Celebrity Sighting: Fred Anzevino in Rogers Park!

UPDATED WITH POLICE BLOTTER (BOTTOM) Way back in April, I ran the following post. This evening, I ran into Fred Anzevino of the No Exit. He was sitting with a bunch of folks that I am cordially acquainted with. Ooops! They introduced me as, among other things, a "blogger." Wow, Fred's neck hair stood on end, all of it. That's Fred in the photo. He's the one cradling a rodent in his arms. Poor Fred. He got all worked up about the post that is reproduced below. He asked if I've ever been in the No Exit. I said no. He said it's Michael James' place. I said, yes, that's why I don't go in there. Well you should see the play we have right now. Then it got fun. Here's a summary: Fred stumbled across the blog post while, he says, he was looking for something else on the web. So he read it. It pissed him off. "Austin could have sued you!" I asked why, and he said it was all "lies." Hmmm. The part about me having "heard from several sources" that actor Austin Harvey had been attacked was not false. Indeed, I really did hear it. I reported that I heard it. (SEE POLICE BLOTTER EXCERPT, BOTTOM OF THIS POST.) Freddy said I wrote bad things about Michael James. "Bad" is a subjective term. I prefer the term "true." You decide. I was not surprised when Fred became very agitated. I was quite amused by the whole thing, from the beginning, but Fred just kept getting more upset with me. The more upset he got, the more amused I got, and that just made him more upset. It was like a chemical reaction that someone kept pouring a catalyst into. This was due, in my opinion, to Fred's desire for me to become agitated. My calmness only drove him deeper, and soon he was calling me names that I wouldn't say in the presence of a nun. So there's Fred Anzevino, who claims to have become so very upset at my horribly inaccurate and unjust post waaaaaaaaay back in April. I asked him why, then, didn't he write a comment to correct me or dispute me? He actually said he can't type! 2007 and the guy can't type. Okay, but then, I can't tap dance. But Fred couldn't peck out a brief little counter to my post? Two fingers at a time? "I can't use a computer!" he yelled. "Well, shit man, you saw the posting on a computer. You were using a computer when you saw the post! You couldn't tap out a 20 word response?" More name calling. "You bloggers should just get off your fat asses!" Of all the bloggers in this neighborhood, only one that I can think of has a fat ass, but it's a nice fat ass. Proportion is everything, dude. Mine's a bit plump, but it's actually become smaller since I started blogging last October. Go figure. I couldn't see Fred Anzevino's ass, he was sitting down, but I would guess that his ass is within the normal size range. Nothing to write home about down there. Fred, before you contact your lawyer, reconsider. You're a public figure, a publicity hound, and a known potty mouth. Save your money. There's nothing you can take from me. Your own lawyer would tell you it's a waste of time. After having the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fred, I thought about going over to No Exit on Saturday night. But upon second thought, I'd hate to spoil my perfect Never Enter the No Exit record. The post from April: I have heard from several sources that local actor Austin Harvey was attacked by five youths this past Wednesday night. According to street talk, Harvey was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston. He is performing with the Theo Ubique Theatre Company in association with Michael James presents The Fantasticks at the No Exit Cafe (6970 N. Glenwood). The fact that this story seems to have been suppressed is almost as big as the attack itself. Michael James is well known as a lock-step follower of Alderman Joe Moore, who keeps assuring the 49th Ward that crime is virtually non-existent here. Please contact RPB if you have any information about the attack by writing to rogersparkbench@yahoo.com Oh, by the way: ROGERS PARK - 24th District - BATTERY A 28-year-old man was stabbed on the 1900 block of West Howard Street around 5 a.m. April 17. The man told police that he and his friends were approached by a group of males and females, who started antagonizing them. The victim tried to step away, when a male of unknown age stabbed in him in the left arm and shoulder. The victim was treated for puncture wounds and released from St. Francis Hospital. (Source: News-Star Police Blotter) Note: Nobody - not Fred Anzevino, not Austin Harvey, NOBODY - contacted RPB about this. Until, of course, Freddy screamed at me - and called me a liar - about it in a cafe. What a neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Careful Careful - the RACIST lable is just around the corner if you start talking the truth in Rogers Park .....

    RPBooster (retired)


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