15 Photos of Hate On Display at #OccupyWallStreet

October 10, 2011 - Doug Ross posted some fantastic photos of the goofballs at Occupy Wall Street in New York. Doug's post, "15 Photos from #OccupyWallStreet you'll never see in legacy media," highlights just how hateful and twisted the melange of messages coming from the bitter miscreants is. Doug's photos are great, and his captions are priceless. What about Occupy Chicago? Friend John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit posted a great video that he made on Sunday morning. John was in downtown Chicago on Sunday morning to cover the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, but he took time to interview a "protester" across the street from the Chicago branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. The protester, who has what sounds like a faint foreign accent, claimed that "basically less than one percent of the people own more than 99 percent of stuff." I'm not sure how that's possible, frankly, but that's the Left, for you: Mindless parrots regurgitating baseless talking points. Watch Marathon Pundit's video here...