Showing posts with label harassment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harassment. Show all posts

UPDATED: Is Gay Activist Attorney Trying to Censor My Video Interview of Him at Chick-fil-A?

Update, 13 June 2013: Now Vimeo has removed the video. Vimeo's email to me: "Your video 'Gay Attorney Supports Official Abuse of Power Against Chick-fil-A' has been removed for violating our Guidelines. Reason: Violates Privacy." Incredible! The attorney was openly demonstrating with other protesters on a public sidewalk in broad daylight and consented to being interviewed. That's a violation of privacy? Really?!? 

Update, 21 August 2012: YouTube did it: They disabled my video interview of a gay Chicago attorney. You can still see it here, however, because I also posted it to Vimeo. Read the original post below for full info. Here is the email that YouTube sent to me on August 21:

Regarding your account: 

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled.

One of the things most hated about YouTube is this: When somebody complains about a video, YouTube does not tell you who that person is and the reasons given are so vague that you often cannot know exactly why the complaint was lodged against you. Such is the case for me with this complaint that "an individual" filed. Worse, even after I explained to YouTube that the video was not in violation of anybody's privacy, they disable the video anyway.

That is why I am asking for legal help to sue YouTube and Vimeo.

August 20, 2012 - As the result of my video interview with a gay attorney on August 3, I am being harassed by unknown persons.

When I interviewed an openly gay attorney at the "Kiss-In" protest at the Chick-fil-A Water Tower store, I did not think that I was violating anybody's privacy.

How "private" is this? David Amen and a buddy posed
for photos and a very public kiss at Chick-fil-A Chicago
I still don't think I did so, but "an individual" filed a complaint with YouTube about it. It is, in my opinion, pure harassment. I posted the video and my report on Chicago News Bench on August 3. YouTube informed me of this via email on Saturday, August 18 (see below). To be pro-active, I have also posted the video to Vimeo (above).

"This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content," YouTube wrote.

The video was an interview of attorney David Amen, an adult, openly gay attorney in Chicago. He was at the public event, on a public sidewalk, knowingly being interviewed by me.

The only information about Mr. Amen contained in the video was whatever he said about himself, plus the publicly available fact that he is a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and a State's Attorney with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, both of which are noted on his public profile at the website of the Lesbian And Gay Bar Association of Chicago (LAGBAC).  Do a Google search for "David Amen Cook County State's Attorney's Office" and you'll find all kinds of public information.

A privacy complaint? Really? About what? The public kiss that Mr. Amen gave to another man as he posed for photographers in front of Chick-fil-A? For what he said to me in the interview to which he consented? He identified himself on camera. He identified himself as being gay.  

As you can see in the video, Mr. Amen was cordial and seemed happy to say what he said on camera.

I asked Mr. Amen whether he was protesting or representing by being in front of Chick-fil-A. His response was, "I'd say making a statement about what we believe." A public statement, of course. His response was slick, spoken like a slick attorney, but clear:

Mr. Amen was there to get public attention in order to make his anti-Chick-fil-A statement. He was not doing anything in private. No privacy was violated by this video. Anybody else in that video, in the background, was walking on a public sidewalk and was not identified.

Please note that I am NOT saying that the "individual" who filed the privacy complaint with YouTube is Mr. Amen. I do not know who that person (or persons) may be, and YouTube did not identify the "individual."  I do say, however, that somebody is clearly trying to intimidate me, and their intent is obviously to have the video removed from YouTube.  

YouTube's Email to Me (with my emphasis added):

Who complained to YouTube and Vimeo?
This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content: We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant. 

You have 48 hours to take action on the complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48 hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy Guidelines ( 

For content to be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named. 

We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation. If the alleged violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported video. 

Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an acceptable solution. We're committed to protecting our users and hope you understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. 

When uploading videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or personal information without their consent. For more information, please review our Privacy Guidelines



Your terribly vague and non-specific. The man that I interviewed in the video, Mr. David Amen, is (a) an adult and (b) put himself out in the public eye by appearing at a public protest and consenting to the interview, as it obvious. I listed his name and two of his job titles, both of which are public information and publicly posted on his and related publicly available websites. You claim that you are "committed to protecting our users," but I wonder if you are also committed to the fairness of those who are unfairly targeted for unwarranted complaints. The man that Mr. Amen kissed at the beginning of the video is also an adult and similarly consented to be on camera, was knowingly at a public event on a public sidewalk in full view of news media and cameras.

Also See: 
WANTED: Conservative Attorney With Courage To Help Me Sue YouTube and Vimeo

Another Threatening Email From Catherina Wojtowicz

LANGUAGE ADVISORY As promised, here is the followup (below) to the threatening email sent by Catherina Wojtowicz that we published in "Chuckie The Clown" Wojtowicz" on Tuesday, October 5. Wojtowicz is the organizer of a shunned Tea Party group in the Chicago area, called "Chicago Tea Patriots."

Wojtowicz was found guilty this summer of committing telephone harassment and is currently under court supervision. Wojtowicz works in the campaign office of Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

In our Oct. 5 post, we saw the first threatening email sent by Wojtowicz to a Tea Party leader in Illinois. She sent that one at 1:29 AM on July 13, 2010. Not satisfied with the amount of venom she had already spewed, Wojtowicz blasted off another hateful email less than 30 minutes later. The full text appears below.

The July 13 emails are not connected to the guilty verdict in the telephone harassment case but indicate a pattern of disturbing behavior.

Note that "Chicago Tea Patriots" should NOT be confused with the Chicago Tea Party (aka, Tea Party Patriots of Chicago), which is part of Tea Party Patriots of Illinois. Chicago Tea Patriots were booted out of Tea Party Patriots of Illinois for, among other offenses, some particularly vile behavior (see "Rogue "Chicago Tea Party Patriots" Must Be Shunned").

Here is the second email, sent to "Maria" (not her real name). As with our previous post, we have left intact all of Wojtowicz's misspellings, poor grammar, and twisted logic.

From: To: [9 known recipients; unknown if any were bcc'd] Sent: 7/13/2010 1:56:28 A.M. Subj: Misguided TEA sad 
One more thing, you lunatic. For the record, your problem with me was pure jealousy. You feared that I was a threat upon your perceived power base. Don't worry, doll, I never wanted ANYTHING you have! You are a failure at what you do -- why would I want to be associated with you? And this isn't my opinion, it is that of many, Maria. Now that we have the Illinois Tax Day Tea Party there's competition in your eyes, but you needn't worry, we live worlds apart. We are doers, you are a bunch of bullshitters. Seriously, answer the million dollar question, "What have you done?" ASIDE FROM CONFERENCE CALLS. I am now done and have vetted you as a CERTIFIABLE WASHED UP LUNATIC!! I respectably dedicate this song to you, Maria. Remember, when they laugh at you, all respect is lost. LADIES AND GENLEMEN, WELCOME TO MARIA’S LIFE! VALLEY OF THE DOLLS!! A WASHED UP, BITTER SUBURBAN MOM, WITH ONLY DREAMS TO HOLD ONTO BECAUSE HER PRESENT IS SO FUCKING DEPRESSING. Don't be scared, Maria, your life could always be more pathetic... I think.... 

NOTE: It's interesting that Wojtowicz wrote, "You are a failure at what you do -- why would I want to be associated with you?" The primary reason for her hateful emails was precisely because she did, in fact, desperately want to be associated with Tea Party Patriots of Illinois. When they kicked her out, she reacted as we see in her emails. It's a bit like a rejected lover who suddenly sees the former object of their affection as something to be hated. In a fit of spiteful rhetoric, the jilted lover falsely screams, "I never loved you anyway!" They did, of course, but the rejection sends them over the edge, and sometimes they end up boiling rabbits.

RELATED: Beware Chicago's Fake Tax Day Tea Party Event

"Chuckie The Clown" Wojtowicz

Recently, I published a post about the organizer of a rogue Tea Party group called "Chicago Tea Patriots" who is currently under court supervision after being found guilty in June, 2010 of committing telephone harassment in 2009. (See "Exclusive: Chicago Tea Patriots Organizer Found Guilty") Her name is Catherina Wojtowicz. She works in Bill Brady's campaign office in Oak Lawn. Since I posted about her guilty plea, Wojtowicz has been "defending" herself by calling me a liar and making outrageously false allegations about me and others.
For those of you who doubt that Wojtowicz is a menace, have a look at an email that she sent to a Tea Party coordinator in July, 2010. I have changed names to protect those people's privacy, but will say that one of the 10 recipients of this email was Adam Andrzejewski (he had nothing to do with this email except that he received it). Some of the email has been omitted for the same reasons. (It should be noted that this email is not part of the harassment case in which Wojtowicz was found guilty.) Have a look inside the mind of Catherina Wojtowicz. To paraphrase Jim Morrison, her brain is squirming like a toad. (Wojtowicz's spelling, grammar and logic errors have been left intact; my emphasis added.) READER ADVISORY: LANGUAGE From: To: 10 recipients; unknown if any were blind copied Sent: 7/13/2010 1:29:33 A.M. Subj: Misguided TEA sad Maria, You gotta be fucking kidding me... Do you really want to take ME on? Let's make this official... I am taking several roads. #1 I am going to talk to my boyfriend's sister. She's a brilliant nerd who practices law for [a well-known Chicago law firm] and if I have a case, I am going to sue your white, trash, suburban ass. #2 I am going to the media on this... Already did -- sort of... Listen, Maria, you are a great sexy story,... #3 I am going on the frontal attack on you and my attacks will be relentless. I will make scud missles look mild. I will not give up whatsoever. I will be your Chuckie the Clown. Where ever you go, I will be fucking you up. These I promise. WTF are you thinking...? During the primaries all you did was blush about how big of a fan you were of Adam's. What did you do to show him your support? Fuck all. And now you CONSTANTLY THROW HIS NAME AROUND AS IF YOU TALK TO HIM REGUALRLY. Maria, that is a top rule in politics -- don't use people's name -- you'll get caught. Adam, she's done jack for you. You know it. Oh wait... She sent her mules, John and David to MY tea party where Walesa appeared and they totally made idiots of themselves by jumping the stage and talking about Illinois Tea... It was so bad and just so plain nuts that I had to ask one of my neighbors who was a cop on duty to take John to the side and threaten his ass with arrest!!! And what does Maria do while she sits her ass at home, she steals the youtubes and puts them on her web site as is she was involved. Once again, Maria, as usual, had nothing to do with the Lech Walesa tea party as she has nothing to do with anything good and positive. So this is my recommendation. Quit your fucking whorish slumming and talking trash about all of us who don't work with you. We have nothing to do with you for a real. YOU ARE FUCKING QUACK!!!! Back the fuck off. You best pray I can sue you becausae otherwise I will even the score the South Side way and it won't be nice.... Either way, I best not find any of you using my name. See you in court, if I have my way, bitch. >>> Wojtowicz sent a followup email about an hour after this one. SEE THAT ONE HERE: Another Threatening Email From Catherina Wojtowicz

Updated: Chicago Tea Patriots Organizer Found Guilty

The organizer of a rogue Tea Party group called "Chicago Tea Patriots" is under court supervision since she was found guilty in June, 2010 of committing telephone harassment in 2009.

Update, Oct. 5, 2010: Also see ""Chuckie The Clown" Wojtowicz" - Portions of a vicious and threatening email sent by Wojtowicz.

Her name is Catherina Wojtowicz, and she works in the Oak Lawn campaign office of Illinios Senator Bill Brady, Republican nominee for governor. Brady, we're told, is aware of her bad behavior. Chicago News Bench has obtained a copy of Catherina Wojtowicz's Criminal Sentence Order (Case Number 2009CM006375-0001) dated June 17, 2010. Click here to see the Criminal Sentence Order.

Wojtowicz pleaded, and was found to be, guilty of "harassment by telephone." That's a violation of 720 ILCS 135/1-1 and is a Class B Misdemeanor. Wojtowicz was "sentenced to Court supervision" for one year, during which time she must "appear before the Court in person as directed." The sentence was handed down in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit of Illinois in DuPage County.

The source who provided the Criminal Sentence Order says that Bill Brady is fully aware of Wojtowicz's behavior. "Brady is afraid of Catherina," said our source, "which is why she's still working for his campaign." It was not specified whether Brady is afraid of being slandered by Wojtowicz or considers her to be a potential physical threat.

Wojtowicz was accused by blogger Chuck Jines of Streetwise Pundi of threatening to shoot him(Note/Update: The Streetwise Pundit has removed and/or lost all references to Catherina Wojtowicz, but see the related note about this below.)

Wojtowicz's group was once part of the Tea Party Patriots Illinois until it was kicked out and excommunicated in 2009 for bad behavior in a notorious incident at a town hall meeting by U.S. Rep Dan Lipinski (D-IL) on November 14, 2009. There, Wojtowicz's group heckled Midge Hough, whose 24-year old daughter in law died nine weeks before the meeting. The daughter in law's unborn baby died with her. She blamed the death on a lack of health insurance and made comments supportive of Obama's health care "reform." The Wojtowicz group then mocked her, bringing the woman to tears. A video of that town hall went viral and has gotten more than 120,000 views on YouTube. Midge Hough's portion begins at 1:47 into the video.

I, too, am against "Obamacare." However, like 99.9999% of my fellow Tea Partiers, I would never heckle a political opponent by mocking the death of a loved one. That's not right. It is disgusting behavior and goes counter to the beliefs and morals of the Tea Party movement. The behavior of rogues like Catherina Wojtowicz is not typical of the movement, but gives a lot of fuel to those who try to paint us as savage cretins. We are not, but there are bad apples in every basket. We must toss them out like the rotten fruit that they are.

NOTE: Do not confuse the outcast "Chicago Tea Patriots" with the legitmate "Tea Party Patriots Chicago" (TPPC), a legitimate and authentic chapter of Illinois Tea Party Patriots (ITPP). They, in turn, are part of the nationwide Tea Party Patriots. This should not be difficult to remember: Wojtowicz's group does not have the word "Party" in its name.

Even without her illegal bullying tactics, Wojtowicz is an embarassment to the Tea Party movement, as noted by Capital Fax. But Wojtowicz unwittingly demonstrates her own bizarre mentality daily in her weird postings on Twitter. One of my favorites is this:
Log cabin drop out, @chinewsbench, fronts 4 boytoy steve. ChicagoTeaPatriots sells most tix of all! 10:24 PM Sep 6th via web
For the record, I have no boytoy. I am not gay. I've never been a member of the Log Cabin Republicans. Not that there would anything wrong with that, mind you.

NOTE: Chuck Jines is "Streetwise Pundit" and he has multiple blogs, including "Republic Affair." On April 11, 2011, he posted this at, in a criticism of the Tea Party movement:

"Then we have the Glenn Beck show with its own brand of crazy,  followed by the strange history of David Barton that causes most people to scratch their heads in bewilderment.  Here in Chicago we even have our own local crazy with, Catherina Wojtowicz, who threatened to shoot me in the head, and has gone on to build a history of harassment and strange behavior."

On Sept. 20, 2011, Jines claimed on Republic Affair that "StreetWisePundit was hacked and I lost years worth of content" and added "This is what I was able to recover on ol’ Catherina Wojtowicz. Chicago Tea Party Leader Threatens to Shoot Blogger." He then reproduced the text from that 2009 post. You can see it at this page. But here's the weird part: When I searched for "Wojtowicz" on Streetwise Pundit on May 27, 2012, it produced nothing. It seems very odd that the Wojtowicz update was not added to Streetwise Pundit, and that all reference to her was, apparently, removed. 


ROGERS PARK, CHICAGO - In a daring operation early this evening, a group of Chicago Police officers swooped down on a man and stopped him. Even with gang members and petty thieves, the usual domestic batteries, sex offenders and a large assortment of other criminals walking around looking for victims, the brave police officers chased down a... ...local blogger (no, not me). They ticketed him for allegedly riding his bike on the sidewalk. All that while THIS was going on. Nice work, CPD! We all feel safer for your harassment of local bloggers. Keep up the good work. Commander Caluris must be so proud of you!