"Andrew Sharp has provided clients nationwide with general consulting and strategy to annihilate the opposition."

“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” ~ Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese Communist dictator (1893 - 1976)

“Politics is war without bloodshed.” ~ Andrew Sharp, top Democrat political consultant

CHICAGO (RPB News) - Cloaks and daggers in Rogers Park. This just gets curiouser and curiouser, folks. Remember the photo of those two suits getting the VIP welcome from Joe Moore as they entered his campaign office on March 10? Some of you laughed at RPB for that, but we now know who they are. Seems RPB’s instincts were correct. They were some of Joe’s big guns, one local, one from out of state.

As I wrote yesterday, Alderman Joe Moore brought in a lot of big guns to help him retain his seat on Chicago’s City Council as alderman of the 49th Ward. Really big guns.

Last Wednesday, one of those big guns sought me out.

It was a bizarre experience for me and it was bizarre behavior by one Andrew Sharp, big gun political consultant from D.C.

I was sitting at the bar at Morseland around 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, having a bite to eat and conversing with my good friend Vince. The bartender, Marcus, came to me and said that two guys sitting down the bar wanted to buy me a beer “if you’re Tom Mannis.” Well, sure, but give me a Coke instead because I’m too tired for alcohol, I told Marcus. I got the Coke pronto and continued to speak with Vince.

About 20 minutes later, one of the men came over and introduced himself. It is important to note at this point that he asked me to keep his name “off the record,” but he did tell me that he was one of the suits walking into Moore’s campaign office in the photo. I assured him that I would not reveal his name, and RPB keeps a promise. The man, whom I shall call “Bob,” chatted me up in a friendly way. Wouldn’t mind having that beer with him sometime. Bob is local guy, and is very active politically, and he said he hopes to “do business” with me “in the future” because he thinks I'm a good writer. Flattery won't get you anywhere, pal.

Thanks for the compliment, Bob, but no dice. I’d sit down over a beer with you anytime. But “do business” with you? You don’t work for a scum like Joe Moore and then expect RPB to “do business” with you, even if it’s selling lemonade. You don’t skulk around bars asking for me and then expect me to “do business” with you. You don’t associate with a scum who quotes freeking Mao Tse Tung and expect me to “do business” with you.

That is all I will reveal about Bob. RPB honors "off the record" promises. But no such promise was made for the Other Guy.
The other guy got no promises from RPB, and even if he had, he lied to me, so all is fair play. The other guy gave his name as “Seamus,” and said he was an Irishman living in the Old Town neighborhood of Chicago. “Seamus” (SHAY-muss) affected a convincing Irish accent. But he was a fraud.

Andrew Sharp
Andrew Sharp, aka "Seamus"
“Seamus” is Andrew Sharp, big gun political consultant for Joe Moore. This encounter was bizarre for several reasons:

1) The runoff election ended 27 hours before Andrew “Seamus” Sharp and Bob sought me out at Morseland.
2) Sharp, based out of Alexandria, VA just outside Washington, D.C., was seen jogging along the lakefront yesterday morning (Saturday, April 22). Why is he still in Chicago?
3) Why is Andrew Sharp posing as "Seamus" the Irishman?
4) “Bob” admitted to asking around for me. Why? To “do business” with me? To assure that I would not reveal his identity in the photo? (Is he that ashamed of his association with Moore?)
5) Did “Bob” and Sharp hope to send a subtle, indirect message to me to back off of my coverage of the Moore camp by letting me know that they know where I hang out?
6) If they are doing this to me, who else might they be skulking after?
7) Why are they skulking around Rogers Park days after the election? What are they so concerned about? Is there some kind of “damage control” that they are working on?

RPB asks you to be on the lookout, especially for Andrew Sharp. People living near either of Joe Moore’s offices – keep your cameras ready. And let us pray that Andy Sharp believes that “politics is war without bloodshed.” He's acting a bit deranged lately.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, March 10 - isn't that the day Broken Heart heard these two were hovering over computers, and that someone was going to be sued? Perhaps they were helping ACORN and a few of Moore's 'other' supporters, find bloggers comments they could cut/paste totally out of context to avoid discussing real issues. Create a diversion.

    Then there the PINK 'microtarget'.

    Mail fraud is still a felony today.


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