
Things That Did Not Happen in Durham

That's right. Things that did NOT happen in Durham, where Duke University lacross players did NOT rape a stripper, who was NOT telling the truth to a prosecutor who did NOT care about real justice. Mike Nifong, member of the DNC (so is Joe Moore, by the way) the $*(#@$le who went on a witch hunt and almost got away with screwing up the lives of some Duke lacrosse players, is no longer the hero. We now know him for the lying scum that he is, and he's being prosecuted for playing loose and dirty with the legal process. This video speaks volumes, and reminds us that sexism, racism and prejudice are by no means the exclusive property of any single political party. But first, check out this special report from Durham County. It's about events connected to the Duke lacrosse "rape case" that did NOT happen. Then watch the video below.

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