Joker in a Deck of Race Cards

Obamarama, continued. The senator seems determined to self destruct. When he's not busy returning dirty money from the indicted Tony Rezko, or exaggerating tornado deaths by magnitudes of one thousand, Mr. Obama is playing the role of race baiter. Pity. It didn’t take too long before Barack Obama decided to play the race card, did it? It is very sad....Are you sure you want a president who is going to tell all people who have gotten a rough deal recently to stand up and riot, destroying neighborhoods and creating havoc on the streets? Better yet, attack policemen who are trying to protect the law biding citizens? FULL ARTICLE... Black voters are waking up from their slumber to recognize that it was the Democrats who have lead them down the path to lower income, higher crime rates, broken families, increased abortions, and drug use. The African American community is becoming aware that very little fruit has come from its blind loyalty to the Democrats. READ ON, BABY... Meanwhile: The niece of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. corrected Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)’s comment on the “quiet riots” taking place in black communities, stating that they are the result of abortion rather than due to hopelessness as the Senator proposed. MORE... Also: Race-baiting Democrats and the media’s complicity

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tom,
    Obama was raising the social status and problems of so many Black residents as an issue to be addressed (and solved) in our nation's political dialogue. Right now it's being neglected. For Obama or any of us to do so is neither race-baiting nor a call to promote rioting, as suggested by the conservative opinion links you provided. One does not have to be an Obama fan (which I'm not) in order to support his effort to put this issue on the table.

    Maybe using the term riot, in his attempt to describe a current social phenomenon marked by violence and criminal behaviors, wasn't the best. Whatever "handle" we use to describe what's going on, it is imperative that we take the issue seriously. It's one that needs to be tackled by Black leaders and communities, as well as the powers that be.

    Finally, you pointed us to Alveda King's observations on this. She seems to be an anti-abortion religious fanatic and makes a fantastic leap of logic by attributing the utter hopelessness that Obama discussed to a simple concern by Blacks about abortion. The facts just don't support her bizarre assertions. (By the way, your blog's link to her comment appears to be incomplete. I found it here:


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