Blogger Ejected From Bitter Victory Party

Most political victory parties are happy affairs, with happy people. Most political victory parties feature a smiling, newly victorious politician who is eager to shake hands and build new bridges.

Not Steans. She showed herself to be a sore winner, eager to isolate herself from the public.

Not so with the strangely somber victory party of Heather Steans. She won the Democratic Primary for Illinois State Senator, getting and overall 63.27% of the vote in a two-way race against Suzanne Elder.

I went to the Elder election night party, which was held in the bar above Hamburger Mary's on N. Clark in Andersonville. Everybody knew at 7:30 p.m. that Elder had lost, yet the crowd was lively, upbeat, happy. Suzanne Elder herself was all smiles, cordial, and gracious. She bought me beer and posed for a photo. I ran into Lorraine Swanson of the News-Star paper there, too.

At approximately 9:30 I left the Elder party. I'd heard earlier in the day that the Steans party would be at Pepitone's at 5437 N. Broadway. I thought I'd pay it a visit, just to see who was there.

I walked into the Steans party at 10:05 p.m. The difference in tone between this, the winner's party, and that of the loser's party was stark. As mentioned above, Elder lost but her party was fun. Steans won but her party was down, somber, and a bitterness pervaded the air.

I went straight to the bar and engaged in a friendly conversation with two men. One guy, "Robert," asked my name. Before I could respond the younger man next to him, who I have never seen before, said, "That's Tom Mannis."


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