One of the biggest racists in Cook County, Commissioner William Beavers, said yesterday that Cook County President Todd Stroger can't get his budget passed "because he's black." He added that a white man would not have the same problems that Stroger does. (See Beavers Plays Race Card - Stupidly) So The Bench considered what things would be like if Todd Stroger was white, not black. If Todd Stroger Was White, he wouldn't be President of Cook County. Many black friends and acquaintances of mine have admitted that the only reason they voted for Stroger was "because he's a brother." Dumb reason, but there it is. If Stroger was not black, far fewer black voters in Cook County would have chosen him. If Todd Stroger Was White, blacks and liberals would call him a racist for the way he has hurt thousands of black and minority poor in this county. One of the biggest - and worst - ways that Stroger's idiotic reign has hurt folks is by severe cuts in county health facilities. Another reason is the way he wants to raise taxes. If Todd Stroger Was White, he'd be called "regressive" by liberals and black leaders. Why? Taxes, pal, taxes. Stroger and his Gang of Thieves want more taxes on already highly taxed cigarettes and alcohol. And hell, just about everything else, including the sales tax, which cover just about everything. But Stroger has two things going for him here: He is black, so liberal black leaders give him a pass. He's a "Democrat," so most knee-jerk libs give him a pass. If Todd Stroger Was White, liberals and Democrats would mockingly call his administration a "dynasty," because he virtually inherited it from his father John. John Stroger was the president of Cook County until he had a stroke during the campaign last year. Tough break for John. No break at all for Cook County residents. If Todd Stroger Was White, none of his supporters would dare charge that he couldn't pass a budget "because he's white" and that board members would not cooperate with him because of race. If they did, they themselves would be called racists by liberals, Dems and the press - and rightly so. If Todd Stroger Was White, William Beavers would hate him for being white. If Todd Stroger Was White, I would not like him any more than I like him as a black guy. If he was white, I would dislike him just as much. This is not about race, contrary to what racists like William Beavers say. It's about intelligence and fiscal responsibility. It's not about black versus white. It's about power hungry, unethical politicians versus the hard working, long suffering residents of Cook County.

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