How Deep Is Your Love?

WARNING: This woman is Kathy Sprattling, former Ginderske staffer turned Joe Moore mercenarie. She may be in the company of Andrew "Seamus" Sharp, a known top gun of Joe Moore. If you must, approach with caution.

Kathy, what do you tell your daughter about ethics and self respect now that you've sold out to a man you spent months calling a "shit" and a "killer" for his association with the now infamous Jay Johnson?

If asked to, would you be willing to perjure yourself for Joe Moore? (Just asking.)


  1. you spent quite a few months calling Craig retarded, insane, an idiot, a plagiarist, a prick, a pornographer and on and on.
    You two now practically call each other brother, quote each others site, it's a lovefest.

    Did you sellout too or is that only for people who don't share the same ideals.

    Honestly, i'm just curious how you differentiate.

  2. Virginia, You ask a fair question. Craig attacked me as well. But the events of the past few weeks have shown us both that we were overreacting. As mature adults, we realized that we were misbehaving and have made peace. You got a problem with that? As for "selling out," anyone who reads this blog knows that I have consistently been against Joe Moore, so to remain against Moore is not selling out by any standard. Actually, Craig and I DO share many of the same ideals. We certainly disagree on some issues, but who fully agrees with anyone? Most of my friends have very different political ideals than I do, but that doesn't keep me from loving them or cooperating with them in common task or cause. By the way, what is your real name?


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