Dear Nathan Moore

"I really can't figure her out. I can't tell whether she's a nice person that voted the wrong way in the run off, or whether she's just another hate blogger posing as some sort of neighborhood healer, which is ironically how I feel about of a lot of the Gordon people. Jocelyn, this blog is a hell of a lot more balanced then the hole or the bench. Just this weekend, [a local attorney] had a post about the good things going on in Rogers Park. Meanwhile, over on the Bench, Gordon drone Tom Mannis had a racist post about the back to school picnic. On Craig's blog, he posted a rather unflattering picture of the Glenwood Arts festival and tried to spin it as being a failure. Not to mention he managed to slam political opponent Jim Ginderske in the process. In your post, you claim [a local attorney] contributes to the division and rancor. Really? It seems to me that he's the only one reporting the good stuff going on in the community. Granted, your blog is usually tolerable, and I do appreciate that you try to be positive. But when you say things like the post above, it really makes me question who you truly are."
Dear Nathan, For an Evanston high school student you sure have a lot of strong opinions about adults in Rogers Park. I am not suggesting you aren't entitled to them; obviously you are. But you don't bear the full weight of adult responsibility yet and if I am not mistaken you do not live in Rogers Park most of the time. I feel embarrassed for you when you are so patronizing to residents here. It comes across as profoundly disrespectful from someone in your position.

Please understand. None of the so-called "Gordon drones" (a misnomer if there ever was one) agree on every issue or approach. We often disagree. We don't have regular kaffe klatches where we sort out a party line or live in a big club house together like the Monkees. Sometimes when we have common ground we join forces, and yes, occasionally we play rough. That's part of politics—as I’m sure you’ve heard. But mostly we recognize that a peaceful world doesn't (and shouldn’t) depend on everyone either agreeing or shutting up.

If you want to get to know Jocelyn, how about you just invite her for a cup of coffee sometime?



p.s. We both know there's no way for people to accurately evaluate [a local attorney's] writing on Rogers Park since he regularly wipes his blog slate clean.

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