Racist William Beavers Plays Race Card - Stupidly

If you have no valid argument, call your enemies "racists." That's what is happening in Chicago lately, from Mayor Daley's assinine charge that people opposed to the move of the Children's Museum to Milennium Park "must be racist" to the latest outrage: The Sun-Times reports today that Cook County Commissioner William Beavers said that "Cook County Board President Todd Stroger can't get his budget passed "because he's black." Huh? It has nothing to do, would it, with the fact that Stroger's monstrous billion dollar budget is irresponsible, huh? No, of course not. All those wicked crackers on the Cook County Board are just a bunch of racists! For Beavers, a clown who earlier this year bragged about the size of his testicles, to say such a thing is shameful. But Beavers himself is black. Of course, that makes him an expert on how honkies think. Right? Well, no, that's wrong. For Beavers to assume that non-black board members are being racist is itself a racist assumption. "Who's gonna control the county -- white or black -- that's all this is," Beavers said. This is ugly. Read more at the Sun-Times....

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