Spitting on Veterans

Did war protesters spit on GIs returning from Vietnam? Do they spit on veterans today? Looks like some emotions got riled out there by The Bench's recent post, "Rhymes With Witch," in which one of our loonier readers claimed that spitting on Vietnam vets was "an urban myth." Right. I suppose next she'll claim that it's a myth that antiwar protesters in the 60's broke thousands of merchants' storefront windows across the nation, something witnessed by me and by millions of others who lived through that time. That post, in turn, stemmed from a video posted here a few days earlier, in which The Bench wrote that SDS members spat on returning GIs in the 60's. Of course, not all SDS members or antiwar folks spat on veterans, and The Bench did not say or mean to imply that. But the fact is that GIs were spat on by a number of antiwar types. Go to Rhymes With Witch to see the comments, and see below for strong evidence -proof, if you will - that such things did and still do happen. Thanks to all commenters, including those who disagreed civilly. SPITTING ON VETERANS: Meme List: Did hippies really spit on Vietnam vets? It wasn't just hippies who would spit on Vietnam Vets. I came home in February 1968 and when I got off the bus in San Jose Ca, I was spit on, called a baby killer and had to fight my way out to the street. These people were not hippies but people against the war. For a year I fought anyone who said anything bad about a vietnam vet. i have not or ever will forgive the people of this country for the way I was treated. Boundless Line: Violent, Anti-American Vandals Who Spit on Veterans Violent, Anti-American Vandals Who Spit on Veterans by Motte Brown on Feb 1, 2007 at 11:15 AM. Washington Post columnists William Arkin lit a firestorm... Polimom Says » Ladies don’t fart; they poot His research focused on a particular spitting narrative, that of antiwar protesters lining up at airports to spit on veterans who had just returned... The Volokh Conspiracy - Many 1967-72 Spitting Incidents Are ... ... but about whether they specifically Spit on Veterans...

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