“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” ~ Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese Communist dictator (1893 - 1976)
Who are the "big guns" national-level political consultants, hacks and other outside supporters brought in to support a guy who represents a tiny two-square mile piece of Chicago?
Here is a quick look at some of the "big guns" brought in to help 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore in his battle to retain his seat on Chicago's City Council. Moore is well known nationally, primarily for his activities with antiwar groups and local anti-goose liver (foie gras) legislation. Nevertheless, he is just an alderman, and that begs the question:
Why so much outside money, so much outside consulting talent, and so much effort by the DNC put into play just to retain a local councilman?
RPB invites you – and all readers – to share information or stories about these or other of Moore’s people.
There are literally thousands of people around the nation who are members of their local city council or village board. Some of them, in Los Angeles or New York for example, have as much local sway as Moore does. No doubt some or most are more intelligent than Moore.
Who are some of the big players from outside of the 49th Ward, some even from outside of Illinois, that were brought in to keep Joe Moore in place?
Joe Moore is well-connected guy. He is a member of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which is headed by Howard Dean. Moore's campaign office is in a space shared with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (Democrat); Schakowsky is one of the most powerful members of Congress. Schakowsky’s “blogger” and campaign hamster Alex Armour is near the top of Moore’s food chain, although he may have recently been replaced by this guy:
Andrew Sharp, big time political consultant
Andrew Sharp Consulting
210 South Union St.
Alexandria VA 22314
Main phone : 202-448-6198 Fax : 636-533-5300
The Moore people keep reminding us that the election is over. So then why is secretive high-powered political consultant
Andrew Sharp hanging around the hood? His usual digs are Alexandria, Virginia right outside of Washington, D.C. Maybe the high crime in Rogers Park reminds him the nation’s capital. Andy was brought in to salvage a flagging campaign. Again, big guns.
Andy’s client roster includes the
DNC itself, as well as a local favorite,
John Stroger.
He’s a high profile political strategist and tactician, yet there is virtually nothing on the web about him, which is weird. Very weird. Most guys in his position would want tons of news coverage; news searches on various search engines show NOTHING for the guy. Creepy.
“Politics is war without bloodshed. For a dozen years, Andrew Sharp has provided clients nationwide with general consulting and strategy to annihilate the opposition.” Quote stolen
from Mao Tse Tung, on Sharp's web site.
Alex Armour
Schmuck with a newly worked-in mustache and political consultant. Also a “blogger” (although we’ve seen very little evidence of it except for a couple of bad stealth blogs). This weasle was a big shot in the last Jan Schakowsky congressional campaign, yet here he is schlepping for a lox like Joe Moore. Alex Armour was ordered in to the 49th Ward by the Deaniacs at the DNC. What, you think he volunteered to work on an aldermanic campaign after tasting the big time with Schakowsky? For more on Armour, see
The Alex Armour Files and
Nice Work If You Can Get It.
Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman, Gal Pal, Confidant
With her convicted criminal husband Robert Creamer in tow, Jan the Man has been a big cheerleader for Joe, sharing a campaign office next to an abandoned tavern by the train tracks, over by dere. Jan and Joe’s ex-wife (Moore’s divorce papers are sealed) have been best pals for over 18 years. Joe and Robert used to exchange checks back and forth frantically. Robert got caught and convicted. Joe is still not an ex-con – yet. See
Joe Moore's Loans to a Criminal.
Howard Dean, Chair, Democratic National Committee (DNC)
Nuff said. This nutbag is more reviled amongst rank and file Democrats than George Bush is. But he controls the DNC. Lots of dots in this puzzle, and DNC is one big dot with a lot of lines connecting to it.
Todd Stroger, President, Cook County Board
Todd is more reviled by the average citizen of Cook County than Howard Dean is. But Andy Sharp, the DNC and the other conspirators are all pals. Todd endorsed Joe. Joe endorsed Todd. What a lovefest.
SEIU (Service Employees International Union)
These goons, 1.8 million strong, would back a rapid skunk if they thought it would help their agenda. (I’m curious: How many of their member are forced to pay dues to a union that supports political causes and politicians that the membership does not like?) SEIU members were seen violating electioneering rules on election day, April 17. There were a bunch of them in the ward, just as there were over a hundred other outsiders hustled in for pay to push Moore literature and generally hang around looking lost. All those outsiders, by the way, is a big fat admission by Moore that he can’t find enough support from within the community he is supposed to represent. That’s pitiful. See
Polling Violations by SEIU.
Criminals. Labor law violators. Racketeers. Flouters of election laws nationwide. And there are dozens of court cases to prove those charges. ACORN zombies were seen skulking around the 49th Ward’s CTA stations handing out poorly written, poorly produced crap and lies to commuters. A few examples of ACORN’s shenanigans: “
In Ohio , ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group. In Colorado , two ex-ACORN employees were convicted of turning in false registrations.” (Source:
http://www.rottenacorn.com/index.html) Again, outsiders. For more on ACORN, see
Shelling ACORN and
Judge Him By The Company He Keeps.