Andrew Breitbart OWNS Max Blumenthal at CPAC

MUST-SEE VIDEOS, below, of Big Journalism's Andrew Breibart taking down liberal punks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in D.C. on Saturday morning, Feb. 21. The top video shows Max Blumenthal at CPAC in D.C. Just another case of a leftist liar confronted and contradicting himself. The bottom video was shot right after the Blumenthal encounter, as another leftist liar interrupts and confronts Andrew. THIS is entertainment, when the leftists expose their own idiocy! Note that the Salon retraction that Andrew refers to in the second video can be read here. (See related articles beneath the videos) RELATED: Max Blumenthal Hounded, Challenged at CPAC‎ The Jawa Report: Max Blumenthal, Salon Invent New Smear of James O'Keefe Alinsky Smear Tactic FAIL: Andrew Breitbart KO's Leftist Max Blumenthal Target Rich Environment » Video of The Week: Breitbart vs. Blumenthal Andrew Breitbart blasts Rachel Maddow - Kenneth P. Vogel ... Max Blumenthal's bigoted comments about Mormons, Gentiles Why nothing from leftie blogs is believable BLOG POSTS ABOUT BREITBART AND CPAC Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed