Showing posts with label Libertarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libertarians. Show all posts

Democrat NH Legislator Wants to Make State "So Unwelcoming That Some Will Choose Not to Come"

Jan. 4, 2013 - A state legislator in New Hampshire thinks that restricting people's freedoms is a good idea. Really. Cynthia Chase, 69, Democrat and fan of Saul Alinsky, is worried about a movement called the "Free Staters," who are Libertarians determined to "free" New Hamphire. Chase is a member of New Hampshire's House of Representatives. She represented the Cheshire 3 district from 2010 to 2012, and has represented the Cheshire 8 district since December 5, 2012.

"Thanks to the Free State Project," says their Facebook page, "thousands of liberty-minded people are moving to New Hampshire, working within and without its political system to reduce the size and scope of government. The plan is to inspire 20,000 or more pro-liberty activists to join our efforts to reduce burdensome taxation and regulation, reform state and local law, opt out of federal mandates, protect individual rights, expand free markets, restore constitutional federalism, and much more."

Anti-Romney "Conservatives" Need To Shut Up

From Paul Ryan's Facebook page
August 12, 2012 - I sympathize with those of you "conservatives" who are unhappy with Mitt Romney. He was not my first choice, either, and I would be happier with a more conservative [presumptive] nominee. Some of you are even unhappy with his choice of Paul Ryan for VP. Life is like that, though.

You can't always get what you want, and often the choices we are given are not all we hoped for.

You know who you are: Survivalists and whacked out Libertarians and neo-liberal Paulbots who think you're being patriotic by publicly dissing Romney and Ryan, and that you're doing your duty by encouraging the rest of us to not vote for them in November. In effect, you might as well be campaigning for Obama-Biden.

You actually tell us that Romney-Ryan is just Obama-Biden "with another face."

Fools, you are, to actually believe that. You're mad as hatters. Ideological purists, you fancy yourselves, but your own unreachable quest for your perfect ideal holds the potential of damaging this nation. Many of you have already made up your minds to not vote in November.

You have the right to do that, I reckon, but do the rest of us a favor: Shut the hell up and stop actively trying to discourage others from voting for Romney-Ryan. Oh sure, you have the right to spout your lunatic theories (still think Bush set up the destruction of the World Trade Towers, Bunky?), but I have the right to tell you that you're not making any friends by throwing sand into the gears.

Seriously: Watch the video above and tell me that Ryan is "Obama with a different face." Seriously.

For some of you, it may have come down to choosing the "Lesser Of Two Evils." When that's the only choice, I'll take the lesser evil every time and without hesitation. You who choose to sit out the election  are willfully leaving open the possibility of having the greater evil foisted upon you - again. You are fools. You are blinded by your own paranoia and conceit. You are not conservatives. You are panicked nutjobs. You are leftover McCain haters, rancid and reheated. If your sick dream comes true, you will again help ensure an Obama victory just as you did in 2008.

Relevant Reading:

Libertarians Protesting WTTW For Debate Exclusion

Are the media favoring the two big political parties over others such as the Greens and Libertarians? Mike Labno, an Illinois Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate is not happy with the fact that he was excluded from a debate last week on WLS 890 AM, which included only Mark Kirk (R) and Alexi Giannoulias (D). Now, Labno and other Libertarians are upset with WTTW (Channel 11) and the City Club of Chicago for not including them in upcoming debates. They stage a protest tonight at 6:00 p.m. (Oct. 27) at WTTW studios, 5400 N. St. Louis Avenue, Chicago (see map). Here is Labno's October 27 press release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Mike Labno, Libertarian Candidate for US Senate (IL) Responds to Partial Senatorial Debate Organizes Protest of Debate The Mike Labno, Libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate and Lex Green, Libertarian candidate for Illinois Governor, as well as Green Party and Independent candidates are being excluded from the WTTW "Chicago Tonight" candidate forums for Senator and Governor, tonight and tomorrow evenings, hosted by the City Club of Chicago. We believe that WTTW, as a public station, is in breach of it's statutory mandate regarding "strict adherence to objectivity and balance in all programs or series of programs of a controversial nature." [Labno cited the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, as amended] Further, we believe that sponsor of the forums, the City Club of Chicago, is in violation of it's 501(c)(3) non-profit status by funding a forum which "has the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates." [Labno cited the IRS's Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations] We are organizing a demonstration for 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 10/27/10 outside of WTTW studios, 5400 St. Louis Ave. All excluded candidates have been invited to participate. Neither the producers of WTTW's Chicago Tonight or board members of the City Club of Chicago have responded yet to inquiries made by Mike Labno's representatives. Mike Labno is the Libertarian candidate for US Senate. He resides in Oak Brook, IL. He is the only pro-life, pro-second amendment, fiscal and constitutional conservative on the ballot. For more information visit NOTE: In citing the IRS's Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations, I believe Labno was most concerned with this sentence: "Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office." Labno's got a good argument against the City Club. By inviting only the Republican and Democrat candidates to participate in their debates, they are effectively participating in opposition to other such as Libertarians, Greens, etc. It is an intentional act on the part of the City Club and WTTW. Perhaps they feel that having more than two candidates debating would be messy, but running a democratic republic is messy business. A monarchy or dictatorship would be much easier in the way of stage arrangements and ticket sales for an evening of political indoctrination, but we live in a political system that demands that all voices be heard. WTTW and the City Club of Chicago are ignoring those voices, and shunning the ears that long to hear what they have to say. Shame on them.

Mike Labno, Libertarian Candidate for US Senate (IL) Responds to Chicago Newspaper Endorsements

October 11, 2010 - It's Giannoulias versus Kirk, right? Yes, but that's only two of the three candidates. There's also Mike Labno, the Libertarian candidate, and he's not happy with the Chicago newspaper endorsements - or with the way he's been ignored. His press release today: "Mike Labno, Libertarian candidate for the US Senate, expressed disappointment today that the two major Chicago newspapers had endorsed his opponents. "I'm really not surprised, Labno said, "considering the Tribune's consistent Republican slant, and the SunTimes enduring Democrat tilt ; but considering the political mess that Illinois finds itself in from the unchallenged dominance of the those two parties, I had hoped that Libertarian principles of sound, small government, enthusiastic tax reduction, and vastly increased personal liberties would have received greater attention - particularly with the Tea Parties getting larger, and louder on these very issues." "What really gets me, though, Labno went on, "is that both papers are right in the criticisms that they level against the major party candidate that they did not endorse. The Tribune came out for Kirk, and, in so doing, said that Giannoulias was strictly a party-line man who would vote with Democratic leaders nearly 100% of the time, and that is correct. Giannoulias supports the recent "small jobs" legislation in Congress which is a repeat of the same policies that destroyed the housing market by providing implicitly backed loans, ultimately putting us - the taxpayers - at risk...again An economy grows when there are savings, wise investments, and innovation. Creating more public debt and burdening taxpayers does the exact opposite. Giannoulias will unquestioningly aid in continuing the policies of the Obama regime, which will just perpetuate the same problems we already have. " About his ethical problems, probably the less said, the better. "On the other hand, Mike Labno continued, "in endorsing Giannoulias, the SunTimes noted that in the past few years Kirk has become something of a '...mystery, exaggerating his resume, flip-flopping on some issues and refusing to take a stand on others for fear of offending any segment of voters...We no longer know who Kirk is, where he stands, or what he would do', and that, too, is correct. Kirk voted for, but now opposes TARP and Cap & Trade. He invites us to judge him on his record, but refuses to stand behind it. "About his veracity problems, probably the less said, the better. "I am not a politician, nor a banker. I work in construction, and was compelled to run out of my outrage over the spending spree that the Republicans and Democrats have been engaged in that leverages the future of my daughter and her entire generation. The people are screaming for legislators who are willing to change the outcomes by discarding the policies of the Republicans and Democrats that have grown this government to unsustainable proportions and continue to ignore the Constitution by abandoning the principal of individual rights. Both Kirk and Giannoulias promise more of the same old policies", stated Mike Labno. Mike Labno is the Libertarian candidate for US Senate. He resides in Oak Brook, IL. He is the only pro-life, pro-second amendment, fiscal and constitutional conservative on the ballot. Also See:

IL Senate Hearings to Ban Red Light Cameras "Within Two Weeks"

It looks as though the Valentine's Day protest against Red Light Cameras was effective. We've also got an exclusive statement from Adam Robinson, here. Let's turn to a press release from protest organizer Scott Tucker: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PR Log (Press Release) – Feb 16, 2010 Springfield, IL, February 16, 2010 – The Illinois State Senate Transportation Committee Chairman, Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Cicero), today [Tuesday, February 16, 2010] established a Subcommittee on Red Light Cameras. Senator Sandoval promised, in the record, to hold public hearings within two weeks on SB 2466, a bill to ban red light cameras statewide. Asked for comment, Scott Tucker, GOP candidate for Illinois’ 11th State House District, said, “I have personally called to thank Senator Sandoval for not burying this bill, and for his commitment, in the record, to hold public hearings on SB 2466, which would ban these cameras statewide, within the next two weeks.” “I think Senator Sandoval showed a lot of courage today. I think it’s clear that the machine would prefer the status quo when it comes to red light cameras, but that voters are not willing to accept a business as usual attitude when it comes to red light cameras in our state,” Tucker said. “I think our Valentine’s Day protest, two days ago, was right on-time. We drove thousands of phone calls to Senate President John Cullerton, Senator Sandoval, and to Mike Madigan. And it’s important that we continue to hold these legislative leaders accountable in banning these cameras,” Tucker continued. “We can ban these cameras statewide, but we need folks to call State Senator Martin Sandoval, who’s the State Senate Transportation Committee Chair, at (708) 656-2002, and thank him for his support of SB 2466 to this point. And please remind him that we expect public hearings on SB 2466 as promised in the record today,” Tucker said. CONTACT: Scott Tucker Candidate for Illinois’ 11th State House Voice: 773-230-2682; Fax: 773-327-2842 OTHER CONTACTS FOR THIS STORY: Senator Martin A. Sandoval (D), 12th District, Senate Transportation Committee Chair, (708) 656-2002 Senator Dan Duffy (R), 26th District, author of SB 2466, (847) 277-7100 Senator John J. Cullerton (D), 6th District, President of the Senate, (773) 883-0770 Barnet Fagel, National Motorists Association, (847) 420-3511 RELATED: Robinson State Sen. Campaign Comments on Transportation Committee's Decision on SB 2466 Slideshow of Red Light Camera Protest, Chicago, Feb. 14 Video of Red Light Camera Protest in Chicago Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Slideshow of Red Light Camera Protest, Chicago, Feb. 14

Feb. 16, 2010 - Update: Illinois Senate Transportation Committee Chair calls for public hearings Senator Sandoval promised, in the record, to hold public hearings within two weeks on SB 2466, a bill to ban red light cameras statewide. SEE PRESS RELEASE... The Valentine's Day protest against red light cameras in Chicago was great, with a nice turnout of about 60 people (my estimate), thousands of flyers handed out to passing motorists and - surprisingly - a good showing from the local media. While the event was organized by Republican Scott Tucker, who is running for IL State Rep (11th District), it was not a "Republican event." Liberal candidate for governor William Dock Walls was there, working side by side with Tucker and other Republicans to support Illinois Senate Bill 2466, which would ban red light cameras statewide. See my slideshow of the protest, followed by links to some other blogs that have their own good photos. Also see our video of the event. RELATED ARTICLES & PHOTOS: Demonstrators See Red At Protest Against Ticketing Cameras - Lake Effect News Highlights of Sunday’s Red Light Camera Demonstration - Lake Effect News Stop the Liberal Daley Mafia! « Segvich.US blog Chicago Red Light Camera Protest Part Of National Effort « digi news Chicago motorists sound off against red-light cameras Chicago ... Red Light Protests - Second City Cop Dozens protest red light cameras - WGN Valentine's Day Nationwide Protest Red light cameras face growing opposition Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Video of Red Light Camera Protest in Chicago

February 14, 2010 - Video of the Valentine's Day protest against red light cameras in Chicago, part of a nationwide effort to get rid of the entrapment of motorists and to improve the safety of intersections. About 60 people gathered at Noon at the busy intersection N. Western and W. Addison on Chicago's north side, holding signs and passing out flyers to motorists. Interviewed are: Scott Tucker, organizer of the protest and Republican candidate for IL State Rep (11th District); Adam Robinson, Republican candidate for IL State Senate (7th District); Scott Davis, Cook County Coordinator of Campaign For Liberty. One of the goals of the group is to urge passage of Senate Bill 2466 (Illinois), which would ban red light cameras. SEE THE LIST OF LAWMAKERS TO CALL, below the video. Feb. 16, 2010 - Update: Illinois Senate Transportation Committee Chair calls for public hearings Senator Sandoval promised, in the record, to hold public hearings within two weeks on SB 2466, a bill to ban red light cameras statewide. SEE PRESS RELEASE...
Call State Senate President John Cullerton right now and urge him to call SB 2466 for a floor vote! SB 2466 will ban red light cameras in Illinois. John Cullerton 773-883-0770 ALSO call House Speaker Mike Madigan, and tell him that you want SB 2466 called for a floor vote in the State House. Mike Madigan 773-581-8000 Then, please call all members of the State Senate Transportation Committee, and urge them to vote for SB 2466 on Tuesday, February 16 to send SB 2466 to the Senate President for a floor vote: Sen. Martin A. Sandoval 708-656-2002 Sen. Michael Bond 847-752-7004 Sen. Gary Forby 618-439-2504 Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson 708-756-0882 Sen. David Koehler 309-346-4646 Sen. John M. Sullivan 217-222-2295 Sen. A. J. Wilhelmi 815-207-4445 Sen. Larry K. Bomke 217-782-0228 Sen. Gary G. Dahl 815-220-8720 Sen. John J. Millner 630-351-9340 Sen. Dale E. Risinger 309-693-4921 RELATED: Full Text of SB2466 Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB2466 The Liberty Restoration Project - Red Light Traffic Cameras City of Chicago - Red Light Camera Violations (official) Kansas City Courts Overwhelmed By People Protesting Redlight Camera Tickets Tribune Exposes Suburban Red Light Camera Scam - Parking Ticket Geek Active Transportation Alliance Does an About-Face on Parking Meter Deal Chicago 'burb ditches red light cameras, no safety advantage EDITORIAL: The traffic-camera scam - Washington Times Photo Radar Protests Spread Nationwide - Pinal Cty. sheriff leads protest against speed cameras Video results for RED LIGHT CAMERAS, PROTEST Residents protest red-light cameras at Heath council meeting - Police Cameras at Protest Draw Protest - City Room Blog - Mississippi House Votes to Ban Ticket Cameras; Missouri and Maryland Protest Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed