Updated: Justin Bieber Surrenders To Toronto Police For Allegedly Assaulting Limo Driver

Justin Bieber turned himself into the Toronto police for alleged assault charges from December 2013
Bieber faces the music, Toronto, 29 Jan 2014 - CTV News
January 29, 2014 - Pop singer Justin Bieber is in trouble up in Canada.

"Toronto police said in late December they were looking into allegations that a member of Bieber's entourage assaulted a limo driver who was driving the Canadian pop star and several others. Police said at the time that it was unclear whether Bieber was involved," reports ABC this evening.

CBC's John Lancaster tweeted this:
#JustinBieber surrender had been in works for a couple of days. Happening tonight. He will NOT be held for a bail hearing.  ~ @jlancasterCBC

Here are some early tweets about Bieber's surrender to police:

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