Showing posts with label CTA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTA. Show all posts
Will CTA Close Jarvis Red Line Station? Maybe!
January 25, 2011 - Chicago - This is a first: I'm agreeing with 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore. He's sounding the alarm over the CTA's proposal to shut down the Jarvis station in Rogers Park. That would be bad. CTA wastes a hell of a lot of money elsewhere, so what's the reasoning? Attend a public meeting on Wednesday, January 26 to learn more. Also see details below in an excerpt written by Ald. Moore on his own website:
I just learned today that three of the six options the CTA is considering in its proposed "improvements" to the Red and Purple line include the permanent closing of the Jarvis el station. This is unacceptable.
As I reported to you last week, the CTA is hosting a series of "public scoping meetings" to discuss the proposals. I urged you to attend the 49th Ward meeting to join me in pushing for improvements to the Jarvis, Morse and Loyola stations. Little did I know that not only were improvements to Jarvis not contemplated, the CTA was in fact thinking about closing the station!
At this point, no funding for the Red Line improvements has been identified and the work is still many years away, but it's not too early to state loudly and clearly that the Jarvis el station must stay open.
Join me at the CTA's "public scoping meeting" TOMORROW (Wednesday, January 26th), 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at New Field School, 1707 W. Morse (at Clark). Tell the CTA you OPPOSE the closing of the Jarvis el Station. Instead, demand the CTA give our community a long overdue NEW Jarvis Station, as well as improvements to the Morse and Loyola stations. I apologize for the last minute notice, but as I indicate above, I just learned today that the CTA was contemplating the closing of Jarvis.
[Here is] a flier urging people to attend the meeting. Please feel free to make copies of the flier and distribute to your friends and neighbors: Save_the_Jarvis_El[1].pdf (115 KB)
Read more at Ald. Moore's website....
Ethereal Evening Commute on the CTA Red Line (Video)
This dream-like video has a soft jazz music track, perfect for the evening commute at sunset. We start our train ride at the Fullerton station on Chicago's north side and head north to the Morse station. Scenes of passing buildings, including Wrigley Field at Addison, combined with a few still shots give a relaxing and almost hypnotic effect. Video by Tom Mannis, made with Studio XI. Enjoy...
Vandals, CTA Attack Uptown Parking Meters
Vandals Try to Destroy Meters and CTA Removes Perfectly Good Meters
Once again, the big media and another local blog got local coverage wrong. The big media might be forgiven; they don't live in Uptown.
Chicago News Bench saw a parking meter that was spray painted gold yesterday (Wednesday, June 3) near N. Sheridan and W. Wilson.
According to Chicago Breaking News, "About 50 coin-fed parking meters were vandalized today in the three adjacent North Side neighborhoods of Uptown and Ravenswood, according to Chicago police."
Wrong. They were vandalized yesterday. Chicago Breaking News was quoted without question by Uptown Update, which ran a photo of a non-vandalized, expired but perfectly funtional meter (which had nothing to do with vandalism) in their version of the story today. (Click photos to enlarge them.) As so often happens, Uptown Update ran none of their own photos.
Chicago News Bench actually put down our tub of ice cream and got off our Lazy-Boy recliner to visit the streets of Uptown. We walked around and found the vandalized meters pictured here. The meter that was spray painted gold yesterday (above) is still functional. We watched a woman plug coins into it. No problem. It just looks nicer than it did before the new paint job.
CTA Removes Perfectly Good Meters

While the media are all aflutter about a few "vandalized" (but still functional) meters, they seem to have missed the fact that CTA has effectively destroyed more than 30 meters.
As we walked the filthy streets of Alderman Shiller's 46th Ward, we noticed that all of the parking meters have been removed from the triangular parking lot behind the Wilson Broadway Mall.
That's in the heart of a business district that needs all the help it can get, where parking is badly needed. The CTA has claimed that lot for its own "Under the L Monthly Parking Program."
The program started on June 1, but the lot was empty this afternoon when we took these photos.
Now, a public parking lot that used to help local merchants and their customers is vacant. Nice use of land, City of Chicago. Way to go, CTA.
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Chicago Cops, CTA Employee Don't Know CTA Photo Policy
Photo du Jour 12 March 2009
After this photo was taken, another passenger and I shooed the bird off the train when the doors opened at the next station.
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Photo du Jour, Feb. 29, 2009
The Huberman Stink

Ron Huberman "In Over His Head"
Chicago Police Protected Gang Graffiti
CTA TIF Meeting: Resistance is Futile
Beggars and Thieves: Moore and CTA
Community Meeting on CTA's Request for TIF Assistance for the Howard El Station Redevelopment
Alderman Joe Moore"
Friday, August 1, 2008 11:38 AM
Hey Neighbor,
We all know that the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is a Third World-style transit system. I've said this in the past, you know. I was the one who first realized this fact. Well, now I invite you to attend a community meeting to review a recent request by the CTA for funding from the Howard-Paulina Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District to subsidize unnecessary embellishments to the still-unfinished Howard El Station. The meeting will take place on Thursday, August 7th, 7:00 p.m. at the Gale School Annex, 7650 N. Marshfield (at (Jonquil).
Just like a corrupt Third World nation, the CTA has come begging for money - again! Oooo, what're you going to do, CTA, threaten us with a hyperlocal doomsday in Rogers Park if you don't get the money? What kind of game is are you playing where halfway through it you say, "Hey, Chicago, shell out more dough or you'll be stuck with a half finished station?"
The CTA wants nearly $4.7 million in TIF assistance to make three unnecessary embellishments to the Howard El Station. Folks, that's YOUR tax dollars! For one freeking station! Frankly, even I don't understand this, which I will explain in a moment. But hey, didn't CTA just tell us a few weeks ago that ridership was up so much that they're thinking about ripping seats out in some cars so they're standing room only? What the hell?!? Use some of the windfall profit you guys are making!
Anyway, the three items that CTA wants:
"Extend the canopy roof over the el tracks to provide additional protection from the elements for CTA passengers and equipment." I'm wondering if they're all drunk at CTA. I mean, when I had that premature ribbon cutting a while back, I noticed that there is already a wide canopy over the tracks. Somebody's getting a kickback from this, and believe me, I know about kickbacks!
"Provide more extensive enclosures for the north stairways and escalators to better protect the stairs and passengers from the elements." What the hell? Why should the folks at the Howard Station have more protection than folks at the Jarvis and Morse stations? I know that Howard is closer to the Arctic Circle, but is this expenditure really justified?
"Make additional repairs to the Howard Street and Rogers Avenue viaducts to address further deterioration that was discovered after initial repair work had begun." Why wasn't this discovered before the work began? Good God, CTA, get your shit together! And by the way, have you clowns at CTA noticed that chunks of concrete are falling on cars under the viaduct at your Loyola Station?
CTA President Ron Huberman will present the CTA's request and explain the scope of the proposed work. A representative from the City of Chicago Department of Planning also will be present to address any TIF-related questions. Think we'll get straight answers out of these stewards of a Third World-style transit system? Ha!
This is not just a pipe dream, I say. This is a meeting about a real thing that will happen. The expected completion date for the building's design is July 2003, with construction beginning that fall and finishing in fall 2006, according to Alaaeldien Waziry, who is a consultant working for the CTA on the $2 billion 5-year project to improve stations around the Chicago area.
I urge you to attend this important meeting and offer your input. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to attend my next Howard CTA Station ribbon cutting ceremony, please reply to this e-mail or call my office at 773-338-5796.
Alderman Joe Moore
Visit the website of the 49th Ward
P.S. - You might also find the following articles to be of interest.
Alderman's call for CTA hearing 10 years too late Chicago News ...
Howard El stop renovation may start by 2005 - CITY
Man stabbed outside CTA Red Line station on North Side - Topix
Chicago Reader The Works Pedaling While Rome Burns...
CTA to North Siders: Drop Dead (from Crowding) or Drive
Morse Avenue Urinal Gets New Tiles
The south stairs are shiny and new, ready for the drunk and stoned prostitutes, pimps, narco-retailers and Loyola students who regularly urinate, defecate and vomit here. The north stairs will be refurbished soon.
Aldershmendrik Joe Moore is unaware of this, as he only comes here when he's running for something.
Morse Mural Artist Caught in the Act!
March, Out Like a Lion
VIDEO! Begging on the CTA Red Line
Gotcha. This scumbag has been begging on the Chicago Transit Authority's Red Line trains for months now. He claims he just got out of prison (looks like they feed 'em pretty well in the pen). He claims he's just trying to get a 30-day CTA rail pass (but he's been riding the train for months trying to get that pass; how's he do that with the pass?). And the dumb sumbitch looked right into the camera and asked where I got it.
How do you think this guy will be voting - Democrat or Republican?
Ice Station Howard
Another Chicago Tax Increase?
With all the fuss about the SuperBowl, today's big elections, and the usual array of Britney Spears coverage, the fact that your alderman may be about to vote in a big fat tax increase has gone largely unnoticed. So, notice it already.
Aldermen mull CTA tax package
Chi-Town Daily News, IL - Chicago real estate agents today railed against a proposed tax increase on home transfers to pay for a transit bailout.
Committee wants strings attached before agreeing on real estate ...
Chicago Sun-Times - The transfer tax increase is the Council’s end of a political deal that raised the regional sales tax to stave off massive CTA fare hikes and service cuts.
Singing in the Subway
Oy, I'm up to here with politics. Let's take a break. Here are three guys who are sure to bring a smile your way, with their nice harmonies and classic oldies sound. They sing in Chicago's Red Line Jackson CTA subway station in the "Loop." They call themselves "" I recorded them on January 29. I hope you're able to catch their act in the subway soon.
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