Showing posts with label Robert Creamer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Creamer. Show all posts

Schakowsky's Big Lie About Jobs

July 1, 2010 - Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky lied? The wife of convicted felon Robert Creamer telling untruths? Really? Joel Pollack, the Republican running against Mizz Schakowsky in the 9th Congressional District of Illinois, released a hard-hitting statement this afternoon: On FOX News today, my opponent, Jan Schakowsky, stated: “This administration, this Congress, is set to create more jobs in 8 months than net jobs created in the last 8 years of the Bush administration. I know a lot of people say that’s not true. Check it out.” (See "Schakowsky Defends Dems' Handling of the Economy" on FoxNews) So I did. In the last 8 months, the U.S. economy created 1.2 million net jobs. In the 8 years of the Bush administration, the U.S. economy created 4.4 million net jobs. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) So Ms. Schakowsky is wrong. Furthermore, since the Obama administration took office, the U.S. economy has lost 2.8 million net jobs. And since Nancy Pelosi took over Congress in 2007, the U.S. economy has lost 6.6 million net jobs. So Ms. Schakowsky is wrong, again. If we measure private sector jobs alone, we find that the U.S. economy lost nearly 700,000 net jobs under the Bush administration (after gaining nearly 4 million before the recession began). Under the Obama administration, the U.S. economy has lost 3.4 million private sector jobs. So Ms. Schakowsky is wrong, again. In the 8 months since October, the low point of the recession, our economy has added about 500,000 private sector jobs. But comparing that number to net jobs under Bush is worse than comparing apples to oranges. We might as well simply count the 4 million private sector jobs created under Bush and ignore the fact that those jobs disappeared. Ms. Schakowsky’s argument is therefore dishonest. Perhaps Ms. Schakowsky is basing her numbers on rosy projections from the Obama administration, or Pelosi’s talking points. The American people have quickly learned that we cannot trust those numbers. In February 2009, for example, Ms. Schakowsky promised that the stimulus bill would boost jobs in Illinois by 148,000. Since then, Illinois has actually lost over 144,000 jobs. The people of the 9th district know that Ms. Schakowsky’s claims about jobs are simply false. Perhaps she believes in the “big lie” theory--that if you tell a lie big enough and often enough, people will believe it. Well, we aren’t buying it. We are tired of the big lies on jobs. And it is becoming clear that the only way to create jobs in our district is to vote out Jan Schakowsky, and vote for a fresh start.

Joel Pollak On The Blago Trial And Jan Schakowsky

Joel Pollak wrote yet another great piece for, this one is about the trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and how U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky is tip toeing around it. It's fascinating, well-written stuff, and Pollak details how The Schak and her criminal husband Bob Creamer are up to their necks in the Blago Stink. Pollak is running against Schakowsky for Congress in the 9th District of Illinois, but that doesn't change the fact that what he wrote is worthy of the front page of any major newspaper today. Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich starts his federal trial today. And the Illinois Democrats who clung to his coattails for years are desperate to pretend they don’t know him. Back in 2003, Rep. Jan Schakowsky proclaimed of Blago: “He really is very smart. I don’t laugh at the idea [of his running for President] at all.” She added that when he walked into a room, “there was this crackle of electricity. Everyone wanted to touch him.” That electricity prompted Rep. Schakowsky to donate $28,000 to Blago’s campaigns for governor. Her husband, convicted felon and political strategist Robert Creamer, made $541,000 helping Blago get elected in 2002. She lobbied him heavily in November 2008 in the hope that he would appoint her to fill the Senate seat being vacated by Barack Obama, and is thought to be “Senate Candidate 3” in the original criminal complaint. Read the Full Article at

Jan Schakowsky Townhall Meeting, August 31

Chicago News Bench was at the townhall at Niles West High School on August 31. We will have photos and video for you on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. US Rep. Jan Schakowsky Town Hall Meeting Monday, August 31 6:30 - 8:00pm Niles West High School Auditorium 5701 Oakton Street Skokie, IL 60077 Enter school through the main entrance facing Oakton. Arrive early to get a seat.

"Aunt Jan" Schakowsky is having a Town Hall meeting on Monday, August 31 at Niles West High School Auditorium, 5701 W. Oakton, Skokie, Illinois from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. It should be a lot of fun. Whether you're a paid SEIU goon, a paid ACORN tool, or just an ordinary concerned American, we're sure Congressgal Schakowsky will welcome everyone with open arms to her Town Hall meeting! Right? Sure! Will Jan's convicted felon husband Robert Creamer be there? We hope so! Will the lunatic leftists be there? Count on it. Let's all ask Schakowsky why she is so eager to destroy the private and favors a single-payer system (she says so in this video). But please, everybody, be polite. There will be plenty of goofiness from the leftist loons in attendance for everybody. Oh, and wear a Commie-bama cap and t-shirt to the event! Schakowsky loves them. 

Convicted Felon Attacks Opponents of Obamacare

Robert Creamer is a convicted felon and the husband of Congressman Jan Schakowsky. Robert and Jan live in Evanston, a nice suburb immediately north of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan. Creamer has a column at The Huffington Post, and his August 3 post is all about supporting Barack Obama's government run health care. There are so many darkly amusing aspects to this that it's hard to know where to begin. Not surprisingly, there is no mention of Creamer's federal fraud convictions in his bio at Huffington Post. It is noted there, however, that "Arianna Huffington calls his recent book, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, a master’s class in electoral politics." Arianna makes no mention of the use of lies, deception and criminal fraud as tactics in Creamer's electoral politics. Creamer accuses opponents of Obama's health care offensive of using mob tactics, and he unwittingly exposes himself as a cheap propagandist. He wrote the following (emphasis added): So, like the local mob boss, they will be pulling out all the stops in August to terrorize members of Congress and sow fear and confusion about the Obama Health Insurance Reform plan. They will run ads. They will make copious political contributions. They will provide ammunition to the right-wing talk show hosts. They will do everything in their power to stop the Obama plan dead in its tracks, because they know that once people have a new health insurance system, there will be no going back. That paragraph deserves some analysis. On Planet Democrat, the world that Robert Creamer dwell in, it is considered terrorism when people write to or phone members of Congress to voice opposition to whatever it is that he and fellow Democrats support. Honest political discussion and asking questions is classified as sowing fear and confusion. Excercising the right of free speech by running ads is, in Creamer's world, a bad thing but only if your message is conservative. On Planet Democrat, conservative talk show hosts are dismissively referred to as "right-wing talk show hosts," but liberal talk show hosts are simply "talk show hosts." Creamer has admitted one the great fears of a majority of Americans when it comes to Obama's health care machinations: There will be no going back if it becomes law. Whether it works or not, there will be no going back. In the twisted criminal mind of Robert Creamer, it's just fine for Democrats and supporters of Obama's health care "reform" to lobby members of Congress, it's cool to spend huge amounts of money on ad campaigns supporting it, it's okay to provide talking points to liberal talk show hosts and other liberal media creatures, and it's perfectly acceptable to run expensive, pro-reform national television ads featuring "Harry and Louise." And would Creamer call John Stossel a terrorist for this ABC News report? Creamer is an experienced and well-paid political consultant. His firm, Strategic Consulting Group (SCG), specializes in many of the tactics that he criticizes conservatives for. An example here, from the SCG website (emphasis added): Whether you are working an issue or running an election campaign, SCG can deploy a team of tough, experienced field organizers to any state in the union within days. SCG can conduct a paid door-to-door canvass or design and organize a high-intensity field program that can identify and mobilize voters. SCG has pioneered innovative approaches to recruiting top-flight organizers for non-partisan and partisan campaigns. In other words, Creamer and his gang will happily bring in outsiders to your area to make it look as though your political campaign has more local support than it really has. More from SCG's website: SCG writes and produces award-winning radio spots that deliver powerful, memorable messages for electoral and issue advocacy campaigns. More hypocrisy. Creamer, in his Huffington Post column, criticized conservatives because "They will run ads. They will make copious political contributions. They will provide ammunition to the right-wing talk show hosts." Yet his own website brags that they will do exactly the same thing for his high-paying political clients. Still more: SCG can generate thousands of calls to Members of Congress or other government officials for the lowest cost available anywhere using our state-of-the-art automated Patch-Through system. We provide live and automated Get-Out-the-Vote and persuasion calls at highly competitive prices. Our automated ID and Poll programs can do last-minute voter ID’s in the tens of thousands and can be used to get up-to-the-minute information on levels of support in various segments of the electorate. Isn't that what Creamer would call "terrorizing" members of Congress? Well sure, if it's done by those whose political goals differ from his own. On Planet Democrat, however, it's not terrorism when Democrats do it. The hypocrisy of Robert Creamer - and of his fellow Democrats - is stunning. Sadly, it is not at all surprising. RELATED: ABC 20/20 Takes on Health Care Reform Creamer sentenced in rubber-check scheme 4/05/06 - Congresswoman's husband pleads guilty to two felonies Schakowsky's Husband Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud - Schakowsky's Shameful, Despicable Husband Obama campaign hires convicted felon to train campaign workers ... Joe Moore's Loans to a Criminal The Left's Lust for Revolutionary Transformation Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Schakowsky's Shameful, Despicable Husband

The gaul of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) to call protesters "despicable and shameful" is unparalleled. It hypocritical of her to diss folks - including many of her own constituents - for peacefully expressing dissatisfaction with their government (a right guaranteed by the Constitution), when Schakowsky herself has happily endured ugly demonstrations of her Leftist allies over the years.

It hypocritical for another reason, too: Schakowsky's husband, Robert Creamer, is a convicted felon. He's out on parole. He was convicted for fraud (check kiting). Schakowsky happily trots him out to political fundraisers and events, so proud of her hubby criminal. Apparently, Schakowsky does not consider writing bad checks and tax evasion to be either despicable or shameful.

Ah, but get a bunch of people who are unhappy with bloating government, irresponsible spending and forced redistribution of everyone's money and Schakowsky calls them "despicable" and "shameful." WTF is wrong with felon-lover Schakowsky?

Despicable and Shameful? What About Tax Violations,Bank Fraud, Rep. Schakowsky? - Congresswoman's husband pleads guilty to two felonies Creamer sentenced in rubber-check scheme 4/05/06
Schakowsky's Husband Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud -
Jan Schakowsky (D, IL-09) loves her tax fraud. - Moe_Lane’s blog ...
John Kass: It's a Wonderful, Liberal Life
Obama campaign hires convicted felon to train campaign workers ...
GayPatriot » Thought Experiment for Jan Schakowsky(And other ...
Schakowsky: We Need "All Hands On Deck" To Push Green Agenda
green party makes political threat against rep. schakowsky
FatCratz: Rep. Jan Schakowsky's "Despicable" Hypocrisy
US Representative: Tea Parties "Despicable" And "Shameful"
US Rep. Schakowsky will speak at May Day Dinner
Are Conservatives and Veterans Terrorists?
Gotta Question for America
Video: Chicago Scumbags Rally for Obama
Big Guns For Suffredin
Chicago SDS, Obama's Kind of People
Joe Moore's Loans to a Criminal
Anti-Schakowsky Sentiment a Sign of the Times
About Heather's Stains

Schakowsky, "Candidate 3" and Deep Blago Ties

Yes, Alderman Joe Moore is mentioned in this from Doug Ross today: You may recall that "Senate Candidate 1" was Barack Obama's choice: his friend, the ultra-qualified Valerie Jarrett. And "Senate Candidate 5" was Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., a man with a better sense of "fundraising" than Carolyn-esque entitlement. But who was "Senate Candidate 3"? That would appear to be none other than Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL, what else?). Ross also notes: A 2006 ABC investigation revealed that while Save a Life received millions of dollars in government funds and corporate donations, it made a series of "misleading claims [including] deceptive credentials that raise doubts about [its] integrity, funding and training." According to ABC, founder Carol Spizzirri represented herself as a registered nurse specializing in kidney transplants. But ABC claims she never received a degree of any kind nor was she ever registered as a nurse.

Chicago Scumbags Rally for Obama

CHICAGO - Corrupt officials and at least one convicted felon rallied for Barack Obama yesterday at the Broadway Armory Park, 5917 N. Broadway Street in the far north Edgewater neighborhood. (See video below.)

The event was more of a pep rally for Congresslady Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), whose banner was more than four times the size of the Obama banner hanging behind the little stage. Schakowsky was the main speaker. During her speech, she instructed the crowd in the fine art of responding to questions about Barack Obama's recently convicted friend and former financier, Tony Rezko.

Schakowsky said nothing to the crowd, however, about responding to questions about another convicted criminal who is still close to Obama: Her own husband, Robert "Mr. Kite" Creamer (photo, left).

Approximately 200-250 people showed up for the rally, many of whom were local politicos. Alderman Joe Moore, 49th Ward, showed off his recent cosmetic nose surgery as he sat with Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin, a stooge of Cook County President Todd Stroger, and other elected officials.

David Fagus, Chief Operating Officer of Cermak Health Services was there too (photo, left). Fagus and Cermak are currently under federal investigation for alleged human rights violations. Cermak Health Services is the daily provider of healthcare to detainees at the Cook County Department of Corrections and the Department of Community Supervision and Intervention. Fagus is also the 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman, a role he has allegedly used to help Alderman Joe Moore steal past elections. Unelected officials were there too, including Sheli Lulkin, the outgoing Executive Director of the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce. Two chairs were welded together and reinforced with steel beams to accomodate her.

Many people left the event while Schakowsky was still speaking. The echo in the large auditorium, which can hold two NBA-sized basketball courts, made it difficult for the audience to understand what was being said. Bored, people left early to enjoy the nice weather outside.

Schakking Up With Jan and Joe

The Bench has been telling you this for, uhm, about a year now. What wicked webs they weave. John at Marathon Pundit writes: Schakowsky maneuvering for Obama's Senate seat I have the misfortune of having one of the most liberal members of Congress, Jan Schakowsky of Evanston, representing me (sort of) in Washington. She's one of the loons who wants to reinstate the absurdly named Fairness Doctrine, which would effectively shut down talk radio--and individuals like Rush Limbaugh--who criticize her type. Yes, and here in the 49th Ward of Chicago we have the misfortune of having one of the goofiest and least effective aldermen, who has a long and cozy relationship with Schakowsky. Schakowsky's coveting of Obama's Senate seat been street talk in Rogers Park about a year. And guess what: 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore wants Schakowsky's Congressional seat. John continues: Her husband, Robert Creamer, spent five months in federal prison two years ago after pleading guilty to kiting checks while he was the executive director of the goody-goody consumer advocacy group, the Illinois Public Action Council. Although she was not accused of any wrongdoing, Schakowsky served on the organization's board of directors was while hubby was acting the official kite runner. Alderman Moore was - still is - good friends with felon Creamer. Indeed, the Moore Schakowsky Axis is one of the most intriguing political relationships out there. Schakowsky, a very powerful member of Congress, has given disproportionate amounts of financial, moral and consulting support to Moore, a little alderman. Both are members of the DNC. Moore is rumored by people in the know to have engaged in check kiting with Creamer. There is a lot of stink around most of the characters who cling to both Schakowsky and Moore. Creamer was a guest at the recent victory party of Heather Steans, where she was surrounded by Todd Stroger sycophant David Fagus, and Joe Moore toadie Jim Ginderske and Jim's very own toadie Tom Westgard. What a crew. READ THE FULL POST at Marathon Pundit...

Corruptocrats for Obama

What a crowd they are, these Corruptocrats. The Schakowsky-Obama-Fagus-Moore-Corruption Crowd. Marathon Pundit has a good one about Auntie Jan Schakowsky's convicted felon hubby Bob, who thinks Obama is the man to bring Change to the White House. Writes MP: My congresscritter is the über-liberal, oops, make that über-progressive, Jan Schakowsky of Evanston. Her husband is political activist Robert Creamer, who spent most of the second half of 2006 living at the Federal Correctional Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana. Illinois conservative journalist Tom Roeser discovered that Creamer was a "Campaign Culture" instructor, where the consumer advocacy CEO talked about "'persuadable' and 'mobilizable' voters, application of quantitative approaches, and different forms of messaging and research." MORE at Marathon Pundit...

Joe Moore's Loans to a Criminal

This should make for an interesting investigation after the election. Win or lose, Moore will lose. The evidence out there is HUGE, but nobody has dug deeply enough. Are you listening, Mr. Fitzgerald? The following makes for compelling reading, and illustrates the weird relationship that Alderman Joe Moore has to Robert Creamer, Congressman Jan Schakowsky's criminal husband. Before you read the following, though, have a look at the invitation pictured here (click for a larger image). It's an invitation to honor the criminal Robert Creamer. Nice, huh? Below, we see that Moore and Creamer would loan each other money, then pay each other back just days later, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, frequently and frantically. Why? Perhaps it's just coincidence, uh huh, but Robert Creamer pleaded guilty to, amongst other things, check kiting. And what is "check kiting?" This definition from "Drawing against balances credited to uncollected checks. By writing checks drawn on two or more out-of-town banks, a person temporarily short of cash can write an interest-free unauthorized bank loan or temporarily inflate his account balance to improve his chances of getting a loan. For example: a person deposits a $1,000 check in bank ABC, drawn on funds in bank XYZ. Before the first check clears he deposits a $1,000 check in bank XYZ, drawn on the first bank, and a $2,000 check drawn on bank XYZ in bank ABC. By carefully timing the checks, he has accumulated $3,000 in fictitious balances. Check kiting schemes can be very elaborate, and have been known to cause bank failures. Kiting is best controlled by monitoring unpaid checks in the process of collection." From Capitolfaxblog, January 2006: Note to Anon 2:10… the deadline for electronic filing is midnight. If you plan on checking out reports, be careful, since some of our politicians are very clever in using the D-2 forms to mislead the public. A number of years ago, my Alderman here in Chicago (Joe Moore of the 49th Ward), kept loaning money from his campaign fund to Bob Creamer’s Citixen Action (Creamer, Cong. Jan Schakowsky’s husband, is awaiting sentening in federal court on check-kiting charges, I believe). Each time Moore loaned Creamer money, it was repaid within a short span of time (only to see another loan a few days later). Creamer did kick in a small amount of additional money in return, but this only amounted to (as I recall) less than $30 for loans of about $30,000. The resulting activity on Moore’s D-2 made it look like he had received this huge sum of money, when in fact almost all of it was from his own campaign committee to begin with! As for Cegelis, I was under the impression that federal candidates (those running for Congress) do not file with the State Board of Elections, unless they have a secondary committee to help out local campaigns. Cegelis and the other federal candidates file with the Federal Election Commission, under an entirely different set of restrictions, requirements and guidelines. That is probably why Cegelis’ campaign committee with the State Board of Elections has such a small sum of revenue. RANDALL SHERMAN Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

Twilight Zone 60626

I was talking with a friend yesterday about the weirdness of the major support that an alderman in Chicago's 49th Ward is getting from the major leagues. Specifically, why some alderman would be so heavily supported by Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Howard Dean, and other top guns. There are tens of thousands of aldermen in the United States. Why this guy? Why Joe Moore? Another friend sent this email to me today. We were thinking about the same things, and apparently other folks have been, too. "Boy there is something strange going on here. This is just too too much over the top for a simple aldermanic seat. I sure have no idea what it is, but I'd bet it starts with Jan Schakowski and [her convicted husband] Robert Creamer. And Joe and $$ always $$ but theres' a lot of powerful people swirling around this...

My friend included these links:

Alderman alleges Swift Boat tie in local race (Morsehellhole) A True Champion (American Thinker)

Alderman Alleges Swift-Boat Tie In Election (Chicago Tribune)

True Champion (Chicago Reader)

It is truly weird. Schakowsky, never implicated herself, is married to a guy who is as dirty as they come. Joe Moore's ex-wife and Schakowsky go way back, friends since before Moore became alderman. And now the weird implications in the story cited above ("Creamer May Use Moore As Leverage?"). What kind of dirt do these people have on each other, and is this a contorted club of mutual extortion and bribery?

BACKGROUND: In 2004, Schakowsky's husband, Robert Creamer, was indicted on federal charges of operating three check kiting schemes that defrauded banks of at least $2.3 million while he ran an Illinois public interest group. Creamer was also charged in the indictment with failing to pay more than $300,000 in federal income taxes for employees of the group and for himself between 1996 and 2000. Four other counts allege he filed false income tax returns between 1996 and 1999. In August 2005, Creamer pleaded guilty to two bank fraud felonies and could face up to four years in prison.