Knee-Jerk Racists Defend Sadist

RACIST IDIOTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY are rallying to the defense of a man accused of heinously cruel crimes against animals, illegal betting and racketeering. Why? Because these people think he's innocent? No, we all know he's guilty. The evidence is overwhelmingly damning. Former co-conspirators testified against him. He himself admits he is guilty. He is Michael Vick, Falcon's quarterback and one sick puppy. Pardon the pun, please, but Vick is a sadist and torturer of animals. He also happens to be black. The NAACP and other groups, ostensibly "civil rights" organizations, are jumping like puppets to defend this sick and terrible individual. There are plenty of sadistic people, male, female, of all races and backgrounds. Will the black civil rights groups jump to defend them all? I'll bet you they won't. Want to take the bet? In Cincinnati, writes The Plain Dealer newspaper, "A group of community activists in Cleveland said they will rally tonight [August 29] to show support for Michael Vick, the Atlanta Falcons quarterback who pleaded guilty this week to dogfighting and admitted hanging or drowning dogs that didn't perform." What the hell kind of moronic group would rally to this monster's defense? "Black On Black Crime Inc.," for one. "Even with the plea agreement, we stand firm behind Michael Vick, a first time offender," a news release said. "We hope that he gets probation as most first offenders do." Really? Look, I'm no fan of crooked politicians, but did these imbeciles hope and rally for Scooter Libby to "get probation as most first offenders do?" I'll bet you they didn't. Want to take the bet? By the way, what does cruelty to dogs have to do with black on black crime? Yipes. Deroy Murdock, a columnist and black man, writes that he is confused by all of this kind of idiocy. "Highly maddening has been the baffling effort by prominent black Americans to trivialize the acts to which Vick pleaded guilty Monday, to excuse them, or place them into some all-forgiving historical and social context," he wrote today at the National Review Online. "Slaughtering dogs is as much a part of black culture as kabuki theater. Anyone who says otherwise is howling at the moon," Murdock wrote. Indeed. So the rush to defend a sick, twisted, lying piece of crap like Michael Vick - just because he is black - is mystifying. It's refreshing to hear from Murdock, a black man, that I am not a racist in thinking that Vick deserves big prison time just because I'm white. I don't hate black people. I just hate sadists who are deliberately cruel to animals, regardless of what color they may be. The color of the sadists, I mean.

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