Showing posts with label Andrew Sharp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Sharp. Show all posts

Jan Schakowsky Townhall Meeting, August 31

Chicago News Bench was at the townhall at Niles West High School on August 31. We will have photos and video for you on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. US Rep. Jan Schakowsky Town Hall Meeting Monday, August 31 6:30 - 8:00pm Niles West High School Auditorium 5701 Oakton Street Skokie, IL 60077 Enter school through the main entrance facing Oakton. Arrive early to get a seat.

"Aunt Jan" Schakowsky is having a Town Hall meeting on Monday, August 31 at Niles West High School Auditorium, 5701 W. Oakton, Skokie, Illinois from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. It should be a lot of fun. Whether you're a paid SEIU goon, a paid ACORN tool, or just an ordinary concerned American, we're sure Congressgal Schakowsky will welcome everyone with open arms to her Town Hall meeting! Right? Sure! Will Jan's convicted felon husband Robert Creamer be there? We hope so! Will the lunatic leftists be there? Count on it. Let's all ask Schakowsky why she is so eager to destroy the private and favors a single-payer system (she says so in this video). But please, everybody, be polite. There will be plenty of goofiness from the leftist loons in attendance for everybody. Oh, and wear a Commie-bama cap and t-shirt to the event! Schakowsky loves them. 

Drunk: Joe Moore and Andrew Sharp

Reliable sources tell The Bench that 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore and political consultant Andrew Sharp left last Saturday's Cubs game with "several other men" and proceeded to a nearby tavern.

Witnesses tell The Bench that Moore was "so drunk he was slurring his words." Sharp, a Washington DC consultant and confidante to Moore and Congressman Jan Schakowsky, was reportedly quite drunk as well.

To: Jan and Andy - Re: Joe Moore

Dear Jan and Andy,

You are both strong supporters of Chicago's 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore. On the political food chain, an alderman (city council member) is pretty low. So why the big support for Moore?

Congressman Schakowsky (can I call you "Jan"?), we understand that you and Joe's ex-wife go way back, and your convicted felon of a husband Robert "Mr. Kite" Creamer and Joe have done business together. He has supported your candidacy, you support his. Okay, personal loyalty. But there's more...

Andy Sharp (can I call you "Asshole"? No?), you are a big-time, ruthless political consultant. The only reason you back a schmuck like Joe Moore, as far as I can figure, is the Schakowsky connection and for the big bucks you get out of the work. I mean, a big shot like you, Andy, flying in from D.C. to help a lowly alderman? Okay, yes, the money, the favors to Schakowsky and the Democrat National Committee (DNC). But there's more...

I've postulated this before: If Barack Obama becomes our next president, Jan would likely get bumped up to fill his vacated U.S. Senate seat. Joe Moore, the theory goes, would be appointed to fill Jan's vacated Congressional seat. A new theory is that Joe's live-in girlfriend Barbara would be appointed to fill the vacated 49th Ward alderman position. (There will be more on this in the future.)

Jan, you're a consummate professional. I disagree with much of your politics, but you do what you do well. Moore is a boob, a fool, a laughing stock who is not capable of dealing with the local press, let alone the intensity of a national press that would suddenly be breathing down his neck. If you and the DNC think Moore will be able to conduct himself on a national level any better than he does in his 2-square mile 49th Ward, you're mistaken.

For some reason, Jan and Andy, you and the DNC have given disproportionate support to city councilman. Many of us in Moore's 49th Ward know that he would much rather be a U.S. Congressman. He hates his current job, that's obvious. But why in hell would you support a rank amateur like Moore, who after 17 years in elected office could only win reelection last year with your high powered assistance, big bucks, and alleged voting fraud? Why would the DNC put so much effort behind a putz like Moore?

Alderman Moore can't even get a pile of gravel picked up by Chicago Streets and Sanitation on Morse Avenue in Rogers Park. It's been for there for a year. Moore is a prissy fool when dealing with the media. He loves to complain to city desk editors all over Chicago. He has flunkies harass bloggers who, regardless of how you feel about blogs, are media and information outlets. Rather than engage them, he set himself as adversarial from the start. So much so, that last night the fool 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman and Moore had a flunky attempt to intimidate this blogger by - gasp! - photographing me. Or attempting to, I dunno.

Will Joe Moore bring his Rogers Park Gang to Washington? Will he have them intimidate the media there, as he does here? Will Joe Moore attempt to ban foie gras sales in restaurants nationwide?

Jan, time to rethink your alliance with the Fool Moore.

Andy, your just a mercenary. But Andy, please note that if we get Congressman Moore in Washington, you won't be able to chase his critics along the Potomac screaming "You're a loser!" at them. That shit didn't work well in Rogers Park. It sure as hell won't work in D.C.

Fear and Loathing in Chicago's 49th Ward


A HOT TIP FROM A TRUSTED SOURCE, JUST IN - 10:12 PM, FEB 4, 2008 - "He is in town for Suffredin. Brought in on Jan Schakowsky's dime. I'm thinking the finances end up as a good issue due to the Fed funds / local candidate funds block. It may be hard to prove and I don't think it will wash out for a few months. Sharp is back regardless." Oh, this is sweet........

Ricardo Munoz and The Irishman

Highly paid political hitman Andrew "The Irishman" Sharp is still bouncing in and out of Chicago. He is working for the 2008 congressional campaign of Chicago Alderman Ricardo Munoz ("moon-yoze") of the 22nd Ward. Munoz will run to take the place of retiring U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) in Congress.

(For future reference: Ricardo Munoz - Money, 2008, Illinois, Congress, 2008)

This is no surprise, really, as Munoz and 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore are both tight with the Howard Dean crowd and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Andrew Sharp has been known to present himself as "Seamus," an Irishman living in Chicago's Old Town neighborhood. His bizarre behavior recently, stalking this blogger and lying about his identity, is chronicled in the posting "BIZARRE ENCOUNTER WITH ANDREW SHARP."

Sharp was instrumental in producing falsehoods and lies for the Joe Moore re-election campaign in the 49th Ward of Chicago. Moore barely won that in April, and massive fraud charges have been brought by Moore's challenger Don Gordon.

A "progressive," Andrew "Seamus" Sharp likes to quote dead communist Chinese dictator Mao tse Tung on his company's web site. "Politics is war without bloodshed" is on Sharp's web site. It is half of a Mao quote, which in full is, "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

From Sharp's web site:

4th Congressional District Democratic Leader Ricardo Munoz
The campaign for Democratic leader of the 4th Congressional District in Illinois this year was viewed as a preview of the fight to replace US Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who has announced plans to retire.
The direct mail program created by Andrew Sharp helped progressive Alderman Ricardo Munoz overcome a challenge by the powerful Daley political machine. SOURCE...

It will be interesting to see if Munoz runs the same kind of filthy campaign that Joe Moore ran.

Of Paris and Rogers Park

There is a stunning similarity between the recent aldermanic election in Chicago's 49th Ward of Rogers Park and today's presidential election in France. During the campaign for alderman in Rogers Park, ugly - and false - charges and innuendos were lobbed onto the playing field by incumbent Joe Moore. Prior to the first election of February 27, Moore and his people spread the lie that candidate Jim Ginderske, a "progressive liberal" himself, was a "Republican who wants to get rid of the black people." Ginderske, of course, complained bitterly about that lie, but after Ginderske was knocked out of the race, he joined forces with Moore and helped spread a new lie: left-of center candidate Don Gordon, the new lie went, was - you guessed it - a "Republican who wants to get rid of the black people." Moore's gang was spreading fear, instilling visions of (gasp!) "big business" Republicans who "want to take over our neighborhood." One wonders why Moore stopped there and didn't accuse Gordon of being in the Ku Klux Klan, although at least one of Moore's cheerleaders repeatedly drew stark and not-so-subtle comparisons of Gordon to Adolf Hitler (see We Await An Apology, Mr. Westgard). During the French presidential campaign, "the Socialists tried to scare the French planning to vote for Mr. Sarkozy, by warning that he was a danger to democracy and an aggressive politician who could not be trusted to keep his cool as president," wrote Caroline Wyatt of the BBC. Of course, the Socialists tried their best to slander Sarkozy as a Nazi, making their predictable comparisons to Hitler. This is too familiar to us in the United States, where everyone from George Bush down to Don Gordon can be painted by Leftists in the most vile of portraiture art. It is a westgardian tactic used worldwide by "progressives," Liberals, Socialists and Communists. Just have a look at the news stand in Michael James' Heartland Cafe. Walk in, have some coffee, feel the hate. Try the hate omelette if you can stomach it. In fact, Sarkozy's opponent, Socialist candidate Segolene Royal warned that her constituents would riot if Sarkozy won. Using a tactic taken right out of the Andrew Sharp/Joe Moore/DNC playbook, Ms. Royal said, "It is my responsibility today to warn people," she said, "of the risk of his candidacy concerning the violence and brutality that would be unleashed in the country." She said that unrest was especially likely in the volatile suburbs that were the site of rioting in 2005. (Source: KXMB) It did not work: Tonight Mr. Sarkozy is the new French President, with 53% of the vote (with a voter turnout of more than 80%). The scare tactics did not work. If only Rogers Park voters were as smart as the French.

Paul Vallas and the Sharp Tool

Sources tell RPB that the possible candidacy of Paul Vallas for Congress has been put on hold, if not called off. Too bad for Andrew Sharp (alias "Seamus", alias "the Irishman"), a known Maoist and highly paid political consultant to Chicago's 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore. One RPB source said that Mr. Sharp was hanging around Chicago after the Joe Moore re-selection on April 17 because he was laying the financial groundwork for Vallas to run for Congress in Illinois' 3rd District. It now seems much more likely that Vallas will become the new schools chief in New Orleans, even though his family will move back to Chicago. The Vallases have been living in Philadelphia since 2002, where Vallas was the city's school CEO. He was Chicago's school czar just prior to the Philadelphia position. Meanwhile, "Seamus" is said to be working on post-election public relations triage for the badly damaged Joe Moore. Moore won the election, but barely. It seems certain that this is his last term as alderman in the 49th Ward, and if he can avoid going to prison of federal charges of conspiracy to orchestrate voter fraud he may run for Congress himself. Andy would be a sharp tool for that campaign, if he can just restrain himself from stalking bloggers and screaming at former candidates while jogging. (Oh, you didn't hear about that one?)

And This Guy Wants to Run for Congress?

Paul Vallas left the Chicago Public Schools system in a shambles in 2002. He now leaves the Philadelphia Schools in a financial mess. The good news for Philadelphia: Paul Vallas just quit his position as the city's schools CEO. Vallas quit after his political and popular support rotted, with increased school violence, a $73 million deficit, and the "fear that future budget cuts could undo recent academic gains." The bad news for Chicago: Paul Vallas is returning, and he wants to run for Congress in Illinois' 3rd Congressional District. Philadelphia - April 30 - School District officials shrugged last week when Chief Financial Officer Sade Olanipekun Lewis publicly acknowledged Fitch Bond Rating Service has Philadelphia School District bonds on a negative watch that could downgrade them to junk bond status in the next three-to-five months. FULL STORY... RELATED: Andrew Sharp and Paul Vallas: 3rd Congressional District Challenge School-budget crisis threatens 100 jobs Philly's Paul Vallas: Smiles for Academic Gains; Frustration in Finances, Violence

Andrew Sharp and Paul Vallas: 3rd Congressional District Challenge

Chicago (RPB News) - Andrew Sharp (“The Irishman”) is still in Chicago and working on very big things, sources tell RPB, in addition to damage control for Alderman Joe Moore. A reader sent this tip to RPB:
Andy is still in town, and he is setting the stage for Paul Vallas' return to Illinois and immediate run for Congress. Paul Vallas is not going to run against Schakowsky (I wish!). Paul is going to run against [Congressman Dan] Lipinski. Paul grew up in the 3rd Congressional District and is setting up shop ASAP. If you saw Andy up north it is because he is tapping Lakefront and North Shore donors for early $. Please keep my name out of this and I will update as new info comes in.
Paul Vallas, you may recall, was the Chicago school czar until Mayor Daley canned him. In 2002 Vallas became the CEO of schools in Philadelphia, PA. He leaves a mixed legacy in Philly. Also this: The budget crisis hanging over the Philadelphia School District is threatening to claim 100 teaching positions next year, officials said yesterday. The revelation, which came during a School Reform Commission hearing on the district's proposed $2.18 billion operating budget for 2007-08, drew an angry response from the president of the city teachers' union, who accused schools chief Paul Vallas of mismanagement. Full Article... Now, apparently, Vallas wants to run for Congress in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. Mr. Vallas is definitely leaving Philadelphia, and it caught that city by surprise recently: Thursday, April 12, 2007 - Philadelphia - SCHOOL DISTRICT chief executive Paul Vallas last night confirmed to the Daily News that he will leave Philadelphia at the end of this school year, despite having a contract extension that could have kept him here until 2009. Vallas' decision stunned parents and district insiders alike, coming on a day in which speculation mounted by the hour that he had been tapped to become the next leader of the Hurricane Katrina-devastated New Orleans school district..... Instead, he said last night only that five years at the helm of the nation's eighth-largest school district was plenty, and that he, wife Sharon and their three sons would return to the family's Chicago hometown this summer. Full Article... Retired Congressman William Lipinski of Illinois' 3rd Congressional District retired in 2004. It is often said that he enabled his son Daniel to take the seat, but nobody crowned him. He was elected, after all. It is said that you really don't need to be pro-life to win in the 3rd District, but Dan Lipinksi has voted pro-life including against embryonic stem cell research. He voted “no” on allowing human embryonic stem cell research (May 2005) and “yes” on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005) No wonder, then, that Andrew Sharp and the DNC is involved in a campaign against fellow Democrat, Congressman Lipinski. RELATED: Illinois’ Third Congressional District

Andrew Sharp Still in Chicago

Chicago (RPB News) - Andrew Sharp, who also goes by the alias "Seamus," was seen this morning riding in a black Audi sedan with Illinois plates and "Autobahn" plate holders, was heading north on N. Sheridan Road in Rogers Park. A man known as "Bob" was driving. Sharp, a political consultant based in Alexandria, Virginia is in Chicago to help alleged criminal Joe Moore with public relations. Sharp, or "Seamus," has stalked at least one blogger in the embattled Rogers Park neighborhood. Residents are urged to be on the lookout for Sharp, and to let RPB know if he approaches you. If you see this man, report it immediately to

He may be wanted for questioning in the near future.

Responding to Ron Nescafe

Geez. political hack noun a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends [syn: machine politician] WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University. machine cog Examples: Andrew Sharp, who is not registered to vote in the 49th Ward. Another example: Soviet machine cog, some cogs were a lot higher level and more powerful than others, but all of them effected and enabled and sustained the Soviet machine. The apparatchiks were what ensured the Soviet system's continuation...

Analyzing Joe Moore's SEIU Money

Andrew Sharp is getting paid $53,000 for consulting to Joe Moore, courtesy of the SEIU Illinois Council PAC. It's listed as an "in kind donation" for "political consulting and mailing." There is no mention, of course, of "annihilating" the Gordon camp, because by any measure Moore just squeaked by. Half the voters in the 49th Ward are questioning the veracity of the last Tuesday's election, so even that is questionable. All that money and expertise for 200 votes! In total, Moore's D2s show 89 receipts for SEIU money, totaling $155,958.01. (Do you think Joe feels like he might owe them a favor or two? Nah.) The SEIU donations were made 1999-2007. Here's how the $155,958 breaks down: SEIU Illinois Council PAC, 111 W Wacker Dr, Ste 2500, Chicago $106,324.01 All of this was donated to Moore's campaign committee in 2007. We're not sure where that extra penny came from, but apparently this union doesn't care about its members' pennies. This money could have purchased a lot of basic health care or emergency food for members in need. Will their investment in Joe Moore help the average SEIU member? How was the money used? The D2 lists it overwhelmingly for "field work," with a lot of "staff work," and "research." None of those descriptions really tell us anything. When researcher Andrew Sharp passed himself off as Seamus the Irishman last Wednesday, was that "field work" or "research," or both? There was also "live calls to voters," provided by The Clinton Group in Washington, D.C. twice for a total of $5231.63. (The D2s can be a slog to read, but the stuff you find is fascinating.) We couldn't find anything listed as "mail fraud," "bingo bribery" or "disinformation." SEIU Local 1, 111 E Wacker Dr, Ste 2500, Chicago $9,500.00 Except for $500 in 2004, all of this came to Moore in 2006 and 2007. SEIU Service Employees Illinois Council, 1165 N. Clark St., Chicago $3,884.00 All donated to Moore in December, 2006. SEIU Local 880 PAC, 1024 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117 $36,250.00 (includes $3,250 from 1999-2004) Apparently this New Orleans chapter of SEIU cares more about the 49th Ward than they do for their still-struggling neighbors in hurricane-ravaged bayou country. This money could have paid rent for a year for six to eight apartments, or a heck of a lot of canned food.

Weird Joe Moore Tales

Update: Andrew Sharp is getting paid $53,000 for consulting to Joe Moore, courtesy of the SEIU Illinois Council PAC. It's listed as an "in kind donation" for "political consulting and mailing." In total, Moore's D2s show 89 receipts totaling $155,958.01 from the SEIU. (Do you think Joe feels like he might owe them a favor or two?)


How Deep Is Your Love?

WARNING: This woman is Kathy Sprattling, former Ginderske staffer turned Joe Moore mercenarie. She may be in the company of Andrew "Seamus" Sharp, a known top gun of Joe Moore. If you must, approach with caution.

Kathy, what do you tell your daughter about ethics and self respect now that you've sold out to a man you spent months calling a "shit" and a "killer" for his association with the now infamous Jay Johnson?

If asked to, would you be willing to perjure yourself for Joe Moore? (Just asking.)



"Andrew Sharp has provided clients nationwide with general consulting and strategy to annihilate the opposition."

“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” ~ Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese Communist dictator (1893 - 1976)

“Politics is war without bloodshed.” ~ Andrew Sharp, top Democrat political consultant

CHICAGO (RPB News) - Cloaks and daggers in Rogers Park. This just gets curiouser and curiouser, folks. Remember the photo of those two suits getting the VIP welcome from Joe Moore as they entered his campaign office on March 10? Some of you laughed at RPB for that, but we now know who they are. Seems RPB’s instincts were correct. They were some of Joe’s big guns, one local, one from out of state.

As I wrote yesterday, Alderman Joe Moore brought in a lot of big guns to help him retain his seat on Chicago’s City Council as alderman of the 49th Ward. Really big guns.

Last Wednesday, one of those big guns sought me out.

It was a bizarre experience for me and it was bizarre behavior by one Andrew Sharp, big gun political consultant from D.C.

I was sitting at the bar at Morseland around 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, having a bite to eat and conversing with my good friend Vince. The bartender, Marcus, came to me and said that two guys sitting down the bar wanted to buy me a beer “if you’re Tom Mannis.” Well, sure, but give me a Coke instead because I’m too tired for alcohol, I told Marcus. I got the Coke pronto and continued to speak with Vince.

About 20 minutes later, one of the men came over and introduced himself. It is important to note at this point that he asked me to keep his name “off the record,” but he did tell me that he was one of the suits walking into Moore’s campaign office in the photo. I assured him that I would not reveal his name, and RPB keeps a promise. The man, whom I shall call “Bob,” chatted me up in a friendly way. Wouldn’t mind having that beer with him sometime. Bob is local guy, and is very active politically, and he said he hopes to “do business” with me “in the future” because he thinks I'm a good writer. Flattery won't get you anywhere, pal.

Thanks for the compliment, Bob, but no dice. I’d sit down over a beer with you anytime. But “do business” with you? You don’t work for a scum like Joe Moore and then expect RPB to “do business” with you, even if it’s selling lemonade. You don’t skulk around bars asking for me and then expect me to “do business” with you. You don’t associate with a scum who quotes freeking Mao Tse Tung and expect me to “do business” with you.

That is all I will reveal about Bob. RPB honors "off the record" promises. But no such promise was made for the Other Guy.
The other guy got no promises from RPB, and even if he had, he lied to me, so all is fair play. The other guy gave his name as “Seamus,” and said he was an Irishman living in the Old Town neighborhood of Chicago. “Seamus” (SHAY-muss) affected a convincing Irish accent. But he was a fraud.

Andrew Sharp
Andrew Sharp, aka "Seamus"
“Seamus” is Andrew Sharp, big gun political consultant for Joe Moore. This encounter was bizarre for several reasons:

1) The runoff election ended 27 hours before Andrew “Seamus” Sharp and Bob sought me out at Morseland.
2) Sharp, based out of Alexandria, VA just outside Washington, D.C., was seen jogging along the lakefront yesterday morning (Saturday, April 22). Why is he still in Chicago?
3) Why is Andrew Sharp posing as "Seamus" the Irishman?
4) “Bob” admitted to asking around for me. Why? To “do business” with me? To assure that I would not reveal his identity in the photo? (Is he that ashamed of his association with Moore?)
5) Did “Bob” and Sharp hope to send a subtle, indirect message to me to back off of my coverage of the Moore camp by letting me know that they know where I hang out?
6) If they are doing this to me, who else might they be skulking after?
7) Why are they skulking around Rogers Park days after the election? What are they so concerned about? Is there some kind of “damage control” that they are working on?

RPB asks you to be on the lookout, especially for Andrew Sharp. People living near either of Joe Moore’s offices – keep your cameras ready. And let us pray that Andy Sharp believes that “politics is war without bloodshed.” He's acting a bit deranged lately.


“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” ~ Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese Communist dictator (1893 - 1976) Who are the "big guns" national-level political consultants, hacks and other outside supporters brought in to support a guy who represents a tiny two-square mile piece of Chicago? Here is a quick look at some of the "big guns" brought in to help 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore in his battle to retain his seat on Chicago's City Council. Moore is well known nationally, primarily for his activities with antiwar groups and local anti-goose liver (foie gras) legislation. Nevertheless, he is just an alderman, and that begs the question: Why so much outside money, so much outside consulting talent, and so much effort by the DNC put into play just to retain a local councilman? RPB invites you – and all readers – to share information or stories about these or other of Moore’s people. There are literally thousands of people around the nation who are members of their local city council or village board. Some of them, in Los Angeles or New York for example, have as much local sway as Moore does. No doubt some or most are more intelligent than Moore. Who are some of the big players from outside of the 49th Ward, some even from outside of Illinois, that were brought in to keep Joe Moore in place? Joe Moore is well-connected guy. He is a member of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which is headed by Howard Dean. Moore's campaign office is in a space shared with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (Democrat); Schakowsky is one of the most powerful members of Congress. Schakowsky’s “blogger” and campaign hamster Alex Armour is near the top of Moore’s food chain, although he may have recently been replaced by this guy: Andrew Sharp, big time political consultant Andrew Sharp Consulting 210 South Union St. Alexandria VA 22314 Main phone : 202-448-6198 Fax : 636-533-5300 The Moore people keep reminding us that the election is over. So then why is secretive high-powered political consultant Andrew Sharp hanging around the hood? His usual digs are Alexandria, Virginia right outside of Washington, D.C. Maybe the high crime in Rogers Park reminds him the nation’s capital. Andy was brought in to salvage a flagging campaign. Again, big guns. Andy’s client roster includes the DNC itself, as well as a local favorite, John Stroger. He’s a high profile political strategist and tactician, yet there is virtually nothing on the web about him, which is weird. Very weird. Most guys in his position would want tons of news coverage; news searches on various search engines show NOTHING for the guy. Creepy. “Politics is war without bloodshed. For a dozen years, Andrew Sharp has provided clients nationwide with general consulting and strategy to annihilate the opposition.” Quote stolen from Mao Tse Tung, on Sharp's web site. Alex Armour Schmuck with a newly worked-in mustache and political consultant. Also a “blogger” (although we’ve seen very little evidence of it except for a couple of bad stealth blogs). This weasle was a big shot in the last Jan Schakowsky congressional campaign, yet here he is schlepping for a lox like Joe Moore. Alex Armour was ordered in to the 49th Ward by the Deaniacs at the DNC. What, you think he volunteered to work on an aldermanic campaign after tasting the big time with Schakowsky? For more on Armour, see The Alex Armour Files and Nice Work If You Can Get It. Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman, Gal Pal, Confidant With her convicted criminal husband Robert Creamer in tow, Jan the Man has been a big cheerleader for Joe, sharing a campaign office next to an abandoned tavern by the train tracks, over by dere. Jan and Joe’s ex-wife (Moore’s divorce papers are sealed) have been best pals for over 18 years. Joe and Robert used to exchange checks back and forth frantically. Robert got caught and convicted. Joe is still not an ex-con – yet. See Joe Moore's Loans to a Criminal. Howard Dean, Chair, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Nuff said. This nutbag is more reviled amongst rank and file Democrats than George Bush is. But he controls the DNC. Lots of dots in this puzzle, and DNC is one big dot with a lot of lines connecting to it. Todd Stroger, President, Cook County Board Todd is more reviled by the average citizen of Cook County than Howard Dean is. But Andy Sharp, the DNC and the other conspirators are all pals. Todd endorsed Joe. Joe endorsed Todd. What a lovefest. SEIU (Service Employees International Union) These goons, 1.8 million strong, would back a rapid skunk if they thought it would help their agenda. (I’m curious: How many of their member are forced to pay dues to a union that supports political causes and politicians that the membership does not like?) SEIU members were seen violating electioneering rules on election day, April 17. There were a bunch of them in the ward, just as there were over a hundred other outsiders hustled in for pay to push Moore literature and generally hang around looking lost. All those outsiders, by the way, is a big fat admission by Moore that he can’t find enough support from within the community he is supposed to represent. That’s pitiful. See Polling Violations by SEIU. ACORN Criminals. Labor law violators. Racketeers. Flouters of election laws nationwide. And there are dozens of court cases to prove those charges. ACORN zombies were seen skulking around the 49th Ward’s CTA stations handing out poorly written, poorly produced crap and lies to commuters. A few examples of ACORN’s shenanigans: “In Ohio , ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group. In Colorado , two ex-ACORN employees were convicted of turning in false registrations.” (Source: Again, outsiders. For more on ACORN, see Shelling ACORN and Judge Him By The Company He Keeps.