Obama Calls Himself a Dictator. Or King. Or Emperor.

November 18, 2014 - Barack Obama once said that preventing deportation of illegal immigrants without the involvement of Congress would be dictatorial. Western Journalism's Norvell Rose notes that even Obama's natural allies in the liberal media are serving up scathing criticism of his tendencies to act more like a king than president.

Dictator Obama, Heir to Stalin
Obama, heir to Stalin
Rose wrote that the New York Times "aptly points out" Obama has said on multiple occasions that acting on his own to curb the deportation of millions of illegals without an act of Congress "would amount to nothing less than the dictates of a king, not a president." 

A better analogy might be that Obama's penchant for acting without the peoples' elected representatives in Congress amounts more closely to the dictates of a despotic tyrant. There have been, after all, kings who have been more cooperative with their parliaments or congresses than Obama has been.

WJ's Rose gives us three examples from the NYT piece, "Using Executive Order on Immigration, Obama Would Reverse Long-Held Stance" of  "Obama’s own, very clear and specific words to explain that a president cannot simply move forward on this kind of domestic front without congressional authority," and they are damning:

  • In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said…I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”
  • …during a Google Hangout in February 2013…“This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.”
  • In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November…Mr. Obama…insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they [immigration protestors] wanted. “The easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like I can do something by violating our laws,” he said.

The NYT is not the only leftist newspaper of note to sling Obama's words back at him. Two editorials in The Washington Post point out Obama's hypocrisy and willingness to sabotage democracy: "In Mr. Obama’s own words, acting alone is ‘not how our democracy functions" on November 17, and from August 5, "Frustration over stalled immigration action doesn’t mean Obama can act unilaterally."

Also See:
Even the Democrats Want Obama to Slow Down on Immigration Executive Action PJ Media
Dems press Obama to wait on immigration The Hill