Canada, Mexico and the United States are about to disappear. Why you and everyone you know are not screaming about this is beyond me. It's befuddling to writer Murray Dobbin, too: If the machinations going on in this country regarding so-called "deep integration" were instead a communist conspiracy to take over the country (you will, of course, have to try hard to imagine this) the news media would be blaring the story. Pundits would pontificate, editorialists would erupt, security forces would be unleashed. Instead, a virtual conspiracy to make the country disappear through assimilation into the U.S. gets barely a mention. FULL ARTICLE... RELATED:

"Deep Integration"—the Anti-Democratic Expansion of NAFTA - The expansion of NAFTA into the Security and Prosperity Partnership reveals the road ahead for other nations entering into Free Trade Agreements. It is not a road most nations—or the U.S. public—would knowingly take if they knew where it led.


Activists prepare to protest against Atlantica concept - After gearing up for a year, protesters are ready to descend upon Halifax next week to voice their displeasure with a controversial conference on regional trade. From June 14 to 16, roughly 500 business, labour and community representatives will gather at the World Trade and Convention Centre to discuss the Atlantica concept, defined as a united economic trade zone encompassing the Atlantic provinces, parts of Quebec and the northeastern United States.

For once, let’s not be satisfied with second best - My last column on Atlantica engendered some remarkable feedback that requires discussion. Not about Atlantica itself; that ship has sailed – just ask the 300 people who attended the premier’s recent symposium on the Atlantic Gateway. The reaction to my column that needs further exploration is the flurry of calls, e-mails and conversations I have had about my statement that an Atlantica TILMA would be a bad thing for the region. Canada's Deep Integration Into a North American Union - It makes no difference if it is a Liberal or Conservative government in power because for the last 20 years plus both parties have been pushing for the same agenda of deeper integration with the United States. The same people who brought you the Canada-U.S. FTA and NAFTA are busy creating a North American Union.

Atlantica 2007 conference from June 13-16: The Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce (APCC) is hosting the Atlantica 2007 conference at the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax. Business leaders throughout the Atlantic provinces say they recognize the opportunity to leverage geography to participate in the global economy and maximize opportunities for growth and prosperity. That means harmonizing regulations, eliminating trade barriers and ensuring the necessary infrastructure is in place — not just transportation infrastructure but energy and communications. For more information, please contact Bill Denyar, president and CEO of APCC at (506) 857-3980 or

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