had this stupid segment of the show wherein he made nuisance phone calls to random phone numbers. He dialed a number, the phone rang. A woman answered.

Dees: Hello ma'am. I understand that your husband is a homo sapien. Is that true?

Woman: (Angry) What? My husband ain't no homo sapien!

See, that woman was just waaaay too uptight, don'tcha think? I mean, the word "homo" freaked her out. That and the fact that she was obviously stupid and you have what I like to call "sapienphobia."

Sapienphobia was that bitch's problem. It she wasn't so afraid of the sapiens among us she would be able to accept all homos. My guess is that she was a homo habilis. I don't mean to be un-PC, but frankly dear, homo habilis folk just aren't as smart as we are. We are all homo sapiens, whether that cow likes it or not.

There have been many homos in human history. For example, these folks:

Homo habilis, Homo georgicus, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo antecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo floresiensis and Homo sapiens sapiens.

That last one is you, me and most of our neighbors. Lots of us don't deserve the double "sapiens" part of the name, 'cuz they're only half as smart as fabulous people like you and me.