HOT FLASH I heard about this two weeks ago but had no way to substantiate it. Now, still a rumor but a rumor that has escaped into the Infosphere, is speculation that there is a video of Barack's wife ranting against white people. Jill Stanek quotes Bob Beckel, Democrat strategist as saying yesterday in There's a major buzz in the blogosphere: according to Fox News and other networks and newspapers, there's a major rumor out there that could very well destroy Barack Obama's chances of winning the general election in November (or at least severely hurt his chances). According to this rumor, at least one of the American networks has a tape in its possession on which Michelle Obama, Barack's wife, can be heard making "outrageous, at best" comments about white people during an appearance at Trinity Church, Chicago.... Holy moly. Hot stuff, right? But Stanek gives us pause: It would be early for Republicans to drop a bomb like this. They would wait until Obama had the nomination sewn up. It would make more sense that the Clinton campaign has the tape - or started the rumor - and could explain why she hasn't dropped. FULL POST from Jill Stanek...