
Hey Fatties: Do Something

Good news for fat women! A little physical movement now and then can greatly enhance that diet. (Note: Lifting paper out of a printer does not count as excercise!) Results of a new study find that even moderate amounts of daily exercise can greatly improve your quality of life if you are an overweight or obese woman. So get out an take a walk, ladies. It'll put you in a better mood. You'll be less likely to talk shit about your boss and employees behind their backs, less likely to leave insane notes for your employees, less likely to sadistically demean your employees, less likely to... well, you get the idea. Get off your plump derrieres and do something physical. The women who exercised a lot felt better emotionally and physically, and they also reported that activities such as climbing stairs were a lot easier. FULL STORY... RELATED: A new study found obese women were more likely to suffer brain cell loss linked to dementia.Swedish researchers found the association between obesity and brain atrophy - the abnormal loss of neurons after following 290 women over 24 years. MORE ON THE PLATE at