Racist Pig Mary Mitchell

Mary Mitchell thinks Chicago's new police superintendent, J.P. "Jody" Weis, wants to lynch her. Weis (pronounced "wees") is a honky, you see. A cracker. A Caucasian. And therefore, in the twisted mind of Mary Mitchell, an enemy, a racist, a bogey man.

She started her November 30 column with this: "I understand why Mayor Daley went outside of the Chicago Police Department to recruit a new police superintendent, especially since interim Police Supt. Dana Starks didn't want the job."

Okay, then, that should be the end of it. But Mitchell is lying. She really doesn't understand it. She is very unhappy with it, in fact. Why? Well, because FBI Agent Weis, soon to be Chicago's new top cop, is - hold on - white. That, in the paranoid world of Mitchell & Company, is just horrific.

Jody Weis is currently a special agent in charge of the FBI's Philadelphia office, a post he took last April. Weis worked in the areas of terrorism, white-collar crime, organized crime and violent crime. But Jody Weis is the wrong color, you see.

Who is Jody Weis? The FBI's web site sheds some light: Mr. Weis began his career in 1985 in the Houston Division of the FBI in the Corpus Christi Resident Agency where he was assigned to reactive crimes. He opted for a transfer to Houston, Texas, and was assigned terrorism, narcotics, and violent crime matters. Mr. Weis also served on the Houston SWAT team and as a Bomb Technician. Mr. Weis was promoted to the FBI's Bomb Data Center in November 1992 and was transferred to the Violent Crimes/Fugitive Unit in October 1994. In January 1996 Mr. Weis was selected for the Violent Crimes Squad in Phoenix, Arizona, where, during the course of his assignment at Phoenix, he also supervised Domestic Terrorism, International Terrorism, and Civil Rights squads. Mr. Weis was promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Field Office in June 2000 where he was responsible for the While Collar Crime, Organized Crime, Violent Crime, and Administrative Programs during his assignment in Illinois.

Does that sound like a guy who is not qualified?

I've had it up to here with Mary Mitchell, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, and her whiny, woe-is-me victimology "writing." I know I'm not alone. I happen to be a Honky-American, just to let you know, but one of Black-American friends can't stand her either. He doesn't like the fact that Mitchell perpetuates the reliance on Big Government, the Plantation Mentality, and Disproportionate Fear.

Mitchell also wrote, "I'm also surprised that in this entire United States of America, there was not one qualified black police chief who would work for $185,000 annually. Yet Daley was so impressed by Weis, he agreed to pay him $300,000 a year."

Mitchell is either an ignorant fool or is deliberately distorting reality. Think about it, people. There must surely be a "qualified black police chief," as Mitchell whined, who would take Mayor Daley's offer for $185,000 a year. There are probably a number of them. There are probably some Hispanic, Asian and maybe an Eskimo who would be "qualified," too. And, hard as it is for some to accept, a few white dudes, too.

Where Mitchell misses the point, however, is that "qualified" is not always good enough. Plenty of people can be "qualified" to do a particular job. But just how many of those "qualified" people would also be exemplary? How many would excel? Not simply do a ho-hum, competent job of it, but really make a difference? Maybe a few. Perhaps Mayor Daley is wrong, but he thinks Weis is the best person for the job. Time will tell of course, but racists like Mitchell would rather assume that a black candidate would have been the better choice.

One must wonder if fellow racist William Beavers helped Mitchell write her column. She defended Beavers one day earlier, in her November 29 column. Earlier this week, Cook County Commissioner Beavers moaned that Cook County President Todd Strogers can't get his budget passed "because he's black." Sad, very sad, that such racism and paranoia persists in 2007, but there it is. (Sadder still, that Beavers was being cynical; he knows damned well that Stroger's problems with the commissioners is not racially based.)

Yesterday, Mitchell saw Klan members dancing around City Hall and Police headquarters. The Klan was all in her head of course, but Mitchell is good at transferring her paranoia to paper, and she sells a lot of Sun-Times copies to other, equally frightened people.

"I had hoped that Daley would have tapped a black candidate," wrote Mitchell, "because at least then people in these volatile communities, many of whom have good reason not to trust the police, might at least have been willing to give the new chief the benefit of the doubt." So there it is. Mitchell admits it. She would have preferred a candidate solely on the basis of his race. She stated it very clearly. She is a racist.

Racist Mary Mitchell wrapped up her racist column with this:

"Weis may be well-intended, and I wish him the best. But to too many, he will be just another law-and-order cop who doesn't have a clue about the circumstances that help turn neighborhoods into killing fields."

Is Mitchell against "law-and-order" police? Mitchell complains that Weis has no "clue about the circumstances" that make some neighborhoods dangerous, or "killing fields," as she overstates.

Well here's a news flash for racist Mitchell: Jody Weis is not being hired as a social worker. The cops are not social workes. They deal with the symptoms of the disease. They are not tasked to cure it.

But to say that Weil has no understanding about why some neighborhoods are "killing fields" is one hell of an assumption to make. But I'm sure Weis understands that a large part of the problem is out of wedlock black mothers having kids in their early teens. Weis is probably aware of the fact that too many black men take no responsibility for their own children. And Weis is probably aware that victimologists like racist Mary Mitchell continue to tell those irresponsible fathers, the drug users, the bad parents, the ne'er do wells, that it's not their fault, that the government owes them a living, that all white folk are evil. A black superintendent of police would not do a damn thing to change any of that, Mizz Mitchell.

So, yes, good luck to Mr. Weis. You'll be walking into a cauldron of racial prejudice.

Sun Times columnist discriminates against whites
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