Showing posts with label Isaac Carothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isaac Carothers. Show all posts

Feds Target Chicago Alderman Carothers

Former Chicago Alderman Arenda Troutman (Democrat) was just sentenced to four years in prison for corruption. This morning, we noted that Troutman is just one more "long parade of Illinois and Chicago politicians" (as American Thinker put it) who have shamed Chicago and Illinois. The parade of clowns continues with 29th Ward Ald. Isaac Carothers, and his act promises to be even more entertaining than Troutman's. From today's Chicago Sun-Times (emphasis added): Last year, the Chicago Sun-Times disclosed that federal investigators had requested city records on four West Side zoning changes pushed by Carothers. He had received campaign contributions from two of the businesses seeking the changes. Now, a 2007 federal subpoena -- released in response to a Freedom of Information request -- reveals a demand for documents including seven years worth of aldermanic expense records; 29th Ward zoning changes; ordinances introduced by Carothers, and correspondence between Carothers and the mayor's office regarding zoning changes. This will be interesting to watch. In the meantime, when will Mr. Fitzpatrick please consider investigating 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore for similar alleged offenses? CNB RSS Feed