Showing posts with label Chicago City Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago City Council. Show all posts

Chicago City Council Members Demand State of Emergency Declaration and Request National Guard

The city council cowards punted, voting to refer the resolution to the Committee on Public Safety. 

Chicago City Council held a special meeting on Friday, days after four alderman called for such a meeting to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency over recent violence and looting - a proposal the mayor previously said was "grandstanding" before apparently reversing course.
Four Chicago aldermen on Wednesday called for a special meeting of the City Council to consider a resolution asking Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to the city over recent unrest.
Alds. Leslie Hairston, Anthony Beale, Raymond Lopez and Anthony Napolitano issued the call in a letter to Chicago City Clerk Anna Valencia. (from NBC5 Chicago)
Mayor Lori Lightfoot
Does Mayor Lightfoot even care about Chicago?
Mayor Lori Lightfoot accused the aldermen of "grandstanding." But after months of violence and destruction, is it really that? Or, more likely, is it a genuine attempt to get badly needed help?

"I implore each and every one of you. This is not personal. This is not grandstanding. This is a Hail Mary to save our community from the things that are happening every single day,” Alderman Beale said before the vote.

Mayor Lightfoot attacked the notion of bringing in National Guard troops. She recalled to the council the Kent State University shootings in May of 1970, where National Guard troops killed four students during a protest. But Lightfoot's analogy to Kent State is flawed: The Kent State students were not  looting, rioting, or committing aggravated assaults on people. Some windows were broken, but it was nothing like what Chicago has suffered for months now. 
"A group of Chicago City Council members requested that Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker immediately declare a state of emergency in Chicago and deploy the national guard in light of ongoing rioting and looting in the city." (from Daily Caller)
Lightfoot continues to refuse such action. Is this out of pure political stubbornness or some deep-seated hatred of her own city? 

Hallelujah! Ald. Sandi Jackson Quits Chicago City Council

They're creepy and they're kooky: The Jackson Family
Photo: Sandi Jackson for 7th Ward Alderman campaign
Jan. 11, 2013 - Sandi Jackson, wife of former Congressman Jesses Jackson, Jr. has - finally - resigned. Goodbye to bad rubbish. She will no longer be the alderman for Chicago's 7th Ward. According to the Chicago Tribune, she submitted her resignation letter "to Mayor Rahm Emanuel today. It is effective Tuesday," January 15. Jackson was first elected to the city council in 2007. In her letter to Emanuel, she cited "very painful family health matters" as a major factor in her decision to resign.

Emanuel took time to praise her in a statement he released in response to her resignation:

"As Sandi takes this time to focus on her family, we give her our deepest thanks and support for her service to our City and the residents of her ward. Her leadership has been greatly appreciated in the Chicago City Council." 

"Leadership?" What leadership, Mr. Mayor? Sandi Jackson seemed to care more about living it up in D.C. than she cared about representing her own ward. How was she leading from 700 miles away?

Fascist Hipster in the First Ward

Joe Moreno, Fascist Alderman:
He's a hipster, ya know. But Chicago's 1st Ward Alderman Proco Joe Moreno is also a tyrant who does not respect the constitutions of either the United States or Illinois.

His hatred for Chick-fil-A has made him power mad. He has admitted - not in so many words - that he is willing to violate human rights by using his position of influence on Chicago's to stifle freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

This is an issue that should not die. No elected official should get away with what this petty tyrant is doing. We promised more about this, and there will be more  tomorrow.

Is This Guy Chicago's Most Fascist Alderman?

Fear no art, Liberals: Click image to enlarge
We think he his, but there are a lot of progressive fascists on Chicago's City Council. 

Also See: "Fascist Hipster in the First Ward"

Chicago Alderman Proco "Joe" Moreno is the petty dictator who says he will deny a Chick-fil-A franchise to open in his 1st Ward ... because the company's CEO had the nerve to exercise his First Amendment rights by saying that he personally opposes gay marriage.

Later this week, Chicago News Bench will look at Moreno's own admission that he is willing to violate both the Illinois Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

Of course, we'll have some more graphics like this one just to piss him - and a few other progressive fascists - off. Saul Alinksy would approve.

To the Liberals who object to the image of Moreno-as-Nazi I say, "fear no art" and consider this brilliant observation...

"Parody, irony, and humor are some of the most powerful weapons against established authority, especially the despotic kind. It is why Socrates was sentenced to death; it is why Voltaire’s criticism of the French absolutist monarchy was so disruptive that he was exiled from Paris; it is why Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa, who hypocritically just granted asylum to Julian Assange, sued a journalist and newspaper for $42 million for a column that made fun of him as a tyrant; it is why Hugo Chavez in Venezuela extended the contempt laws to make it a crime to disrespect him, leading to investigations of cartoonists; it is why Manal Al- Sharif fears for her life in Saudi Arabia for driving a car and challenging the ban on female drivers; it is why Ai Weiwei is hit with trumped up tax-evasion charges after mocking China’s dictatorship, and why Aung San Suu Kyi was held under house arrest by the Burmese military junta until just recently.  The despotic mind is utterly undone and downright defenseless in the face of creative dissent."  ~ Thor Halvorssen,, August 17, 2012

Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #3 In Series

Why would we do something as sophomoric as make Chicago aldermen look like Nazis? Click image to enlarge it. Because, mainly, these sophomoric assdips called everybody who supports Arizona's SB 1070 immigration law "Nazis," or remained silent while other did so during the debate of the Chicago City Council's resolution to condemn that state for having the gaul to enforce existing federal laws. I also do it because I enjoy shoving Alinsky tactics up their Marxist arses. It's always fun to watch Democrats such as these fly into hissy fits when the kind of mockery that their camp has heaped on the Right for decades is heaped right back on them. "Fear no art," they say, but hypocrites fear this, and this is art whether you fear it or not. As Saul Alinsky wrote in his Rules For Radicals, "Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon." I say fight ridicule with ridicule. The resolution was sponsored by four Latino aldermen: George Cardenas (12th Ward), Ariel Reboyras (30th), Ray Suarez (31st) and Ricardo Munoz (22nd). Although the Arizona law applies equally to any illegal alien no matter what their race, enthnicity or national origin, these little hitlers did their Democrat best to make it a race issue. All four said that SB 1070 was an attack on Latinos (in fact, it's not an "attack" on any ethnic group but, instead, a strong response to people who have violated U.S. federal laws). The most aggregious insult to Arizona came from Danny Solis, 25th Ward, who acted as the loudmouthed pitbull for the four sponsors, making the Nazi comparison for them. The Sun-Times reported that "They likened the Arizona law to the progressive denial of civil liberties that preceded Adolf Hitler’s 'final solution': the extermination of six million Jews in concentration camps." They may not have used the word "Nazi," but it's hard to miss the direct comparison there. Like Ald. Solis (right), the four sponsors either did not read Arizona's SB1070 or chose to deliberately lie about it - or both. ALSO SEE: Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #1 In Series Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #2 In Series

Stupid Quotes About Guns By Chicago Aldermen

July 2, 2010 - The Democrat-dominated Chicago City Clowncil - excuse me, Council - today passed an ordinance that shows their utter and unanimous contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the recent ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court that upholds the Second Amendment. The Chicago Sun-Times reports today: Grumbling about a U.S. Supreme Court they say is out of touch with America’s cities, Chicago aldermen voted 45-0 today to approve a rushed-through compromise gun ban.... Within 100 days, anyone who wants to keep a gun in the city will have to register, get their training and pay the fees. Also within 100 days, any of the estimated 10,000 Chicagoans convicted of a gun offense will have to register at their local police station like sex offenders. In other words, the aldermen know that they have to live with the Second Amendment, but they'll be damned if they'll make it easy for citizens to actually excercise their right to own and bear arms. Which leads us to the main thrust of this post: Stupid things that aldermen said at today's council meeting (all quotes taken from the Sun-Times unless otherwise indicated): Ald. Mary Ann Smith (48th) said that law was written for militias and, “they guaranteed the right to carry around muskets not Uzis.” Uhm, Ald. Smith, are you serious? I've met you, I've spoken to you, and you didn't seem as stupid as that quote makes you sound. Can you show us where in the Constitution the word "musket" or "muskets" appears? Furthermore, can you show us any evidence that the authors of the Constitution meant "muskets only?" For that matter, show us where that is in the Federalist Papers, or in any other writings by any of the Founders. Do you really believe, for example, that the Founders meant long guns and not pistols, swords, knives, bludgeons, or any other kind of weapon? “No Supreme Court judge could live in my community and come to the same conclusion they did a couple days ago,” said Ald. Sharon Denise Dixon (24th). As for Supreme Court judges living in the 24th Ward of Chicago and her presumption about their conclusion, well, the "judges" (justices) do live in Washington, D.C., a rough town in its own right. The same justices who ruled that D.C.'s handgun ban was unconstitutional in 2008. After that ruling (Heller), "violent crime fell" in D.C., says the Richmond Times-Dispatch, "even faster in the District of Columbia than in the U.S. as a whole. In 2009 alone, the District's murder total dropped 25 percent, to the lowest level since 1967." Of course, geniuses like Mayor Daley and Ald. Dixon are immune to hard facts. They'd rather go with the typical liberal emotional argument, facts be damned. The D.C. ban first went into effect in 1976, and according to the Washington Post it was essentially ineffective - gun violence "continued to plague the city, reaching staggering levels at times." Chicago's experience was virtually identical over the same period. Alderman Dixon needs to get out and talk to her constituents more. Is she completely unaware of the high rate of gun violence in her ward? Does she think that the majority of those shooting are by law-abiding folks, or perhaps by criminally-minded people who possess the guns illegally and won't give a damn about this new ordinance? “I find it hard to believe that the Supreme Court justices that voted to strike our handgun laws have spent any time in the communities that many of us represent,” Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th) said. “There’s no way if they knew the violence our young people face every day that they could decide this was a reasonable course of action.”. Alderman Preckwinkle, see my remarks regarding Ald. Dixon's equally stupid remark, and know this: The violence that the American Revolutionaries faced everyday was worse than what your constituents see in the 4th Ward. Read the Federalist Papers. Stop believing the false myth that gun control reduces crime - it doesn't. The reason for the Second Amendment was so that the citizenry could protect itself. Yes, they had a tyrannical government in mind, but I seriously doubt that John Adams would object to a little old lady blowing away one of your drug-crazed, murder-bent 4th Ward residents as he breaks through her apartment door. The Supreme Court upheld the letter of the Second Amendment, Ald. Preckwinkle. Go tell the elderly, the small females, and the shop owners in your ward that you believe they have no right to protect themselves against an amoral segment of society, created and perpetuated in large part by the decayed moral "values" of liberals such as yourself. Go on, tell them. But Ald. Ed Burke (14th) retorted, “We can disagree with the Supreme Court all we want, but … this is the law and we’re going to have to follow it.” Burke's comment sounds reasonable at first, until you realize that he is saying that he disagrees with the Court's upholding of the U.S. Constitution. Why does Alderman Burke seem to resent having the Constitution applied equally to all Americans? He did redeem himself somewhat, however, when he said that he had to "confess that back in 1982, when I was chair of the police committee that perhaps I and so many others that voted in favor of this [handgun ban] ordinance exhibited too much ardor for the ban and we perhaps we should have been more sensitive to weighing the rights of legitimate citizens to have weapons." Well, that's nice, but notice Burke's elitist attitude in the "weighing of the rights" guaranteed by the Constitution. Still, Burke seemed determine to make an ass of himself. He also uttered this stupidity: “All the gang-bangers out there who have been convicted of gun offenses who think that they can flaunt this law, they’re going to be locked up,” Burke said. “Each day that you don’t register, it’s a separate offense. If you don’t register for 365 days, that’s 365 offenses.” Alderman Burke doesn't seem to understand that it's been primarily the bad guys who have committed gun offense. Does he not see the profound irony and simultaneous idiocy of his speaking about gang-bangers who have "been convicted of gun offenses," and are no longer imprisoned, and will - in his apparent opinion - have the opportunity to register for legal gun ownership? Does Ald. Burke favor allowing those who have been convicted for gun violence to be able to legally register - and own - a gun? His statement indicates so. Finally, Mayor Daley himself made another of his typically stupid statements. CNN quotes him as saying this: "Either we enact new and reasonable handgun laws in Chicago to protect our residents -- as the council has done -- or we do nothing and risk greater gun violence in our streets and in our homes," Mayor Daley said. Mayor Daley is a deaf, dumb and blind imbecile insofar as gun ownership is concerned. Nevertheless, somebody should urge him to read the the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Washington Post pieces that are referenced above. Then he should watch this short video by Penn and Teller (contains strong language):

Alert! Chicago City Council To Discuss Supreme Court Handgun Ruling

Action Alert! A source within the Chicago Police Department sent this email to me today: "Tomorrow's City Hall meeting at 1:00 p.m. [on Tues., June 29] will address today's Supreme Court decision concerning Chicago' gun ordinance. There will be buses from Area 3 [police] headquarters, 2352 W. Belmont, by 11:45 a.m. to City Hall. Please attend." Chicago's City Hall is located at 121 N La Salle Street in the "Loop" (map). His Supreme Highness Richard Daley's office is on the fifth floor, by the way. He loves having voters stop in, so go up and say hi. It should be a good show. While you're there, notice that even as Mayor Daley speaks about the evil of guns, the City Hall chambers will be protected by people who have - you guessed it - guns. Daley's own bodyguards, positioned nearby, will be carrying guns. Aldermen are (were) excempted from the handgun ban, and so there's a good chance that a few of them will be packing heat, too.

Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #2 In Series

"In the early stages of Nazi Germany, there was a law that identified particular groups of people. This law has identified a particular group of people. This law is evil.” ~ Chicago Alderman Danny Solis, 25th Ward, June 9, 2010. The "evil" law that Solis referred to: Arizona's SB1070 immigration law. Solis is apparently unaware that Chicago's handgun ban is infinitely more akin to the "early stages of Nazi Germany" than Arizona's SB1070. In fact, SB1070 only directs Arizona law enforcement to make use of existing federal laws that are not currently being enforced by the federal government. While Solis and his cohorts on the City Council dare to call those of us who want to see our border actually be a border, and to eject trespassers, he and his fellow liberals in Chicago's city government violate our constitutional right to possess handguns - in a very Nazi-like way. There are some who falsely believe that Hitler did not ban handguns because, they say, such a ban was already in place before Hitler's rose to power. That's not exactly true, for it ignores the Third Reich's 1938 German Weapons Act. In the 'Reichsgesetzblatt' issue for the week of March 21, 1938, was the official text of the Weapons Law (March 18, 1938). It gave Hitler's Nazi party a stranglehold on the Germans, many of whom did not support the Nazis. We found that the Nazis did not invent "gun control" in Germany. The Nazis inherited gun control and then perfected it: they invented handgun control. Source: Jews For the Preservation of Firearms The 1938 German Weapons Act, the precursor of the current weapons law, superseded the 1928 law. As under the 1928 law, citizens were required to have a permit to carry a firearm and a separate permit to acquire a firearm. Furthermore, the law restricted ownership of firearms to "...persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a gun permit," says "Gun restriction laws applied only to handguns, not to long guns or ammunition. Writes Prof. Bernard Harcourt of the University of Chicago, 'The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition'." Hitler once said, "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." (From Hitler's Secret Conversations; Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevenstrans., 1961) Source: Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D. Hitler signed the 1938 German Weapons Act. The Gestapo enforced it. Today, American liberals, "progressives" and Democrats enforce very similar laws in this country. Also See: Chicago City Aldermen As Nazis, #1 and Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #3 In Series

Chicago Aldermen, SEIU Bullying and Wal-Mart

Chicago, the city that works - sometimes, and in spite of itself. Peter Bella writes about the ongoing nonsense and power plays regarding a proposed Wal-Mart store in Chicago's historic Pullman neighborhood on the south side.

Mayor Richard Daley, to his credit, would like to see Wal-Mart (or any big retailer) build in that impoverished neighborhood. It's what some call a "food desert," with few good places to buy food or, for that matter, much else. That goes hand in hand with a lack of places at which to work. Some Chicago alderman and the unions that pull their strings would happily allow people to continue to struggle with no jobs or adequate shopping opportunities rather than allow a Wal-Mart into the hood. They demand, as Bella notes, a "living wage" of $11.03 per hour. (Has anybody ever offered a reasonable definition of "living wage?")  Even minimum wage is better than no wage at all, but the union bosses and corruptocrats in City Hall would apparently prefer no wages for people in Pullman.

"Earleir this week," writes Bella in his column at Chicago Now, "Alderman Solis, the Zoning Committee Chairman demanded Wal-Mart negotiate with SEIU and other unions over wages and benefits. Solis does not know how things work. How can unions negotiate when there are no employees they represent?"

The answer is actually simple. The union bosses don't give a damn about the employees they claim to represent. If they did, they'd push in favor of Wal-Mart, let some unemployed people start earning something, and then - later - negotiate upwards on their behalf. The bosses, however, live pretty high on the union dues that are ripped out of every member's paycheck. The lower the wage, the lower the dues. Even a union boss understands the law of diminished returns.

John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit notes that "Ald. Anthony Beale (9th) has been trying to bring the retail giant--as well as hundreds of jobs--to the historic Pullman neighborhood. Daley wants an up-and-down vote on proposed South Side store" and that currently the unemployment rate in the Chicago metropolitan area is 11.3 percent.

Six years ago, the Chicago City Council actually did approve a Wal-Mart for Chicago's 37th Ward on the city's west side. Alderman Emma Mitts fought hard to get that store for her constituents (it opened in July, 2006).

Of that 2004 vote, Alderman Helen Shiller (46th Ward) said after that "We are dealing with a huge company with a long history of predatory practices," and said that Wal-Mart does not provide its employees with adequate health care. "They count on the city to provide assistance to their workers," she said. "We are creating more loss than gains." (MSNBC...)  Shiller doesn't seem to understand that (a) the city itself has a long history of predatory taxation practices or that (b) many unemployed people are already count on the city for assistance. A pawn of SEIU herself, Shiller either cannot grasp or will not admit that at least some of those who would be employed by Wal-Mart could depend less on the city for assistance if they had an income, however meager. The real predators are the union bosses and the aldermen they support with campaign contributions and political workers.

Wal-Mart contributes to politicians, too, but they need to counter the opposition. Anti-Wal-Mart spinning by its opponents in public office and in the media is often reaches the deep into the depths of idiocy.

An absurd example of this comes from the University of Illinois at Chicago in a January 8, 2010 news release. The headline of the release boggles the mind: "Study: Chicago Walmart Does Not Boost Employment or Retail Sales." This flies in the face of reality. It smacks of the Big Lie so favored by Joseph Goebbels, who said that "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."  What thinking person, however, can actually believe that new retailer with a store over 100,000 square feet and needing many new employees to staff it would not boost employment opportunities?

Yet UIC would have you believe that big lie. That January, 2010 news release claimed that "The opening of a Walmart store in Chicago's Austin neighborhood in 2006 has not increased retail activity or employment opportunities, according to a study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Loyola University Chicago."

Really?  It hasn't increased employment opportunities? For anybody? Has that Wal-Mart remained unstaffed with no employees in the several years it has been open? How has the store functioned without employees? Half an ounce of critical thinking shows the absurdity of the UIC "study." 37th Ward Alderman Emma Mitts disagreed with the UIC study, noted Chicagoist, "saying on WTTW's Chicago Tonight that 'people see what they want to see,' and that she hadn't heard anyone in her community complaining."

The actions and words of the SEIU and their puppets on the City Council indicate that they really don't give a damn about the people they "represent." The propanda work on their behalf, by many in the media, is shameless. The losers who buy into the Wal-Mart hatred are simply pitiful.

Daley wants up-or-down vote on new Wal-Mart Clout Street/Chicago Tribune
Wal-Mart Hate and Deaf Aldermen Chicago News Bench
Video: Ministers rally around Wal-Mart Marathon Pundit
Pastors add pressure for more Walmart stores Chicago Defender
Wal-Mart gets 25,000 applications for Evergreen Park store Chicago Business
Penn and Teller on Wal-Mart Hatred (Video; Language Advisory) YouTube
Wal-Marts in Chicago (Google map a/o April 25, 2010)
Labor Unions: Employment at Wal-Mart Like Slavery
Wal-Mart Employment Opportunities
Defeat of Chicago's big-box "living wage" ordinance means more jobs Marathon Pundit

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CBS-2, BGA Investigation of Aldermanic "Menu" Spending

The Better Government Association (BGA) and CBS-2 Investigative Reporter Pam Zekman joined forces to expose the use of so-called aldermanic "Menu" expenditures. All fifty Chicago aldermen get $1.3 million per year to fund improvement projects for the wards. Most aldermen dutifully dole out the dough to finance street repairs, blue-light security cameras, speed bumps and road resurfacing, but the BGA and CBS-2 found that some aldermen have refused to fund projects that voters want and residents say they desperately need. Check out Pam Zekman's story at this link and below: Check out your ward to see what your alderman is doing with the money: For 2007: For 2008: If you have information the public should know about this issue or any issue involving government at any level, contact the Better Government Association at Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Now We Know Aldermen's Shit Don't Stink

Oh, to be a member of the Royal City Council of Chicago. But even Chicago royalty - and those who think they should be treated royally - are challenged now and then. Some of the 50 pompous asses on Chicago's City Council, also known as "crooks" or "aldermen," think they're too damned good for security checks. You know, the same security checks that their subjects must endure when entering many a public building. We've known for many years that most of them are elitist prisses, but their recent whining about being required to walk through a metal detector merely offers reconfirmation. The Chicago Sun-Times's Fran Spielman (a favorite) reported on this latest examle of pomposity on October 30: Chicago aldermen with their noses out of joint today demanded to know why they are searched along with the masses at the city’s central headquarters for administrative hearings. Spielman quotes one of the aldermen, an elitist prick who seems to feel that his gold badge magically proves to security guards that he is not bent on committing physical harm with a weapon: “Why am I searched as an alderman and as an attorney?…I don’t want to be searched going through a city building. There’s only 50 of us and we all have gold badges,” said Ald. Howard Brookins (21st). Oooooh, not only as an alderman, but as an attorney! With a gold frikking badge! Brookins, however, was not the only pompous ass in the room. Among the others was Her Royal Lowness Carrie Austin: Budget Committee Chair Carrie Austin (34th) was so “offended,” she warned Bruner what might happen if he fails to “take another look at your policy.” Pompous Ass Austin actually threatened to screw with somebody's budget just because she was being treated like anybody else entering the city’s central headquarters for administrative hearings. Elitist? Austin's abuse of power and position fits the definition. Hell, she is the definition. “It’s not a matter of giving anybody any preference. But us that are aldermen—we are the ones who set your budget. If we’re the ones setting your budget maybe we’ll take an adjustment” downward, if the policy is not rescinded, Austin warned. Full article at Chicago Sun-Times... In other words, bow down to me, commoner, kiss my ring or I shall punish you for your insolence. Well, screw you, Howard Brookins and Carrie Austin, and screw all the rest of the pantloads on the City Council who feel that they're above the law and deserve special treatment. Shove your gold badges up your gold-plated asses, with the pins well extended. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Alderman Stone's Parking Meter Pomposity

50th Ward Alderman Berny Stone, long known as an elitist, said that it's nobody's business how much research he personally put into the infamous parking meter deal. Stone also dissed Chicago's Inspector General David Hoffman's report, which called the deal seriously flawed. "He can't even do his own job," Stone said in an amazing video from WTTW. (Click image to see the video.) Angela Caputo wrote this for Progress Illinois: After the Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization's (IVI-IPO) filed a lawsuit yesterday against the city of Chicago challenging the legality of the 75-year parking meter lease, WTTW's Chicago Tonight convened a panel to talk about this latest development. In a curious selection, Ald. Berny Stone (50th Ward) was tapped to defend the $1.15 billion deal. He squared off against the Reader's Mick Dumke, whose ongoing investigative reporting on the meter lease (alongside Ben Joravsky) has made him an expert on the intricacies of agreement. Full Article... We don't know yet if Avy Meyers will cover this story, but if he does you can be sure he'll softball Stone. Meyers, who has an annoying cable show in Stone's West Ridge neighborhood, has long been a mouthpiece and apologist for the 50th Ward alderman. Related: - Mick Dumke vs. Bernard Stone - Inspector General: We Got Ripped Off on Meter Deal - Chicagoist

Ald. Joe Moore Screams "F--- You!" to Crowd at IVI-IPO Dinner

The event was a nice, civilized, invitation-only affair, but the crude 'n rude, discredited Alderman Joe Moore screamed an angry obscenity at the guests as they tried to have a good time at the IVI-IPO's 65th Annual Independents' Day dinner. The IVI–IPO is a not-for-profit, multi-partisan, independent political organization. Moore only paid for a ticket to the general dinner. He did not pay the additional $200.00 to attend the pre-dinner, V.I.P. Reception at 6:00 p.m. He was denied entrance for not having a ticket, but he tried to crash the party, and was told he didn't have a ticket, at which point Joe Moore lost his mind and screamed "F--- You!" at the entire room. He then stormed out, passing Governor Quinn on the way. "This is pay to play!" Moore was heard saying to the Illinois Guv. UPDATE: Contrary to what another blogger is writing today, Moore was NOT "escorted out." He left voluntarily and did not have to be forced to leave, nor was he ever perceived to be a security threat. Here's the invitation, with highlights emphasized (click image at left to enlarge it). You can see more at the IVI-IPO's web site (while it's still posted on their site). You can bet that there are a lot of influential political types who left the IVI-IPO dinner talking about what a rude jackass Alderman Joe Moore is. Of course, I've been telling you that Alderman Moore is a rude jackass since October, 2006. More details from Lorraine Swanson at LakeEffectNews. RELATED: Pay-To-Play, Joe Moore and Heather Steans Leave a Comment Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Revenge for Screwed Chicago Parkers

Parking in the City of Chicago is a nightmare, generally. The idiots in the City Council ("Clowncil") and the idiot Mayor Daley just keep making it more difficult for people to park their cars. This, of course, hurts merchants, which hurts employees, which hurts everybody. Still, the morons (mostly Democrats) who think they can run your lives couldn't even run the damned parking meters in this City With Sagging Shoulders, so they privatized them. That deal has resulted in one of the largest cluster f#@%s in world history. 

The rushed deal to privatize the meters was made for about one billion dollars less than it should have been, to the city's disadvantage and to the advantage of LAZ. Chicago's Mayor Daley is lately busy making excuses about his massive frittering away of the city's parking meter to private corporation LAZ. The complicit City Clowncil members are busy pretending they opposed the deal, when in fact the whole thing was "debated" for only an hour or so prior to being rubber stamped. Meanwhile, the people continue to be screwed every way to Sunday with parking tickets, booted cars, fines, court time, frustration and infuriating inconvenience. 

Which brings us to "The Expired Meter," a web site that promises to help you get revenge. The person who operates the site calls him/herself "The Parking Geek." He/she explains the motivation behind the clever - and useful - web site:

As a driving Chicagoan for nearly 20 years, I have received many, many, many parking tickets. I have bright orange seared into my retinas.I have paid the city hundreds of dollars in fines. An embarrassing amount. I am, obviously, an idiot. Eventually, I got angry at all the parking tickets I was getting. Because the majority were issued improperly. So I started fighting back…and winning. Over the years, despite basically failing at everything else, I became very good at beating Chicago parking tickets.Now, as my plan to get revenge on the city, I want to share my knowledge and teach other Chicago drivers how to beat their parking tickets, rip the cash out of the city’s dirty, greedy hands and put that money back in your wallet.

Revenge is sweet, and so is The Expired Meter web site.

Post Script: It is ironic that the Chicago City Council, a virtually-100% Democrat body, was in such a hurry to privatize something as relatively straightforward as parking meters. It is ironic because they would all tell you that they favor socialized health care (government-run health care, nationalized health care, Obama-care, Hillary-care, whatever you want to call it). Think about it: They can't even manage parking meters, so they push it into private sector hands. 

Yet those same people push the idea of government-run health care, eager to pull it out of the private sector's hands. Although the parking meters are a "local" issue, and the health care debate is national, it should be remembered that any national health care program that is passed will be administered on the local levels. In Chicago, those administrators will most likely be politically connected apparatchiks of the fool Richard M. Daley and his circus of fools on the City Clowncil. Finally, Barack Obama and many top advisors are - and forever will be - former Chicago Machine Democrats. Just because they've been elected or appointed to higher office does not mean they have suddenly acquired the wisdom to run our health care system - let alone a system as simple as a city's parking meters.

UPDATE 2X - City Hall Media Stunt Today

The full text of an actual press release from three Chicago aldermen: Moore (49th), Preckwinkle (4th) and Munoz (22nd). The announcement is for a media event on Monday, March 10 at 10:30 a.m. at Chicago City Hall, 2nd Floor (121 N La Salle Street). But first, a few items of new business: UPDATE 2X: Fighting The "Old Guard" On Oversight by Angela Caputo (3:20 pm, March 10) Ald. Joe Moore (49th) said he and several colleagues will hold a news conference Tuesday to push for the changes because of recent scandals in state and local government. “If there was a time for an ordinance like this, now is the time," Moore said. “People are upset. We need to assure them that we are not above the law." That begs these questions: "Recent" scandals? "Now" is the time? Where have these aldermen been for the past many years while Chicago has been earning a reputation as one of the most politically corrupt cities in the nation? WHY NOW? HINT: Alderman Moore knows the hammer is about to drop. HINT: Alderman Preckwinkle is running against Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, and she'd like to make people forget that she's been a staunch support of Stroger til now. HINT: Alderman Munoz is also doing damage control, in part because of last month's video of him assaulting a constituent. ### FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, March 9, 2009 CONTACT: Ald. Joe Moore 773-848-5796 PRESS ADVISORY: ALDERMAN MOORE AND COLLEAGUES TO ANNOUNCE PLANS TO STRENGHTEN INDEPENDENCE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL’S OFFICE WHO: Alderman Joe Moore, Alderman Toni Preckwinkle, Alderman Ricardo Munoz and other City Council members. WHAT: Presentation of proposed ordinance that will expand Inspector General’s oversight authority to include City Council members and strengthen the agency’s independence. WHERE: Chicago City Hall, 2nd Floor WHEN: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 10:30 a.m. WHY: The ongoing parade of political scandals at the federal state and local level have increased the deep public cynicism about the honesty and integrity of those elected to public service. Adding to this cynicism at the local level is the legal provision that exempts City Council members and their staffs from the investigatory oversight of the City of Chicago Inspector General. Alderman Moore and his colleagues will present a proposed ordinance that removes the exemption and provides additional measures to strengthen the Inspector General’s independence. ###

Feds Target Chicago Alderman Carothers

Former Chicago Alderman Arenda Troutman (Democrat) was just sentenced to four years in prison for corruption. This morning, we noted that Troutman is just one more "long parade of Illinois and Chicago politicians" (as American Thinker put it) who have shamed Chicago and Illinois. The parade of clowns continues with 29th Ward Ald. Isaac Carothers, and his act promises to be even more entertaining than Troutman's. From today's Chicago Sun-Times (emphasis added): Last year, the Chicago Sun-Times disclosed that federal investigators had requested city records on four West Side zoning changes pushed by Carothers. He had received campaign contributions from two of the businesses seeking the changes. Now, a 2007 federal subpoena -- released in response to a Freedom of Information request -- reveals a demand for documents including seven years worth of aldermanic expense records; 29th Ward zoning changes; ordinances introduced by Carothers, and correspondence between Carothers and the mayor's office regarding zoning changes. This will be interesting to watch. In the meantime, when will Mr. Fitzpatrick please consider investigating 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore for similar alleged offenses? CNB RSS Feed

Arenda Troutman, Clown in a Long Parade

No "Get Out of Jail Free" card for Alderwhore Arenda Troutman (Democrat). The former member of Chicago's City Clowncil, Troutman was sentenced on Feb. 17, 2009 to a well-deserved four-year prison term for mail fraud and tax fraud. She "admitted that for several years she had solicited cash from developers to back their projects in her South Side ward." (Source) Troutman is just another corrupt Democrat who has brought shame to Chicago and to Illinois. We're a laughing stock around the world, folks, thanks to the political party that so very many of you blindly continue to vote into office. Don't blame Troutman. Don't blame Blago. Don't blame Burris. Blame the Voters of Illinois, one of the dumbest class of human beings on the planet. American Thinker has the best line about Troutman and the continuing Democrat Embarassment: Ho hum! Another day, another Chicago politician sentenced to prison , this time for mail and tax fraud. No, not former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D). Or recently appointed President Barack Hussein Obama's (D) replacement senator, Roland Burris. (D). Oh maybe they'll eventually join the long parade of Illinois and Chicago politicians marching off to the Big House but this was a more common occurrence. Full Column at American Thinker... Yep, a "long parade of Illinois and Chicago to the Big House," and the overwhelming vast majority of them are Democrats. But that won't stop idiot voters in Illinois from refusing to bring real change to state and local government, though. "Change?" Illinois voters are afraid of change. They will continue to put their blindfolds on, pinch their noses and vote Democratic. Masochists. CNB RSS Feed

Ald. Joe Moore Will Not Seek Re-Election

Chicago News Bench is predicting that Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) will not seek re-election in 2011. CNB has been considering this for some time now and we believe that Moore will probably choose to retire gracefully and with a full pension with benefits rather than face an embarrassing defeat two years from now. Moore was forced into a run-off when he could not muster enough votes in the 49th Ward's four-man race of February, 2007. He then barely won re-election in the run-off of April, 2007, defeating challenger Don Gordon by fewer than 300 votes. Accusations of ballot fraud are still bandied about the 49th Ward today. Moore outspent Gordon by enormous amounts and had the support of US Rep. Jan Schakowsky and her convicted-felon-on-parole husband Bob Creamer, as well as some top gun air cover provided by the Democrat National Committee and Big Unions. Moore may not be able to count on the same level of support in 2011 that he enjoyed two years ago. More on this.... CNB RSS Feed

282 More Photographs

The Bench took over 40,000 photos in 2008. To be exact, 40,079. So, picking our favorites was a chore that took several weeks of selection and editing. Here is Part Two (of Three total), all in chronological order. Part Two, presented below as a slideshow, has 282 photos taken in March, April, May and June of 2008. (Also see Part One) Some of the things you will see in Part Two: Illinois Sec. of State Jesse White and his Tumblers, sunsets, sunrises, police in action, dogs and more dogs, beach scenes, anti-war protesters, a clown, Chicago City Council in action, a passed-out drunk, homeless people, tulips, an artist polluting our water supply, blighted commercial districts and more. Note: You can view the slideshow in autoplay, or you can click through it manually. You can turn captions on or off by clicking on the little caption icon in the lower left corner. You are also invited to go directly to our online album by clicking on this link. Enjoy. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

Alderman Moore's City Clowncil Report, 01/12/09

Alderman Moore's City Clowncil Report Dear Comrade, I am Joe Moore, the Most Valuable Local Official in this great nation, with another of my City Clowncil reports. Bear with me. The City Clowncil met twice in December--a special meeting on December 4th to consider an ordinance authorizing the leasing of Chicago's parking meters. That’s privatization, folks! Man, I love private enterprise! The geniuses in the private sector are way smarter than the dopes in the City Clowncil. Look, I’m just having a rare moment of honesty here. Bear with me. Anyway, that December 4th meeting was followed by the regular monthly meeting on December 17. I’m not sure why I put “th” after “4” but not after “17,” but let’s just move on. Bear with me. At the December 4th meeting, the mayor asked the City Clowncil to approve a 75-year concession agreement with Chicago Parking Meters, LLC, to operate Chicago's 36,000 parking meters. The agreement was an admission by the City of Chicago that it is too inept to operate a simple parking meter system, and that we need the help of the private sector to do so. The deal resulted in a nearly $1.2 billion upfront payout to the City at a time when the city is facing its greatest fiscal crisis since the Great Depression. Chicago’s had a fiscal problem for many years now, thanks to morons like me. After all, we’ve let the mayor spend your money on a lot of unnecessary crap. We must admit, however, that all those shiny new fences have improved the lives of every Chicagoan. Meanwhile, here in the 49th Ward, I’m seeking a private contractor who can figure out how to pick up that two-year old pile of gravel obstructing the sidewalk in the 1300 block of W. Morse Avenue. That’s a tough challenge! We should approach any long-term lease of a major city asset with a skeptical eye. On balance, however, I believe this agreement is good for the City and its taxpayers by providing much-needed revenue during the economic crisis caused by Democrats who coddled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which helped precipitate the collapse of the housing market. Some of my own good friends in Rogers Park are in bed with Countrywide Finance. (They know who they are, and I don’t need to name names.) As a result, my own revenue stream from developers has dried up. This is unacceptable, but we’re still looking into spending more money on those expensive, high-tech Big Belly trash cans. As a result of this agreement, the City will establish a $100 million "human infrastructure fund." At a time when other cities are drastically cutting back on entitlement programs to those who are most likely to vote for Democrats, Chicago is selling off its own resources and will be able to maintain its carefree spending habits. While hard working people in Chicago are suffering under higher and higher taxes, what little wealth they have remaining will continue to be confiscated by your local government to fund free social services programs and wealth redistribution for “affordable housing” and homeless prevention initiatives for people who haven’t gotten off their lazy asses to work in years. The City will also establish $400 million in a long-term reserve/revenue replacement fund, similar to the $500 million long-term Chicago Skyway reserve. The annual return from this fund alone--$30 million--far exceeds the $18 million per year the City currently nets from parking meter revenue. Nevertheless, although I’ve just made it sound like Chicago is swimming in a sea of money, I will continue to use idiotic phrases like “greatest fiscal crisis since the Great Depression.” In addition, these reserve funds provide the city with an important revenue source in the event of an economic catastrophe. Now, you may notice that I’m contradicting myself here. I just said “in the event of an economic catastrophe,” yet earlier I wrote that we’re in “the greatest fiscal crisis since the Great Depression.” So, we have tons of money, but we’re in a crisis. It’s confusing, isn’t it? Another $325 million will be used to help balance city budgets through 2012. Remember, however, that even though our budget will be “balanced” for full four years (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), Chicago is in “the greatest fiscal crisis since the Great Depression.” It’s important that you remember this, even though unemployment and interest rates are nowhere near as bad as they were during the Carter Administration in the 1970’s, long after the Great Depression. Carter, however, was a Democrat and so we give him a pass on that. Although the use of the lease proceeds for operating expenses should be employed very rarely, the City is faced with an enormous budgetary shortfall as a result of the worldwide recession. I know, I know. You’re wondering why I continue to contradict myself. I just wrote that “Another $325 million will be used to help balance city budgets through 2012,” yet here I am now saying that we’re “faced with an enormous budgetary shortfall.” I don’t know what the hell I’m saying. Bear with me. This shortfall has led to budget cuts and layoffs, which have already noticeably affected the quality of city services. My own salary was just increased, however, when I accepted a 6 percent raise. Rest assured, then, that your City Clowncil members will continue to eat well even as we approve laying off ordinary working stiffs, in spite of the fact that I just wrote that we’ve got “$325 million will be used to help balance city budgets through 2012.” Without this infusion of revenue from the parking meter lease, the City would have had to entirely rework the City's 2009 finances, including a new round of layoffs and either more draconian cuts in city services or an increase in taxes this year and beyond. So, you may be asking, why do we have to lay off so many people now that we’re getting all that money? I don’t know. Really, I don’t know. Finally, approximately $324 million will go into a budget stabilization fund that could be used to cover a portion of the city's budgetary shortfalls should the nation fall into an even deeper and more sustained economic recession than is currently predicted. Yes, more confusion and contradiction. I apologize. Bear with me. In short, the infusion of $1.2 billion to the city coffers couldn't have come at a better time, and the allocation of the revenue between critical short-term needs and long-term investment is both prudent and fiscally responsible. Remember, we’re laying off hard working city employees to help pay for a lot of free stuff for non-working folks. That’s a good thing. In addition to the revenue infusion, the agreement will also result in upgraded parking meters, and every Chicagoan loves parking meters. By 2011, all meters must accept both coins and credit cards, alleviating the need to carry around a bunch of quarters. Now, you must carry around a wallet full of credit cards and paper money to park. Those quarters don’t buy much time on a meter anymore. Much of the press attention about the agreement has been focused on the increase in parking meter rates, and many folks have contacted my office expressing understandable concern about those increases. I urge those people to stop whining. The increased rates will not come all at once, but will be phased in from 2009 through 2013. So like a frog in a slowly boiling pot of water, you won’t even know it’s happening. Relax, just let it happen. In neighborhoods, such as the 49th Ward, parking meter rates currently are at either $0.25 or $0.50 an hour. Rates will increase this year to $1.00 an hour. How’s that for helping you during tough economic times? The increase in Rogers Park parking rates will undoubtedly help bring more shoppers to our beautiful shopping areas on Howard Street and Morse Avenue. Planned annual increases will bring this rate to $2.00 an hour in 2013, which should encourage even more shoppers to come to the 49th Ward. After that, any increases will be subject to the approval of the City Clowncil and are expected to be at the rate of inflation, which is still much lower that it was under President Carter. Never mind that things like higher parking meter rates actually contribute to higher inflation. While this is a noticeable rate increase, and clearly a hardship for some in these difficult economic times, the rates on most parking meters in our neighborhood have remained the same for over the last twenty years, a foolish oversight on our part. Look, they probably would have increased with or without the agreement with Chicago Parking Meters, LLC. So shut up already. Given that fact, and given the very real benefits to the city and its taxpayers of one billion dollars of much-needed revenue, I voted in support of the agreement. I know I’m throwing a lot of numbers around. Earlier, I wrote that the parking meter deal “resulted in a nearly $1.2 billion upfront payout to the City,” but I just wrote “one billion” would be provided. Look, what’s a discrepancy of $200 million? Bear with me here. Some of you have asked how the parking meter lease agreement and the new rates will affect my earlier decision to install parking meters in Jarvis Square, where my windowless ward service office is located. My indecision was based in part on the premise that the parking meters rates would be set at $.50 an hour. See, the agreement will increase rates at all neighborhood parking meters to $1.00 an hour this year and $2.00 an hour by 2013. That’s confusing as hell, so I have decided to put my decision on hold until we determine the full impact of the new rates. Will higher rates discourage shopping, or encourage it? Is it fair to have a different rate there than on Morse Avenue? I will then host another community meeting to discuss the proposal to install meters in Jarvis Square in light of the new rates. This allows me to not make any decision at all, and to lay it squarely on your shoulders. After all, I’m only paid six figures to be your alderman, and a decision as big as this seems above my pay grade. At its December 17th meeting, the City Clowncil turned its attention to the potential hosting of the 2016 Olympics. We’ll spend inordinate amounts of money to build temporary structures for that, but the opportunity for graft and corruption is irresistible. The issue at hand was the City's purchase of the shuttered Michael Reese Hospital on the near South Side. If the City is awarded the Olympics, the plan is to transform the facility and grounds into an Olympic Village. After all, temporary housing for athletes from other countries is far more important than keeping a much needed hospital open. If the City is unsuccessful in its Olympic bid, the property will be redeveloped for private use, and that provides yet another opportunity for graft and corruption. It’s a win-win proposition, especially since the City obtained the hospital property at below market rates. The measure passed unanimously. The hospital property falls within the City's 4th Ward, represented by my colleague Alderman Toni Preckwinkle, who is one of the most Liberal and independent voices on the City Clowncil. Although I am a more valuable local official than Alderman Preckwinkle is, she has been working hard to make sure the deal is good for her community and the entire City. Like me, she believes the comfort of foreign athletes is more important than having a health care facility there. She will be introducing a community benefits ordinance at tomorrow's City Clowncil meeting, which will ensure that selected Democrat voters will receive some of the benefits of the new Olympics, including patronage jobs and housing subsidize by wealth redistribution. I strongly support the ordinance. The next City Clowncil meeting, the first of 2009, will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, January 13th. As always, I will give you a full, wordy, highly confusing report. Sincerely, Joe Moore Visit the website of the 49th Ward Click here to be removed from our email list Subscribe to Chicago News Bench