Showing posts with label Race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Race. Show all posts

Obama Racist Executive Order Violates 14th Amendment With Race-Based School Discipline

Grand Dragon Obama
Barack Obama is a racist. He has admitted it. He has demonstrated it. It is undeniable. Equal treatment for all? Not under Obama, nope. A "colorblind society?" Not if Obama can help it, and in fact he signed and executive order on July 26 that violates Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution (the "Equal Protection Clause") by establishing a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

The Executive Order, titled "White House Initiative On Educational Excellence For African Americans," begins with this bit of irony: "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America...." It is ironic because Obama is not given any authority by the Constitution or any laws to violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. He has violated the very Constitution that he falsely claims gives him the authority to do so. (Can we have a collective "Huh?" please?)

“What this means is that whites and Asians will get suspended for things that blacks don’t get suspended for,” because school officials will try to level punishments despite groups’ different infraction rates, predicted Hans Bader, a counsel at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Bader is a former official in the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, and has sued and represented school districts and colleges in civil-rights cases. ~ Daily Caller

The Executive Order ends with as much irony as it begins withSec. 4. General Provisions (c) says, "This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations." As with the ironic beginning of the Order, there is no "applicable law" because the Order violates the Constitution, which is the supreme legal document.

If you can stand it, here's a video of Obama signing the racist executive order as reported by fellow racist, the Revolting Al Sharpton, complete with his usual bad grammar on MSNBC.

Hat tip: Pat Dollard

Michelle Obama's Big Ass

THE I'm not making this up. The media is in a frenzy this week over Michelle Obama's butt. The Salon article that started this stupidity:
I'm a black woman who never thought I'd see a powerful, beautiful female with a body like mine in the White House. Then I saw Michelle Obama -- and her booty! By Erin Aubry Kaplan
Can you imagine, if Mitt Romney had won the election, a male columnist writing something like, "I'm a white man who never thought I'd see a powerful, handsome Mormon with a body like mine in the White House. Then I saw Mitt Romney -- and his package!" I mean,... well, you know what I mean. Know what I mean? Okay, Aubry Kaplan is an imbecile. Nevertheless, she's got a point. See, Michelle got back. The sistah's got it goin' on. She got it aaaaaaaallllll goin' ON! But it's not like Michelle Obama is the first famous Black woman with a large ass. Beyonce Knowles and Jennifer Lopez, for example, have famously big bottoms. Why did Aubry Kaplan never gush over their butts? (I apologize for using "gush" and "butts" in the same sentence.) Lest you think I'm some kind of racist for posting this, let me remind the dimmer amongst you that Mizz Kaplan is a Sister-American. SHE started this. The rest of us are just picking up on it, like Mark Anthony Neal. He's a Brother-American, and he knows his booty and seems to present himself as some kind of booty historian. Neal's short column on XVibe has the weird headline, "Is Michelle Obama's "Ass" Off Limits?" He never really answer the question directly, but the fact that he wrote about it indicates that he thinks Michelle's enormous back side is fair game. He feels that "it might be helpful to place this fascination with Michelle Obama's ass into some historical context." More like "hysterical context," but Neal goes on with a straight face to write about the "realness" that Michelle Obama "embodies" and about "notions of accessibility and availability." (Huh?) Neal writes that the most important lesson we can learn from "the history of black women in this country" is "the idea that black women's bodies were accessible and available to any--and all--" and that this "concretely frames our understandings of black women's histories." Huh?!? So, lemme get dis shtrait - Michelle Obama's ample poop chute is a metaphor for the suffering of Black women in America? Whah? (And how have Black women been more "accessible and available to any--and all--" than women of any other race?) Many web sites, newspapers, magazines, radio stations and television news shows will discuss Michelle Obama's big ass today and this week. It started last weekend, actually. One web site, oddly named "Mom Logic," ran a piece (no pun intended) called "Michelle Obama's Got Back!" (Pray for the children of the logical mothers reading that crap.) The Bench will not show Michelle Obama's big ass here, out of respect for the soon-to-be First Sistah. However, to illustrate what we are discussing, please see the photo of a big ass (left). It seems such a shame that, with such hope for Change and Enlightenment, we're getting all worked up about the president elect's wife's junk in the trunk. I mean, what happened to dignity? As you search for articles about First Booty, you'll notice that the vast majority of writers seem to be Democrats. Well, the symbol for their party, after all, is an ass. RELATED: MyFox Washington DC Police: Crack Found in Man's Buttocks In praise, or not, of Michelle Obama's butt Female Buttocks: Symptoms and Signs by Body Region on WikiAnswers - Why does Beyonce have a big butt Who's has a bigger butt, Beyonce Knowles or Jennifer Lopez Flanders Buttocks Ointment Kim Kardashian has a large ass Karl Rove Has a Large Ass - Democratic Underground

Is This Post Racist?

I'm on a police scanner kick lately. You learn a lot by listening in on what the police are saying to each other. I have been harshly critical of Chicago police in the past, but generally I am a big supporter and admirer of good police officers.

One of the first things an attentive listener learns while listening to a scanner is the sincerity of the police in trying to accomplish their mission of serving and protecting. Most of the CPD dispatchers sound African American; I cannot find statistics on this, but that's my impression.

Another phenomenon that the scanner listener becomes aware of quickly is just how disproportionately represented Blacks and Hispanics are as persons for the police to pay attention to. That is, an astounding number of calls go out regarding, for example, a "black male" waving a gun, waving a baseball bat, a knife, or who just ran out of liquor store without paying for that 12 pack under his arm. Hispanics, too, are disproportionately represented. Blacks and Hispanics, in Chicago anyway, are the subject of 911 calls and - resultantly - police dispatches. Sure, you hear "white male" sometimes. But you can listen for hours and only hear "Black" and "Hispanic" as descriptions of suspected bad guys. "Asian" is so rarely heard on the Chicago Police Department airwaves in the context of being suspects of bad behavior that it would seem to be insignificant.

Is that the result of a racist justice system? Hardly. The justice system does not (a) make the Blacks and Hispanics break out car windows, wave weapons on the street, or beat each other up, nor does it (b) make citizens call 911 with imaginary distress calls in which Blacks and Hispanics are the - ahem - alleged bad guys. Many of the dispatched events result in arrests or reports. Many of those wind up in court, in hearings and trials. Sometimes convictions are the result.

So, is the justice system biased? Surely, there are individual judges and jurors with racist attitudes. But the majority? The whole system? Does it have nothing to do with bad behavior to begin with? You would have to be the ultimate paranoid to believe that 911 calls about Whites behaving badly are selectively filtered out by the police dispatchers.

Mind you, I am NOT saying that Whites are better than non-Whites. I am NOT saying that there is some genetic predisposition for criminal behavior. But is seems reasonable to assert that there are strong cultural factors that influence behavior, from bad parenting to a general disregard for the value of other people's lives.

Let's turn to a thoughtful article by favorite writer Heather Mac Donald. In the Spring volume of City Journal, her article "Is the Criminal-Justice System Racist?" looks at this recurring question. Her conclusion: No. Her explanation is worth reading.

An excerpt [emphasis added]:

Robert Grace, the Los Angeles prosecutor, is acutely aware of the fragility and preciousness of the rule of law. “As a civilized society, we can’t allow what’s happening in Latin America to take over here,” he says. “Venezuela and Mexico are awash in appalling violence because they don’t respect the law.” Thus, when prominent figures like Barack Obama make sweeping claims about racial unfairness in the criminal-justice system, they play with fire. “For any political candidate to make such claims out of expediency is wrong,” Grace says. “If they have statistics that back up the claim, I’d like to see them. But to create phony perceptions of injustice is as wrong as not doing anything about the real thing.” FULL ARTICLE at City Journal...

Chicago gangs
Chicago's institutionalized gangs have adapted to the displacement of CHA residents, gentrification, an increase in renegade factions...

Chicago Gangs (UIC)

Chicago Gang Violence Escalates : NPR

Obama's Parenting Advice: Too Little, Too Late

"News" today about Obama, who has cast himself as a "truth-talker" with the refrain that one of the biggest problems facing the country is "parents who don't parent." He has folded the line into his stump speech and a North Carolina TV ad. More at WSJ Online... Well, sure, but Obama ain't the first one to say this. Bill Cosby, for example, caught heat and praise for saying this a few years ago. If more people would take to heart the writings of W.E.B. DuBois we'd be better off. We don't need Barack Obama to tell us what is just plain common sense, and something that we've known for a long, long time. Related Reading:

Words To Live By - Or Ignore

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Words to live by. Too bad Barack Obama doesn't believe those words. In his Philadelphia speech on race, Senator Barack Obama justified his 20-year relationship with his anti-American pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, by castigating as racist a host of people, including his own white grandmother who he later lambasted as a "typical white" racist. Conspicuously omitted from Obama's culpability list is the architect of modern day racism-the Democratic Party. Obama's failure to even mention the Democratic Party's racist past, while confessing that he lied about when he first heard Rev. Wright's hateful rants, calls into question Obama's character and judgment. FULL STORY at NewsBlaze...

So Over the Rainbow (Coalition)

This was sadly predictable. Indeed, it was sadly so inevitable. This is what decades of neglecting the borders has wrought. This is exactly what the Left wants: Heightened strife between ethnic groups. Why? So the politicians will continue to have an issue to scream about, and an excuse to pose as their saviour. The Rainbow Coalition Evaporates Black anger grows as illegal immigrants transform urban neighborhoods. This Latino “tsunami,” as Los Angeles–based Hispanic-American writer Nicolás Vaca calls it, has intensified the well-founded feeling among blacks that they’re losing economic ground to immigrants. FULL ARTICLE at CITY JOURNAL...

Obama No Miracle

Okay, can we just stop it already? Barack Obama did very well indeed in Iowa last night. Okay, whatever. Oh, by the way, isn't it amazing that all those racist white devils in the evil Midwest actually voted for Obama? I'm being sarcastic. I like Barack Obama. I disagree with 99% of his politics, but I'd love him as a neighbor or coworker. Oh, by the way, the fact that he's a white guy with a black father (oh, did I get that backward?) doesn't factor into anything. He's a person. We're all people. Sure, there are still racist assholes out there. But the listen to leaders of the Democrat Party, particularly those supporting Obama, it's some kind of holy miracle that he pulled it off. Sorry, folks. It's no miracle. It's 2008 and the worst of racism is far, far behind us. It keeps getting better. We've got a lot of work to do. But we're heading in the right direction, and that direction will take us to a place that Martin Luther King dreamed of. That most of us dream of. So the next time you hear somebody marvel that Obama - is he black enough? - pulled off something akin to parting the Red Sea, ask them what the hell they're talking about. If racism was half as bad as racial adversity pimps Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want you to believe, Barack Obama would never have been elected to the Illinois State Senate, let alone to the U.S. Senate. For that matter, Jackson and Sharpton would have been shut down by now. Obama won in Iowa. Great. Now let's move on and leave race out of this, because it's far less an issue in reality than some politicos would have you think.

Must Read: Racial Hoaxes and the NAACP

WARNING TO LIBERALS: The following may cause severe distress and even emotional trauma. It contains blunt truth, not politically "correct" lies, and it's written by a black guy. Yes, a black guy who sees right through you. Continue if you dare. Racial Hoaxes and the NAACP by Walter Williams (December 12, 2007) Last May, firefighters at a Baltimore, Md., fire station came under scrutiny for displaying a deer with an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. Marvin "Doc" Cheatham, president of the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP, went ballistic, charging, "There is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department." As it turns out, it was a black fireman who dressed up the critter. Cheatham refused to apologize for his accusations of fire department racism, maintaining "there is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department." FULL STORY (IF YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH)...


One of the biggest racists in Cook County, Commissioner William Beavers, said yesterday that Cook County President Todd Stroger can't get his budget passed "because he's black." He added that a white man would not have the same problems that Stroger does. (See Beavers Plays Race Card - Stupidly) So The Bench considered what things would be like if Todd Stroger was white, not black. If Todd Stroger Was White, he wouldn't be President of Cook County. Many black friends and acquaintances of mine have admitted that the only reason they voted for Stroger was "because he's a brother." Dumb reason, but there it is. If Stroger was not black, far fewer black voters in Cook County would have chosen him. If Todd Stroger Was White, blacks and liberals would call him a racist for the way he has hurt thousands of black and minority poor in this county. One of the biggest - and worst - ways that Stroger's idiotic reign has hurt folks is by severe cuts in county health facilities. Another reason is the way he wants to raise taxes. If Todd Stroger Was White, he'd be called "regressive" by liberals and black leaders. Why? Taxes, pal, taxes. Stroger and his Gang of Thieves want more taxes on already highly taxed cigarettes and alcohol. And hell, just about everything else, including the sales tax, which cover just about everything. But Stroger has two things going for him here: He is black, so liberal black leaders give him a pass. He's a "Democrat," so most knee-jerk libs give him a pass. If Todd Stroger Was White, liberals and Democrats would mockingly call his administration a "dynasty," because he virtually inherited it from his father John. John Stroger was the president of Cook County until he had a stroke during the campaign last year. Tough break for John. No break at all for Cook County residents. If Todd Stroger Was White, none of his supporters would dare charge that he couldn't pass a budget "because he's white" and that board members would not cooperate with him because of race. If they did, they themselves would be called racists by liberals, Dems and the press - and rightly so. If Todd Stroger Was White, William Beavers would hate him for being white. If Todd Stroger Was White, I would not like him any more than I like him as a black guy. If he was white, I would dislike him just as much. This is not about race, contrary to what racists like William Beavers say. It's about intelligence and fiscal responsibility. It's not about black versus white. It's about power hungry, unethical politicians versus the hard working, long suffering residents of Cook County.

Racist William Beavers Plays Race Card - Stupidly

If you have no valid argument, call your enemies "racists." That's what is happening in Chicago lately, from Mayor Daley's assinine charge that people opposed to the move of the Children's Museum to Milennium Park "must be racist" to the latest outrage: The Sun-Times reports today that Cook County Commissioner William Beavers said that "Cook County Board President Todd Stroger can't get his budget passed "because he's black." Huh? It has nothing to do, would it, with the fact that Stroger's monstrous billion dollar budget is irresponsible, huh? No, of course not. All those wicked crackers on the Cook County Board are just a bunch of racists! For Beavers, a clown who earlier this year bragged about the size of his testicles, to say such a thing is shameful. But Beavers himself is black. Of course, that makes him an expert on how honkies think. Right? Well, no, that's wrong. For Beavers to assume that non-black board members are being racist is itself a racist assumption. "Who's gonna control the county -- white or black -- that's all this is," Beavers said. This is ugly. Read more at the Sun-Times....

Reflecting on the Jena Six

Friend and fellow blogger Levois shares his thoughts about the Jena Six incident. A good read. Ever since the whole Jena 6 story broke out... I've seen nothing but stories about the liberal uses of nooses directed towards blacks and not just because they say under the "white people" tree, but we see this in the workplace and all that....Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III wants to organize a march on Washington with regards to these recent noose stories. I'm leaving some of their snide comments intact. Hopefully you'll either laugh or think about what is said... FULL POST at It's My Mind...

E.U. Reviving the Nuremberg Laws

On this day in 1946, twenty two Nazi leaders were found guilty at the Nuremberg trials for, among many other crimes, the mass extermination of millions of people based purely on their race or ethnicity. The "liberals" of Europe, apparently, are not able to learn from history. Reports "Gates of Vienna" blog, "It appears that a modern EU version of the Nuremberg Laws is being formulated in Europe. A 21st century bureaucratic Brussels equivalent of the Ministry for Racial Purity is under construction." "But this time Europe is following the American model, instead of the Nazi one: instead of the purity of the Herrenvolk, a fair distribution of racial spoils will be the goal."