Showing posts with label Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Show all posts

Stephen Harper's Facebook Message

The Bench front page... In light of last week's effective coup in Canada, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's message on his Facebook page from Tuesday, December 2 seems rather hypcritical. Or misguided. Or something. You judge. Full text below, or just jump to Harper's page. Two months ago Canadians voted in a general election. They made a clear choice. Stephen Harper was given a strengthened governing mandate to address the global economic crisis. Canadians did not give Stéphane Dion a mandate to lead Canada. He was personally rejected by voters just as he was subsequently personally rejected by his party. Nor did Canadians give the Liberals a mandate to form a coalition with the NDP. In fact, the Liberals explicitly promised there would be no coalition with the NDP. And they certainly did not give either the Liberals or the NDP a mandate to govern with the Separatists, the very people who want to destroy Canada. Yet, yesterday, in a shocking display of undemocratic arrogance, a socialist-separatist driven coalition announced that they will try to overturn the results of the election and seize power without first going back to the voters. The new socialist-separatist driven coalition is an attack on Canada’s democracy as the proposed leader of this unelected, illegitimate, coalition remains Stéphane Dion, whom Canadians would still reject as Prime Minister were another election held today. The new socialist-separatist coalition is an attack on Canada’s economy – as it would empower NDP – whose discredited left-wing ideology is so risky that even the Liberals call it “economically damaging”. And the new socialist-separatist driven coalition is an attack on Canada itself. For no responsible national leader would ever give power to a group that wants to destroy one of the most peaceful and prosperous nations ever to have existed. It is time for Canadians to stand up against backroom deals that would usurp the elected government without the people’s consent. It is time for Canadians to stand up against coalitions with discredited socialists that would put our economy at risk. It is time for Canadians stand up against alliances that would provide a veto to the separatists who would destroy our country. It’s time to Stand up for Canada. It’s time to Let the people speak.

Canadian Liberals In Disarray

The Bench front page... Go figure. Last week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a Conservative, effectively staged a coup by dissolving Parliament. That should have rallied the Liberals, but no. The Liberals are eating their own now, in a cannibalistic frenzy to straighten things up. Jeffrey Jones reports from Toronto: Members of Stephane Dion's Liberal Party and editorials called for his quick ouster after Prime Minister Stephen Harper won a rare suspension of Parliament, allowing his Conservative government to avoid being defeated in a confidence vote. Concerns about Dion's ability to keep leading the Liberals -- and the multiparty coalition formed to defeat the Harper government over its response to the economic crisis -- intensified as Canadians gathered at raucous rallies across the country Saturday in support of both sides in the battle. Full Report from Reuters... RELATED: Bye Bye Canada: Piercing the Democratic Pretense CANADA'S HISTORY OF UNELECTED GOVERNMENTS Stephen Harper - Prime Minister of Canada - Biography... The Harper Dictatorship Harper as Hitler video becomes overnight web hit Canadians let down Liberal Leader Stephane Dion Knives are out for both Harper and Dion: pundits express outrage ...

Behind the Maple Curtain

The Bench front page... "A royal appointee shutting down Parliament; national cross-country protests; bloodthirsty accusations of treason and sedition. All the frictions of a new democracy. I hope they work it out in Thailand! No, welcome to Canadian politics in 2008." So writes Karim Bardeesy in "Chaos in Canada" in Slate Magazine. Canada is a nation so dysfuncitional that it effectively divided itself in the name of linguistic diversity ("To many Canadians, the bloc is like the pervy uncle at the family Christmas dinner—he's full of strange ideas, but he keeps getting gifts and a return invitation," writes Bardeesy). The Great White North is in a frenzy today about the "coup" pulled off by Prime Minister Harper late last week. RELATED: About That Canadian Coup…


The Bench front page... Dear Canada, For eight years now, many of you have been calling US President George W. Bush a fascist, a dictator and a Nazi. Many of my fellow Americans have also called him that. But on Thursday of this week, your own Prime Minister showed his true totalitarian tendencies. I ask you, Canada: Who is more the dictator? Bush, who never suspended Congress or any elections despite the fears of many paranoids, or your own Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who essentially dissolved your government?
RIGHT: Prime Minister Harper stands tall amongst slaughtered Members of the Canadian Parliament this morning.
Harper's suspension of your parliament for purely political reasons seems downright Medieval to many of us in the Lower 48. Even so, I shall not call Mr. Harper a fascist, a dictator or a Nazi. He's doing a good enough job of applying those labels to himself without any unnecessary name calling by others. I will, however, accurately call him a totalitarian. Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper won a rare suspension of parliament last night, managing to avoid being ousted by opposition parties angry over the minority Conservative government's economic plans and an attempt to cut off party financing. Governor general Michaelle Jean - the representative of Queen Elizabeth, Canada's head of state - agreed to Mr Harper's request to shut down parliament until January 26th. Parliament was reconvened just weeks ago after the October 14th election. Mr Harper's request for suspension was unprecedented. No prime minister had asked for parliament to be suspended to avoid a confidence vote in the House of Commons. Full Story at Irish Times... Can suspension of elections be far off? Canadians, will you just sit on your arses and let Harper get away with this? We in the United States have long looked to your quiet little nation as a model of democracy and beacon of hope, ever since Canada was founded by people fleeing the fight for democracy down here (you know, back in the late 1700's). Since then we haven't paid you much attention. Now, however, with a seemingly power mad politico in charge, we might have to aim our radar a bit lower. History teaches us what happens when we don't pay enough attention to - I'm going to say it - dictators. Canada, your little dictator is just across the border from us. That makes us a bit nervous. RELATED: Canada’s “constitutional coup” and the corporate media - World Socialist Web Site Canada PM suspends parliament to keep power - CCTV, China From Napoleon to Custer - Globe and Mail Canadian Coalition Government Could Stop SPP/NAU... - El Dorado Hills Telegraph, CA


A big Conservative victory in Canada: Seems our neighbors to the north have less faith in unbridled socialism than we thought - or less than they used to. Or both. Canadians voted with their frontal lobes, not their aortas. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the first Western leader to face the electorate since the financial meltdown, won a strengthened second minority government mandate on Tuesday, provisional results showed. Source: Dawn News The best part: Harper is - gasp! - a Conservative! The Conservatives, who convinced voters they were the best choice to steer Canada through the economic turmoil, will still need opposition support to govern. Dawn News notes that the election was "the worst showing in at least 20 years for the Liberals, who have historically governed Canada for longer than any other party." Now, that's real change folks, getting away from the tired old same old socialism. The Conservative leader ran on a modest platform of keeping taxes and spending under control. The Liberals proposed introducing a carbon tax while cutting income taxes and boosting social spending, and Harper said the Liberal plan would throw Canada into recession. This will undoubtedly be unsettling news for liberals, Democrats and unrepentant domestic terrorists in the U.S., where socialist Barack Obama's plan of taxing the crap out of everything will throw the United States - and therefore the world - into depression.