Auntie Zeituni, Above the Law

So, Obama's illegal alien auntie gets special treatment by the legal systems. She's been living in the U.S. illegally for years, and was told to get out years ago. On Wednesday, April 1, she avoided deportation after a brief hearing in a Boston courthouse. Zeituni Onyango (pronounced "i(l)-ˈlē-gəl \ˈā-lē-ən") is still here. At age 56, she has been given another ten months to prepare for a new "asylum bid." Onyango is a half-sister of Obama's deceased father. She is mentioned in Obama's book, “Dreams from My Father." Fox News reported that "The judge pushed back her case until next February [2010] because of his packed schedule. Onyango, who is a Kenyan citizen, wore a curly red wig, fur coat and sunglasses to the hearing. The president has said that laws covering her situation should be followed." Incredibly, Usurper in Chief Barack Obama has said he was unaware of her immigration issues (source). That is most likely a lie, according to a November 2008 article in The American Spectator (emphasis added): Some Obama aides believe that Obama was briefed at least twice by [David] Axelrod or campaign manager David Plouffe on the status of family members. "We tracked who was talking to the press, we kept in touch with some of these people," says an Obama campaign media aide. "Anyone who thinks we didn't doesn't understand just how nervous we were about all of these people, particularly the members of [Obama's] father's family. Axelrod had everything covered." The aide said she was never present for such a briefing, but "we all knew the candidate's family was being taken care of, to protect their privacy and try to contain any damage." Full Article... "Auntie Zeituni" has been violating federal immigration laws, and has been in contempt of court, for years. Reuters explains: In 2001 she received a U.S. Social Security card after proving she was in the United States legally and the following year she sought political asylum due to violence in Kenya. She applied to live in a public housing project in Boston. A federal immigration judge rejected her asylum request in 2004, ordering her to leave the country. She remained in Boston. Groups called for the woman's arrest, but that didn't happen. (I thought we were a nation of laws. I thought we were all treated equally by those laws. In the United States, I've been told, nobody is above the law. Alas, we've been mislead.) Reuters has more: President Barack Obama's Kenyan aunt, who was ordered deported five years ago, can stay in the United States legally until next year when she makes a new asylum bid, an immigration judge ruled on Wednesday. The issue of her immigration status flared three days before Obama was elected the first African-American president in the November 4, 2008 election. His late father was from Kenya and his white mother, also deceased, was American. While she's in the country, Auntie Illegal Alien continues to suck our tax dollars. She lives in a South Boston housing project (tax dollars) and takes public aid (tax dollars). You don't live in Boston? Don't kid yourself, Kansas, Iowa, Texas and the rest of you, a lot of federal money goes into those welfare programs, and that money comes out of your wallets too. The Obama's earn over $600,000 per year from salaries and books. Can't they at least pay his aunt's rent, so she can get out of public housing, while she stalls, delays and avoids a legal deportation order? They should be embarrassed that their aunt is in this country, illegally, on welfare. Full Post at Far Right Democrat... The Obama's are, at least, consistent in their utter disregard for the well being of their next of kin. Barack Obama has repeatedly preached to us that we are our brothers' keepers, yet as far as we know he never bothered to send his half brother George Obama (photo) a crisp $20 bill. That would have been the equivalent of a year's wages for poor George, who lives in a shack in a Kenyan slum. Some brother's keeper Barack Obama is. Auntie Lawbreaker not only received special treatment from the court, she has been watched over and even protected by top aides to Obama. More from that American Spectator article (emphasis added): Back in early 2007, as Obama's chief campaign strategist David Axelrod was organizing and planning the Obama campaign, he identified Obama's unique family situation -- a number of half-brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, some living overseas -- as a potential problem, says an employee for Axelrod's political consulting firm, and who has done work on the Obama campaign." Given [Obama's] father's family history here and in Africa, David wanted the campaign to know who was who, where they lived, and what they were doing. No surprises. We knew she was here illegally. We knew her income levels, but I don't think anyone from the campaign had had contact with her...." Additionally, there's this: Bibi Obama itu datang ke pengadilan dengan penampilan dramatis, termasuk dengan mengenakan rambut palsu keriting berwarna merah dan emas, kacamata hitam, serta jaket semata kaki warna hitam dan baju bulu palsu. Ia berjalan memakai tongkat. Full Article at To the average American, that article from makes about as much sense as the way in which Auntie Trespasser has been protected by government officials and leftist courts. RELATED: Obama's aunt becomes symbol in immigration debate Judge allows Obama's aunt to stay in US until at least Feb. 2010 ... Judge: Obama's Aunt Can Stay in US Through 2010 Far Right Democrat: He really should be embarrassed George Obama, ‘The least of my brothers’ George Obama - Mahalo When it comes to Obama’s aunt Zeituni, we’re the April Fools ... Madonna Should Adopt Obama's Aunt! (amusing, weird) Kompas.Com - Bibi Obama Cuma Tinggal 10 Bulan Lagi Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt Ambassador: Obama Born In Kenya Chicago News Bench RSS Feed CommieBama Hats and More

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