Video of Red Light Camera Protest in Chicago

February 14, 2010 - Video of the Valentine's Day protest against red light cameras in Chicago, part of a nationwide effort to get rid of the entrapment of motorists and to improve the safety of intersections. About 60 people gathered at Noon at the busy intersection N. Western and W. Addison on Chicago's north side, holding signs and passing out flyers to motorists. Interviewed are: Scott Tucker, organizer of the protest and Republican candidate for IL State Rep (11th District); Adam Robinson, Republican candidate for IL State Senate (7th District); Scott Davis, Cook County Coordinator of Campaign For Liberty. One of the goals of the group is to urge passage of Senate Bill 2466 (Illinois), which would ban red light cameras. SEE THE LIST OF LAWMAKERS TO CALL, below the video. Feb. 16, 2010 - Update: Illinois Senate Transportation Committee Chair calls for public hearings Senator Sandoval promised, in the record, to hold public hearings within two weeks on SB 2466, a bill to ban red light cameras statewide. SEE PRESS RELEASE...
Call State Senate President John Cullerton right now and urge him to call SB 2466 for a floor vote! SB 2466 will ban red light cameras in Illinois. John Cullerton 773-883-0770 ALSO call House Speaker Mike Madigan, and tell him that you want SB 2466 called for a floor vote in the State House. Mike Madigan 773-581-8000 Then, please call all members of the State Senate Transportation Committee, and urge them to vote for SB 2466 on Tuesday, February 16 to send SB 2466 to the Senate President for a floor vote: Sen. Martin A. Sandoval 708-656-2002 Sen. Michael Bond 847-752-7004 Sen. Gary Forby 618-439-2504 Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson 708-756-0882 Sen. David Koehler 309-346-4646 Sen. John M. Sullivan 217-222-2295 Sen. A. J. Wilhelmi 815-207-4445 Sen. Larry K. Bomke 217-782-0228 Sen. Gary G. Dahl 815-220-8720 Sen. John J. Millner 630-351-9340 Sen. Dale E. Risinger 309-693-4921 RELATED: Full Text of SB2466 Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB2466 The Liberty Restoration Project - Red Light Traffic Cameras City of Chicago - Red Light Camera Violations (official) Kansas City Courts Overwhelmed By People Protesting Redlight Camera Tickets Tribune Exposes Suburban Red Light Camera Scam - Parking Ticket Geek Active Transportation Alliance Does an About-Face on Parking Meter Deal Chicago 'burb ditches red light cameras, no safety advantage EDITORIAL: The traffic-camera scam - Washington Times Photo Radar Protests Spread Nationwide - Pinal Cty. sheriff leads protest against speed cameras Video results for RED LIGHT CAMERAS, PROTEST Residents protest red-light cameras at Heath council meeting - Police Cameras at Protest Draw Protest - City Room Blog - Mississippi House Votes to Ban Ticket Cameras; Missouri and Maryland Protest Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed