UPDATED: Stopping Quigley in IL 5th Cong District???

UPDATED: This morning I posted a letter from Don Castella (below), Treasurer of the Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido. Well, what a difference half a day makes. Seems there's a shitstorm of negative press about to pile down all over the Pulido Campaign. Guess what? Yours truly will pile on, too. Meanwhile, as I load up a bushel of nastiness to throw down on Pulido's campaign manager, Tom Hoefler, enjoy these links: GOP Not Fully Embracing Their Candidate for Congress Chicago (NBC 5) and rosannapulidoisafreeper.wordpress.com/ This letter is now laughable: You Can Help Shock President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid on April 7! An Illinois Special Election Will Stun Washington. Dear Friend: In just two weeks you can send a powerful message to Congress, the Senate, President Obama — and even the coddling liberal media. You can express your outrage over President Obama’s plan to increase taxes by more than $1 trillion in the middle of an economic crisis! You can send a powerful message to Obama, Emanuel, and the Democrats who control the House and Senate that you OPPOSE their new, wild federal spending programs — and the trillions of dollars of federal debt that they are placing on you and your families for generations to come. Here’s how you can send this powerful message — one that will shock Washington. On April 7 — just two weeks from now — there is a Special Congressional Election in the 5th District of Illinois. Early voting has already begun. This district includes Chicago’s North Side and the area just northwest of Chicago. Voter registration shows that the district leans Democrat so we must fight for every vote. This seat was recently vacated by Democratic Rep. Rahm Emanuel who resigned to be appointed to the Obama White House. With your support, Rosanna Pulido can actually win this district! There is huge dissatisfaction with the Democrats and Obama — even voters in liberal Chicago are getting fed up. The Republican voters have picked Rosanna Pulido as their candidate. She won the March 4th Primary Election. Rosanna is a solid conservative on both fiscal and social issues. She has an outstanding record on immigration and Second Amendment issues. Rosanna is a Christian who doesn’t just talk about conservative issues, she lives them. As the Illinois Minuteman leader, Rosanna waged lonely battles against Chicago/Cook County’s dangerous liberal policies — policies that have turned the state into an economic basket case and made Cook County America’s largest Sanctuary County. Her opponent voted for that awful Cook County legislation that costs Illinois Billions and endangers Illinois citizens’ lives. Rosanna has fought some big battles. It was Rosanna who led the fight against the Democrat’s insane plan to issue Illinois state driver’s licenses and in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. She has fought for you — now please help her fight this battle. Imagine allowing potential terrorists to easily get driver’s licenses… or rewarding illegal immigrant families with in-state college tuition. If Rosanna wins, I believe the Democrats in Congress, including many “Blue Dog Democrats,” will be shocked and scared. We want you to urgently help elect Rosanna Pulido — Go Here Now: https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B If conservative Rosanna can win the Illinois congressional seat recently held by powerful Democrat Rahm Emanuel, this will strike a massive blow to the claim that swing voters are really backing Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid. Emanuel and the Democrats in Washington are complacent and think they have this seat sewn up. The Democrats picked a liberal County Board Commissioner named Mike Quigley as their candidate. Quigley claims he is a reformer, but his record contradicts that claim. Quigley, a backer of controversial Cook County Board Chairman Todd Stroger in 2006, is already acting like he won the seat and raising big bucks in Washington. But many voters in this district are appalled. Quigley is a liberal who fully supports the radical Democrat spending and social agendas. By stopping Quigley and the Democrats in the IL 5th congressional district, we can help stop more phony “stimulus” programs, stop higher taxes, stop Eric Holder’s plan to ban our guns, stop card check for unions, and stop Obama’s plan to legalize 12 million illegal aliens. We can win this one and stop Obama’s radical plans that threaten our nation and our economy. Early polls show Rosanna right on the heels of Quigley, with Quigley holding a narrow lead. The polls also show that if all Republicans and conservative-leaning Democrats and independents come out to vote in this Special Election, Rosanna will win. Illinois Blagojevich Democrats called the election for April 7th in the hopes that Republicans could not get organized in time to compete with the well-oiled Chicago political machinery of the unions and the notorious left-wing community group ACORN in turning out votes for Quigley. Help us stop these liberal groups — Go Here Now: https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B Many Chicago Democrat groups are directly affiliated with ACORN, the left-wing community organization widely charged with voter- registration fraud in last year’s presidential election. ACORN is notorious for phony voter registrations, multiple voting, and other voter fraud tactics. ACORN and the allied groups are funded by the exact same left-wing unions, like SEIU and they intend to deliver for Mike Quigley. Many Open Borders groups are also supporting Rosanna’s opponent because of her outstanding record on immigration issues. Republicans are bracing for many dollars to be spent on behalf of Quigley as ultra-liberal special interest groups like the Moveon.org PAC, Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and SEIU, all pour money into this Illinois district. But I have little doubt we can still win this election. That’s where you come in. We are mounting a major effort to alert Republicans, conservatives, and independents nationwide that this vital Special Election is on April 7th. It is urgent for them to vote in order to send President Obama a message and send shock waves across the country. It is also urgent that you contribute to Rosanna’s campaign so we can overcome Chicago’s liberal media bias with hard-hitting Radio/TV ads. Again — the polls show Republican Rosanna Pulido can win if every Republican and Independent votes! This will have repercussions well beyond the borders of Illinois. Send a shockwave to Washington — support our efforts — Go Here Now. https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B The Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido wants to prepare hard-hitting radio and television ads to make sure voters know this crucial April 7th contest is between conservative Rosanna Pulido and liberal Democrat Mike Quigley. We urgently need your help to puts these hard-hitting commercials on the air. We can’t out-spend the liberals. With Barack Obama in the White House they have unlimited funds to pour into the 5th District. But we can reveal the truth. And truth has much more power than the spin and distortions the Democrats are offering. With your help we hope to launch a sophisticated grassroots get-out-the-vote effort to reach every Republican household and identify those conservative Democrats and independents who agree with us, and make certain they turn out and vote for Rosanna Pulido. Make no mistake about it, the union bosses, ACORN, the anti-gun lobby, the radical abortion groups, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic national establishment will each be pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars — into their efforts to elect liberal Quigley. Some have speculated that the liberals and unions would spend as much as $1 million to win this contest in order to avoid embarrassing Rahm Emanuel and President Obama with a stunning defeat. That’s why you and I must act TODAY — Go Here Now. https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B With just weeks before this showdown Special Election, we must move immediately to make sure that the Republican and Independents in this district know how high the stakes are. They must know the difference between proven conservative Rosanna Pulido, with a record as a solid conservative leader, and liberal Democrat Mike Quigley who tries to sound conservative but who is beholden to Nancy Pelosi, the AFL-CIO, and the liberal special-interest groups. Please consider making a contribution to Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido so that we can begin a well-organized effort to get every Republican and Republican-leaning independent out to vote to win this seat. Let’s demonstrate to the liberal media that the Republican Party and the ideals of Ronald Reagan — fiscal conservatism, patriotism, and common sense — are not dead! Believe me when I tell you that Rosanna Pulido’s election is the first step in taking back Republican control of the Congress in 2010 and ousting Obama from the White House in 2012. The hour is late. We must move immediately to launch our effort to turn back the tide and take the first small step towards winning back the Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012 before Obama and his liberal cohorts destroy this country. Please contribute to this urgent cause — Go Here Now. https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B The Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido needs your help to win. Rosanna Pulido, a solid conservative leader, needs your help and America needs your help. Please let me hear from you today — Go Here Now. https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Don Castella Treasurer Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido P.S. At a time when liberal talking heads like Chris Matthews Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are saying the Republican Party is dead, we have a unique opportunity to prove they are wrong and wipe the smile off their smug liberal faces! I hope to hear from you today. Please donate to us today — Go Here Now. https://www.fundraisingbynet.net/fbn/contributeFederal.asp?guidRegistration=595F5B The Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido. 15945 W Pope Blvd Lincolnshire, IL 60069-9677 Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

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